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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 1, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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and you want to open your eyes and wake up, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now must be watched from... this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations; russian digital solutions should be taken to new heights. there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than that the number helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, that’s all.
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a memorial dedicated to the victims of nazi concentration camps was opened on the british island of guerns, but by creating them, the germans copied the british experience. the leadership of the third reich was delighted with the crimes that the british committed in south africa. historical facts will remind you. anastasia
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efimova. in the bbc news feed, this news stands apart on the tiny island of guernsey, which was occupied by the third reich during the second world war; kind of monument: 15 brass tablets, or, as they are figuratively called, stumbling blocks. stop and read. with the names of those whom nazi criminals arrested and sent to concentration camps. only 15 people. this british analogue has not been forgotten. but here is an article that... is unlikely to find a place on the front pages of mainstream london publications. quote: concentration camps in the british isles from 1914 to 1948 . and we are not talking about the atrocities of the fascists at all, we are talking about the subjects of their kingdom themselves, purely english tradition, sending people behind barbed wire without trial. the germans were neither the first nation to use concentration camps nor the last, as during the war. and after
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that , concentration camps and slave labor camps operated throughout the united kingdom. a year after the end of the second world war, british agriculture functioned only thanks to slave labor. in may 1946, while senior ss officers were preparing for trial at nuremberg, 385,000 enslaved workers were held behind barbed wire in the british isles. thousands more arrived every week. at that time they
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camp, which began with words first used by the british in the south african war. yes, it is truly known that the first concentration camps were created during the angloburg war, 1899-1902, on the territory of south africa. britain tried with all possible forces to strengthen its dominance in this area and there were boers there, these are the descendants of various european ones. people, especially the dutch, who fought against british rule, they had partisan detachments, so in order to avoid the help of the local population, the boer population of the rebels, these concentration camps were created, according to some reports , more than 26 thousand people died there from hunger, cold, torture, executions, this is barberton, one of forty -five concentration camps for... prisoners lived in
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overcrowded tents, there was no talk of any basic hygiene, so they died from measles, typhoid fever and dysentery, and primarily women and children. in the johannesburg camp, 70% died before 8 years. during the first world war, the united kingdom would not change its methods; the germans and austrians living on the islands, as well as the irish, suspected, only suspected, of disloyalty to the crown, were sent to concentration camps. it was in the concentration camps that the manchester guardian used this very term in an article dated december 4 , 1914, when reporting on the quote “unrest in the concentration camp.” camp lancaster. did they know about this in europe? and in the usa? yes, of course they knew. moreover, nothing they did not see anything reprehensible in this, neither in the 14th year of the 20th century, nor in the thirty-ninth. let 's be happy, the americans also created, and sir wulton churchel created, and the germans
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created, and the french planned, the americans resettled all the japanese, by the way, and they lived there for 3 or 4 years. and that's nothing. completely normal, but the british, yes, they planned, moved the germans there, the poles planned to create camps, sikorsky, well, it was a normal practice, well, here, as they say, civilized europe, it acted according to the same patterns. by the way, about the poles, they also built their own concentration camps, and it was on english territory, when france capitulated in june 1940, that 2,000 polish soldiers were evacuated from dunkirk, where the allied forces were.
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there were even several generals whom anders removed from military command, fearing that they might form opposition to him, that is , in fact, he created this concentration camp for his political opponents, while in other concentration camps people of jewish nationality were mainly kept, this actually confirms the thesis about the latent anti-semitism of the poles, and these were citizens of poland, one way or another, who were included in the lists of unreliable people. by the way, a soviet newspaper wrote about these camps. true, on june 15 , 1945, she published an article. quote: the polish fascist concentration camp system, infamous before the germans established buchenwald and other camps, continued when poles fled poland. by this time the war was over,
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the british no longer needed to be friends with the poles, london closed the polish camps, and here are its own he maintained his own, in which thousands of prisoners of war worked, right up to 1948. in winter. they lived in tents, did not receive money for their work, in fact this is prohibited by the geneva convention, but by international law for the sake of its own interests, europe even then knew how to gracefully neglect, in the end, the soldiers of the defeated third reich must answer for what they did, that was the logic. london considered itself the winner of nazism and did what it wanted. and also about nazism, on the very island of guernsey, which was taken by the germans during the war, the word occupation is still often written with a capital letter. recently.
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the russian government has announced additional measures to support families, it specialists and individual regions of our country. this was discussed at a meeting of the cabinet of ministers, it began with the words of prime minister mikhail mishustin about cash payments and awards to parents
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who have many children. at the initiative of the head of state, women raising at least ten children are awarded the title of mother-heroine. it comes with a lump sum payment. 1 million rub. mom dad, those who have seven or more children are awarded the order of parental glory, they are entitled to 500,000 rubles. well, for those who have over four kids. there are medals of this order and rewards in the amount of 200,000 rubles. the prime minister noted that a large family in russia should become a norm in the philosophy of society and a guideline for the entire state strategy. well, as confirmation of this, the government’s decision to extend mortgage repayments for families with many children for another 7 years. families in which the third or subsequent children were born during the period from january 1, twenty-four to december 31, thirty, they will be able to. receive 450,000 rubles and pay it as a payment for a housing loan, while the loan agreement must be
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concluded before the beginning of july of the thirty-first year. separately, mikhail mishustin announced additional financing for mortgages for it specialists. we are talking about 23 billion rubles, which will be allocated in excess of the previously provided amounts. thus, another 2,500 employees will be able to take advantage of the benefit, well, in a broad sense this is tens of thousands. russian families. government will increase budget allocations for it mortgages by 23 billion rubles. this will allow at least 2,500 more employees working in this industry and families to solve their housing problem with the help of the state. we expect that more than 77,500 citizens will take advantage of this measure and will be able to buy a house or apartment at a favorable rate. creating comfortable working conditions for specialists engaged in this field. will help strengthen the industry's human resources potential.
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deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko spoke in more detail about the conditions of it-mortgages. according to him according to him, the preferential rate on it is a maximum of 6%, but it can be lower. i would like to point out that this is the maximum rate; it can be reduced through some regional programs, through bank programs, through developers’ programs. there are quite a lot of such programs, there are a lot of them on the market, therefore, that’s why we say that the rate. 6% is the maximum rate, the maximum mortgage amount is 9 million rubles, and this amount can be spent on purchasing either finished or under construction housing on the primary market, or for individual housing construction. also at the government meeting, it was announced that additional funds would be allocated to the kaliningrad region, talking about reimbursement of costs for sea cargo transportation under sanctions. thanks to increased funding, the region will be able to receive. another 5,000 tons of cargo, which are now needed for the construction of social facilities and residential buildings of modern
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industrial enterprises. all these projects require sustainable logistics, including a constant supply of materials, raw materials, export finished products. on behalf of the head of state, we will allocate an additional 1,400 million rubles this year. these funds will be used to subsidize the transportation of half a million tons of cargo necessary for the development of the kaliningrad region. the measures announced by mikhail mishustin concern different social groups from the areas of development of our country. all decisions made are united by one goal, as the prime minister emphasized: supporting families, especially large families, is always a government priority.
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let us tell you how this day in history is remembered right now. hello. on august 1 , 527, emperor justinian, one of the greatest monarchs of the early middle ages, ascended the throne. he annexed many lands of the former western roman empire, collected and streamlined all the laws issued earlier by the roman
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emperors, and thus the code of laws of justinian appeared, preserving the foundations of roman law for subsequent eras. by his decree , the burnt hagia sophia in constantinople was completely rebuilt, which remained the most grandiose temple in the christian world for more than a thousand years. justinian entered history as a military strategist. he held back the onslaught of the barbarians and tried to restore. but first of all, as a great builder, in constantinople alone he built more than twenty temples, completely restored carthage and antioch, destroyed by warriors and earthquakes, and many fortresses. fortifications were erected on the borders of the empire. justinian reigned for 38 years and died at a very old age. he was 83 years old, a rarity at the time. his era became the true heyday of the byzantine empire. never again had she been in a state of such power and greatness. 1 on august 1914, germany declared war
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on our country. so the russian empire entered the first world war, from which it emerged not only with heavy losses, but already. a completely different state, like three other empires, austro-hungarian, german and ottoman, ceased to exist. a completely different phase of the development of the world began, in russia the collapse took place most painfully, under the pressure of the revolutionary- minded masses, the three-hundred-year-old house of the romanovs collapsed, and the civil war dragged on for years. more people died millions of people, the economy was severely damaged. cultural and religious life across a vast territory changed radically. the first world war had an equally strong impact on germany, the losing side; it also went through a revolution, a parliamentary democracy known as the weimar republic was established in it, however , the harsh conditions of the treaty of versailles imposed by germany became one of the reasons for the emergence of revanchist sentiments in the country and hitler’s rise to power and to an even bloodier world war ii. exactly 100 years ago, august 1, 1924
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year, the mausalum opened to the public on... it was a permanent wooden structure, replacing the temporary mausalum in which they said goodbye to vladimir lenin after his death in january of the same year. at first the mausalee worked for 2 months, then it was closed inside and a laboratory was set up for longer-term embalming of the body of the leader of the world proletariat. the new mausoleum, which began to be built, was already conceived as a tomb, a monument to the tribune. it was painted olive green and stood for 5 years. in 1929 it... was replaced by a granite structure, still preserved. the main stone, a mineral called labradorite, was brought from the zhitomir region of ukraine, other types of granite were brought from all soviet republics. by the way, all three mausales were built according to the designs of the same architect alexei shusev. for 8 years from 1953 to 61,
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stalin’s body was exhibited in the granite mausoleum along with lenin. then the inscription above the entrance changed, but then stalin. buried near the kremlin wall, only lenin remained in the mausalee. today the mayak radio station celebrates its sixtieth anniversary. august 1, 1964 year, it first went on air from a studio in the center of moscow, on pyatnitskaya street. the famous melody from the song by vasily solovyov sedov to the words of mikhail matusovsky in the evening near moscow has been the call sign of the radio station from that moment to this day. the lighthouse was created as a counterbalance to western radio stations broadcasting to the soviet union. for the first 20 years , the broadcast format was based on the 525 formula: 5 minutes of news, then 25 minutes of music. from its very appearance, for almost half a century , the mayak broadcast first to the entire ussr, and then to
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russia and the cis, and the signal could be found on long, medium, short waves, now the coverage of stations has decreased, so in 2013 mayak stopped broadcasting on long medium waves, but in addition to the fm range, mayak is now available through digital terrestrial, satellite and internet broadcasting. this is what this day in history was like. water bodies occupy approximately 12% of the territory of russia, well, they are home to hundreds of species of fish, and there is the same diversity of businesses around the fishing industry. from cutting it into fillets on machines to freezing it is only 15 minutes; previously we somewhere produced about 15% processed products, now there are already 35 and in general the goal is to reach 50 there by the year thirtieth, if the fish are allowed to try the food from foreign manufacturers, our food, then i am sure that
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the russian sturgeon will of course choose domestic food, after all, what kind of business do you have, do you have tourism or ? these are two directions of the same essence. money on card accounts received an additional level of protection. payment system banks are required to verify transfers and prevent fraudulent transactions. how the law will be applied and how it will help you, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions banks must use a special database of fraudulent details maintained by the central bank. moreover , not only the financial company of the sender of the money, but the recipient of the funds must check with it. all banks in russia have access to the details in this regulator database. if the recipient's account is located. in a special black list, the operation will be blocked for 2 days, and the bank will notify the client that his transfer did not go through, during which time the person
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under the influence of attackers will be able to come to his senses and refuse the transfer. period cooling should disrupt deception schemes, when the victim is in a hurry to part with money as soon as possible. the pretext can be anything, for example, transferring money to a supposedly safe account to save savings or canceling a non-existent payment... often criminals play on the strongest feelings, saying that a loved one of the victim is in trouble and he urgently needs money. and now, if the recipient’s bank account is on the blacklist maintained by the central bank and supplemented by the ministry of internal affairs, the person has time to navigate the situation. even if the victim gives his consent to the transfer, the bank will still delay. it for 2 days, but if even after the cooling period the client insists and wants to make a transfer to a suspicious account, then the bank is obliged to do this, then all
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responsibility is removed from him. the presence of an account in a special list is only one of the signs of suspicious transactions. there are six of them in total and the ec approves the criteria: banks must take into account the technical features of devices if the device is similar to the one from which it has already fraud was committed, then this is also a reason to freeze the transfer. and finally, the profile of the client’s transaction will be taken into account, that is, for example, if almost all expenses from the account are in stores during business hours, then the transfer of a large amount in the middle of the night to an individual will certainly be marked as suspicious and rejected. or, before the transfer, the sender is actively talking on the phone, or he receives sms messages from new numbers, then the bank can also suspend the operation for verification. if the recipient's account is not in the fraud database central bank, but the operation looks visual, the bank must contact you and receive your confirmation for the transfer. if you give it, the money will leave the account, and if you refuse, the bank will reject the transaction, and the money will remain
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with you. if the bank sees that a suspicious transfer is being made, which corresponds to one of the six signs that the bank of russia has established, then it suspends such a transfer for 2 days. these 2 days are required for the bank. contacted his client and verified the translation he makes that he makes this transfer without being under the influence of intruders. payment system banks are responsible for fulfilling these requirements in rubles; if a transfer is sent to a suspicious account from the database without a cooling period, then the bank is obliged to return the money to the client within 30 days, no matter whether it was a transfer within the country or abroad. the bank will also have to return it to the client. funds, if the operation looked suspicious, but the bank employee did not inform the client about it, he immediately allowed its processing. the new requirements are aimed at protecting our
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citizens' savings. the goal we are pursuing is to reduce the number and volume of damage to our citizens. the law provides for a whole range of mechanisms that should encourage banks to improve their anti-fraud systems. one of them is increasing the financial responsibility of credit institutions. now, if, through the fault of the bank , a transfer is made to an obviously fraudulent account from the bank of russia database without taking additional actions to protect the client, the bank will be liable in rubles for these actions. what to do if your account ended up in the central bank database by mistake. you will learn about this from your bank; if for some reason this happens, you need to contact it. in the central bank, your credit institution or payment system can also do this for you. if they know you well and are confident that you are a respectable citizen, this
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can be done without your participation. if not, then you will need to write the application yourself. this is done on the bank of russia website in the internet reception section. select a topic there information security and the clause to exclude data from the bank of russia database on cases of attempted transactions. without the client’s consent, central bank employees are required to consider your request and give a reasoned response within 15 working days. to get into the bank of russia database, you need compelling reasons. we form it based on information provided to us by banks and other participants in information exchange. banks transmit information about all cases of attempted fraudulent transfers to the bank of russia. with this approach the risk is unreasonable. falls are kept to a minimum, respectable citizens and companies should not be afraid. so, let’s repeat the main thing: banks now monitor suspicious accounts and transactions and
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are responsible for this in rubles. and clients have the opportunity to think for a couple of days, if they transfer money to a suspicious account, if the account was blacklisted by accident, then this can be challenged in an appeal through the central bank website or their bank. if you want to know more about what rights bank clients have, write to us in telegram, send if you have any questions, we will ask the experts about everything and tell you about it in the next issue of the manual. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. yes, beat yourself over the head. the main thing is van, hurry up. what sparks interest? uh, uh, what started? and makes life brighter.
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it seems true that we are nationalists, and unique nationalists at that.
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because we were engaged in cannibalism for the last century, we killed each other, we looked for enemies among ourselves, we look to learn world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, in the application or on the website.
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that's what the lighthouse says. the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks of the ukrainian armed forces. the center, west, east and south groups continued to occupy more advantageous positions. formation of zelensky. per day , another 2,130 soldiers and mercenary officers were lost, two tanks were destroyed, including a german leopard, five other armored vehicles, over thirty gunships and self-propelled guns, mostly american and british polish-made, were destroyed, air defense forces shot down 42 combat drones, two hymers missiles and a neptum long-range guided missile. meanwhile, ukraine received the first american shipment.


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