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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 31, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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the streets will most likely also be played by chevist supporters, here it is very important not to shed blood, because if there is any bloodshed, the result of this crisis can be unpredictable, on the weekend it turns out that the opposition will come out, people who are against the results will come out elections, but in addition, maduro calls on his supporters to also take to the streets on saturday, is there a possibility of such large-scale clashes, not only with ...
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the generals really express support and complete loyalty to the president. another thing is that the armed forces are the same part of society, they experience the same problems as ordinary venezuelans, problems from a socio-economic level, and of course, there is some kind of discontent in the armed forces, and this also needs to be taken into account.
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well, this is chile, this is peru, this is kusterik and many others, there is, of course, influence from the united states of america, the traditional antagonist of venezuela, but i would not overestimate this influence too much, because after all, the key reasons for this internal opposition, i i repeat, this is a lack of trust between the parties to each other, this is the inability to build a normal dialogue on both sides, yeah, you say that external influence is limited. moreover, we see a very sharp, such a quick reaction from a number of latin countries, here is the last figure, i saw that nine respectively to street protests, but together the states openly refused to recognize the government of nicolas madura, how will the situation be resolved here and is there any -a way to resolve this situation in the diplomatic field? well, for now, to be honest, i don’t see this way, because of course the parties will not agree and nikola will probably refuse... victory in these elections,
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and the countries that have not recognized these results are unlikely to recognize madura as president, and i’m afraid that we are going smoothly, here in 2017-2018, when venezuela again finds itself, well, not completely, of course, but in some isolation in the region, and this, of course, is a very big blow to the maduro government, which has just analyzed its international position , seemingly normalizing relations with its neighbors, now they say that for the international position of the maduro government is very important. usa, telephone conversations, and what can we expect from brazil now, what position can it take? well, from the information that has reached us so far, there is information about brazil’s favorable position towards the madura government, especially since luda silba’s party , the workers’ party, voted to recognize these elections, so there is a chance that brazil is in in general, this will take...
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dmitry mikhailovich, well, here’s another question, rather a technical one regarding vote counting, because that the protests themselves all began with statements that there was fraud in the counting of votes, and yesterday we were in direct contact with a state duma deputy who was an observer at the elections, and they say that it is theoretically possible to publish all these votes and thus in a peaceful field to resolve these contradictions with vote rigging, do you think this is likely? will the scenario work, i'm afraid, i'm afraid that today the nazis are already incredible, even purely technically, considering that during the protests they were burned a whole number of polling stations along with protocols, so it will still not be possible to publish everything, each of the parties
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to the opposition government will insist on its position, so unfortunately we are heading towards aggravating this crisis, we are going along the same path.
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dmitry mikhailovich, thank you very much for answering the question, but let me remind you that the director of the institute of latin america iran, dmitry rosenthalin, was in direct contact with us. now there is an urgent message from the agency's news feed, a farewell ceremony for the person killed in tehran the head of the hamas politburo will be held tomorrow in tehran, the iranian farce agency reports this, but the funeral itself will already take place in doha, in qatar on... friday after prayer. bank transfers by russians will now be additionally protected; financial organizations must check a special database of fraudulent details and, if necessary, freeze the transfer for 2 days. maria kudryavtseva will tell you why this is necessary in the program instructions. watch right after
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payment system banks are required to verify transfers and prevent fraudulent transactions. how will the law be applied and how will it help you? we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. banks must use a special database of fraudulent details maintained by the central bank, and not only the financial company must check it the sender of the money, but the recipient of the funds. all banks in russia have access to the details in this regulator database. if the recipient's account is on a special blacklist, the transaction will be blocked for 2 days. in this case, the bank will notify the client that his transfer did not go through. during this time, a person under the influence of attackers will be able to come to his senses and refuse the transfer. the cooling-off period should disrupt deception schemes where the victim is rushed to part with the money as quickly as possible. the pretext could be that whatever. for example, transferring money to a supposedly safe account to save savings or
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canceling a non-existent loan application, scammers need the details of the card on which it is supposedly issued, as well as codes from sms messages. often criminals play on the strongest feelings, saying that the victim’s loved one is in trouble and urgently needs money. and now, if the recipient’s bank account is on the black list maintained by the central bank and supplemented by the ministry of internal affairs, the person has time. the ability to navigate the situation, even if the victim gives his consent to the transfer, the bank will still delay it for 2 days. but if, even after a cooling-off period, the client insists and wants to make a transfer to a suspicious account, then the bank is obliged to do this, then all responsibility is removed from it. the presence of an account in a special list is only one of the signs of suspicious transactions. there are six of them in total and the ecb approves the criteria: banks must take into account the technical features of the devices. if the device is similar to the one from which fraud has already been committed, then that too reason to freeze the transfer. and finally,
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the client’s transaction profile will be taken into account, that is, for example, if almost all expenses from the account in stores are during business hours, then a transfer of a large amount in the middle of the night to an individual will most likely be marked as suspicious and rejected. or, before the transfer, the sender is actively talking on the phone, or he receives sms messages from new numbers, then the bank can also suspend. operation for verification, if the recipient's account is not in the central bank fraud database, but the operation looks suspicious, the bank must contact you and receive your confirmation for the transfer. if you give it, the money will leave the account, and if you refuse, the bank will reject the transaction, and the money will remain with you. if the bank sees that a suspicious transfer is being made, which corresponds to one of the six signs that the bank of russia has established, then...
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money, no matter whether it was a transfer within the country or abroad, the bank will also have to return the funds to the client if the operation looked suspicious, but the bank employee did not inform the client about this. then i immediately allowed it its processing. the new requirements are aimed at protecting our citizens' savings. the goal we are pursuing is to reduce the number and extent of damage to our citizens. the law provides for a whole range of mechanisms that should encourage banks to improve their anti-fraud systems.
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the main one is increasing the financial responsibility of credit institutions. now. if, through the fault of the bank , a transfer is made to an obviously fraudulent account from the bank of russia database without taking additional actions to protect the client, the bank will be liable in rubles for these actions. what to do if your account entered the central bank database by mistake, you will learn about this from your bank; if for some reason this happened, you need to contact the central bank. your credit institution or payment system can also do this for you. if they know you well and are confident that you are a respectable citizen, this can be done without your participation. if not, then you will need to write the application yourself. this is done on the bank of russia website in the internet reception section. select a topic there information security clause to exclude data from the bank of russia database on cases of attempts to perform a transaction without
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the client’s consent. central bank employees are obliged to consider your application and provide reasons. response within 15 working days. to get into the bank of russia database, you need compelling reasons. we form it based on information provided to us by banks and other participants in information exchange. banks transmit information about all cases of attempted fraudulent transfers to the bank of russia. with this approach, the risk of an unreasonable hit is reduced to a minimum. respectable citizens and companies should not be afraid. so, let’s repeat the main thing, banks now monitor suspicious accounts and transactions, and are responsible for this in rubles, and clients have the opportunity to think for a couple of days if they transfer money to a suspicious account. if the account is blacklisted by accident, you can challenge it via the central bank website or your bank. if you want to know more about what rights
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bank clients have, write to us on telegram, send us your questions, we will ask you about everything experts and will tell you next. releases of instructions. toufon eye drops are created specifically for nutrition, restoration, and preservation of youthful eyes. tuufon - triple action for eye health. magnet, kireeshki crackers. 3699. magnet - the price is right. fairytale chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at the tasty spot, new curry sauce in chicken premier and chicken hit curry, try it at the tasty spot.
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twice as many bonuses every month in sberbank more profitable with prime this has never happened before russian cold 150 g of unprecedented rich taste in one glass try a real russian ice cream, big, incredible taste. this is vestinov in the studio of philip trofimov. neural video generators have arrived, the chinese startup ai has opened access to its development, called the view. this is a model capable of creating, based on a text request, a video resolution of 1018 pi and a duration of up to 16 seconds, well, really for experiments with third-party users, as they say. "the duration of the finished video will be limited to eight seconds, from the declared i assure you that this is almost the fastest generative model; it takes 30
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seconds to create a four-second video. another question is that such metrics are not exactly standard in the sense that so far there are in principle only a few such projects and there are simply no generally accepted methods for comparing them, that is, it is quite difficult to objectively evaluate the statement of chinese developers; their idea of ​​​​commercializing technologies, in addition to pure text to enter the model." you can also submit pictures, it is assumed that these can be drawn characters that the neural network will animate based on the text script attached to the picture. well, in general , the vedu project is an obvious bid to compete with the sorat project, the most successful media developer in the field of artificial intelligence today, open air. even their websites are somewhat similar. moreover, among the generation examples on the chinese project page there is a video created. exactly the same request as one of the most famous videos from the sora website, this is a vintage white suv with a black trunk, on roof, on a dirt road, in the mountains, surrounded
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by redwoods and clear skies, and so on, there is a fairly detailed test, but the result is noticeably different, and which one is better to answer, queries are answered, it’s difficult to judge, well, for the first time they reported the existence of a chinese neural network a couple of months after the announcement of the american one, at the same time it was said that the “ai” model is its own, but the global approach to solving the problem of video generation is the same as that of open ai. the point is that instead of generating individual static frames and some transitions between them, teach neurosei to understand space and objects in general, since they exist in the real world, which in theory makes it possible to create photorealistic plots in which nothing violates the laws of physics, from here quarrels and the possibility of misfortune have already been realized in one video. change conditional shooting angles, well -designed reflections, etc. strictly speaking, even earlier a similar approach was used in google lumier, but it was the rubbish from open ai with its
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video with amazing realism. however, this is no longer a unique offer on the market; moreover, those especially involved in the topic of artificial intelligence are already actively promoting the next stage in the development of generative neural systems from simulating reality to coming to the real world. in physical form. the founder and head of invidia, jenson hunk, presented at the segraph conference an expanded set of tools for training humanoid robots with built-in artificial intelligence. the general idea is to simplify this process and automate it as much as possible. in particular , the actions of a live trainer and captured apple vision pro headsets are used as the primary source of data for training the robot’s neural network. in this way, two problems are solved: firstly, unlike...
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captured by the sensors of the vision pro headset, based on this data, which is still small, neural cities generate a large synthetic dataset, and then real and synthetic data are mixed on this set train robots, first in in the virtual world, then in the real world, in general , the principle is very similar to how self-driving cars are trained, only here we are talking about cars with arms and legs, which developers see in almost every home, it remains to add that this is already in the invidia project. .. a dozen companies joined, including the famous robot laboratory boston dynamics and the chinese byte dance, the same one that has captivated the whole world of tiktok. people who serve in intelligence are not even
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physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit. maroon beret, who is the symbol, who wears it, i i think that there should be a model in everything, people should follow it, it can’t be worse, it can be better, we’ve always had this motto in life, i pushed these people into the doorway and...
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a one-time payment of 4,000 rubles. for everyone who signs a contract for service in the northern military district zone, plus payments. from regional budgets. the decree was signed by vladimir putin. let's tell you the details. an unacceptable political assassination that threatens further escalation in the region. the russian media reacted to the death of the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh. he was killed in tehran in as a result of an israeli missile strike. the third stage of the exercise of russia's non-strategic nuclear forces has started. what exactly will be worked out in the military department, they publish
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a video of how... indexation of pensions for working pensioners, tax changes for the first time in the history of government formation. what are the main results of the spring session in the state duma? we are expecting a live broadcast of the final meeting this hour. diplomatic somersault. the german foreign minister personally tested trampolines for paralympic competitions. 400 thousand rubles is the size it is also recommended that a one-time payment to those who enter into a contract for military service in the special operation zone from august 1, no less than this amount, be established for the subjects from the regional budgets. the decree signed by the president is posted on the official website.


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