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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 31, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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he asked putin, with whom i spoke today, to do this, to thank the deputies of the state duma for their work, for the laws adopted, for the decision, which is very important for the country.
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the state duma, by the way, does a lot, you see, the president monitors how it works so that democracy, parliamentarism and many other things really develop we achieved precisely thanks to the support of the president; when things don’t work out for us, we turn to him, and he does everything to ensure that...
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for the first time in the history of modern russia, the state duma formed a government, chairmen, deputy chairmen, federal ministers, and deputies were approved exercised new powers on behalf of their constituents. the next stage of joint work between the legislative and executive powers has arrived, now the state duma together with the government.
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pensioners, adopted a law on increasing military pensions, participants in a special military operation were exempted from paying interest for the period of credit holidays, the wives of deceased combat veterans received additional labor guarantees, a decision was made to simultaneously receive two pensions for disabled children, disabled people from childhood whose parents died during a special operation, expanded. goths for family members, heroes of the soviet union, heroes of the russian federation and full holders of the order of glory. an important issue we have discussed is the improvement of tax legislation, the result was the introduction of a progressive taxation scale, while the personal income tax rate will not change for the vast majority of citizens. this is a matter of fairness, and we have implemented it. but to whom
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more is given, more income, therefore there is more demand, this is also an approach to... which was implemented when the law on improving the tax system was adopted, as a result of the work of deputies, the law was significantly improved, and here we must say words of gratitude to our the relevant committee, its chairman andrei mikhailovich makarov, a lot has been done, and most importantly, dear colleagues, we have all the proposals made by the president regarding improving this law. and the implementation of the new norms was implemented, so the law has changed, and now the tax norms that have been adopted, i want to emphasize once again, based on a progressive scale,
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will not affect the income of participants in a special military operation and additional payments, allowances that citizens working in extreme areas receive north. and other regions with special living conditions. received into the budget additional funds will be used to finance new national projects and fulfill the instructions of the president, which means that the development goals of our country will be achieved. investment in infrastructure, construction of housing, roads, knowledge-intensive industries and high technology will increase. also as part of tax changes. a law was adopted that established an annual family payment for citizens with two or more children; about 4 million families raising over 10 million children will receive it. on the initiative of vladimir vladimirovich putin, it was adopted a decision that everyone has been waiting for a long time, we
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have reached it overcoming challenges and obstacles, we are talking about the indexation of pensions. therefore, the economic model has shown its stability and efficiency, and as a result, funds for indexation have been found from february 1, 2025; pensions will be increased annually not only for those who have already retired, but also for those who continue
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to work. dear colleagues, this is very important for us, during meetings and election campaigns, our voters constantly in... their constituencies, people about this tell you, as part of the implementation of the president’s message, changes were made to the federal budget for 2024, the planning period of 2026, 25 and 26, more than 159 billion
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rubles were allocated to finance the message. the main part of the instructions concerns the support of families with children, i see nastanin as chairman. in the amount of 450,000 rubles. for large families, provided for by mortgages, among other socially significant decisions, i would like to note the ban on trash streams, the sale of energy drinks to children and the operation of nolivokas. citizens addressed all
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these topics, questions, we asked to protect the health of our children, to protect them from harmful habits, the deputies adopted the necessary laws, which we discussed with you today, there is satisfaction in the fact that we are discussing the topics that voters are asking for, in the first and second in general, it is very important, which everyone has been waiting for a long time and hoped for its adoption,
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we are talking about improving migration legislation. we receive many requests, the topic is raised during meetings, it is important for us that migrants coming to russia know russian language, respected our laws, traditions, culture, in this case.
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they come here so that we can study the russian language and our culture less, when there are problems, and they arise due to disrespect for our laws, traditions, ignorance of the russian language, which is why the adopted amendment on additional funding for slavic universities in kyrgyzstan and armenia,
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a colleague proposes nilov, we will support if they are reasonable and resolve issues, we don’t have any political differences here, we don’t compete here, everything that concerns strengthening the power of the country, increasing the well-being of citizens, establishing order, we decide, despite our political affiliations, this is the strength of the state duma, parliament, difficult times... especially, we must do everything to be together, understand that the main party for us
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it is a country. we still have 22 bills under consideration aimed at regulating migration control, determining the legal status of foreign citizens, issues related to the granting of citizenship, the work will... continue, we created a special commission, determined the priority, so we would like our colleagues from the government to do the same, this is a common task, we must communicate and decide, i must say that the government has begun to listen to deputies more, the efficiency of interaction has increased, we we note this, and i would like to express words of gratitude to both the chairman of the government and the ministers, not all, but the majority still hear, engage in dialogue, and there is a result, and of course, to the authorized
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representative of the government, who is more gets everything, both from us, and, probably, from his... colleagues, thank you, alexandrevich, colleagues, another important area is the international agenda, the tenth brix parliamentary forum was held in st. petersburg, this year russia is chairing the unification, today the share of the brix state in world gdp at purchasing power parity has grown to 36.8%, think about it, while the share of countries is large. has dropped to 29%, and this gap will only increase. our country has become the fourth largest economy in the world and the first economy in europe. there you are the result of the work of the president, government agencies, and, of course, the cohesion of society. without
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this, it’s unlikely that anything would have happened, because people united. provides support, and we see the result, upholding the principles of respect, mutually beneficial cooperation, taking into account national interests, russia is strengthening as one of the centers of the multipolar world, we are actively developing our inter-parliamentary contacts, expanding the dialogue with colleagues from asia, africa, latin america, the middle east east, discussed measures. to counter challenges and threats collective security at a meeting of the parliamentary assembly of the adkb in almaty , the 66th session of the parliamentary assembly of the union of belarus of russia was held, visits to saudi arabia, iran, algeria, kazakhstan, belarus, nicaragua and cuba were held
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, the ninth meeting of the interparliamentary commission on cooperation of the federal assembly of the all-china assembly took place.
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for some reason it was called the parliamentary assembly, it is an appendage, a department of some kind of state department. we see no point in tolerating discrimination, double standards and russophobia, have become the norm for her. and we advise all our colleagues representing national parliaments, european, and primarily states, to do the same if they do not want to turn out to be puppets.
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american and european leaders dragged their countries into the war in ukraine. anti-russian policies cost them dearly. the eu economy is stagnating, the migration crisis is worsening, people are demanding solutions to internal problems. macron, scholz, sunak and others, having lost the support of voters, are defeated in the elections. well that’s also correct to say this: the initiator of all these sanctions and the war in ukraine.
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for our part, contribute to the development and strengthening of security on the globe, building a multipolar world. we have work ahead in the districts, there are reports to be made to voters, orders that will definitely come, politicians don’t have vacations. now everyone is counting, how much vacation do the deputies have, where will they go? the one who is going to go to the electoral circles will go. get back to work, comrades, this is me to the media, which from year after year they don’t believe and think that someone
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will go to the maldives, no one will go to the maldives, in accordance with the new federal law, going there, but in fact, for the purity of relations, no one is going there, that’s what i... can to say justifiably, thank you. dear colleagues, what are your suggestions? everyone wants to listen, work. aisan the sword , especially since tolstoy just said, he had no intention of going anywhere except abkhazia. dear colleagues, thank you
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very much for your work, the sixth session is announced closed. russia, sacred, our power, russia, beloved.
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valodnoye, let's go, people, congratulations to our glory!
10:57 pm
let us be strong, saved, ours knew yours, the protsky people of our own, svenіvats.
10:58 pm
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11:00 pm
the russian army successfully repelled all vzo attacks. groupings center for. under the east and south continued to occupy more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost another 2,130 soldiers and mercenary officers per day. two tanks were destroyed, including a german leopard, five other armored vehicles, over thirty howitzers and self-propelled guns, mostly american, were destroyed. british polish production. air defense forces shot down 42 combat drones, two himmers missiles and a guided missile.


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