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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 31, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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an offer, to listen, to work, everyone wants it, aisan sword, especially since tolstoy just said that he had no intention of going anywhere except abkhazia. dear colleagues, thank you very much for your work, the sixth session is declared closed, russia is sacred. our power, russia is loved, i am our country, young, great is my glory, your insistence on all times and times.
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having a language, native land, glory nadzestsa, divinely blessed, brother varola, pull out the pile.
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our glorious one, i check the development of my people, by the eye, by the eye!
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good job, good luck, success, well considering that the majority are not going to go anywhere, let them not leave, i’ll see you in the state duma, thank you. this was a broadcast from the state duma, where the final meeting of the spring session took place. at this moment , vladimir putin is holding talks in the kremlin with the elected president of indonesia, probova subianta. he won the elections in february this year and is due to officially take office as head of state in october. for now, probova subianta holds the position of minister of defense in the cabinet. and earlier today as he has already held negotiations with the head of the military department.
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the foreign ministries of russia, china, turkey, qatar and iran condemned the night attack on tehran, which resulted in the death of the head of the hamas politburo. tel aviv refused to comment on the situation, but in washington
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, at first they also refrained from making meaningful comments, and then still made a statement that they were not involved in the attack on tehran. he will tell you how the world reacted to the murder of the head of the hamas politburo. emil mirsaev. the murder of ismail hanei is unacceptable, this was stated in the russian foreign ministry, where they noted that the incident would have a negative impact on negotiations to end hostilities in the gas sector. it is obvious that the organizers of this political murder were aware of the dangerous consequences this action would have for the entire region. there is no doubt that the murder of ismail hani will have an extremely negative impact on the course of indirect contacts between hamas and israel. within the framework of which mutually acceptable ceasefire conditions in the gas sector were agreed upon. once again once again, we urge all parties involved to exercise restraint and refrain from steps that could lead to a dramatic degradation of the security situation in the region and provoke a large-scale armed confrontation. the embassy of our
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country in iran believes that the murder is of a political nature. this is an absolutely unacceptable political crime that will lead to a further escalation of tensions in the middle east. with this opinion, the turkish foreign ministry, according to diplomats, agrees what happened in northern iran is another confirmation that the israeli government led by netanyahu does not strive for peace , on the contrary, it wants to scale the conflict to the entire region. hanei's death in tehran will only strengthen the deep and unbreakable bond between iran, palestine and the rest of the resistance. this is how the foreign ministry of the islamic republic reacted to the incident, and its new president promised to give tel aviv a powerful response. islamic republic. iran will defend its territorial integrity and dignity will make the terrorist occupiers regret their cowardly actions. the spiritual leader of iran, etala ali khamini, also promised severe punishment to israel. with this action, the criminal and terrorist zionist regime created a reason for severe punishment, and we consider
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it our duty to avenge the blood of the one who suffered martyrdom on the territory of the islamic republic of iran. over the past hour , china and qatar have joined those judging the murder of the head of hamas's political bureau. and algeria. we pay special attention to the relevant incident, strongly oppose and condemn the murder, and are deeply concerned that this incident could lead to greater instability in the region. the group itself placed responsibility not only on israel, but on the jewish state's ally, the united states, which, as officials in iran and hamas members read, is directly behind the operation. washington, however, refused to comment on the involvement of netanya’s cabinet. to the night attack in tehran, and was the us aware of tel aviv’s plans or not? i will not speculate on the impact of any particular the event may have an impact on the negotiation process, we do not know, i know that there remains a need for a ceasefire, and that we will continue to work on this every
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day. well, representatives of the israeli army, in turn, also did not comment on the information about the death of the head of the hamas political bureau. this is an order from netanyahu’s office by his minister, the newspaper gerul salempo writes about this. one way or another, the murder of ismail haniyeh , coupled with the recent liquidation by sahal of a high-ranking official of another islamic movement, hezbollah, will only strengthen escalation in the region, politicians, diplomats and journalists are sure of this. the israeli authorities, apparently fearing a retaliatory strike, have already closed the airspace over the northern part of the country. utility and emergency services of kazan today are restoring order on city streets after a severe storm. the day before , in... where there was a hailstorm, public transport traffic was disrupted. restoration work is underway at the nizhnekamsk airport, where a tornado swept through and two people were injured. and now our correspondent joins the broadcast from tatarstan, almaz khakimov. almaz, greetings, what is your situation now? a message comes
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that there are problems with the weather today, and two people were seriously injured as a result of a lightning strike. yes, colleagues, good afternoon, literally an hour ago the weather cleared up in kazan, now in... but in the first minute the streets of the bayou of tatarstan were flooded, turning them into rivers, and the central roads went under water, in some places traffic jams reached a record 10 points, many citizens were late for work, and also drivers could lose their wheels, puncture the wheels, so how on some streets roads were being repaired and potholes went under water, but car license plates were also lost. bus passengers almost got wet today, streams along with sand
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gushed out and through the protective walls near the roads from the flood, eyewitnesses filmed a waterfall on the stairs, but tens of cubic meters of water were seen in another part of the city, and there, under the railway bridge, the street leading to the central bus station was flooded , the water level was almost half a meter, and now tram traffic in kazan has been changed, citizens are warned about this through social networks, as well as the city's municipal services are now working in an enhanced mode, they are clearing out storm water sources, and today the weather is still, if the weather has cleared up in the garden, the weather in tatarstan is still unstable, it is raining in some areas and literally a few hours later it became known that in the suburbs of kazan lightning struck two men at once.
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rescuers found the body of another, the last one missing as a result of the erosion of a dam in kareli. the deceased was found on the shore 11 km from the emergency dam. the search work in the segizhi district has thus been completed. in more than 100 people participated and 38 pieces of equipment were involved. the day before, rescuers found the bodies of two more victims, a man and a woman. all three were previously listed as missing. another man died immediately after the emergency. the dam on the overseas-baltic canal collapsed on monday, the structure was temporary and had not been tested for strength for a long time,
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the wave completely washed away three houses and partially damaged five more. 10 people were injured, one adult and two children were hospitalized. kyiv did not allow itself pay debts. zelensky signed a law on debt restructuring, which allows the ukrainian government to suspend payments on external debt until at least october. it was previously reported that the country's authorities are negotiating with... honest creditors. i note that according to the ministry of finance of ukraine, in july the national debt amounted to $152 billion. a memorial to railway soldiers who died during a special operation was opened in lugansk. the memorial stone was installed on the territory of the novorossiya railway enterprise. in the future it will be carved the names of all the heroes who died during the fighting . now there are more than forty fighters on the list, three more are listed as missing . their relatives came up with the idea to perpetuate the memory of the deceased railway workers.
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many who died at the front, relatives, loved ones, many volunteered to serve, serve and defend our fatherland for the good of our homeland. to date, 45 people have died, three are missing, and 242 people are still serving. our task is to preserve the memory, to convey to our children a. we , like railway workers, forge victory in the rear, very i would like to convey to the guys at the front who are there, hold on, we are with you and to the families who, just like us, have lost loved ones and relatives, strength, strength, because sometimes you can’t even cry, but you can’t breathe, so let’s be together, let's be stronger, let's win.
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footage from the government house. good afternoon, dear colleagues, before we begin the government meeting, i will tell you about several decisions. the government continues to provide support. citizens who strengthen traditional family values ​​with their for example, on the initiative of the head of state, women raising at least ten children are given the title of mother-heroine, which is accompanied by a one-time payment of 1 million rubles. mothers and fathers who have seven or more children are awarded the order of parental glory, they are entitled to 500,000 rubles. well, for those who
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have over four children, medals of this order and rewards are provided. and also, on the instructions of the president , the provision of mortgage repayment payments to large families was extended, such a law was signed by the head of state, this was in june, the government has made changes to regulations so that the measure becomes available throughout the country; parents whose third subsequent babies are born before december 31
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, 2030 will be able to receive 45,000 rubles to pay as a payment on a housing loan. the loan agreement must be concluded before the beginning of july 1931; we hope that thanks to such assistance, even more citizens will come to new houses, apartments, improve their living conditions, and supporting families, especially large families , is always a government priority. now to the agenda, first of all about the information technology industry. at the initiative of the head of state, a preferential mortgage program was launched for specialists in this sector. behind. during its implementation, the bank received over 275,000 applications and issued loans worth 700 billion rubles. the demand for such mortgages remains; taking this into account, the government will increase budget allocations for it mortgages by 23 billion rubles, which will allow at least 2,500 more employees working in this industry
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and their families to solve the housing problem with the help of the state. we hope that this more than 77,500 citizens will take advantage of the measure, but will be able to buy a house or apartment at a favorable rate. creating comfortable working conditions for specialists engaged in this field will help strengthen the industry’s human resources potential. the next topic of the government meeting concerns our westernmost region. today, most of the cargo turnover with the kaliningrad region goes by sea. uninterrupted supply is ensured by dozens of ships and their crews. the president emphasized that... that the presence of sea transport of this class will allow we must guarantee a constant reliable connection between the western outpost of russia and the entire country, well , now the region is dynamically transforming, schools, institutes, libraries, theaters, hospitals, clinics, research centers, residential buildings are being built there, new tourist facilities are being built, and advanced
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industrial enterprises, and naturally, all these projects require sustainable logistics, including constant supply: the acting governor of the kaliningrad region asked us to assist him in this matter, on behalf of the head of state will allocate an additional 1 billion 400 million rubles this year, these funds will be used to subsidize the transportation of half a million tons of cargo necessary for the development of the kaliningrad region, we hope that this is the solution. these were shots from the government house, mikhail mishustin held a meeting of the cabinet of ministers, now a short advertisement, and then a report from our correspondent from the special operation zone.
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burger king! alfabank is the best bank for business! open a free account with alfabank! now to the special operation zone, where our reconnaissance officers shoot down or use special systems to land air force drones, thus they receive valuable data about the design of
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enemy drones, as well as the location of his position, as sergei samokha saw at work, well, this is our drone, yesterday guys they brought it, it’s a ukrainian drone, that is, it fell, either it was rapped, or something, or it was itself fell, got burned, i don’t know. with the help of drones, basic
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intelligence data is obtained, destructive projectiles are attached to them, and in this laboratory they experiment with equipment modifications every day. we want to reduce the weight, that is, the shank will be printed with a new one, lighter, that is, to make it easier for the drone to carry it all. almost all the walls are hung. drones, russian suppression systems are jamming dozens of them. having checked the internal component, the engineers were surprised to learn that the enemy is increasingly using our developments, however, are of poor quality. our 1.01 firmware, which russian hackers came up with, some units are already on the other side, they are already using it, that’s where they protect themselves, that is, they dismantle the drones, solder in all sorts of anti-spoofings, these handkerchiefs, so that well... how - to keep up with us, such a thing, of course, most of the trophies are re-flashed and delivered to combat units, after interfering with
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the software, they are already flying towards... towards visu, those machines that are impossible restore, go for spare parts. an enemy drone was recently brought to us, we remove the video transmitter from it, if it is working, the camera, motors, depending on what kind, what parts are needed for our drones. there are very young guys serving in this unit, a fighter with the call sign pioneer; as soon as he turned 18 , he took academic leave and signed a contract with the ministry of defense. not even the best one.
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act, that is, during the flight it will shift coordinates, shift frequencies, there will already be elusive ones, every day the engineers of the development units restore and send to frontline dozens of drones, each attack drone is a destroyed enemy position. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, lead.
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400,000 rub. a one-time payment for fighters who sign a contract to serve in the northern military district zone. the decree was signed by the president, what is known about the timing? in russia, the third stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces. iskander im moved to the designated areas. aviation is involved. what tasks do the military perform? a flurry of statements about the murder of the head of the hamas politburo. he has already been convicted in the kremlin. the middle east is on the brink of a global conflict - says the russian foreign ministry. the head of the pentagon throws up his hands. there's nothing to say. where will they take place?


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