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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 31, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit. the maroon beret is a symbol that whoever wears it, i believe, should be a model in everything, people should follow it. it can't be worse, it can be better. we have always had this motto throughout our lives. he pushed these people into the door. doorway and, probably, this is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, and. .. beyond its borders, in what
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the remaining intrigue, why now you need to watch, follow, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations; russian digital solutions should be taken to new heights. there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than... it is the numbers that help, you are not comparatively original in your questions, but what about production in general, raw materials, exports, what is it, our product, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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hello, the correspondents of the program will talk about the main legal events of the day , the duty department and i, maxim movchan. the former mayor of the city of tynda, marina mikhailova, was sent to a colony for the next six years, in addition, she will have to pay a fine.
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he got off with a suspended sentence. scammers outside the network's coverage area, a large-scale special operation by security forces in several regions of the country at once. large communication centers of telephone scammers have been neutralized. crime was going on in inconspicuous little rooms. foreign license plates were replaced with russian ones, social network accounts were created and confirmed. subsequently, all this data was transferred to telephone scammers. maxim shevchenko will continue the topic. cathedral fighters noisily burst into the apartment. on the floor in a half-empty room, with his hands behind his back, one of the alleged intruders was already located. why was he detained? this gentleman is clearly disingenuous, because he cannot explain what he is doing in the room, which bears little resemblance to a living room. similar arrests were made in several cases. the apartments
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were literally crammed telecommunications equipment, everywhere gsm gateways, simboxes - this is a device through which it is possible to activate social network accounts, instant messengers, financial wallets and bank accounts in large quantities from different phone numbers, as a rule, in criminal schemes all this is used... and used for deception , and for preparing sabotage, and even conducting terrorist activities. the scammers presented themselves as employees of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies, relatives involved in a traffic accident, after which convinced citizens to transfer their savings to them. the coverage area of ​​such telephone scammers is the entire country; they can call anyone and pretend to be who they are. the phone number, of course, is not difficult to replace using software. so, according to a similar scheme, a whole million. all his many years
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of savings were allocated to a school teacher from the novosibirsk region. an fsb officer called. there was an attempt to withdraw funds from your account to an extremist. this is the extremist who organized the explosion in crocus, i have this word that extremism immediately set in motion to deceive the pensioner; it seems that a whole creative team worked, the attackers even imitated the voice of her boss, the school principal, and it is possible that they generated it using a neural network. i thank you that my request was approached responsibly, since the situation is really not simple, i ask you not to disturb me. now we are in the department, this is his voice, this is his voice, and then they called via video link, introduced themselves as police officers, and connected the same fake employee the central bank, and leading to panic, they convinced them to transfer a million rubles in two tranches to a supposedly safe account, this example is one of
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the brightest techniques of psychological pressure, it has already been well mastered by telephone scammers, and most often impostors call on behalf of a police officer, the investigative committee or the fsb. although real employees do not conduct any special operations over the phone. employees of the fsb of russia never call citizens with a request to transfer their funds to so-called secure accounts; only scammers act this way. yes and there are no special safe accounts, the central bank emphasizes this. if you receive a call allegedly from an employee of a commercial bank, a law enforcement officer or an employee of the bank of russia, the central bank. and you are called. transfer money to a secure account for a long time, then you should immediately interrupt this conversation and independently call back the official numbers of the organization or structure to clarify the information. psychotherapists note that a short pause could help a deceived woman get off the hook, but now the question of returning the lost money
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depends on whether those who deceived her are caught? and a series of high-profile arrests in voronezh and belgorod will likely shed light on a series of telephone crimes committed since the beginning of the year. maxim shevchenko, tatiana monoenko and dmitry manyshev, conductor, duty department. with a toy machine gun against sobra, in moscow, the security forces stormed the apartment of inadequate people, who created chaos among the local residents and threatened to open fire on them from the window. buyan got into character so well, waving an exact model of a real weapon, that they had to really stop him. spectacular footage of a special operation, soldiers of a special unit of special forces storm the lair of a rebel from the solntsevo district of the capital, a citizen in shorts stretched out on the floor in fear, now it’s even difficult to imagine that just a couple of hours ago he behaved much more freely, throwing open the windows of his apartment,
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he staged a performance for neighbors, and it seems he imagined himself as an action hero, a model of a kalashnikov assault rifle became the main prop, that’s what. the neighbors did not appreciate the night show; when they heard screams, they asked the brawler to calm down, but he got so accustomed to the role that he couldn’t stop, he said that they would open fire on the residents, the frightened residents of the house called the police to the scene of the emergency, they subdued him, the ardor was inadequate, and the police took him away, yes, the police, but in general this has often happened before, no , the first time, everything here was cordoned off, when the police arrived , the second act of this show began, the rowdy began to threaten the law enforcement officers, after which he locked the door. only after the assault it became clear that the kalashnikov assault rifle was an ordinary dummy, which is what the inadequate person was counting on, to say difficult. however, during the search , another rifle and four pistols were found in his apartment.
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experts will now determine whether they are combative or cold. during the implementation of a set of necessary measures by the police department of internal affairs in the western district of the capital with the force support of the cathedral of the russian guard, the persons who were in the apartment were detained and taken to the territorial police department. an investigator of the investigative department of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the solntsevo district opened a criminal case under the article of hooliganism, together with an aggressive citizen, his father was in the apartment, he was also detained and taken to the police department. on bogdanovo street there is now a calm atmosphere indicating that a special operation was carried out here, reminiscent of these scraps of signal tape. the residents of this house are now recovering from the scandal that their violent neighbor caused them; he was allegedly detained in this very entrance. rowdy. from the capital's solntsevo district, investigators are now interrogating him, he has not yet explained the reasons for such inappropriate behavior, under the article hooliganism, the man could face up to 7 years in prison. alexander mastroy, alexey gorshkov, dmitry chernikov and khalimat kuchmezova, lead the duty unit. they haven’t even started
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first grade yet, but they’re already racing around on motorcycles, having barely learned to walk, young riders saddle up powerful equipment and race without the slightest knowledge of not only the multiplication tables, but also basic safety rules, all with the approval of their parents. and it’s even legal why denis voskovsky looked into it this way. looking at the bright motorcycles, you can’t immediately tell that half of them are for children. the youngest racers begin their journey at the age of 4. yes, you heard right, from the age of four, mini-motorcycles atvs are legally considered equipment for training in sports clubs at specialized sites. they are prohibited from driving on public roads, but nothing is said about the forests and fields. taking advantage of this, preschool racers, either with the permission of adults, or through oversight, tempt fate. commenting on this video, the driving school instructor finds it difficult to find words. 40 km/h without a helmet, without any protection, is there some kind of hole? well, then it’s not clear what will happen to him. the same thing could have happened that almost killed the school-age actor
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fifteen-year-old leon kemstach, while driving through a swamp, his atv reared up and covered the teenager. leon was lucky, but was slightly frightened. meanwhile, underage bikers gather every night on the outskirts of solnechnogorsk. there are already victims from dangerous stunts and maneuvers, though not extreme sports fans, but passers-by. the woman became disabled. that is , she rode in a wheelchair for a very long time, but cavalcades of schoolchildren continue to cut through the streets of cities near moscow, the roar of the engine in the residential area of ​​​​mytishchi is not goes silent day or night, the residents lose their nerve, they just accelerate near residential buildings, but one gets the impression that they are doing this on purpose, in these frames the traffic police patrol is chasing the violator, a demand is heard from the car to stop, in the end the police are blocking the street, but the reckless driver goes around and... along the side of the road. in novouralsk , the violators failed to escape persecution.
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at the end of the chase, the thirteen-year-old dog received minor injuries, while the eight-year-old hid in his mother’s arms. as a result, the inspection began in regarding the police who detained schoolchildren violators. the story turned out to be loud, and now, residents of mytishchi are complaining, traffic police officers are afraid not only to detain, but even to look in the direction of underage drivers. he said that you don’t even have the right to take photographs of violators. a minor child, the appearance of drivers on the roadway in vehicles that, by law , are not such vehicles, is a serious problem. sports equipment, it does not have a pts, a vehicle passport, but it is not registered with the gi, it is even gostekhnadzor is not registered like tractors and other self-propelled machines. pit bikes and atvs that reach speeds of up to 50 km/h are as easy to buy as a bicycle. has a volume of 50% cm, does not have a gearbox.
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it is necessary to convey that you should learn to drive on fashionable pit bikes and atvs at low speeds and under supervision, if somehow the atv even lies on its side and your legs are in their places, nothing will happen to you, but if you stick your leg out , the atv will fall over, then it will be necessary to completely arrange third parties independent boundless pokadushki, the instructor, of course, is threatened with forced collection and a ban on traveling abroad, although this does not threaten popkov, he has no property, and a foreign
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resort is not in the cards for him. the last verdict against the fanatic came in november last year. in total, the angara monster was twice sentenced to life imprisonment . he has killed more than 80 people and three attempted murders. in the urals , more than 30 people were seriously poisoned by suspected bottled water. now they are given help. both have already been completed in production. the case is under the control of the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bostrykin. word to galina hungureeva. the tape for bottling bottled water now bears the state seal, like the rest of the equipment. the plant in the village of pervomaisky, sverdlovsk region , was sealed by bailiffs. local residents report that three dozen people were poisoned. bottled water was the first to come under suspicion. my son works at a medical plant and was brought home from work , all green, symptoms like ratovirus and a lot who. i work there too, just to the hospital. they took away those who were really unwell, they had imported water, now they have changed the supplier. the bailiffs suspended
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the proceedings for 30 days. the bailiff immediately initiated enforcement proceedings and visited the debtor’s location. the debtor is notified that in case of failure to comply with the court decision, the bailiff will issue a resolution to collect the enforcement fee, and he may also face administrative penalties. responsibility. according to local media reports, signs of poisoning appeared in people after drinking the water. from the same manufacturer, on the company’s website they eloquently state that water is extracted from a natural underground lake with a depth of more than 90 m, and then carefully raised to the surface, and this is the very place where... cares about its product to consumers, these photos were taken local journalists, they see a trailer covered with brown corrugated sheets, next to it is another building that looks more like a temporary hut, in one of them there are bottles thrown into a pile, and this apparently the same pipe through which the eco-product flows. based on the fact of water poisoning, the regional investigative committee began an investigation. during the inspection, measures are taken to establish interviews with eyewitnesses,
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and other measures are taken to give the situation a proper legal assessment and understand the situation. that in the water bottling shop employees of rospotrebnadzor detected e. coli, they saw rodents and insects in the premises, and allegedly the plant employees do not comply with the regulations on disinfection, they are also often in the cart, which means there is such a stick called legione les, that is, they live in warm water, and there were outbreaks in the urals, where water was taken from a natural source in hot weather there... that’s what all these regionals were propagating, the technology needs to be assessed, this is called production regulations, however at the time the material was broadcast, a new court order had already been issued to resume production, this was confirmed by the founder of the company. sergey alexandrovich, what about your plant, is it working now? yes, of course it works and has worked, it will work work. thank you very much, come! why
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then did information appear that people went by water? it’s okay, we now have medicine at the highest level. are you really a bailiff? did you come? yes, of course, and not only did they stop, everyone came. is it really the water that is to blame for the poisoning? experts are still finding out, including checking whether there were any other products that could have been consumed by anyone who needed urgent medical help. galina hungureeva, dinara yusipova, daniil sukharuchka, dmitry frolov and natalya kurkina, lead the duty department. massacre at a children's party in the uk: a teenager has been detained after breaking into a dance master class with a knife and starting killing. two girls died, eight more people were seriously injured. meanwhile , journalists from tumanovo albion have already called this raid the largest attack on children in the history of the country. vladimir bazov more details. an inconspicuous suburb of liverpool, southport, in the north-west of england, was almost for the first time on the front pages of british newspapers. on these shots show a man in a green jacket entering the building, the intruder holding a razor-sharp knife in his hands. there is a children's
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dance party in the house in the style of taylor swift, children from five to 11 years old. in a matter of seconds, the celebration turns into a stage. from a horror movie, one of the mothers had such a face, she knew that something terrible could happen to her child, and you can’t do anything. i called the police, everyone called the police, bodies were lying outside, everywhere, one of my colleagues, james, he carried the girl out of the building, she looked very badly. as a result of the brutal attack , two girls were killed, another one later died in hospital, 10 people were injured, including eight children and two. the maniac was detained on the spot; he turned out to be a seventeen-year-old resident of the neighboring city of banks. all circumstances
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of the incident are being investigated; at the moment , the version of a terrorist attack is not being considered. already after the massacre. at a children's party , rumors spread around saltport that the day before the attack , a suspicious man was seen near this house, hiding his face behind a black hood; the killer was supposedly all planned in advance, the terrible crime forced the inhabitants of foggy albion to once again start talking about the uncontrollable growth of crime in the kingdom. this is happening all over the country, we all can’t hide, we feel unsafe. it's terrible that children, very young children, were targeted. the british media are already calling it a tragedy. the largest attack on children in recent times, meanwhile, the motives of the attacker still remain unknown, whether it was insanity, revenge or ideological reasons, now detained police officers work as teenagers. vladimir bazov, lead the duty unit. in khabarovsk , not just an official, but an entire deputy chairman of the regional government was detained on suspicion of corruption. the investigation is confident that
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he received a bribe on an especially large scale. the details, of course, are not specified, but local journalists have their guesses. word to alena skachkova. the government of the khabarovsk territory is now in a nervous situation, passers-by are clutching their heads, pigeons are butting, and even a frightened security guard is eagerly peering into the distance to see if there is on the horizon of black special vehicles, an exceptional occasion, right at the workplace , the security forces took the hands of the deputy chairman of the regional government, evgeniy nikonov. according to investigators, this political heavyweight was caught. on a bribe, and this is a serious matter, to such an extent that the central apparatus of the investigative committee does not disclose any details, only the details are known, the size of the bribe is commensurate with the rank of the official, especially large, the court ... will soon decide whether to send the politician to a pre-trial detention cell, in some places you may just need to wash the floors, in others it may be to take something, submit something, meanwhile in nikonov’s homeland they are wondering where
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the official could have screwed up; in khabarovsk he oversaw the social sphere, schools, clinics and even ships, local know-how, here it’s something like floating hospitals in distant lands, where in several villages there are fewer doctors than bears, such cruises are almost the only salvation, the ship is loaded with medical equipment, pills, home-based specialists... it sails across the amur river, serving at least 70 people a day. we inspect almost everything in every village population is 32 villages. but these are only words. in fact, many patients complain that it was not a motor ship that sailed to them, but a tiny boat. in this case there are fewer doctors, and there are almost twice as many places for patients. it turns out that nikonov saved money on old women from the bearish corners, was greedy and , most importantly, spent the millions allocated by the treasury on. i don’t have the ability to expand the beds further, it’s huge, colossal. the money of the federation, the region goes to the maintenance of these beds, to additional payments, but the story about the medical ship, the media writes, may not be the only one in the criminal case, according to rumors
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, the security forces have a lot of questions about procurement schemes for medical needs, you can’t do this alone, and therefore there is a version that nikonov’s subordinates could have committed systemic thefts together with nikonov, i saw his case as at least a month ago, maybe even more, i can say that everything is not limited to a couple of pages, it’s a rather thick folder. for whom could the deputy chairman of the government of the khabarovsk territory receive a bribe? while the investigation is a secret, the investigation into the case of possible corruption has just begun, however, nikonov’s absence from office in itself is unlikely to solve the region’s problems; it is the healthcare sector that is called the sickest here. alena skachkova, lead the duty department. for every bad joke, a vacation in the isolation ward, before the scandalous blogger edward bill had time to feel the taste of freedom after going behind bars, he went there again for a couple of weeks. everything.
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they then introduced themselves to passers-by as scooter police, and as soon as bil left the special detention center, it turned out that he was wearing the same uniform the scandalous couple also managed to host an equally scandalous show on the network. not once, i almost never left the house, because i was afraid that they might deliberately detain me there or detain me on the street, and it would n’t bother anyone that i was late before eight , they would immediately lock me up in a pre-trial detention center. this is not the first time the blogger has fallen into the hands of law enforcement officers and caught on television cameras in april. on the road, abruptly changes from the far right lane to the far left,
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eventually flies into oncoming traffic, the drivers of four cars were injured in the accident, then the court assigned the pranker 2 years of restriction of freedom and a driving ban; edward bill himself was happy with this decision. i’m glad that this is an unrealistic period, i think that this will be a good stage in life, this is good, it means there was a warning that it was time to change, otherwise i was like that... the warning did not last long, apparently, a prankster who did not gets into scandals, subscribers turned out to be of little interest, however, themis is also among the spectators and very attentive, for the scandalous filming the blogger and his friends received a dislike, administrative arrest for another 14 days. alexander polivko and khalimat kuchmezova, conductor, duty department. a bachelorette party that went too far, in krasnodar the justification of the lady who beat up her neighbor was made public, the policeman stuck a fork in his temple, all because he knocked on the door in the middle of the night and asked for her with a friend. don't make any noise, katya, katya,
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yes, once again, fucking yours, bye, run away. the policeman couldn’t, but he endured the beating steadfastly, even after being wounded in the temple with a fork, he refused hospitalization, and the violent lady now blames the neighbor for everything, and does this under the dictation of a lawyer, i can’t say whether he was drunk or sober, but he behaved clearly inappropriately, i can’t say whether he was drunk, but judging by his behavior it was clearly inappropriate, but it doesn’t sound very convincing, but you can understand the lady it’s possible, she was charged with using violence against a representative...
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watch the episodes on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on an honest detective story. and our episode is now complete; maxim movchan was in the studio. see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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gold in itself is worth so much unknown, if we hide it, then the story of his life, among millions, is revealed. gold will remain the metal that the country, the state, the people will always need, it’s just an absolutely bare metal from the periodic table, four nines that begin to travel throughout the planet, humanity urgently needs something to be reliable, that’s what something
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the israeli attack on beirut caused an immediate reaction from the world community. the yemeni houthis said this is outrageous violation of lebanese sovereignty. the iraqi ministry of defense also strongly condemns the strikes. according to the government, the attack is a clear violation of humanitarian law; the iranian authorities even sent a letter to the un secretary general. tehran demands that the tsakhal be convicted of its crime. moreover, the republic believes the security council must take action in response to this crime. us vice president kamala haris said washington is seeking.


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