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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 31, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there is a prospect, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the center helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what about production, raw materials in general , export, what is our product? russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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okko online cinema - the world i watch. hello, live broadcast about. many visiting specialists continue to buy despite the intensification of the fight against illegal immigrants, fake registration patents, instead of settling in accordance with all the rules, the number of people wishing to take root in our country and obtain a citizen’s passport is growing, but only law-abiding guests of the country will be able to do this; in the past six months alone, more than a thousand visitors have lost their russian citizenship for this. .. an apple from an apple tree in moscow, a harsh sentence was handed down to the son of the former deputy prosecutor general of russia, a former judge of an arbitration court, who was caught taking a bribe. a twenty-three-year-old guy was recognized guilty of organizing a series of contract killings and assassination attempts, as the investigation was able to prove, the son was taking revenge for his mother elena conor, those
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who exposed her. details from alexander mostova. at the announcement of the verdict, the sold-out hall of the moscow regional court could barely accommodate all the journalists. defendant nikolai kondrat traditionally hides his face. this time behind a black medical mask. his accomplice grigory voskresensky pointedly turned away from the reporters. they make decisions calmly. looks like you've already come to terms with the fact that he will not be released soon. konrad nikolai was found guilty of organizing a murder for hire. gregory was found guilty of committing. nikolai kondrot was convicted of organizing a series of contract killings, but the young man did not escape responsibility, despite all the connections of his formerly very influential parents. his father is ivan kondrat, a former deputy prosecutor general of russia, and his mother was a judge of an arbitration court for a long time. the latter, however, has tarnished the honor
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of mantle, and is now a criminal herself. in past elena kondrat was convicted of intermediary in the transfer of a bribe. according to investigators, at that time the servant of the fimida offered her ... the researchers ordered the killers to kill the same judge makhalkina, who refused the bribe, the attempt was foiled, but kondrat jr. did not rest on this, allegedly ordered his personal driver kiril igetkhanyan, he was only guilty of that he knew too much about the affairs of an influential family. kondrat
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had concerns that the victim might provide confidential information to law enforcement agencies. information about him and his family, so he decided to eliminate his assistant. they covered him there with branches and garbage, in addition to organizing the murder of his driver, kondrat allegedly asked matsnev to deal with two more people with whom he had a conflict, but the keller simply did not have time to do this, he was detained by operatives. another accomplice of kondrat , grigory voskresensky
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, acted as a driver during the crimes, so to speak, he took a vacant position after the murder of the previous driver, but he did not want to talk about it in court. copy of the court verdict will be handed over to you and everyone else now. participant in the process. these shots were filmed in the kondrat family's home. security forces are conducting a search. kondrat, jr. shows the contents of a large safe. practically a millionaire. in a metal box, investigators found a large amount of rubles and foreign currency. nikolai kondrat explained the origin of finance in a very original way. money. can you explain the discrepancy in funds? the son of the former judge and former prosecutor turned out to have a lot of money. there lived a young major, that. called in grand style, studied at the faculty of law of moscow state university and seemed to show great promise; after his arrest he was sent to a pre-trial detention center, which he will now change to a maximum security colony. nikolai kondrot, accustomed to life in luxurious interiors, will have to get used to new realities. he will spend the next 20 years behind
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bars. this decision was announced by the moscow regional court. kondrat’s accomplice grigory voskresensky was sentenced to 10 years in prison. alexander mastva, vladimir shabalin and andrey mashkarov. news, duty department. not less than a quarter of a million packs of counterfeit cigarettes were seized in the leningrad region by police officers together with fsb officers. security forces stopped the activities of the group, whose members were driving truckloads of foreign tobacco products to russia without labeling anything, as required by law, and hiding boxes of kuriv in air conditioners. two alleged smugglers were caught red-handed while transshipping another shipment of illegal goods. it was previously established that the driver was transporting tobacco products, performing functions receiver of the goods, ensured their packaging and organized delivery to the points of sale. in the city of nanev in the leningrad region, the alleged organizer of an illegal
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business was involved in purchasing supplies of cigarettes. at the same time, investigators conducted a series of searches, during which they discovered large stocks of unmarked cigarettes, just under 2 million packs with a total value of 60 million rubles. all details of the illegal business will be revealed during the investigation. the defendants have already been charged and taken into custody. children's maximum security camp, loud scandal. in the seaside, where the children went on a trip to study wildlife and spend time actively, and this is how it happened: the schoolchildren ended up on a desert island in dilapidated huts, cleaned toilets and slept on rotten mattresses. as a result of rabinzanada , a criminal case was initiated. read more galina hungureeva. the interior is ascetic with only a crumpled mattress in the furniture. the impression is that people live in these hastily built temporary huts. builders worked, but children were accustomed to the harsh conditions here, to remain silent, i
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i’m saying that you said, why did i push you, so i can, an employee of the askoltyr children’s camp sprinkled non-folklore phrases, a high-security vacation was organized on an uninhabited island in the primorsky region, the next shift came to be impressed by the wild nature, they were impressed, the living conditions turned out to be wild, the children they talk about the lack of hot water, the fact that they had to sleep... on mattresses that had become stiff after the rain, clean up the mess from the previous shift and scrub the toilets. in this video, children are being transported on a boat without life jackets. askolt island is located in a bay of the sea of ​​japan, ideal for ecotourism. people come here to see the rocky shores in the haze of fog and catch wild animals through the camera lens. askolt and dir organized a scientific and educational camp on the shores of a treasured corner of nature in 2021, and even received a grant. in subsequent years, he already worked without government support. recently, the prosecutor's office stated that an uninhabited island is not a place for children's leisure. the prosecutor strictly pointed out that
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in addition to the absence of an organization in the list of children's health organizations, the island askolt is classified as an area where such activities are prohibited, of which the manager was notified in writing. we also received a warning from the local administration; there are no conditions on the island to ensure the safety of children. in case of injury, evacuation and timely delivery of the victim to medical facilities. after these videos appeared on social networks , employees of the prosecutor’s office of the investigative committee went to the scene and a criminal case was initiated. according to investigators, in july 2024, residents of the region, in the absence of special permission created a scientific and educational field camp on askult island for children. the services provided did not meet life and health safety requirements. if the harsh living conditions can somehow be explained by the spartan approach to the education of young characters, then walking on
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the sea without life jackets is definitely beyond the law, the girl who recorded these videos was immediately taken by her parents to a reserved colorful corner, where young geniuses were promised to teach natural sciences, numerous tests await in natural conditions. galina hungureev, lead the duty unit. there is something to work on. the prosecutor general's office summed up the results of its own activities for the first half of 2024. the head of the supervisory department, igor krasnov, noted the significant volume of tasks completed. prosecutors identified almost 2,800 thousand violations, and almost 600,000 people were brought to justice. however, he noted that a number of high-profile tragic events require a fundamentally different level of inspections and response in the field of countering terrorism. as an example, he cited the terrorist attacks in the moscow region and dagestan, as well as the flood situation in dozens of regions of the country. this year , the flood situation has once again seriously worsened. more than 40 regions of our country were affected. obviously, no
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appropriate conclusions were drawn from similar events in past years. with proper supervision by prosecutors and timely response to the inaction of officials , the consequences would not have been so large-scale. in addition, prosecutors have questions in the field of housing and communal services, anti-corruption and when working with citizens’ appeals. according to the general prosecutor, supervisory activities need to be adjusted for more. the deputy chairman of the regional government was arrested in khabarovsk. accuses him of receiving bribes in the gigantic amount of 650 million rubles. according to investigators, he received so-called kickbacks when purchasing medical equipment for regional hospitals. word to alena skachkova. preparations for the most high- profile trial in recent times in khabarovsk began in the corridor. journalists fussed, fimida grabbed her sword, and the lawyer moved the arrows testator. finally,
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evgeniy nikonov, now the former deputy chairman of the regional government, was escorted into the hall before being detained. he wrote a letter of resignation, so to speak, threw off the burden of obligations, a business suit and shoes, and instead of them nikonov wore fashionable galoshes with holes. well, do you agree with the accusation? no. nikonov declares that he is not a corrupt official, but the investigation thinks differently. they have a thick folder of incriminating evidence on the former official. the materials of the criminal case allegedly provide evidence that the politician took kickbacks by 650 million rubles. he used his official position and personal acquaintance with representatives of the group to commit crimes for his illegal purposes. business. in addition to bribery, nikonov is charged with abuse of power. allegedly , he turned the healthcare sector entrusted to him into a personal money conveyor, allegedly making money from the purchase of medical equipment. here's how it happened, according to investigators. the former official entered into contracts only with grateful businessmen and received a percentage for this. among such friends of nikonov is the mysterious israeli herman svelikhovsky, general director
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of a company that supplied devices of dubious quality to local hospitals. he is on the federal wanted list. at the same time he admits. nikonov himself also had other tricks, for example, with documentation; non-existent devices on papers worked with all their might. i knew that a tomograph had been installed, the chief doctor signed the commissioning certificate without installing this tomograph, then some kind of investigation began, questions about who signed what, i naturally did not dive into, these are not my job responsibilities. investigators began unraveling this corruption tangle last year and detained him. a whole group of affiliated persons, including two assistants to the politician, madame kandakova and korneeva. they have been in pre-trial detention for a year now. now the investigators seem to have gotten to the head of this fish. my client was aware of this criminal proceeding long before his arrest, back in 2023. nikonov’s wife discovered a mini-vehicle fleet of premium infinity models worth
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several million. the searches took place in the office of the former official. computers were seized, hard disks, phones. the government is talking about this. i limited myself to a short note, i have no right to comment on the work of law enforcement agencies, i am on the side of those who want to work for the benefit of the residents, my main task is to protect the interests of the people. as a result , themis’ decision was harsh; nikonov will spend at least 2 months in pre-trial detention. the central district court of khabarovsk considered that the former deputy chairman of the government could escape. some materials allegedly indicate that the possibility of taking the politician to the territory was considered. israel. alena skachkova, lead duty department. now there is urgent news that our editors receive directly from the leningrad information agency. you can also see them on your screens. a citizen of uzbekistan, accused of attacking a capital bus conductor, was taken into custody. this was reported by the press service of the perovsky district court of moscow. she is charged with using violence against a government official. according to investigators, in
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early june, the conductor tried to detain the passenger to check the fare. here it is directly. footage of the fight: woman attacked an employee of mosgortrans, in order to avoid administrative liability, a criminal case was initiated against the violator for using violence against a government official, the article provides for a fine of up to 200,000 rubles and imprisonment for up to 5 years. in bashkiri, an illegal immigrant opened fire with a pistol at one of the local businessmen. luckily for the latter, the cartridges turned out to be blank, but since the shooting was carried out almost point-blank, the man still received a burn. the conflict broke out in the city of kumertau in the south of the republic. these shots eyewitnesses filmed: an armed gentleman threatens his interlocutor with a pistol, then the recording
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ends, as the victim claims, the attacker fired several times in his direction. now the situation is being sorted out. police researchers. the sleeve itself is 9pa, apparently this is it for the car. a local resident and foreign citizen born in 1990 was brought to the police department. a pistol adapted to fire blank cartridges was seized from him. it is known that a foreign citizen is on our territory countries with violations of migration legislation and was repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility. currently . the suspect is detained, investigative actions are being carried out with him, and the issue of choosing a preventive measure is being decided. in addition, an inspection was organized against employees of migration authorities in connection with information about the suspect’s violation of migration legislation for a long time. employees of the republican department of the investigative committee opened a criminal case of attempted murder
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for murder. the ministry of internal affairs clarified that the cause of the conflict was a money dispute, and the last time an illegal immigrant was fined for violating immigration laws was just a week ago, but the court then decided not to expel him from the country. dark business in the last square meters in sochi, police together with fsb officers traced the group that was selling places in the cemetery. according to the security forces, it included a former adviser to the head of the city. for each plot, the funeral workers allegedly demanded up to 3 million rubles. despite the fact that places should be allocated for free. the investigation committee is investigating the case. word to andrey romanov. members of the investigative team take a few steps through the luxurious interiors and politely greet the inhabitants of the dark home. the security forces have long been familiar with the owners of square meters furnished with special chic. the apartment belongs to one of the likely leaders of sochi.
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why are the defendants not particularly concerned about the fate of their finances? money came to them easily. according to media reports , dealers sold a piece of land for a grave in the cemeteries of the resort city in on average for 250,000 rubles. and this despite the fact that according to the law, places must be allocated free of charge. the organizer of the criminal scheme is said to be the former adviser to the mayor of the resort town, radion peshchur. allegedly, it was he who came up with the idea of ​​making money from the dead, and after that several more officials happily joined the churchyard business. businessman in the field of funeral services. according to the assigned roles, the attackers created conditions under which burial in cemeteries was impossible, without transferring bribes to them, the amounts
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of which ranged from 200,000 to 3 million rub. according to preliminary data, the monthly income of the organized group ranged from 10 to 15 million rubles. the probable organized crime group was based, as investigators report, in the buildings of the non-profit organization ritual, there too ... the security forces were in charge. only the name was non-commercial in the ritual; usobshey’s relatives were delicately and persistently explained that there were no free places in cemeteries. those who, even after these speeches, demanded that funerals be organized according to the law, were shamed for wanting to save money on the deceased. as a result, the required amount was most often available businessmen. for some time, before distribution among the participants of the organized crime group, the money was kept in a safe. look for the keys. there were no employees, no keys, and the safe turned out to be a sham, so it’s clear who would think of robbing a funeral home. searches were carried out at 25
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addresses at once; in total, investigators seized more than 15 million rubles and documents confirming their involvement in criminal business from potential members of the organized crime group. based on materials collected by police officers of the fsb department, the investigative committee opened a criminal case. in detainees will be selected soon. security forces do not exclude the possibility of new arrests in a high-profile criminal case; the funeral workers could still have accomplices at large. andrey romanov, lead the duty department. in st. petersburg , police had to open fire with pistols to stop the laying of asphalt. the workers were so engrossed in completing the task at hand that they did not stop even when night fell. and when local residents called the police because of the noise, the forklift driver threateningly pointed the bucket at patrol officers. can we stop? let's stop! hearing the shots, the driver finally came to his senses and slammed on the brakes; he was taken to the police station for investigations, such an employee of the month.
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they tried to pay off what they mined. in volgograd, enterprising businessmen tried to bribe employees of the cryptocurrency energy company. during one of the joint raids, police power engineers discovered an underground mining farm in one of the garage cooperatives. electronics owners did not pay their bills, despite the fact that the meter increased electricity the sum by six zeros. instead of covering the debts, the owners of the crypto garage suggested that the auditors forge it. act on excessive energy consumption offered a million rubles in virtual currency. the total debt amounted to almost 9 million rubles. the issue of reducing this amount was called upon to be resolved.
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two brothers, they offered bribes to volgograd-energo officials for illegally adjusting acts. further investigation revealed that the resourceful brothers may have four possible accomplices, and they had previously allegedly paid a bribe in cryptocurrency amounting to 15 million rub. a criminal case has been opened. in moscow, the indictment was heard in court by the former head of the st. petersburg main police department of the ilin region, sergei umnov, and his subordinates, also generals. the investigation believes that they rented out the premises of the traffic police departments to local businessmen, and... the total damage greatly exceeded 50 million rubles. word maxim shevchenko: the trial of the high-profile case of the generals in the khamovniki court of the capital is in full swing. there are still the same people behind bars as at the end of june, when the meeting started, now almost later it took a month and a half for the indictment to be read out ; they are accused of systematically receiving bribes; the array of documents is impressive. the criminal case contains 80 volumes, so from the first minutes in court
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the defendants tried to listen to... all the recommendations of the lawyers, everything is clear there, read it, it’s better now to slowly sit down and sign, residents of the northern capital are accustomed to seeing these people in tunics with shoulder straps rather than in ordinary civilian clothes. sergei umnov, ex-head of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs for st. petersburg, ilinoblast, trying follow status even behind iron bars in a business suit. but his colleagues changed their image radically during 2 years in pre-trial detention. general ivan obakumov grew a thick beard and threw on a baseball cap in his former bright plaid shirt. head of the traffic police department of the subject alexey semenov, and this is the former head of the legal department of the traffic police in st. petersburg , ilinoblast, elena kopyeva. all were detained 2 years ago; according to investigators, the police developed a large-scale corruption scheme. interdistrict registration and examination departments of the traffic police they entered into agreements with entrepreneurs for the free use of premises, and the businessmen
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allegedly sent money under the guise of donations to invoices under control. the investigation considered that the donations were bribes that were spent on purchasing premium cars, including a toyota land cruiser 200, as well as paying for subscriptions to fitness centers for the heads of the main directorate. the suv, which was listed on the fund’s balance sheet, allegedly ended up in general abakumov’s garage. later it turned out that this is only a small part of the personal equipment park. a yacht and other premium cars were also found. by the way, during the service of umny, semenov and abakomov on the street. petersburg, a certain mikhail barakin was seen driving a rolls-royce without a license, accompanied by a car with the symbols of the ministry of emergency situations, as our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigation program previously reported. are you confused, surprised? well, of course i'm surprised. it is possible that barakin was patronized by traffic police officers, in particular general sergei umnov, whom investigators consider the author of a large-scale corruption scheme. the trial has just started,
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but the st. petersburg generals. immediately, as they say, they refused, not admitting guilt in bribes. their lawyers, meanwhile, said that they did not even understand the essence of the charges. by the way, the damage caused by the activities of the generals has already been assessed in real figures; it could amount to almost 65 million rubles. maxim shevchenko, alexander mostovaya, lead. duty department. storm, no storm, the trip is paid for. for your attention, footage of the beach of sunny anapa after a strict ban on swimming. forecasters assessed the weather predicted a storm.
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the third stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces is in russia. izkhander moved to the designated areas, aviation is involved. what tasks do the military perform? one-time payment for fighters who sign. about service in the northern military district zone 400,000 rubles. but the regions are already reacting, adding their contribution. what amounts can the military count on and what is known about the timing? ukraine received the first batch of f-16 fighters. it is known that they gave little from the planes. and it is unclear when kiev will be able to use them. why does the west play dangerous games. a flurry of statements from the head of the hamas politburo. he has already been condemned in the kremlin and by israel.


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