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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 31, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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let me remind you that i won the february elections. the inauguration is scheduled for october. the leaders also discussed the upcoming agreement on the creation of a free trade zone between ias and indonesia. subianta supported moscow’s decision to open a consulate general in denpasar and announced the possibility of starting direct flights from russia to bali. and this is how both leaders generally assessed the bilateral relations between our countries. next year we celebrate 75 years of establishment.
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when we experienced difficulties, russia came to our aid. inherited from our ancestors have such a relationship, we must not forget about those who supported us. i have held discussions with some representatives of your industry, and we are open to russia participating more actively in our economy. we also discussed the possibility of cooperation with rosatom in the field of nuclear energy. i would like to invite russian participants to our naval parade, which will take place. at the beginning of 2025, we also received an invitation to participate in your parade on the occasion of navy day navy, and i promised your minister of defense that we would take part in it. well, one of the main topics, the closing of the spring session in the state duma, we will sum up the results with the head of the new people faction alexey nichaev, he is a guest of our studio, so, alexey gennadyevich, good afternoon, good afternoon, alexey genadyevich, the session was really very eventful, a lot documents were examined, documents that directly affect the lives of people. what are the fundamental
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decisions in your opinion? well, in total, 330 laws were adopted, this is a big number, our faction also worked actively, 76 bills were introduced, eight were already considered and adopted this session, plus we managed to complete the old work, for example, you and i have already discussed the bill that our faction introduced almost 2 years ago, about raising the thresholds for the transition of administrative liability to criminal liability, finally in this session we did it, three readings have already passed, the federation council approved it, the president signed it, it’s already in effect, people are already entrepreneurs, instead of sitting in a pre-trial detention center, they, if they violated something, paid a fine and continued working, it seems to me that this is more useful for our country, here is one example, this is the business climate, of course, well, in general, the duma is now visible how it is accelerating, so i gave an example, when it took 2 years to do something, for example, we... made an amendment
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to the european protocol in case of an accident, previously the insurance payment was 100,000, we proposed making 200,000 to see what would happen so that we would n’t have to urinate there immediately at 300 , at 500, let's see, and it's literally gone too it takes several months to do this, this is a very large efficiency, and this relieves not only the drivers, but also the traffic police, we now have not enough people everywhere, now you know, maybe 150,000 police officers are missing, we have not only teachers , on average there is a shortage of personnel, we have people in the police. there’s not enough, so we need to clear out all the nonsense, something that people can decide for themselves, we’re all adults, ourselves, if someone hooks someone, they’ll say, that’s it, they signed, they parted ways, they received the money, this is a simplification of life, for me seems to be one of the important genres of this whole story, by the way, the topic of the tax maneuver, which is also on the agenda, and your faction also spoke out about this, what is the position of the faction, you know, it was difficult to decide, there were big discussions, we...
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proposed a whole package of amendments, part was taken into account, some were not not taken into account, for example, we proposed for priority industries, and these are transport engineering, agricultural engineering, chemistry, well, 13 in total , the government itself determined priority industries, we proposed an income tax leave not 25%, as they have now increased, but leave 20, for these industries, unfortunately, the government did not support, but i also see what huge plans we have now... the budget of the northern military district was added to the regular budget, and the budget for national projects, what president putin presented to us at a meeting with the federal assembly, and in the spring, and these are all very interesting national projects, they really lead russia into a different orbit, because it’s not enough to talk about national sovereignty, about technological sovereignty, this needs to be done, we need to work, in 6 years the country will be different, this is also thanks to national projects, and this requires money. unfortunately, today i
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spoke, maybe you saw that we have a lot of people, instead of spending money on what is needed, we have communists, for example, literally for a day.
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very important, yes, money must be found, for example, we have proposed several mechanisms that add money to the budget, these are increased duties for goods from unfriendly countries, this is for this year about 20 billion rubles to the budget, we proposed making an investment deduction for it, which takes a little money, but according to
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minek’s calculations, over 5 years it will be plus 6 billion rubles to the budget, these are small, but transferring money to the budget, and not taking it from our own, and take from strangers, there from foreigners, from the west, from our opponents. try to pay, it's hard. further, our payments are now going badly, not only from europe there, but now even in china, for the last month they probably told you that 80% of payments are returned, this is a very dangerous situation, let's see what will be there in the fall by november, now we will sell the stocks, new
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raw materials and components are not arriving. you’ve already mentioned the rate, actually, i’ll quote nabiuli, but high inflation speaks of the illness of the russian economy, she said.
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and what do you think, how, firstly, is interaction with the government now being built, how much mutual responsibility, how much has it grown, grown, of course, so i’ll say, firstly, the old-timers of the duma tell me how it was before, mantorov, he and before there you are on sunday you can dial him, they will contact him there, he
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is at work all the time, but he is always available, but some people, i think, would not have answered like that before, yes, now everyone has connections, this is very important, because the matter is common, the country is one, and we are all responsible for it, that is, really operational issues, including those related to the front, for example, they began to be resolved faster, and the fronts, not only the fronts, this in general - to hear differently, you know, this is it... you can quickly, but nothing can be done, but there, quickly to say, we did everything quickly, the answer no, no, here people really hear the arguments, they think, the efficiency is very high, so the fact that the president introduced this initiative, and constitutional changes, so that in general the entire government would be approved by the civil part of the duma, the security part of this federation, i believe that it was just such a very healthy decision, the right decision, the proposal and all the people supported it, one of the main ones...
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deep study, that is, it is clear that the material is not just, you know, laid out, but
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it is deeply thought out, uh , very good elaboration, but, speaking specifically about teachers and doctors, we came to the state duma 3 years ago with the idea of ​​a unified federal salary for teachers, then we have two problems, we saw that, for example, in schools in medicine, in many areas, this is workload level, you just know that the average teacher in russia works at 2.2 times the salary. this is a double load, it’s, well, it’s hard, well , it’s hard, yes, you still need to develop there, you need to read something, you need to prepare for lessons, and 2.2 is a lot, and that’s not enough, second, a huge bureaucratic workload, reporting, we also came when in the state duma, first set up a meeting between the leader of the faction and the president, i say, vladivich, let’s abolish rosvybornadzor, newbie, he’s a very wise man, he says, maybe first we’ll try to influence him, i say, let's influence, and you know, we have to give. in the first year they removed 20 percent of the load, in the second and third year, together with sergei
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sergevich kravtsov, the minister of education, another 25 percent of the load was removed, now about half have internal, internal the load, that is, golkov and krovtsov are heard, yes, but unfortunately, you know, they took off their load, but the ministry of emergency situations, rospotrebnadzor, which means sanitary supervision, the prosecutor’s office came running with their questions, that’s why they bother the school at the prosecutor’s office there.
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streets, as we know in the film, that’s why we initiated the whole topic with mining, finally the bill was adopted, and this is what needs to be done, i, like the central bank, believe that inside russia we don’t need payments in cryptocurrencies, because they will , well, this is a lot of processes, it will be like spanish gold, once in the 17-18 centuries, gold that was brought from latin america, everything became very expensive, such easy money, but calculations are what is needed. the main thing is that this benefits the economy, alexey genich, thank you, and to the people, thank you very much, we discussed the results of the spring session with alexey nichaev, the head of the duma faction new people. the time has come for alfabank, the time
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the best bank for business. open a free account with alfabank. and you get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. the sber-thanks loyalty program has been updated and has become even more profitable with a sber subscription. plus two top cashback categories. 1% on everything twice as many bonuses every month. in sberbank it's more profitable with prime. the tula region will increase the size of the one-time payment to those who plan to participate in the svo to 600 thousand rubles. this is how the regional authorities responded to vladimir’s recommendations. putin, which is contained in the new decree. the president instructed to increase the federal payment to 400 thousand. our correspondent margarita semenyuk joins the broadcast. so, margarita, greetings, well, we are waiting for details
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about the upcoming changes, about which regions the reaction has come from. yes, alexey, greetings, indeed, federal the payment will be 400,000 rubles. those military personnel who s.c. will be able to receive it. tomorrow will sign a contract with the ministry of defense from august 1 to the end of this year, that is, those who tomorrow during this time will come to the military registration and enlistment office and sign a contract in order to go to the special military operation zone can already count on this material payment. i will also note that today in the decree signed by the head of state vladimir putin, there is a clause where it is recommended that the regions also increase...
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russian federation. i would also note that in a number of russian regions there is already an increase; you have already increased this summer. payments in several regions , for example, in moscow, according to the decree signed by moscow mayor sergei sobyanin, this is the largest amount of payment, almost 2 million rubles, for an annual
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contract, military personnel receive more than 5 million, that is, for a year of being in a special military zone operations, i will also note that now there is an increase in payments in st. petersburg, in the sverdlovsk region and in the rostov region. from august 1st. data rub. this payment is for military personnel who left the territory of the northern military district, will receive this lump sum payment. in addition, i would like to say that the mayor of moscow has introduced a one-time payment from the moscow government in the amount of 1.9 million , the maximum on the territory of the russian federation, which will allow us to recruit the armed forces of the russian federation. i will note that there is also an increase in payments in
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the stavropol territory, i will note that now they note that it is now important to support military personnel who sign contracts are leaving for the zone of a special military operation, now it is important to support not only the fighters, but also their families, i note that the ministry of defense provides for various support measures, including. decided to increase the one-time payment to 1,200 thousand rubles for those who, during the period from july 27 to august 31 of this year, will enter into a contract in the rostov region for military service in the armed forces of the russian federation for a year or more. we are taking these steps to encourage the involvement of citizens in the military contract service. i would like to note that, according to the ministry of defense, since the beginning of this year, almost 190 thousand people have signed a contract, that is, on average
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, a thousand men come to military registration and enlistment offices per day who are ready to sign a contract with the ministry of defense and go to the northern military district zone. i would also note that today in vladimir there is a team of new recruits, 30 people who have already completed training, are being sent to a special military operation zone, i will note that they are colleagues. for signing contracts, nothing stronger than the russian spirit has yet been invented, i’m going to fight for the homeland, not a step back, the motto of volunteers,
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the new group is more. i wish him to return healthy and unharmed. the future of the country is in good hands as long as there are patriots, people devoted to their homeland. volunteer oleg felatov emphasizes that together they will fight for a just cause. friends have already left there. i wanted to join them. it's wrong to stay at home. the ceremonial departure of the fighters, according to tradition, took place in the youth cultural center of the regional center. first, the volunteers will go to training units, and
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then to combat units. units, support and relatives and friends, veterans, social activists and representatives of the regional legislative assembly came to see off the military personnel, this is not just a struggle for good against scrapping or even against fascism, but this is a struggle for civilization, and its outcome will depend on, and is even on the agenda of the existence of our country and russian civilization as a whole the guys know exactly who and what they have to protect; strength comes from the confidence that they are loved and welcomed at home. maria artas, ilya khludov, vesti vladimir. well , let me note that by this moment there is a reaction from bashkiria in the regional government, they said that those who signed a contract to participate in the svo in bashkiria will receive a one-time payment of 1,200 thousand rubles.
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teksov, me. traveler, aeronaut zhan ivan, and so we go out of trouble, what a fairy tale, without ivan, uh, what began, without deception, without flint, in the flint likhodi imprisoned me, a pen, hand-written, magic ink, you can get it, you’re the main thing in van , hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one. oh, beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where i need to, i can’t live without travel, flint, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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well, now about the weather: the territory of russia in recent days has turned into tornado alley. today there is an outbreak of tornadoes. craters appeared in the western and eastern parts of the country, well, we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the foba centers with evgeniy teshkovets. evgeniy, good afternoon. why does this even happen? this is an anomaly, as far as i understand. good afternoon, the reason lies in the unusually gigantic size of the cyclone, which affected the entire western half of our country. chelyabinsk was one of the last to be hit by the elements. the thunderous downpour was accompanied by squalls; the wind knocked trees to the ground and tore off fragments of roofing from houses. the airport's weather station recorded gusts of up to 21 m/s. such a crater appeared today in the khantematii autonomous okrug above
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surgut. smersh didn’t have time. be formed to the end and


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