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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 31, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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the state duma has a plenary session today, which closes the spring session. the results of the work during this period are summed up by the leaders of parliamentary factions. and my colleague, varvara nevskaya, is on hand; she is again in direct contact with the studio. varvara, greetings again, tell me. the most pressing socio-economic political issues, and it was not only about domestic policy, but about foreign policy. opened with speeches by faction leaders of the leader of the communist party of the russian federation, gennady zyuganov, stated that the last session demanded maximum unity and mobilization from deputies.
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simple but effective, and russia, according to leonid slutsky, continues to resist western threats, he recalled that today the head of the european commission, ursula vonlaen , expressed the idea that the european union should become militaristic, that is, europe wants to form another defensive military bloc, but nevertheless, as the head of the ldpr emphasized, the rest of the world continues to strive for multipolarity, in this sense... the ideas and approaches of the russian president are the dominant basis for the formation of a new world order. we see that a new global majority is being formed in the world, the countries of latin america, africa, a significant part of the countries of the large eurasian continent, it should be noted that they act on the basis of, among other things.
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paid attention to social initiatives, which the party lobbied for during the past semester. our faction has prepared a bill on a social assistance card, according to which the poor could receive everything they need. of course, a lot has been done regarding demographics, but here i cannot help but note, dear colleagues, that the year of the family has passed the equator, after all, we probably need to, uh, hurry up and make the necessary
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decisions really in favor of large families, our proposal is well known, this is both the parental salary and the basic income for families with children. alexey nechaev, head of the new people faction in the state duma , expressed hope that in the future deputies will be able to speed up the consideration of bills. so he recalled that many important initiatives, for example, the document that you...
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we don’t have 2 years to respond to initiatives, to bills, so i ’m glad that many things have begun and are being done faster, for example, we introduced a bill on... increasing the payment limits under the european protocol there from 100,000 rubles to 200, that’s enough less than six months, you can see we can act faster. the head of the united russia faction expressed confidence that during the spring session the parliament fulfilled almost a historical mission, allowing legislatively to create conditions under which the country’s economy could not only ensure the fulfillment of all goals of tasks.
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of all colleagues, the parliament worked and solved problems that made it possible to ensure a special military operation, no one doubts that it will end in victory, at these moments a plenary session has already begun, within the framework of which the deputies will consider several bills, among them an important initiative that will ban minors can purchase energy drinks; they will only be available with a passport that certifies that the buyer is over 18 years of age. another project concerns military duty for new citizens of russia, it will be considered in the first reading according to the text of the document. men of military age who have received citizenship will be
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required to register for military service at their place of residence. the initiative is necessary, since very often foreigners who have received citizenship evade fulfillment of their military obligations. responsibilities, well, another important bill needed by business and citizens in the third reading, if adopted, will allow foreign banks from september 1 , 2024 to open branches in our country, and thus will help entrepreneurs and russians with foreign transfers. at the end of today's meeting, and according to my forecasts, i think it will end within 30-40 minutes. the results of the spring semester are expected. the work of the parliament will be summed up by its speaker vyacheslav volodin, we are looking forward to it and, as far as i know, this will be broadcast live on our channel. daria, yes, indeed, we are planning a broadcast, we are waiting for it in the near future, but our correspondent varvara nevskaya was in direct communication with the state duma. now
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the first large-scale production of power semiconductors will be launched in russia. their production will be carried out by the element company, a leader in the field of russian microelectronics. expected power. such electronics will be used in aircraft manufacturing, railway and electric transport. the cost of the project is 19.5 billion rubles. 15 billion company. will be delivered by vbrf. chinese mcc international entered into the kolmozerskoye field development project elitia. the organization signed an agreement with the polar lithium company, a joint venture of norilsk nickel and rosatom. chinese partners will help develop enrichment technologies and produce products. by 2030, they plan to launch a mine, a processing plant and a chemical and metallurgical plant in the murmon region. annual production can reach 2 million tons of ore. tatneft reduced its net profit by 7% for the first half of the year. the company earned 118.5
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billion rubles. this is data from a report according to russian standards. revenue, on the contrary, increased by 40% to almost 750 billion. against this background , the company's shares decreased within a percentage point. tatneft ranks fifth in russia in terms of production volume. and the court decision on the property of the mcfa company came into force. the holding's assets are turned into state income. about it. stated in the press service of the chelyabinsk regional court. the prosecutor general's office demanded that the shares be seized at the end of march. the department stated that the company is of corruption origin. makfa is one of the top five largest pasta producers in the world. its products are supplied to 25 countries. these were economic news. short. and now let's return to the situation in the middle east. this is what is known about the death of the head of the political bureau of the hamas movement by this hour. about death. ismail haniya, the group itself said. representatives noted that the political leader was killed in an israeli attack in
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tehran. it all happened at night after politicians took part in the inauguration ceremony of the elected president of iran. local media write that hanei was killed as a result of a direct hit from a guided missile launched from another state. ismail haniyeh acted as hamas' representative in negotiations with israel to end the war in the gaza strip and release the hostages. in connection with his death , three days of mourning were declared in iran. the farewell ceremony will take place tomorrow in tehran. the funeral procession will begin at tehran university and proceed to ozadi square. fars agency reports this. and the funeral will take place on friday in qatar. six people have been arrested in the uk after a fight near an amusement park. the footage, which went viral in the local media, shows how young people swinging machetes. police are calling on local residents now. do not come to a dangerous area. now the attackers face imprisonment for illegal possession of weapons.
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israel has strengthened security for its athletes and delegation members at the olympics after the murder of the head of the hizb politburo. as reported by the hamas politburo, excuse me. according to israeli media, intelligence services are concerned that athletes could become targets for radicals. i would like to note that israeli athletes today will take part in a number of disciplines, including... number competitions in triathlon, archery, badminton, judo and pairs. the aquatic stage of the summer olympics has begun in paris. after much debate , the athletes finally plunged into the hay. the women's swim took place first, followed by the men's. previously, the organizing committee received bans after 3 days due to contamination of the hay. however , experts are confident that if it is now in the river. and reduced the number of pathogenic bacteria, then
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nothing has changed radically, any rain and dirt of all paris will again pour into the wall through the dangers, in germany annalena berbak i decided to remember my sports past and tested the trampoline while visiting the paralympic athletics club. in the footage, the head of the german foreign ministry performs a somersault. this video instantly spread across social networks, with users commenting that the politician is much better at physical activity than conducting foreign policy. i would like to note that in her youth burbucks practiced trampoline jumping and participated in german championships, even winning bronze three times, but in the end she gave up the sport and went into politics. a memorial to the soldiers was opened in lugansk a railway worker who died during a special operation. a memorial stone was installed on the territory of the enterprise.
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of the fatherland, today 45 people have died, three are unknown, and 242 people are still serving. our task is to preserve the memory, to convey it to our children, and we...
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were participants in the international chemistry olympiad. this year , more than 300 young chemists from 90 countries competed for the title of best. russian schoolchildren won four gold medals. in sheremetev they were greeted as heroes. maria valieva saw everything. not a single silver medal, all medals are gold. here she is, four winners. the guys returned to moscow from the international chemistry olympiad, which took place in riyadh, the capital of saudi arabia. well done, congratulations, well done, schoolchildren from ninety countries took part, many of our children developed warm friendly relations, in fact, we tried to meet as many children as possible, get to know them better, but they were also drawn to us, because after all i don’t know, the event was very
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offensive, in addition to the tours there were a lot of excursions , the free time we spent in... 333 schoolchildren from different countries of the world fought for the right to be the best; our four got into the golden top ten; it was quite unusual and unusual in that regard. that we really had to do a lot of things in a limited amount of time, and we were also surprised that this year we didn’t have time to get acquainted with the practical tasks before starting to do them, that is, there was no this extra time, so that also contributed to the result. in the spring, alexey, timur and vadim are already
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demonstrated brilliant results at the international mendeleev olympiad in shenzhen, china. vadim brought it home. gold, and timur and alexey, silver. compared to the medela olympiad, the tasks are on the one hand easier, on the other hand more difficult. at the mendelian olympiad the tasks themselves are more difficult, but there are fewer of them; at the international olympiad there is a very voluminous set of tasks, and because of this you need to solve everything very quickly, there is no time to really think and there is no time to even return to the same question. but this time, the results are brilliant, vadim kharisov took fourth place among all participants in terms of... number of points, a guy from china is in first place, a guy from bulgaria is in second place, by the way, quite a good friend of mine, a guy from the usa is in third place. now vadimov is already a student, he will study at a university in ufa, and timur and alexey entered the chemistry department of moscow state university. matvey, still a schoolboy, will go to the eleventh grade, plans to take part in the international chemistry olympiad next year. maria
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valieva, ivan malyshev, konstantin veselov and anna tarasenko, lead. bank transfers by russians will now be additionally protected; financial organizations must check a special database of fraudulent details if necessary and freeze the transfer for 2 days. maria kudryavtseva will tell you why this is necessary in the program instructions. money on card accounts received an additional level of protection. payment system banks are required to verify transfers and prevent fraudulent transactions. how will it be? apply the law and how it will help you, we’ll talk about this in 5 minutes we will tell you the instructions in the program. banks must use a special database of fraudulent details maintained by the central bank, and not only the financial company of the sender of the money, but also the recipient of the funds must check it. all banks in russia have access to the details in this regulator database. if the recipient's account is on a special
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blacklist, the transaction will be blocked for 2 days. in this case, the bank will notify the client that his transfer did not go through. during this time, a person under the influence of attackers will be able to come to his senses and refuse the transfer. the cooling-off period should disrupt deception schemes where the victim is rushed to part with the money as quickly as possible. the pretext can be anything, for example, transferring money to a supposedly safe account to save savings or canceling a non-existent loan application; scammers need the details of the card on which it is supposedly issued, as well as codes. sms messages, criminals often play on the strongest feelings, saying that the victim’s loved one is in trouble and he urgently needs money, now, if the recipient's bank account is on the black... list maintained by the central bank and supplemented by the ministry of internal affairs, the person has time to navigate the situation, even if the victim gives his consent to the transfer,
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the bank will still delay it for 2 days, but even if after during the cooling period, the client insists and wants to make a transfer to a suspicious account, then the bank is obliged to do this, then all responsibility is removed from it. the presence of an account in a special list is only one of the signs of suspicious transactions, there are six of them in total. approves criteria ec: banks must take into account the technical features of the devices; if the device is similar to the one from which fraud has already been committed, then this is also a reason to freeze the transfer. and finally, the client’s transaction profile will be taken into account, that is, for example, if almost all expenses from the account are in stores during business hours, then a transfer of a large amount in the middle of the night to an individual will most likely be marked as suspicious and rejected. or, before the transfer, the sender is actively talking on the phone. or he receives sms messages from new numbers, then the bank can also pause the operation to check. if the recipient's account is not in the central bank's fraud database, but
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the transaction looks suspicious, the bank should contact you and receive your confirmation for the transfer. if you give it, the money will leave the account, and if you refuse, the bank will reject the transaction and the money will remain with you. if the bank sees that a suspicious transfer is being made. which corresponds to one of the six criteria that the bank of russia has established, then it suspends such a transfer for 2 days, these 2 days are necessary for the bank to contact its the client makes sure that the transfer he is making is that he is making this transfer without being under the influence of criminals. payment system banks are responsible for fulfilling these requirements in rubles; if a transfer is sent to a suspicious account from... data without a cooling period, then the bank is obliged to return the money to the client within 30 days, no matter whether it was a transfer within the country or abroad. also, the bank will have to return
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funds to the client if the transaction looked suspicious, but the bank employee did not inform about this, the client immediately allowed its processing. the new requirements are aimed at protecting our citizens' savings. the goal we are pursuing is to reduce the number. and the extent of damage to our citizens. the law provides for a whole range of mechanisms that should encourage banks to improve their anti-fraud systems. the main one is increasing the financial responsibility of credit institutions. now, if, through the fault of the bank , a transfer is made to an obviously fraudulent account from the bank of russia database without completing additional actions to protect the client, the bank will be responsible. rubles for these actions. what to do if your account got into the central bank database by mistake? you will learn about this from your bank; if for some reason this
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happens, you need to contact the central bank. your credit institution or payment system can also do this for you. if they know you well and are confident that you are a respectable citizen, this can be done without your participation. if not, then you will need to write the application yourself. this is done on the website. russia in the section internet reception. there, select the topic information security and the option to exclude data from the bank of russia database about cases of attempts to perform a transaction without the client’s consent. central bank employees are required to consider your request and give a reasoned response within 15 working days. to get into the bank of russia database, you need compelling reasons. we form it based on the information that banks provide us. and other participants in information exchange. information about all cases of attempted fraudulent transfers banks transfer to the bank of russia. with this approach, the risk of an unjustified hit is
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minimized. respectable citizens and companies should not be afraid. so, let’s repeat the main thing: banks now monitor suspicious accounts and transactions and are responsible for this in rubles, and clients have the opportunity to think for a couple of days if they transfer money to a suspicious account. if an account is blacklisted by accident, you can challenge it via the central bank website or your bank. would you like to know more about what rights clients have? banks, write to us in telegram, send your questions, we will ask experts about everything and tell you in the next editions of the instructions.
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gold in itself is worth so much unknown, if we hide it, the story of its life is revealed. among the millions of gold coins , no two are the same, they are all different, this is a golden room, tons of gold, in monetary terms - this is 13 billion rubles. gold. will remain the metal that the country, state, people will always need, it’s just absolutely bare metal from the periodic table, four nines that begin to travel throughout the planet, humanity urgently needs something to be reliable, that something is gold.
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one-time payment of 4,000 rubles. for everyone who signs a contract for service in the zone, plus payments from regional budgets. the decree was signed by vladimir putin, we will tell you all the details. an unacceptable political assassination that threatens further escalation in the region. how does he react to... the third stage of the exercise of russia’s non-strategic nuclear forces has started, what they will be working on it in the military department , publishes a video of how the iskander m. groza, livni sgradom complexes are deployed in the training area and again the danger of a tornado forming, tatarstan is again at the epicenter of bad weather,
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we are waiting for the live broadcast. correspondent from the region. diplomatic somersault. the german foreign minister personally tested patuts for paralympic competitions. what else surprises european diplomats? vladimir putin established a one-time payment of 400,000 rubles. for those who from august to the end of this year will enter into a contract for military service to carry out tasks. special operations. the decree, published on the legal information portal, also provides recommendations on regional payments. and now our correspondent, margarita semenyuk, joins the broadcast. margarita, hello, we are waiting for all the details from you. yes, daria, welcome. indeed, for a one-time payment of 400,000 rubles. those military personnel who sign a contract with the ministry of defense, starting tomorrow, can count on it.


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