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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 1, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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the russian army successfully repelled all attacks in so. the center, west, east and south continued to occupy more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost another 2,130 soldiers and mercenary officers per day. two tanks were destroyed, including a german leopard and five other armored vehicles. liquidated over thirty gunships and self-propelled guns, mostly american and british polish production. air defense forces shot down 42 combat drones, two hymers missiles and a long-range guided missile. meanwhile,
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ukraine received the first batch of american f-16 fighters, as reported by bloomberg, this is a quote, a small number of aircraft. earlier, the western press reported that the pentagon asked kiev to keep the f-16s away from the front so that blazing fighters would not spoil the us democrats' election campaign. in addition, the us military recognizes that the f-16 will not be able to change the course of the conflict. edition. the sider emphasizes that russian r-37 long-range missiles pose a particular threat to them. special forces commander akhmat, deputy head of the main military-political department ministry of defense abty alauddinov, in an interview with our channel, noted that the russian military has enough resources to cope with american aircraft. if these six fighters that they want to give to ukraine could change something, believe me. they would have been given back in
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2020, that is, neither 6 nor 16 f-16s will change anything, they don’t have their own planes, or something, they have other planes, they are trying to use them, use them as much as possible, and what is the difference between the same f16 from the same weapons that they had until now, absolutely nothing, that is, there will be six more new targets for... in the same way they will go, as they say, into oblivion, like the weapons that they were initially given, starting from the twenty-second year. the third stage of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces has begun in russia. for the units of the central and southern districts, as well as the aerospace forces, the main goal is to thoroughly work out issues of combat use, including iskander m missile systems. egor grigory has the first shots. by
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a column of our rocket men is moving along washed out dirt roads. formations of the southern and central military districts began the third stage of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces. deployment points are in full combat readiness. escort armored vehicles provide security for the convoy, which includes a transport-loading and command-staff vehicle ( maintenance and life support vehicle), an information preparation point and, of course, an iskander launcher. iskander missiles will fly up to 500 km and can carry a nuclear charge power up to 50 kilotons, target deflection is only a meter, targeted destruction, large military installations and concentrations of enemy forces, other otc, airplanes and helicopters at airfields, 50 kilotons is about three kheroshima, so you can roughly compare the destructive power the power of the part that arrives. together with
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the iskander missile there at a range of up to 500 km, this is so that one can understand, as if naturally, as if to compare, since well , everyone has seen footage of the use of american atomic bombs there in hiroshima, in nagasaki, our operational-tactical missile system is the main strike force on earth, and the exercise is a response to provocative actions by statements from unfriendly countries about the possible deployment of foreign troops to ukraine, about the supply of f-16 fighter jets,
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which means that these weapons do not regulate their use, that is, in in general, we are free to use it, the fighters practice not just transferring to a given square, but also receiving missiles, charging complexes, launches, although electronic, real ones could cool down hotheads not only in ukraine, in range: poland, latvia, lithuania, estonia, finland, sweden, denmark. tactical nuclear forces stationed in fraternal belarus are expanding the containment zone by hundreds of kilometers. iskanders are always convincing, even with missiles without a nuclear warhead; in foreign media, july has already been called the month of success for our otrk; operations in their operating area mean inevitable damage, which increases significantly when
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nuclear charges are used. just recently, exercises of american systems with cruise aeroballistic missiles took place ground-based, which... in europe, this applies, including short-range intermediate-range missiles, which in the future may be deployed in germany, if this happens, then we have all the necessary weapons to inflict immediate , a retaliatory strike against all objects of strategic decision-making, and the enemy, which will be available to us. the first and second stages of our exercises of non -strategic nuclear forces were successful.
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those who sign a contract from august 1 until the end of the year will receive it. details at margarita semenyuk. about a thousand people a day sign contracts with the ministry of defense throughout the country. the department notes those who want to go to the north-east military district zone, which they say is becoming more and more common. there is a complex of reasons, that is, this. firstly, i will provide for my mother, and secondly, i will help the people who are in my small homeland, because i myself am from donbass. among the harsh ural volunteers of yekaterinburg, 1,200 military personnel, performing tasks on the front line,
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received state and departmental awards. in general, there are a lot of friends there now is located, and as it was, well, it’s just plain ugly to stay here as a civilian. sign a contract from the beginning of this year.
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from the moscow government in the amount of 1.9 million rubles. this payment is the maximum on the territory of the russian federation, which will allow us to recruit the armed forces of the russian federation and send people to the zones. in addition to federal support, the president of russia recommended that regions pay contract workers at least 400 thousand rubles. a number of subjects already. reacted, so in the lipetsk region, recruits in general will receive million rubles, the tula region will increase the size of the one-time payment to those who plan to participate in the svo to 600,000 rubles. the rostov region is not far behind, where volunteers will be able to receive more than 1 million rubles. margarita
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semenyuk, evgeniy turchak, mikhail utkin, news. there was a protest in london, several hundred people took to the streets and threw fireworks at the gates of the ruler's residence. the name is enough, dozens of people were arrested in a few hours, this protest broke out after the riots in south port, where the police detained three people and the riots, let me remind you, erupted after a seventeen-year-old boy from an african family killed three british girls with a knife and wounded eight more people, evgenia petrukhina looked into what all this could lead to. blow after blow, in rage they attack the police cars. they broke out after the murder of three children in a dance studio; the girls were stabbed to death by
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a seventeen-year-old teenager, the guardian writes. there is information that the british authorities have not yet confirmed, a detained migrant from rwanda. and this only fueled the interethnic conflict. right-wing activists and football fans from the english defense league are clearly unhappy with the flow of migrants into the country. a dead end from which there is no way out. this is what the average briton feels. and when his... children are killed, when foreigners with fundamentalist beliefs, absolutely ignorant, commit some brazen crimes, it begins to anger the english suburbs, irritate, balloons of hundreds of colors, southport says goodbye to the girls killed in the dance studio, it just seems something unreal, something that couldn't happen here in southport, well... it was
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does starmer have the answer? apparently not. i think it affected the whole country. it's terrible to think about what happened, to hear first-hand what the first responders had to deal with, it's really hard for anyone to accept. in an interview with journalists, starmer did not defend a single word, for example, about tightening immigration policy. but he promised to punish the bandits and published a post on social networks. meanwhile, on british telethons, london mps compare today's britain to france, which is the migration crisis, as they say, has come to a head. in the last 10 days we've had the litsa riots, the manchester riots, the wychapel riots, the southport riots, we've had the machete, all in 10 days, and we'll see more and more of it. and people like me have been warning for years, referring to france, saying: "look at france, look at what
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this policy leads to." immigration like this? labor won’t say what this policy leads to; they are afraid of losing votes. to maintain their positions, parliamentarians even covered program of the conservatives, refused to deport illegal immigrants to rwanda. so it will now be even more difficult to expel those crossing the lomanche from london. it is obvious that there is a flow of migrants there. will most likely intensify in the near future, in the twenty -second-twenty-third year, more than 700,000 illegal migrants annually, yes, crossed and arrived in britain, if before yes, the bulk of migrants in britain left , well, mainly european countries, there is eastern europe, that poland, for example, yes, well, who often integrated more easily into british society, now the main wave of migrants comes from the countries of the middle east, north africa, afghanistan, the same. pakistani british society is gradually, so to speak, bolkanizing, yes, that is, just like that, it is breaking up into small
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cultural-ethnic clusters like this, which find it difficult to get along with each other. it will not be easy to get along with the prison population. labor plans to release 40,000 prisoners early in british prisons there's simply no room. we see that not a single new prison has been introduced there over the past 7-8 years, while the level of crime seems to be growing. all this leads to the fact that...
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si - this news stands apart on the tiny island of guernsey, which was occupied by the third reich during the second world war, they opened a kind of monument, 15 brass tablets, or, as they are figuratively called, stumbling stones. stop and read. with the names of those whom nazi criminals arrested and sent to concentration camps. only 15 people. so british no one has forgotten the analogue. but here is an article that is unlikely to find a place on the front pages of mainstream london publications. quote: concentration camps in the british isles from 1914 to 1948. and we are
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not talking about the atrocities of the fascists at all, we are talking about ourselves. subjects of the kingdom, their purely english tradition, is to send people behind barbed wire without trial. the germans were neither the first nation to use concentration camps, nor the last, both during the war and after, they operated throughout the united kingdom. concentration camps and slave labor camps. a year after the end of the second world war, british agriculture functioned only thanks to slave labor. in may 1946... while senior ss officers prepared for trial at nuremberg, 385,000 enslaved laborers were held behind barbed wire in the british isles, with thousands more arriving every week, at the time making up more than 25% of the landed workforce . by the way, about the nazis, in february 1939, that is, about six months before the start of world war ii,
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the british ambassador to germany, sir neville henderson, met with gerring. well, in the conversation he condemned the disgusting atrocities that were happening in dahao and buchenwald, to which the obergruppenführer went to the bookshelf, took out a volume of the german encyclopedia, a page with the letter k, showed the article “concentration camp”, which began with the words “first used by the british in the war in the south africa". yes, it is truly known that the first concentration camps were created during the anglobburg war (1899-1902) year. territory of south africa, and britain tried with all possible forces to strengthen its dominance in this area and there were boers, these are the descendants of various european peoples, primarily the dutch, who fought against british rule, had partisan detachments, so in order to avoid
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the help of the local population, boer population to the rebels, these concentration camps were created. uh, according to some reports , more than 2-6 thousand people died there from hunger, cold, torture, executions, this is barberton, one of forty-five concentration camps for the boers, the prisoners lived in overcrowded tents, there was no talk of any basic hygiene, so they died from measles, typhoid fever and dysentery, and first of all these were women and children, in the johannesburg camp 70% of the dead .. .up to 8 years. during the first world war, the united kingdom would not change its methods; the germans and austrians living on the islands, as well as the irish, suspected, only suspected, of disloyalty to the crown, were sent to concentration camps. it was in the concentration camps, manchester edition the guardian used this very term in an article dated december 4, 1914,
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when it reported on the riots in the lancaster concentration camp. did they know about this in europe? they moved the germans there, the poles planned to create sekorski camps, well, this was normal practice, well, here, as they say, civilized europe, it acted according to the same patterns. by the way, about the poles, they also built their concentration camps, and just on english territory. when in june of the forties france capitulated, 20,000 polish soldiers
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were evacuated from dunkirk, where the allied forces were defeated by hitler and sent to scotland. they were supposed to protect the eastern coast of the kingdom from the germans, in return for protecting their borders, london allowed the polish government in exile to conduct their affairs as they saw fit, who general anders placed in these camps if the first camp was on one of the islands in scotland, not far from glasgow, where the conditions were quite mild, mostly officers were kept there, one and a half thousands of polish officers, even several generals, whom anders... eliminated under military command, fearing that they might form opposition to him, that is, in fact , he created this concentration camp for his political opponents, while in other concentration camps mainly jewish people were kept. nationality, this actually confirms the thesis about the latent anti-semitism of the poles. these were citizens of poland, one way or another, who were included in the lists of unreliable people.
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by the way, a soviet newspaper wrote about these camps is it true. on june 15, 1945, she published an article. quote: the polish fascist concentration camp system, infamous before the germans established buchenwald and other camps, continued when poles fled poland. by this time the war was over, the british no longer needed to be friends with the poles, london closed the polish camps, and kept its own, in which thousands of prisoners of war worked, right up to 1948. in winter they lived in tents, did not receive money for work, in fact it was prohibited this geneva convention, but international law for the sake of its own interests, europe even then knew how to gracefully neglect, in the end, the soldiers of the defeated third reich must answer for what they did, such was the logic. london considered itself the winner of nazism and did what it wanted. and one more thing about nazism: on the very island of guerns, which was taken by the germans during the war, the word occupation is still
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often written with a capital letter. quite recently, it was still possible to easily buy badges with swastikas or audio recordings of hitler’s speeches, such a local identity that london simply closed his eyes. according to the official version , the kingdom remained impregnable for the reich. however, reality matches the rhetoric of the high. athletes who, in addition to their performance , are concerned about the quality of water in their hay. the british team received vaccinations against hepatitis a and typhoid fever before arriving in paris.
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by the way, it was the british who won the men's triathlon; france won the women's triathlon. immunity to water worked. there was obviously a lot of doubt about the quality of the river at this open water competition on the day ceremony, it rained heavily on the day of the competition , last night there was a storm due to the hot weather. rainwater and waste flow into the sewer pipes in paris, due to excess and nothing that according to the same indicators of harmful microorganisms, let me remind you that the swim was not postponed, but here are the latest results of water intake, which are not even close to the cleanliness of the river they say the number of e. coli is off the charts, but normal. which was installed at the olympics fits in, although it is directly stated that athletes compete in rainwater with infrequencies. the psychological fear of infection in an athlete
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causes respiratory failure. if we are afraid to take a normal, calm breath, knowing that water is unsafe for health and can have unpleasant consequences, the athlete will begin to think about it. accordingly, the world community’s breathing will continue to be shortened, as it cannot move away from the extravaganza of perversion at the opening of the olympics. speaker of the us house of representatives mike johnson noted: the white house had every opportunity to condemn the shameful mockery of the last supper, but he did not, and this silence, johnson emphasized, should be taken as approval. and the president of turkey, as he said, did not go to paris on principle because of rampant sodomy there, he was warned. the immorality staged at the opening of the olympic games in paris once again demonstrated the scale of the threat we face. macron invited me, i
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said i would go, but my thirteen-year-old granddaughter told me not to go. i asked why? she replied that they were organizing an lgbt demonstration there. to make excuses for rainbow sur, the game organizers said. the blue scene is a parody of greek mythology led by dionysus. well, the art director of the opening ceremony has already stated that the author was still inspired by leonard da vinci’s painting, the last supper. hypocrisy in the style of western politics. this was the dish that was served. once again, the sacrament of the eucharist came during the last supper to humanity, feeding in the spirit. and this is feeding by the flesh. from this very point of view, i don’t know what to call it.
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those who participate in the competition were not allowed to participate in military operations at one time or another, and those who do not flow with western values. meade's official representative emphasized that such actions by mog constitute discrimination on the basis of nationality. the sensible part of society understands this. an american blogger compared kiev and gaza. jackson hinkle rightly asks why israel was allowed to participate in the games and russia was not. those who were kicked out are now putting up tents again. create an atmosphere for athletes and guests of the olympics. on the other hand, macron promised that everyone would remember the olympics, however, he did not specify in what key. anastasia ivanova, lead. moscow spartak defeated the capital's dynamo team in the russian football cup with a score of 3:0. the match took place at the lukoil arena. about the impressive victory daniil makhalin. the derby between spartak and dynamo in the red-white cup was timed to coincide with the memorable date
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of six. bears his name, at the entrance there is a monument to the club record holder for the number of matches played, and for cherenkov this is almost half a thousand games for spartak. on october 31 , the film fede the people's footballer will be released on screens , the red and white house near the arena, title pavilion with exhibits involved in this picture. in a team like spartak you cannot serve a number. if you play, then play well, says a famous quote from fyodor cherenkov. this is exactly the banner that fans hung on one of the stands, trying to remind the current red-and-white players of this. they all came out to the game wearing t-shirts from the photo-legendary spartak, the ball was struck symbolically by fyodor cherenkov’s grandson nikita, who entered the field with his mother anastasia. it seems to me that a person's contribution is the great is absolutely not difficult to compare with anything. probably, it seems to me, on a
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par with romance, with the old one. igor lishchuk, who for the third time in a row in the match against spartak hits the ball directly onto the opponent’s foot. in this case, ugalde was nearby. we create pressure, try to shoot on goal, yes, somewhere varta today, one might say, helped when there was the first goal, but again, i repeat, this is because we create pressure, shoot on goal, and from this we are already a goalkeeper somewhere he gets errors. in the second half, spartak consolidated its success, with jesus medina scored a penalty, followed by
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defender pavel maslov. good game, it seems to me that in the evening, on wednesday, you could watch, probably spend your time, the teams, it seems to me, both tried to play, tried to attack, there was a mutual game, we are very happy to win such a game, a derby is always nice. 3:0, the final victory for spartak, who scored three goals for the second match in a row and made a bright start to the campaign for the national cup. daniil makhalin, egor dolinsky, konstantin mitin, alexander salmashevsky, news. it seems that we are nationalists, too truth.
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we killed each other, looked for enemies among ourselves. who are you? i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out, what a fairy tale, without ivan, what began, without deception, without a flint, the flint imprisoned me quickly, a self-written pen, magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing van, hurry up , so
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give me a horse. mechanical.


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