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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 1, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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respect for human rights, no, there are no red lines for israel, they do not comply with any norms, there is no provision of international law that would not be trampled upon, not a single child, not a single woman, not a single man is safe, any of them , they consider themselves a legitimate target. this coalition of government extremists and the military believe that they are safe, that they will, this time, be able to escape responsibility for the murders that they committed. they think this is so because it was possible before since then, no resolution, no orders have been respected, no demands for...
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the gaza strip continues, at the same time, in the west bank, including in east jerusalem, terrorists and the israeli military have killed at least 560 palestinians, including children. israel's illegal colonial settlements are another violation of their becoming increasingly. mr. chairman, members of the security council, how long in the absence of any responsibility, any application of sanctions in order to put an end to these crimes, until when?
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the security council and the special working group have already expressed this opinion: israel has no sovereign rights, and no right of self-defense in the territory in
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which it is currently located, in flagrant violation of international law, this is an illegal occupation in all its manifestations must be completed and...
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to protect the palestinian people and to prevent a regional war, which now clearly poses an obvious threat. the international community must do choice. if you are for peace and security, don't let israel drag us into the abyss. thank you, mr. chairman and distinguished members. so, it was a broadcast from the un security council, it was dedicated to the terrorist attack in iran, during which he died. the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, a key negotiator with israel. can gold cure cancer? why did soviet jewelers work underground, like cosmonauts taking golden selfies in orbit? after the commercial, watch
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the documentary that will answer these and other questions. program. loyalty izberspasibo has been updated and has become even more profitable with a sberm subscription, plus two top cashback categories, 1% on everything, twice as many bonuses every month, in sber it’s more profitable with prime. baltika 8 non-alcoholic. shake the bottle before filling the glass until all the facets of the impeccable wheat taste are revealed. a fairy tale chicken is needed for sweet dreams. rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers in the tasty spot, new curry sauce in chicken premium and chicken hit curry, try it in the tasty spot, you confirm translation, we will protect you from spam and scammers now
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same and 100% malt. baltika 3 non-alcoholic. touch the croc star. one of my friends has the fastest mobile internet, cool video, how high the speed is, you haven’t connected it yet with 5g, although you better not need it, megaphone number one in terms of coverage speed, it’s called a dream, okko online cinema is the world, which
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i see, under the silver foil there is a delicious chocolate layer, inside is beautiful, perfect, plambier, airy, natural, happy mic in the heat of july carries a silver bullet. humanity has lived on earth for 8 million years, all this time the world around us is constantly changing, regimes are born and die, states appear and disappear, currencies are introduced and depreciated, but there is something that will never change, this is gold. they say about it: highly liquid, which means that no matter what happens, gold will always be
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expensive. liquid from the latin word flowing liquid. for hundreds and thousands of years, it is gold, the most ductile metal, that flows through arteries of our world, protecting us from a variety of troubles, from the consequences of financial crises, from radiation, even from dangerous diseases and extinction. and at all times there was and is nothing more reliable than the old.
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my name is mark zotkin, i am a private investor, specializing in investments in gold mining companies, and gold is everywhere, from the computer lying next to you, even when we pay in a restaurant to the post-terminal, this is where we put the card, it also contains there is gold in itself, even the simplest calculator chinese will contain 5 ppm, well , that is, this is an insignificant amount, that is, it is less than 5 g per ton in tv boards, in computers, in phones, all photographic equipment
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is the same, that is, it contains everything, a colloidal solution of gold is a suspension of metallic gold nanoparticles in water, like sand in water, only sand is our nano-sized gold nanoparticles, which... we cannot see with our eyes, the nanoparticles we obtain have special chemical properties, they can be used by us for diagnostics of oncology, cancer diseases, as an indicator piece of paper. we need to transfer the dissolved gold into a reaction flask, heat it and add it, reduce it. agent, we must obtain gold nanoparticles from 1 to 3 nnom. these nanoparticles, of
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a certain size, will have special activity for solving our problems. a gold nanoparticle is obtained as a result of converting gold from a dissolved form into a solid phase. making a diagnosis as early as possible is the most important task for doctors around the world. for this in oncology gold has been used for several years now. the federal oncology center named after petrov near st. petersburg was one of the first in the world to begin developing a method for the earliest possible diagnosis of lymphomas, a group of deadly diseases. the technologies that have been used for the last 50 years have grown to some kind of ceiling, that is, in the early stages of development and tumors, something happens that is still barely perceptible, but using the methods of this standard analytics it simply cannot be caught, that is the methods are not sensitive enough, errors can be very large, at the wrong time a diagnosis was made, a man was treated with his
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oncological disease, it went from the first stage to the third, he became inoperable. the purpose of our technique is a banal diagnosis, it’s just an order of magnitude more sensitive than what currently exists. gold in this story, it just provides this high reaction sensitivity, completely incomparable with current methods. that is, gold begins to work much earlier than any existing technology. this technique is simply taking blood from the patient. and a blood test. this does not require any other procedures such as biopsies or operations for this purpose. to confirm the disease, all we need to do is just take blood and send it for analysis, this is a pretty promising world, this is actually the procedure for analyzing small pieces of cells from plasma using gold nanoparticles, when the gold particle becomes a few
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nanometers in size there 2 3 4 5 it begins to work like an enzyme, that is, this is what this whole story is about, we add particles here, that we have isolated from plasma, those specific particles, among which we are looking for something that signals a disease, by simply making gold from one piece a million small ones, it ceases to be gold, it becomes something else, this is a miracle, yes, now there is no explanation for this, gold helps patients control the course of the disease. protect against unnecessary chemotherapy or, conversely, start chemotherapy earlier so that the patient recovers earlier. this is a proven effective method. so i carefully mix it all, now visualization is happening results, it is already turning blue in my hands, how blue it becomes reflects the number of these marker plasma particles. in this situation, if we
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analyzed the plasma of a patient with cat's lymphoma during his. advanced in russia, probably one of the first, including in the world. gold from the course of chemistry, physics, we remember, inert metal does not oxidize, that is, we use it in electronics, the second is the cable industry there, because a cable made of gold is guaranteed to last 25 years and transmit a signal to launch a rocket, for roscosmos, all its needs, that is , super-expensive cable products are used, but where it is necessary, so that when you
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lay this cable, it will work for 25 years in reinforced concrete with cleaning systems using aurat. there are special sorbents for water utilities that use gold, gold is a very good conductor, on the other hand, the metal itself is expensive, that is, this does not mean that such metal is scarce in nature, no, it exists, but today it is also a standard values, the equivalent of money, income, state and much more, this is exactly gold, so we used...
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half is in the bones, the rest is distributed in the blood, in the nails, in the hair on the skin, but this is literally but... then there are many, many zeros, and then a one, gold is in our body, naturally comes with food, the largest amount, these are
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ions, these are in corn, in corn silks, yes, this is gold, its thickness is 100 nanometers. we take it carefully, remove it from the cover, it’s tiny, tiny, and then we put it in a mixer to crush it to a certain state, very small they happen when they spread over the skin, gold was used in cosmetics for the first time years, probably 15 years ago, even 20, everyone was talking about gold threads, by the way, she looked terrible, because women after all these operations like ala gold threads in the cold, that’s all was highlighted, gold, of course, this is a very
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powerful marketing ploy, because now is the time when girls want to hear pearls, amber. caviar, gold, when all this is placed in cosmetics, yes, then naturally, it attracts more people to buy, well, it’s beautiful visually looks on the dressing table in the bathroom. gold is often credited with properties that it does not possess, including in the cosmetology industry. there are no studies yet that prove the effect of gold particles. for youthful skin, but one of its characteristics can really make you visually younger, but only temporarily, gold perfectly reflects color, it is
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natural gold leaf, twenty-four gold, thin sheets, gold, real gold, which is so beautifully found in serums and applying give an amazing reflective effect on the skin. the smoothness of the skin is an even relief, it will only be when the rays that fall on our skin are reflected at one angle; gold, when applied to the skin, is very fine, and distributed over the face, it contributes to the correct reflection, as if evens out the skin texture, as a result the skin becomes smooth and even. the girl looks at herself in the mirror, feels the effect of photoshop, because wrinkles are smoothed out, the radiance of the skin
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appears, and of course, visually she sees the beauty of your face. the benefits are only visual; of course, there is no penetration into the epidermis. the property of gold to reflect light is used not only in cosmetology, but also. in completely different areas, this has been my dream since childhood, so since childhood i saw myself only in this profession, the first spacewalk, i immediately remember all the instructions that were drummed into you over many years of preparation, immediate preparation for the exit, this one here is dawn, when for the first time i began to consciously look at the earth, the cosmic space, dawn lake baikal was floating on us, i am almas 2, i am at the edge of the lock,
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i am at the edge of the gateway, i feel great, sweaty i see the cloudiness of the sea and the caucasian ridge has now only come if you look at the sun. when working in space, it is almost impossible to look at the sun even through squinting your eyes, after all, on the ground, this is the atmosphere of the earth, saturated moisture, it somewhat changes the spectral composition of the sun, sunlight, in the center of the frame the sun glares from it, there it is very tough thing, i was lucky, i worked in spacesuits only with light filters. you can definitely get a burn without a filter.
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the spacesuit in which alexey leonov made his first spacewalk is kept in the museum of the zvezda scientific and practical association. in 1965, they did not yet know how badly direct sunlight could burn an astronaut’s face . he was just wearing glasses. germash was not protected by a light filter. his eyes remained protected from the sun, but his whole face... was protected from ultraviolet radiation, so decided to make, cover, protect the entire face with a light filter, the light filter is covered with gold plating, gold is an inert material, in space it does not require maintenance, that is , it will always shine well and reflect the sun, that is, if any mark or silver, then it will fade and its you need to clean it somehow, but gold doesn’t need to be cleaned, it doesn’t need to be maintained, so we chose just such an expensive material, namely gold. now we will try
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to conduct an experiment to obtain a golden mirror. as you know, gold covers the filter astronauts in order to protect them from harsh ultraviolet radiation in space. we 'll try to somewhat replicate this in the lab. to do this, we will use a mixture of soda with a solution of gold in a royal solution. water, and we will also use formaldehyde or formalin, this is a unique property of gold, that in a very thin film it is translucent and transmits light, so in astronautics there is nothing to replace gold, this coating is the coating of gold on the surface of the glass, for astronauts it looks literally how a mirror, only yellow, it shines very brightly, reflects the light falling on her,
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you can literally look into it.
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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, we do the same work, the same tasks, deadlift, my record is 285. i couldn’t sit still because i was in normal shape. it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction? oh well, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i wanted to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks of the ukrainian armed forces. the center, west, east and south groups continued to occupy more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost another 2,130 soldiers and mercenary officers per day. two tanks were destroyed, including a german leopard and five other armored vehicles. eliminated from above.


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