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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 31, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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at 21:30 in russia, the third stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces iskhander moved into the designated areas and aviation is participating, what tasks are the military working out? a one-time payment for fighters who sign a contract to serve in the northern military district zone - 400,000 rubles. but the regions are already reacting, adding their contribution. what amounts can the military count on and what is known about the timing? ukraine received the first batch of f-16 fighters. it is known that few planes were given, it is unclear when kiev will be able to use them. why does the west play dangerous games. a flurry of statements about the murder of the head of the hamas politburo. he has already been convicted in the kremlin, israel.
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we will analyze high-profile political murders as a factor in global politics in detail. negotiations between vladimir putin and the elected president of indonesia focus on nuclear technology and trade. aeroflot intends to open flights to bale when they begin. and the olympic scandals, the number of e. coli is going through the roof. why erdogan did not go to the opening of the games and how in the world - they comment. the third stage of non-strategic nuclear exercises forces began in russia, they are taking place by decision of the president, iskander m missile systems have already moved into designated areas . the military is working on preparing units of the country’s armed forces for the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. details from egor grigoriev. a column of our rocket men is moving along washed out dirt roads.
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can carry a nuclear charge with a power of up to 50 kilotons, target deflection of only a meter, targeted destruction of large military installations and concentrations of enemy forces, other tactical missile systems, airplanes and helicopters at airfields. 50 kilotons is about three kererosims, so that you can roughly compare the air force in terms of destructive power, and the part that flies in - together with the iskander missile there at a range of up to 500 km, and this is so that you can, well,
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it’s natural to understand, to compare, because everyone has seen footage of the use of american atomic bombs, in hiroshima, in nagasaki. our operational-tactical missile system is the main striking force on earth, and the exercise is a response to the provocative actions of statements about unfriendly countries, about the possible deployment of foreign troops to ukraine, the supply of kiev f-16 fighters with anti-radar missiles, while nato continues to transfer troops and equipment to... the current to military bases closer to ukraine in order to completely remove, say, the military command and control system in in the city of kiev, yes, the military authorities will need several missiles or several strikes using tactical nuclear weapons, which will naturally cause contamination of the area, well, that means associated problems, so to speak, that as for the restrictions, then the restrictions apply... its use, that is, in general
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, we are free to use it, the fighters practice not just transferring to a given square, but also receiving missiles, charging complexes, launches, although electronic, but real ones could cool down hotheads not only in ukraine, within range are poland, latvia, lithuania, estonia, finland, sweden, denmark. tactical nuclear forces stationed in fraternal belarus are expanding the containment zone by hundreds of kilometers. and take regular places. iskander's arguments are always convincing, even with missiles without a nuclear warhead. in foreign media, july has already been called the month of success for our otrks. actions in the area of ​​their work result in inevitable damage, which increases significantly when nuclear charges are used. just recently, exercises of american systems took place. with cruise ships and
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ground- based aeroballistic missiles, which took place in europe, this also applies to short-range medium- range missiles. which in the future may be located in germany, if this happens, we have all the necessary fleet weapons in order to deliver an instant, retaliatory strike against all strategic decision-making targets of the enemy that will be available to us. the first and second stages of our exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces were successful, and training and testing were carried out by units of the southern and leningrad military districts and units of the aerospace forces. the navy has our tactical nuclear weapons and delivery vehicles on the ground, at sea and in the air. the current third stage is maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment to perform combat missions, which can be done at any time. egor grigoriev, olga albukhina, news. ukraine
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received the first batch of american f-16 fighters. the bloomberg agency reports this, citing its sources. according to these data, we are talking about a small amount. number of aircraft, ukrainians learned to fly them abroad, but it is not yet clear whether the ukrainian armed forces will be able to immediately use the equipment they received. even american pilots with extensive experience previously told the agency: fighters will not be able to change the course of the conflict, but in fairness, this has long been said and russian military. the bizness insider publication adds that russian long -range r-37 air-to-air missiles pose a particular threat to the f-16. they are located on su-35 and mig-30 aircraft. special forces commander akhmad, deputy head of the main military-political directorate of the russian ministry of defense, avty alauddinov, in an interview with our channel, noted that the russian military has enough means to cope with the v-16s. if these six fighters
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that they want to give to ukraine could change anything, believe me, they would they would have given it back in the twenty-second year, that is , not six, not 16. in the sixteenth they won’t change anything, they don’t have their own planes, or what? they have other aircraft, they are trying to use them, use them as much as possible, and what is the difference between the same f16 and the same weapons that they had before, absolutely nothing, that is, there will be six more new targets for our air defense, these 6f16 will go away, as they say, into oblivion in the same way... the weapons that were issued to them initially, starting at twenty second year. ukrainian formations attacked the belgorod region more than eighty times per day. according to the governor of the region, vyacheslav glodkov, the ukrainian armed forces fired over 60 rounds of ammunition. in shibikino
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, cluster munitions were allegedly used, and the roof of a high-rise building there caught fire. about the consequences - report by alexander korobov. the city of shibekina has been subjected to numerous fires over the past 24 hours. artillery strike from the enemy, the armed formations of ukraine hit residential areas with ammunition with cluster and warheads, residents did not suffered, but one of the apartment buildings had a direct hit from the cassettes, the roof caught fire, there was a hit in one of the apartments, a fire started, it started to burn on the second floor, it flew out the window, it turns out it hit the roof, that was scary, that it was early morning. and somehow the reaction, i say, we arrived still in shock, fire brigades immediately arrived at the scene, began to extinguish the fire, localized it quickly enough, the main problem is that there is still a certain amount of unexploded ammunition left in the courtyards, sappers, fighters
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territorial self-defense are combing the area, finding such cassettes, fencing them off, a decision will be made to destroy them, door-to-door inspection is also continuing, it is being clarified: the damage caused, but a large number of both apartment and private houses came under fire, vehicles were cut by shrapnel, all of the damage damage is established. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, conduct the belgorod region. become an auto courier and increase your income with yandex food. in mvidu eldorado, wow. ho-go, ho-go, what a benefit! we're giving away super discounts and 500 wow-gonus to everyone who blinked, you're done! place your order online and pick it up in 15 minutes in invidio or eldorado!
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astrakhon match, turn it on, i’ve been waiting for 20 years for this to happen, but you don’t wait, well, g5 gives, yandex tv station with alice, everything will be found, well, urgent news that comes in these moments regarding the situation in the middle east at the un in connection with the murder of ismail haniy, this meeting is scheduled to take place at 23:00 moscow time, our permanent mission to the un reports this. we are closely following this resonant topic. russian regions responded to vladimir putin’s recommendations to increase the lump sum payment to svo participants. we are talking about those who enter into a contract from august 1 to december 31. the president instructed
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to increase the federal payment to 400,000 rubles. regional initiatives are also added to this amount. and thus, in bashkiria, for example, the payment will be 1 million 200,000 rubles. our correspondent margarita semenyuk has details. a decree was signed today by the head of state vladimir putin on increasing regional payments, as well. about the new federal payment, by the way, i note that the regions of russia, a number of regions of russia have already actively responded to this decree, they are already beginning to announce an increase in regional payments, for example, one of the first regions that announced this is the lipetsk region, they increased size a one-time payment, now it is 6,000 rubles, in total, volunteers who entered into a contract with the ministry of defense in lipetsk. regions will receive a total of 1 million rubles in a one-time
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payment. i would like to note that the decree, which the head of state vladimir putin signed today, also contains a clause that recommends that all regions of russia increase the lump sum payment. recommend that the highest officials of the constituent entities of the russian federation establish implementation for the persons named in paragraph one of this decree, a one-time cash payment of at least 400,000 rubles. at the expense. funds of the constituent entities of the russian federation. from august 1 , these military personnel who left for the territory of the northern military district will receive this one-time payment. in addition, i would like to say that the mayor of moscow. a one-time payment from the moscow government in the amount of 1.9 million rubles was introduced. this payment is the maximum on the territory of the russian federation, which will allow us to recruit the armed forces of the russian federation, send people to the zone esvo. i will note again, indicate the deadlines,
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you can apply for a one-time payment, a new federal and regional one. those volunteers who sign a contract with the ministry of defense from august 1 to the end of 2024, but i note that this summer some regions have also already increased the size of the lump sum payment, i note that the maximum payment is in the capital, almost 2 million rubles . in total, contract soldiers from the capital going to a special military operation zone will receive more than 5 million rubles for an annual contract. the increase is also recorded in st. petersburg, also in the sverdlovsk region in the rostov region. i decided to increase it to 1,200,000 rubles. a one-time payment for those who, during the period from july 27 to august 31 of this year, will enter into a contract in the rostov region for military service in the armed forces of the russian
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federation for a year or more. we are taking these steps to encourage the involvement of citizens in... contract military service. well, it’s worth noting that in the rostov region this payment can be received not only by residents of this region, but also those volunteers who will go to the front from the rostov region, who will sign the contract there. i will note that also in the stavropol territory there is also an increase in payments, they note that now it is very important to provide support to the military who decide to go to the front to defend the country, and accordingly it is also important to support. families who remain, so to speak, in civilian life, in order to ensure victory, it is not enough today to provide assistance to the front, it is not enough today to work with the families who remained here on the territory of the stavropol territory, and it is also necessary to stimulate contract service. elena vasilyevna, i will ask you, therefore, to make changes to our payments and
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bring them to one and a half million per signing. contracts, according to the defense department, since the beginning of 2024, about 190,000 people have signed contracts throughout the country, that is, about a thousand recruits come to military registration and enlistment offices every day. margarita semenyuk, evgeniy turchak, mikhail utkin, news. cooperation in the nuclear sector and trade, investments in the development of energy and transport and infrastructure became the key topics of negotiations between vladimir putin and... the elected president of indonesia, probov subiant, in the kremlin. let me remind you that he won the february elections, his inauguration is scheduled for october. the leaders also discussed the upcoming agreement on the creation of a free trade zone between the eac and indonesia. subianta supported moscow’s decision to open a consulate general in denpasar and announced the possibility of starting direct flights from russia to bali. and this is how both leaders generally
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assessed the bilateral relations between our countries. we are celebrating 75 years of establishing diplomatic relations between our countries, i must note that trade and economic ties have recently been developing very successfully, despite the pandemic and all the events that are happening around russia and the restrictions associated with it, we are still growing trade turnover has doubled in recent years, this is a very good trend. she continues to make us happy, i hope that the situation will continue. when we experienced difficulties, russia came to our aid. inherited from our ancestors had such a relationship, we must not forget about those who supported us. i have held discussions with some representatives of your industry, and we are open to
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russia participating more actively in our economy. we also discussed the possibility of cooperation with rosatom in the field of nuclear energy. i would like to invite russian participants to our naval parade, which will take place in early 2025. we also received an invitation to participate in your parade on the occasion of navy day navy, and i promised your minister of defense that we would take part in it. vladimir putin sent a telegram of condolences to the president and prime minister of india in connection with the loss of life due to a landslide in the state of kerolo. the russian leader also asked to convey words of sympathy and support. let me add, according to the latest data, the death toll as a result of the fall of the opal reached 163, almost 200 people were injured, and about a hundred more are listed as missing. israeli prime minister convenes government meeting to discuss response to threats of retaliation for the murder of ismail haniya. the head of the politburo of the palestinian hamas movement
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was killed in an airstrike on his residence in tehran. iran and hamas blamed israel for the attack. the jewish state does not officially comment on the situation. elizaveta khramtsova with details. a threat to the entire region. official moscow condemned the murder of the head of the political wing of hamas. emphasizes that one operation could jeopardize all the diplomatic developments of recent months. we strongly condemn this attack, which resulted in the death of yanahaina. we believe that such actions are directed against attempts to establish peace in the region and, moreover, can significantly destabilize the already tense situation. when talking about who might be involved in israel's decision to carry out the operation, experts point to something recent. trip of the head of the country's government to the united states. benjamin netanyahu spoke with current government officials, with longtime ally donald trump. many experts and a number of sources report that the united states gave
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the green light to netanyahu to begin, and let’s say thus, more intense military action against the lebanese shiite movement hezbollah. because initially it was quite tough, firstly, the united states, one way or another, well, at least in words, limited certain supplies.
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russia, iraq and syria.
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the german frankfurter allgameine called gebelhoniya a humiliation of iran. the newspaper writes that tehran will have to respond, but a burning region is not in its interests. and political commentators point out that not a single israeli operation to eliminate one or another high-ranking politician or officer, was never given to the jewish state. the killings weaken hamas and hezbollah, but on the other side new political minds are emerging. if you want to weaken hezbollah, as well as the houthis or hamas, you need to do it ideologically, to eliminate the cause, and this may include, in particular, a truly political solution to the palestinian-israeli issue. and those who advocate a diplomatic solution to the conflict emphasize that if the solution is the coexistence of two states in the region, israel. palestine will cease to exist exclusively political will be implemented in life, then the situation in the region can really change for the better. khramtsov, to lead. well, continuing the topic,
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a message from the riya novosti agency. the body of hezbollah commander fuad shukr was found under rubble in beiruti after an israeli strike. let me remind you of this, riya novosti reports citing a local source. no official announcements yet. no. in britain, police detained three people during riots in the english city of southport. they broke out the day before after an attack on children. conflict ethnic and far from the only one. what are the authorities doing about all this? evgenia petrukhina sorted it out. blow after blow, in rage, they attack the police cars. the streets of british southport were covered in a wave of unrest. they broke out after the murder of three children in a dance studio. the girls were stabbed to death. football fans from
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the english defense league are clearly unhappy with the flow of migrants into the country, from which there is no way out, this is how the average briton feels when his children are killed, when foreigners with fundamentalist beliefs are absolutely ignorant, commit some brazen crimes, this is starting to anger the english suburbs, irritate, balloons of hundreds of colors, the port says goodbye to the girls killed in...
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had to deal with the special response services, this is really difficult for anyone to accept. in an interview with journalists, starmer did not defend a single word, for example, about tightening immigration policy, but he promised to punish the bandits and published a post on social networks. meanwhile, on british telethons, london mps compare today's britain to france, which, as they say, has reached the end of its rope in the migration crisis. over the last 10 days we have had our face in turmoil. manchester riots, wychapel riots, southport riots, we had a machete, all this in 10 days, and we'll see more and more of this, and people like me have been warning for years, citing france, saying, "look at france ". look what this policy, this immigration, leads to. the laborites will not say what this policy leads to; they are afraid of losing votes. to maintain their positions, parliamentarians
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even closed down the conservative program. refused to deport illegal immigrants to rwanda, so it will now be even more difficult to expel those crossing the lomanche from london, it is obvious that the flow of migrants there will most likely increase in the near future, in the twenty-second-twenty-third year more than 700,000 illegal migrants crossed annually arrived on the territory of britain, whereas before, the bulk of migrants in britain left, well, mainly european countries, there is eastern europe, the same poland, for example, yes, well, which one...
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