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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 31, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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russian business is actively involved in helping soldiers and volunteers who work in the northern military district zone. over 2 years, entrepreneurs transferred more than 15 billion rubles. 12 thousand tons of humanitarian aid were collected. all of it was accumulated in the regional branches of the popular front and delivered to soldiers on the front line and civilians in liberated cities. we have one company that regularly donates cars to us, where they have already donated more than 200 units, and these are new cars. weird cars, sought-after pickups, uh-huh, yeah, that is, there is such a company, we don’t even count it in money, or there are our good friends and partners who endlessly transport these machines for us from regions, starting from the far east to rostov in order to bring them to the fighters, yes, that is , we can safely say that the whole country is involved and a huge number of both businesses and simply... caring people in our country
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help the front every day. every month , business assistance to the front becomes more targeted and detailed. russian entrepreneurs keep in touch with units in the area of ​​special military operations and sensitively responds to all new requests from the military taking part in hostilities. such powerful support helps soldiers and officers maintain their morale and bring victory closer. according to the ministry of defense, the russian group of troops-center continued to advance in a western direction and defeated it with the formation of six brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. in this sector, the enemy lost up to 350 troops. the groupings of troops west, south and east improved their positions over the course of the day. all these connections are ukrainian
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the army lost more than 1,300 people, six ammunition depots, a leopard tank and other equipment. russian air defense systems shot down over forty drones, two khaimars missiles, and a long-range guided missile . the third stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces has started in russia. they take place by decision of the president. iskander m. a missile systems advanced to the designated areas .
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iskander. iskander missiles will fly up to 500 km and can carry a nuclear charge with a power of up to 50 kilotons. the target deviation is only a meter, targeted destruction of large military installations and concentrations of enemy forces, other tactical missile systems, airplanes and helicopters at airfields. 50 kilotons is about three kerosemes, which could be roughly compared in terms of the destructive power of that part . well, it flies there together with the iskander missile at a range of up to 500 km, and this is something that could be understood as if naturally, as if compared, since well , everyone saw footage of the use of american atomic bombs there in panagasaki, our operational-tactical missile system - the main striking force on earth, and the teaching is a response to provocative actions by statements from unfriendly countries about the possible deployment of foreign troops to ukraine, about the supply of a fighter jet to kiev? equipment to
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the east, to military bases closer and closer to ukraine, in order to completely remove, say, the military command and control system in the city of kiev, and the military command and control authorities, several missiles or several means strikes using tactical nuclear weapons will be required, which will naturally cause contamination of the area , well...
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actions: poland, latvia, lithuania, estonia, heads not only in ukraine, within a radius of finland, sweden, denmark, tactical nuclear forces stationed in fraternal belarus are expanding the containment zone. hundreds of kilometers more, take regular places. iskander's arguments are always convincing, even with missiles without a nuclear warhead. in foreign media, july has already been called the month of success for our otrks. actions in the area of ​​their work inevitably cause damage, which increases significantly when nuclear charges are used. just recently, american exercises took place systems with ground-based aeroballistic cruise missiles. which took place in europe, this also applies to short-range intermediate-range missiles, which in the future may be deployed in germany; if this happens, we have the entire necessary weapons fleet in order to
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deliver an instant retaliatory strike on all targets strategic decision-making of the enemy who will be available to us. the first and second stages of our non -strategic nuclear exercises... of course, ukrainians learned to manage abroad, it is still unclear whether the ukrainian armed forces will be able to immediately use the equipment, and even american pilots with extensive experience previously told
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the agency that fighters will not be able to change the course of the conflict. actually, the russian military has been talking about this for a long time, the publication adds that it poses a particular threat to the f-16.
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they use it as much as possible, and what makes the same f16 different from the same weapons that they had until now is absolutely nothing, that is, there will be more. six new targets for our air defense, these 6 f-16s will just as well go, as they say, into oblivion, just like the weapons that were issued to them initially, starting in the twenty-second year. cooperation in the nuclear industry and trade, investments in the development of energy, transport and infrastructure became the topics of negotiations between vladimir putin and the elected president of indonesia probov subbiant in the kremlin. let me remind you, he won. victory in the elections in february, inauguration in october. the leaders also discussed the preparation of an agreement on the creation of a free trade zone between the eac and indonesia. subianta supported moscow’s decision to open a consulate general in dempasari, said about the possibility of starting direct flights from russia to bali. and here is the assessment of the leaders
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of bilateral relations between the countries. next year we celebrate 75 years of diplomatic relations. the situation will continue. when we experienced difficulties, russia came to our aid. having inherited such relationships from our ancestors, we must not forget about those who supported us. i have held talks with some representatives of your industry, we are open to russia
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participating more actively in our economy. also we discussed the possibility of cooperation with rosatom in the field of nuclear energy. i would like to invite russian participants to our naval parade, which will take place in early 2025, we have also received an invitation to participate in your parade on the occasion of navy day, and i promised your minister of defense that we will take part in it participation. russia contacts. and indonesia on the military side today discussed the minister of defense. moscow views jakarta as one of the most important partners in asia and counts on participation of indonesian observers in military exercises on the territory of our country. here is a fragment of the statement by the minister of defense. andrey belous. we consider indonesia as one of russia’s most important partners in the asia-pacific region. this year marked the 74th anniversary.
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between indonesia and the russian federation are very good, we consider as already known, our relations today with the russian federation as an excellent friend of indonesia, we have a very long history of friendship and cooperation, and russia will also always be with us helped, helped indonesia in any critical times, and we will never... forget it. now let's return to the situation in the special operation zone from the avdeevsky direction
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, a report by alexey boranov. movement in the forest belt occurs only after receiving a combat mission. tankers always act together with reconnaissance, changing each other on the line of combat contact. the t-90 breakthrough operates from a closed firing position, from here to the front line is approximately 6 km. so we march at top speed. vehicles of the central military district are moving to the front line, on the way we began to be surrounded by minomi and artillery, they know that there is a crew that brazenly comes in, we just fly in, do our job and get ready, simultaneously with the work of the tankers, massive artillery training is also taking place, the artillerymen of the central military district, fired quickly,
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changed position, with i shot at another point, also went for cover, the target arrives, we go out, we shoot at the dugouts, according to the mortar crews, here is footage of objective control, the camera of the same drone that reached the target confirms the result the blow dealt to...
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the government of mikhail mishustin about money , it began with the words of the chairman of the payment of awards to parents who have many
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children. at the initiative of the head of state, women raising at least ten children are awarded the title of mother heroine. he is entitled to a one-time payment of 1 million rubles. mom and dad, who have seven or more children, are awarded the order of parental glory, they are entitled to 5,000 rubles. well, for those who have over four. kids are provided with medals of this order and rewards in in the amount of 2000 rubles. the prime minister noted that a large family should become the norm in the philosophy of social life and... those born between january 1, 2019, and december 31, 2019, will be able to receive 450,000 rubles to pay as a payment on a housing
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loan. in this case, the loan agreement must be concluded before the beginning of july of the thirty-first year. separate. mikhail mishustin announced additional financing for mortgages for it specialists. we are talking about 23 billion rubles, which will be allocated in excess of the previously provided amounts. thus also 2,500 employees will be able to take advantage of the benefit, well, in a broad sense, this is tens of thousands of russian families. the government will increase budget allocations for it mortgages by 23 billion rubles. which will allow for at least 2,500 more employees.
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i draw your attention to the fact that this is the maximum rate, it can be reduced due to some regional programs, due to bank programs, due to developers’ programs, there are enough such programs, there are many of them on the market, uh, that’s why - that’s why we’re talking that the rate of 6% is maximum rate, maximum mortgage amount 9 million rubles. and this amount can be spent on purchasing either a finished one or one under construction. housing on the primary market, or for individual housing construction. also at the government meeting, it was announced that additional funds would be allocated to the kaliningrad region, talking about reimbursement of costs for sea cargo transportation under sanctions. thanks to increased funding, the region will be able to receive another 500,000 tons of cargo, which is now needed for construction
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social facilities, residential buildings, modern industrial enterprises. all these projects require sustainable logistics. including the constant supply of materials, raw materials and export of finished products, on behalf of the head of state, we will allocate an additional 1,400 million rubles this year. these funds will be used to subsidize the transportation of half a million tons of cargo necessary for the development of the kaliningrad region. the measures announced by mikhail mishustin concern different social groups from the areas of development of our country. all decisions made are united by one thing the goal, as the prime minister emphasized, is to support families, especially large families. this is always a government priority. the spring session in the state duma has ended: for the first time in the history of modern russia, deputies formed a government, more than 300 laws were adopted, about a third of them are socially significant, they concern the support of families with children, pensioners, and participants in special operations. varvara
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nevskaya followed the plenary session. the state duma officially completed its work within the sixth. the results of the parliament's work within the framework of the spring chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin summed up the semester. at the beginning of his speech, he said that before the plenary session he had a conversation with russian president vladimir putin and conveyed the head of state’s gratitude to
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the parliamentarians for their work on important decisions that were made for the benefit of the country. volodin also noted. that the sixth session that ended was the longest, and it lasted from january to june, was remembered with a large number of important legislative initiatives. the state duma for the first time in history modern russia was formed by the government. chairmen, deputy chairmen, and federal ministers were approved. deputies exercised new powers on behalf of their constituents. the next stage of joint work between the legislative and executive powers has arrived, now the state duma together with the government of the russian federation. bear responsibility for the effectiveness of solving problems in the interests of our country and citizens. during this session, 331
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laws were adopted, of which 215 were laws of direct effect, 92 were socially significant. the big block was dedicated to supporting those who especially need it, families with children, svo participants, pensioners. thus, bills were passed to increase military pensions, participants in a special military operation were exempted from paying interest during the credit holiday period, and the wives of deceased combat veterans received additional labor guarantees. 92 bills are socially significant, so pensions for working pensioners were indexed, the mortgage repayment assistance program for large families was extended, as stated by the leader of the communist party russian federation gennady zyugan. the last session was fruitful and long, and the work within it was intense, but extremely effective. we fully supported the
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demands that were made and expressed by the president. the government introduced draft laws. moreover, on our own initiative, we introduced 216 laws, 79 of them were adopted. we sent 117 convoys to donbass and new regions. the last time, everything that the guys from the front line asked for, the commanders came, and 18 thousand children, i thank everyone who participated in this extremely important and the required operation. the head of the ldpr faction, leonid silutsky, said that the parliamentary semester was difficult, russia continues to confront western threats, but the president’s ideas and approaches are the dominant basis for the formation of a new world. we see that a new global majority is being formed in the world, the countries of latin america, africa, a significant part of the countries
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of the large eurasian continent, it should be noted that they act on the basis , among other things, of the ideas and approaches of the president of russia for a multipolar world, for a peaceful, stable etc. .. history summing up the results of the spring session sergei mironov, leader of the a just russia for truth faction, especially emphasized those socially significant bills that the party lobbied for during the spring session. about a social card, assistance through which the poor could receive everything they need. in terms of demography, of course, a lot has been done, but here,
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i cannot help but note, dear colleagues, the year of the family has passed the equator. still, we probably need to hurry up and make the necessary decisions, really in favor of large families families, our proposal is well known, this is the parental salary. it takes more than 2 years for schoolchildren to retake the unified state exam, which is too long. several dozen people said thank you for introducing such a procedure, it is not necessary to cancel the unified state exam or...
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the head of the united russia faction expressed confidence that during the spring session the parliament fulfilled almost a historical mission, allowing legislatively to create conditions under which the economy could not only ensure the fulfillment of task goals special military operation, but also peaceful life. parliament essentially fulfilled a historical mission in difficult times, at a time when, in essence, we are conducting a special military operation, when against russia...
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what is not shown here is written like this for a man with a broken head on the asphalt, here in spanish: the same a man, alive and well, leaves on a motorcycle, the video was filmed after the previous bloody scene, there are streaks on the asphalt, this is a manual for the color revolution, the opposition speaks out first, which means the opposition says that it does not agree with the election results, its supports... voting, smashing windows, overturning cars, burning tires, naturally, the army and police intervene, a new point in the development of the situation is the shedding of blood. the signature of the ukrainian maidan was the smoke of burning tires, venezuelan protests take place amid the roar of fires, and here and there, the protesters had sticks, cobblestones, and molotov cocktails
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. everyone expected such protests to take to the streets, just like in those organized from outside, for this purpose foreign agents were already trained there, they were ready in ukraine, when they called to drink coffee on the square on the maidan, the students were also activated, i mean primarily for money, that the protesters were paid $150 a day, the elected president nicolas maduro for... as soon as the unrest began, so similar to the beginning of any color revolution, during which, as a rule, monuments fly from their pedestals, then in kiev to lenin, now in caracas to ugachavis, who provided venezuela with sovereignty from the americans, they stopped controlling production and exports oil. those people who call themselves the opposition are people who work literally according to the methodological methods of the us embassy, ​​what the americans are trying to do now, they have been trying to do for all these years
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, with the fade away and jokes. but i think that the most important thing is that the current president maduro won, his people supported him, the army supported him, the participants in the current protests are filming everything on their mobile phones , day and night, and then amazing footage of protests in...
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