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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 31, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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well, now about the weather: the territory of russia in recent days has turned into tornado alley. today there is an outbreak of tornadoes. craters appeared in the western and eastern parts of the country, well, we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the fob center with evgeniy tishkovets. evgeniy, good afternoon. why does this even happen? this is an anomaly, as far as i understand. good afternoon. the reason lies in the unusually gigantic size of the cyclone, which affected the entire western half of our country. one of the last to be hit by the elements chelyabinsk. the thunderous downpour was accompanied by squalls; the wind knocked trees to the ground and tore off fragments of roofing from houses. the airport's weather station recorded gusts of up to 21 m/s. such a crater appeared today in the khantematii autonomous okrug above surgut. the mersh did not have time to fully form and did not cause any damage. the last time
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such a phenomenon was seen in these parts was 7 years ago. krasnoyarsk, according to local residents, had not been visited for more than a decade, so its appearance surprised local residents. the tornado was first spotted in the area village of elita. then the funnel shifted towards the krasnoyarsk meat processing plant. at the same time , the weather station at yemelyanovo airport recorded only an increase in wind during a thunderstorm to 11 m/s. look which one. merch is coming, but what is this, what is this going on in krasnoyarsk, several craters were seen today over the waters of the gulf of finland in the vicinity of st. petersburg. photos of water creatures appeared on social networks in front of the lakhta center. at night, a similar whirlwind swirled near the russian border on the territory of estonia near the city of us-narva. not leave the elements and the volga region alone, reminds. according to eyewitnesses, they
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disappeared quite quickly, and new videos continue to appear of yesterday’s epic death at the nizhnekamsk airport in tatarstan. let me remind you that as a result of the emergency, four training aircraft, a helicopter, a tanker, three buses and hangars were damaged. two airport employees were injured. footage from almost the epicenter of the passage of the tornado appeared on social networks. runs faster from behind, right behind you, on the first day of august in the vast russian the plains of the urals and western siberia will continue to feel at ease; the vast north atlantic cyclone, generating fields up to... cloudiness, is associated with the point
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of closure of cold warm atmospheric fronts, which is associated with stormy weather in the southern urals, will cover about 700 km in a day, will be released tomorrow to the omsk irtysh region. in the next 24 hours, the potential tornado zone will shift almost in the latitudinal direction, from west to east. and tomorrow, at the height of the day, near the point of occlusion, local zones of black bodies, from which they can beast-like destruction will fall out and will affect a number of areas. the south of the tyumen region, omsk, as well as the west, tomsk and novosibirsk regions, where wind gusts can reach 18-23 m/s, high chambers in some places can get up to 15-20 mm. strong bad weather is predicted in ugra. look, about 25 mm of rain may fall in khantemansiysk by the end of the week, which is 2.5 full buckets of water for every square meter of sidewalks. particularly heavy showers will occur in the city at five.
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rainfall intensity will decrease over the weekend. in moscow, july ends on a cool and rainy day note, despite the fact that the month as a whole turned out to be relatively dry and warm, the average air temperature was 2.6° higher than the climate norm. however, the last three days have not reached the required several degrees. now in the city it is only +17.8, visibility has worsened to 1.8 km during high tides. tomorrow the short ones will make noise again. until the end of the week there will be some precipitation , it will become a little warmer and the thermometer readings will return to their climatic channel. these are the forecasts for this minute. yes, thank you, evgeniy. evgeny cheshkovets spoke about the outbreak of tornadoes in russia. now the middle east. the death of hamas political bureau chief ismail haniyeh could destabilize the region. this was stated by the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov. we strongly condemn this attack,
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which led to the death of khan. we believe that such actions are directed against attempts to restore peace in the region and, moreover, can... significantly destabilize the already tense situation. iran's foreign ministry called on the international community to punish israel for assassination of the head of the hamas politburo. the purpose of the attack is to increase instability in the middle east, diplomats of the islamic republic also reported this. and the foreign policy departments of russia, china, turkey and qatar condemned the attack on tehran. our correspondent emil mirsaev will talk about the world reaction to the middle eastern events of last night. the murder of ismail haniyeh is unacceptable, the russian federation stated this. noted that the incident would have a negative impact on negotiations to end hostilities in the gas sector. it is obvious that the organizers of this political murder , they were aware of the dangerous consequences this action would have for the entire region. there is no doubt that the murder of ismail haniyeh
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will have an extremely negative impact on the course of indirect contacts between hamas and israel, within the framework of which mutually acceptable terms of a ceasefire in the gaza strip were agreed upon. once again, we urge all parties involved to exercise restraint and refrain from steps that could lead to a dramatic degradation of the security situation in region and provoke a large-scale armed confrontation. our country's embassy in iran believes that the murder is of a political nature. this is a completely unacceptable political crime that will lead to a further escalation of tensions in the middle east. according to diplomats, the turkish foreign ministry agreed with this opinion . in northern iran, another confirmation that the israeli government led by netanyahu does not strive for peace , on the contrary, it wants to scale the conflict to the entire region. haniyeh's death in tehran will only strengthen the deep and unbreakable bond between iran, palestine and the rest of the resistance. this is how the foreign ministry of the islamic
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republic reacted to the incident, and its new president promised to give tel aviv a powerful response. the islamic republic of iran will defend its territorial integrity and dignity against the terrorist occupiers. death on the territory of the islamic republic of iran. over the past hour , china, qatar and algeria have joined those judging the murder of the head of hamas's political bureau. we we pay special attention to the relevant incident. we oppose and condemn the killing and are deeply concerned that this incident could lead to greater instability in the region. the group itself placed responsibility not only on israel, but on the ally of the jewish state, the united states, who, as officials in iran and members of hamas read
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, are directly behind the operation. washington, however , refused to comment on the information about the involvement of the netanyahu office in the night such in tehran, as the united states was aware of that tel aviv plans or not? i will not speculate on the impact that any specific event may have on the negotiation process. we don't know. i know that there remains a need for a ceasefire and that we will continue to work towards it every day. well, representatives of the israeli army, in turn, also did not comment on the information about the death of the head of the hamas political bureau. this is an order from netanyahu's office by his minister. the jerul salem post newspaper writes about this. one way or another, the murder of ismail haniya, coupled with the recent liquidation of sahal, a high-ranking. official of another islamic movement hezbollah will only increase the escalation in the region. politicians, diplomats, and journalists are sure of this. the israeli authorities, apparently fearing a retaliatory strike, have already closed the airspace over the northern part of the country. and right now there is an urgent message.
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iran has promised to respond to the murder of the head of the hamas political bureau with special operations that will cause - quote: deep repentance among the perpetrator. these are the words of the staff of the islamic republic's mission to the un. local meanwhile, tv channels are publishing footage, here they are, footage from the holy city of qom for shiites, where a red flag was hoisted on the dome of the jamkoran mosque. it is known that the inscription calls on the entire islamic world to take a stand against those who eliminated ismail haniyeh. our own correspondent in the region will tell you what role he played in the life of hamas and what his death means in the context of resolving the middle east crisis. the attack on a hotel in northern tehran, where the head of the hamas politburo ismail hanei was staying, was struck today at about 2:00 a.m. , the building was reportedly attacked by some guided aircraft munition launched not from iran and tehran
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, the hamas movement has already blamed the israeli foreign intelligence service massat for this attack, however, official television has so far assumed responsibility for the liquidation of hanei i never took it. ismail hanei arrived in tehran for... where he took part in the inauguration ceremony of the elected president of the islamic republic, masoud pezeshkien. ismail hani - businessman, billionaire one of the richest palestinians on the planet. became head of the government of the palestinian authority. sixth, in 2017 , head of the hamas politburo. for the last few years he has lived permanently in qatar. it was he who acted as the movement’s representative in indirect negotiations with israel regarding ending the war in the gaza strip and the release of hostages, and in fact was the representative of hamas in the international arena. and now, with his death, the process of peaceful resolution of the conflict can be considered virtually stopped. haniya's murder was the second high-profile incident in middle east in the last 24 hours. the night before, the israeli defense forces
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struck the lebanese capital beirut, targeting the shi'id dahiya district in the south of the city, which is considered a stronghold of the hazbal movement. this is where its headquarters and supreme coordinating council are located. as a result of the air raid, according to lebanese media , at least four people were killed and about 20 more were injured. we passed here, i passed here on a motorcycle, we went out into the street and after two. minutes heard the sound of an explosion, it was two strikes one after another, they were not that strong, but it was obvious that it was a drone strike. the idf said that the target of the strike on beirut was a senior hazbalah military commander, fuad shukar, who oversaw the movement's missile program and was number two in the organization after its leader, sheikh hassan nasralah. the idf carried out a targeted strike in beiruti against fauuchukr, also known as seet mohson, the most senior military officer. hezbollah commander and head of its strategic division. faut chukr was the right hand hassan nasrola, leader of hezbollah and his
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adviser in planning and directing attacks and operations. the strike on beirut, according to the israelis, was a response to saturday's attack on the dutch heights, which killed 12 people and wounded about thirty more, and at night the air raid signal was again heard in the northern regions of israel. it was reported that several squadrons of drones were launched from lebanon at once. the attack takes place the night before and... khazbal. forces, the so-called axis of resistance in its the desire to take revenge on israel for the death of senior leaders of hamas and fedorov, to lead the middle east. the program alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov and polina thanks to sber loyalty has been updated and has become even more profitable with a sberm subscription, plus two
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for working pensioners from next year. and of course, the focus is on supporting the sbo participants and new regions. key decisions plans for the future, varvara nevskaya. the state duma officially completed its work within the sixth session of the eighth convocation. at the end of the final plenary session, the deputies stood and listened to the country's national anthem. dear colleagues, thank you very much for your work. the sixth session is declared closed. russia is our sacred power, russia. the results of the parliament's work during the spring semester were summed up by the chairman of the state duma, vyacheslav volodin. at the beginning of his speech , he said that before the plenary session
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he had a conversation with russian president vladimir putin and handed it over from the head. the state expresses gratitude to parliamentarians for the work of important decisions that were made for the benefit of the country, and volodin also noted that the sixth session that ended was the longest, and it lasted from january to june, and was remembered for a large number of important legislative initiatives. for the first time in the history of modern russia, the state duma formed a government, and chairmen were approved. deputy chairmen, federal ministers, deputies exercised new powers on behalf of their constituents. the next stage of joint work of the legislative executive branch has begun. now the state duma, together with the government of the russian federation, are responsible for
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the effectiveness of solving problems in the interests of our country and citizens. this session. 331 laws were adopted, of which 215 were laws of direct effect, 92 were socially significant, a large block was devoted to supporting those who especially need it, families with children, participants of the svo, pensioners, this is how they were adopted the law on the project to increase military pensions, exempted participants in a special military operation from paying interest for... the period of credit holidays, the wives of deceased combat veterans received additional labor guarantees, 92 socially significant bills, so pensions for working pensioners were indexed, the assistance program for repayment of mortgages for large families, as stated by the leader of the communist party of the russian federation gennady zyuganov, the last session was fruitful and long,
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and the work within it is intense, but extremely effective. we, according to...
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the ideas and approaches of the russian president, are for a multipolar world, for a peaceful, stable and secure, of course, multipolar world architecture of the new century, where each country itself, and not washington, will determine the course of development of the country, people and history. summing up the results of the spring session, sergei mironov, leader of the a just russia for truth faction, especially. emphasized those socially significant bills that the party lobbied for during the spring session: our the faction has prepared a bill on a social
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assistance card, according to which the poor could receive everything they need. in terms of demography, of course, a lot has been done, but i can’t help but note here, dear colleagues, the year of the family has passed the equator, after all, we probably need to hurry up and... it took too long, several dozen people said thank you for introducing such a procedure, it is not necessary to cancel the unified state exam or insist on it, you can simply
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improve it, for example, but it took 2 years from the initiative to the implementation, it seems to me, of this we don’t have 2 years to respond to initiatives or bills, so i’m glad that many things have begun to be done faster, for example, we introduced a bill to increase payment limits. according to the european protocol, from 100 thousand rubles to 200, that was less than six months, we can see that we can act faster. the head of the united russia faction expressed confidence that during the spring session the parliament fulfilled almost a historical mission, allowing legislative creation of conditions under which the economy could not only provide fulfilling the objectives of a special military operation, but also peaceful life. parliament, in fact, fulfilled its historical mission. in difficult times, times when, in essence, we are conducting a special military operation, when an economic war has been declared against russia and
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an unprecedented blockade, we must pay tribute to the fact that in these conditions, in fact, this follows from the speeches of all colleagues, the parliament worked and solved problems, which made it possible to ensure a special military operation, no one doubts that... it will end in victory, parliamentarians are expected to make working trips to the regions, and plans for the last summer month include, of course, preparation for the autumn session, which this year starts on september 3. varvar nevskaya andrey shnyr, andrey boroukhin and inna loshonova. news. since the beginning of the year, russian cinema has earned more than $14 million at the global box office. thus , revenue increased by more than 60% compared to the same period last year. of the year. animation brought a large share of the income. in the top three in the release of the masha and the bear franchise, they earned almost 3 million dollars,
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the hermitage cats are in second place, the cartoon has collected over 2 million dollars. and the snow queen defrost is in third place with a box office of $2 million, with almost one and a half of them coming from china, a key market for russian content. now. analysts suggest that by the end of the year, box office receipts for russian films abroad will increase by another 8%. but this time due to domestic horror films, which are also popular in foreign markets, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
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russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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400,000 rub. a one-time payment for soldiers who sign a contract to serve in the northern military district zone. the decision was made by the president. what is known about the timing of the third stage of the exercise in russia non-strategic nuclear forces. iskanderm have moved to designated areas, aviation is involved, what tasks are the military working on? the north group defeated five brigades of opponents in the kharkov region. units of the western group occupy more advantageous positions and attack american equipment. how is the situation at the front? rain,
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hail, thunderstorm, strong wind, short but powerful. the disaster struck chelyabinsk on the last day of july. and the spring session in the duma closed, dozens of documents were adopted, including on support for new regions. so, a powerful thunderstorm front arrived in chelyabinsk today. forecasters have issued a storm warning. the downpour flooded several streets in the city causing heavy traffic jams. we learn about the rampant nature and consequences from danil rabush. danil joins the broadcast. so, greetings, but they say that the rain lasted only 10 minutes, but, apparently, it caused a lot of trouble, is that true? yes, alexey, greetings, now, as you can see, it is already clear in chelyabinsk, the elements have retreated, but a little over an hour ago a thunderstorm approached the city.


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