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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 1, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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the spacesuit in which alexey leonov made his first spacewalk is kept in the museum of the scientific and practical association zvezda. in 1965, they did not yet know how badly direct sunlight could burn an astronaut’s face . he was simple. his hermosh was not protected by a light filter, his eyes remained protected from the sun, but his whole face was burned by the sun's rays from ultraviolet radiation, so they decided to close it, protect the whole face with a light filter, the light filter was coated with gold plating, gold is an inert material in in space it does not require maintenance, that is , it will always shine well and reflect the sun, that is, if any copper or silver, then it becomes dull and needs to be cleaned somehow, but gold... there is no need to clean it, there is no
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need to maintain it, so we chose this is such an expensive material, namely gold. now we will try to conduct an experiment to obtain a golden mirror. as you know, gold covers the astronauts' light filter in order to protect them from hard ultraviolet radiation in space. we will try to reproduce this in some sense in laboratories. for this we will use a mixture of soda with a solution of gold in aqua regia, and we will also use formaldehyde or formalin. this is a unique property of gold that in a very thin film it is translucent and transmits light, so there is nothing to replace gold in astronautics. this coating is the coating of gold on the surface of the glass. for astronauts, it literally looks like a mirror, only yellow. it shines very brightly
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and reflects the light falling on it, you can literally look into it, 500, 500, people serve in reconnaissance not even physically, but simply stronger in spirit, the maroon beret is a symbol, it... is worn, i believe that there should be a model in everything, people should follow it, it can’t be worse, it can be better, that’s the motto we have always had in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, this is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up. if everything looks like the wild west, then
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there is only one law: shoot first. the competition of ideas and money, a sensation occurred, and what a sensation, became intense within america and beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why? now you need to watch and watch? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is the situation with production and raw materials in general? and export, what it is, our product. russia, russia, russia,
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. only three countries make spacesuits for spacewalks - america, russia and china. the latest model, so to speak, of a spacesuit for going into outer space. the orlan spacesuit is a kind of mini-spaceship, that is, it is absolutely autonomous, it is independent of the ship, it moves on its own, all life support systems are located with... they are located in this backpack,
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which is also the door for entry into the spacesuit, but equipped to exit into outer space weighs more. there are very few enterprises in the world that can make spacesuits for spacewalks. star is one of them. it takes several years to produce and test one suit. you must perform two tasks. the first task is reflection and... softening the sun's rays, reflection, please, you can make a mirror, yes, but the second task must be, you must see through this filter, so in this case there was no better material than gold, gold plating, it on our spacesuits, on american
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spacesuits, probably on chinese spacesuits, there cannot be anything else today, the iss spacesuit, that is, an upgraded computer one. synthetic, that is, it has a new computer, it has a screen here, it’s also synthetic, because it has new polyurethane shells, they are stronger and more durable, the main difference from previous generations of spacesuits is that this spacesuit uses technology that can be compare with climate control in a car, that is, an automatic system thermoregulation. the hyperbaric chamber is intended for testing of spacesuits of the system; all cosmonauts who are about to go into outer space also train here, that is, all training of the spacesuit takes place in this particular pressure chamber, where a vacuum is created, the spacesuit is suspended on a special installation, that is, weighting
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is created the imitation seems to be in a vacuum, and like on a ship the same thing is happening , the same things are being practiced, what will be at the top is being practiced here... the spacesuit, on the legs it’s normal, i feel the saddle, i’m sitting in the saddle, my hands feel fine, the decoy is good, the connection is good, and if we go out into the dark, then the light filter rises and turns on from above, well , we’re done. tests, i’m ready to leave the spacesuit, this light filter has a second purpose, so if you put the camera on, take a photo, you get very beautiful photographs through the reflected
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light filter, it is the entire surrounding space, structure, station modules, all this can be seen in the reflected image on the light filter, this an ordinary camera, they just put it on it. my body goes somewhere into the astral plane and it flies there and there, i don’t know, but such dreams happen. one of the most unusual uses of gold is cooking. edible gold, like regular gold, does not oxidize. it is edible,
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although it does not contain any beneficial elements for the body. as in jewelry, in cooking, gold is an element of aesthetics, a symbol of luxury. at the same time, despite the status of a premium metal, virtually each of us is its owner, because gold is in every modern smartphone. when we talk about modern technologies, about the information world, about the fact that humanity has moved from two familiar habitats, from the natural environment and the technological environment, to the third - the environment of social networks and social ones. forms, we are thereby talking about gold, because gold is the most important tool, the most important material for electrotypes. gold is one of the most inert metals; if you look at the standard table of electrical voltages of metals, it generally stands
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to the right of all, probably this is its main chemical property, the fact that it is practically insoluble in anything, does not rot, does not smolder, is stable over time, which is why gold has been attractive since ancient times. our ancestors, they made jewelry and money from it, because over time nothing became of gold. its second main chemical property is good electrical conductivity. a combination of the two. these properties allow gold to be used to coat contacts, to protect them from corrosion and environmental influences. if you mix hydrochloric acid and nitric acid, this produces what is called aqua regia. it is already a very strong oxidizing agent , capable of dissolving even gold. as we can see, gases begin to be released, indicating that the gold has begun to dissolve. during the second world war, one of the nobel laureate scientists was very much afraid that the nobel medal, made of
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pure gold, would be taken away, so another scientist suggested dissolving this gold in aqua regia, turning it into tetrachloroauric acid, and putting it on a shelf as a reagent. accordingly, after the war ended, they recovered the gold from there and again made the nobel medal. in terms of the structure of gold consumption, russia is somewhat similar to the world, but not quite, that is , in russia we mined 350 for jewelry and sent 25, well, well, if it’s 30, that is , a tenth of it was spent on industry, probably up to 5 tons there, something then gukhran buys, in total they ate, well, 450, and 300 left, but all over the world , almost 50 percent of gold is jewelry. part of all the production, all the same, around the world, because there are a lot of people in india and china, and if everyone
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buys himself one ring, i don’t know the weight of the ring, well, let’s even say 1 g, that is, we are already getting tons of consumption there, the jewelry industry is a very large consumer of gold, the production of gold jewelry in russia has grown noticeably over the past few years, in addition , russian gold after 2022 is actively supplied to arabic. market. turks, chinese, arabs, brazilians, they buy these bars, they use them either to replenish their storage facilities and reserves, hong kong and china, including for jewelry or for use in the jewelry industry. why would you take a swiss one, which is no better in quality, they will take the russian shoulder, the logistics input is less. they will get a 1-2% discount there, anyway they make chains, rings,
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earrings out of them, and for them there is no big difference. in turkey, many people have gold and they treat it with great respect. turks have been giving gold to their relatives for centuries. for example, all the guests invited to a wedding. presents gold to the bride; it is customary for newlyweds to give gold as a kind of safety net when creating a new family, and historically it happened that turkish women, married women , save gold, and if, say, something goes wrong with the husband’s work, and the family finds itself in a difficult situation, the woman will take her gold and sell it. in order to ensure financial stability for the family,
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there was a lot of air in the burner, it was blowing strongly, it was necessary to turn it down. a jeweler's special tools are his hands, this is the most important tool, so when i opened a cooperative sometime in 1989, which later became the ananov company, i told my guys that we will have the tools that the masters of russian jewelry used to work . 200 years ago and no more, because such modern things as 3d
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printers and lasers are the grave for jewelry art, you really need to make real jewelry things with your hands, with the warm fingers of a jeweler. andrey ananov is a famous soviet and russian jeweler by training. director, worked in the theater for many years, acted in films, has been involved in jewelry since the 1970s, his works are kept in the royal collections of great britain since spain and sweden. magic is for amateurs, but for professionals it is material. for the eightieth year i worked in chatla komissarskaya, which means the stage is rehearsing, i’m sitting in the hall, i caught myself thinking that i’m looking there, myself in the margins of the play, drawing some kind of
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jewelry, you’re thinking about something else, i... i realized that, in general, i was already sick, that this was for me, that i couldn’t combine one with the other, i began to think what remains in the theater after a person, what remains of him, the posters will decay in 10 years, the reviews will turn yellow, which means the flowers will wither, what will remain in the memory of the viewer, no one... will ever know, in general, there remains an emptiness, this worried me very much, so i chose jewelry, left the theater, however, i left, i left with pain, with difficulty and leaving the theater, he sat down, sitting
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next to his secretary, already mastering the higher ones. pilotage, a plate is made from an ingot, in the future a tube will be made from this plate, and so on. imagine, my father-in-law, when i was just starting my career, there were no tools yet, i found this one in the trash heap an object called rollers, these rollers, as you can see, are processed into a mold or into a plate. or into a square, we put these rollers in order, cleaned them as best we could, they were clearly handmade, and they worked, and one day, when they gave me an old book about faberge and his workshop with photographs, in one of
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the photographs, i now have it this book, large, a piece of the master was filmed... march 8th it may make you smile, but this is such a golden season and india is it. it’s time, that is, it’s customary for us to give gold wedding, we may not have such a developed culture of jewelry consumption, unlike india, where there is a national holiday, gold is sold on one day, well, up to 100 tons in one day, and we produce 350 per year, that is, they have it in national culture, in muslim culture there is a slightly different
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interesting story, but we have all heard about the story that if a husband says to his wife: i am divorcing you, all that is on you - he created his own innovative style , worked very actively with gold. fauberge's most famous works are easter eggs, made of gold and precious stones. the jeweler created several dozen of them; they were owned by members of the russian imperial family and the richest people in the world. fauberge eggs are exhibited in the world's major museums and
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are sold at auctions for millions of dollars. one of the most recognizable works of andrei ananov are easter eggs made using the sub-revolutionary technologies of the fauberge jewelry house. the company gave it to the cartier company for examination. i have an expert report, which says, in particular, that a beautiful testicle with a good one. we are like that too they did it about 200 years ago, and after that the french fmr team traveled to st. petersburg.
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my wife and i were invited to paris and, in general, my birth took place on a global scale. the main thing is here you are after the setting. did you remove excess metal from the sides? yes, slightly, well, this is the main thing, because no, normally, gold,
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when it is pure, is almost never used, pure gold is very plastic and soft, even 750th gold, and even then it is not suitable for everything, made of pure gold. only the stand was sometimes made thick wedding rings, which, due to their thickness, withstood more or less loads, otherwise they will crumple. i make complex products, together with masters, invent them, because this is my life, i am without this, without this love for mine.
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those eggs are already 30 years old, this is the beginning of the nineties, and that’s all, this is the work of a huge number of people, each egg is at least ten jewelers, and it takes years, in the most difficult time for russia, the nineties, i created such a jewelry theater , which has been developing all these years. if i tell the truth, as soon as i’m gone, it will end in 2 weeks, it’s not because i’m like that,
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it means i’m a braggart, but because in reality it’s like that, that’s all that stands here, it’s all i came up with, taste, these are all things that shouldn’t teach, you know. and it’s just that i was lucky, as god gave, and i believe that i didn’t live my life in vain, period, gold is not just a beautiful metal that is used in jewelry, plastic, soft, shiny, attractive, which makes women’s eyes sparkle , and we men try to please them some kind of juler... products, several thousand years ago, how gold attracts us not only as a counterfeit material, but also as a reliable tool for preserving what we have accumulated.
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the importance of gold in the modern world is growing, and the demand for gold, including jewelry, is growing. the world's population is increasing, and in those regions in which historically for various reasons. the industrial use of gold in electronics, medicine, and jewelry is, of course, very important for the global financial system.
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water bodies occupy approximately 12% territory of russia, well, they are home to hundreds of species of fish, the same variety of businesses around the fishing industry, from cutting it into fillets on machines to freezing it in just 15 minutes, we used to produce somewhere around 15% of processed products, now already.
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can no longer separate myth and reality, but the most offensive thing is that these were all azov residents, these were all mariupol residents, those children who were zombied at school from the age of fourteen, this is a punishment for us because we were engaged in cannibalism for the last century, we killed each other , looked for enemies among themselves,
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we watch to understand the world. educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in so, the center, west, east and south groups continued to occupy more advantageous positions, forming zelensky. per day , another 2,130 soldiers and mercenary officers were lost. two tanks were destroyed, including a german leopard, five other armored vehicles, over thirty gunships and self-propelled guns, mostly american and british polish production, were destroyed. air defense forces shot down 42 combat drones, two hymers missiles and a neptune long-range guided missile. meanwhile, ukraine received the first american shipment.


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