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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 1, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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people who serve in intelligence are not even very physically strong, but simply strong in spirit, the maroon beret is a symbol, it is worn, i believe that there should be a model in everything, people should follow it, it can’t be worse, it can be better, that’s the motto. we have always had in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, this is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot first, competition of ideas and... there was a sensation, and
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what a sensation, they tensed up inside america and beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why? now you need to watch and watch? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a gas station country. take russian digital solutions to new heights. perspective. there is, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are not comparatively original in your questions, what is the overall situation with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product like, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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hello, about the main legal events of the day the correspondents of the program will tell you how the duty department and i maxim movchan will conduct it. in moscow , the indictment was heard in court by the former head of the st. petersburg main police department of the ilin region, sergei umnov, and his subordinates , also generals. the investigation believes that they rented out the premises of the traffic police departments to local businessmen, and the total damage greatly exceeded 50 million rubles. words by maxim shevchenko. the trial of the high-profile case of the generals in the khamovnichesky court of the capital is in full swing, the same people are behind bars as at the end of june, when the meeting started, almost a month and a half later it was read out.
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even behind iron bars in a business suit, his colleagues changed their image radically during 2 years in pre-trial detention. general ivan obakumov grew a thick beard and put on a baseball cap in a bright checkered shirt, the former head of the traffic police department of the subject alexey semenov, and this is the former head of the legal department of the traffic police in st. petersburg ilinoblast, elena kopyeva. all were detained 2 years ago. according to investigators, the police developed a large-scale corruption scheme. interdistrict
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the registration and examination departments of the state traffic inspectorate entered into agreements with entrepreneurs for the free use of premises, and businessmen, under the guise of donations, allegedly sent money to the accounts of the fund for assistance to the state internal affairs programs controlled by the generals. the investigation considered that the donations were bribes that were spent on purchasing premium cars, including a toyota land cruiser 200, as well as paying for subscriptions to fitness centers for the heads of the main directorate. the suv, which was listed on the fund's balance sheet, is to be assumed. ended up in the garage of general abakomov, later it turned out that this was only a small part of his personal fleet of equipment, a yacht and other premium cars were found, the trial had just started, but the st. petersburg generals immediately, as they say, refused, not admitting guilt in bribes, their lawyers meanwhile , they stated that they did not even understand the essence of the accusation; by the way, the damage caused by the activities of the generals has already been assessed in real figures; it could amount to almost 65 million rubles. maxim shevchenko.
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alexander mostovaya. news. duty department. in in khabarovsk, the deputy chairman of the regional government was arrested. he is accused of receiving bribes worth a huge amount - 650 million rubles. according to investigators, he received the so-called. kickbacks on the purchase of medical equipment for regional hospitals. words by alena skachkova. preparations for the most high- profile trial in khabarovsk in recent times began in the corridor. journalists were fussing, the fimida was clutching her sword, and the lawyer was moving the heir's hands. finally, evgeniy nikonov, now former deputy chairman of the regional government. before his arrest, he wrote a letter of resignation, so to speak, threw off the burden of obligations, business suit and shoes. instead of them, nikonov wears fashionable galoshes with holes. well, do you agree with the accusation? no. nikonov declares that he is not a corrupt official, but the investigation thinks differently. they have a thick folder of incriminating evidence on the former official. the materials of the criminal case allegedly provide evidence that the politician took kickbacks worth 650 million rubles. he used to commit
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crimes for his illegal purposes, official position and personal acquaintance with representatives of large business. in addition to the bribe, nikonov is charged with abuse of power, allegedly entrusted to him in the healthcare sector. he turned it into a personal money conveyor, allegedly making money from the purchase of medical devices, this is how, according to investigators, this happened, the former official entered into contracts only with grateful businessmen and received a percentage for it. among such friends of nikonov is the mysterious israeli, german svelikhovsky, general director of a company that supplied local hospitals have devices of dubious quality. he is on the federal wanted list. at the same time, nikonov himself admits that there were other tricks, for example, with documentation, non-existent devices on papers. they worked hard, i knew that a tomograph had been installed, the chief doctor signed the commissioning certificate, without installing this tomograph, and then some kind of investigation began, questions about who signed what, i naturally didn’t make friends, these
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are not my job responsibilities . investigators have begun to unravel this tangle of corruption. last year, a whole group of affiliated persons was detained, including two of the politician’s assistants, madame kandakova and korneeva. they have been in pre-trial detention for a year already, now the investigators seem to have gotten to the head of this fish, my client knew about this criminal proceeding long before his arrest, back in 2023. nikonov’s wife discovered a mini-vehicle fleet of premium infinity models worth several million. searches were carried out in the office of the former official, computers, hard drives, and phones were confiscated. in the government about this ugly stories don't tell much. in rio, the governor limited himself to a short note. comment on the work.
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vape liquid, you understand that you have now committed a crime, how can you explain this? no way, can you leave me alone? you deliberately cause harm to our younger generation, then this is negligence, accident, in this stall, realizing that there is a child in front of them, the seller advises to buy the web
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through someone else, ask, if someone bought it, can you eat, please, show it , what, were selling this now to the young man, i didn’t sell him anything. no, and you know that you are an accomplice to the crime, no, no, according to the law, for selling veps to a minor, the owner of a retail outlet will have to pay a fine of 20 to 60 thousand rubles. now they want to tighten the punishment. that is, firstly, fines will be increased, and secondly, it is proposed to introduce serious liability, up to and including suspension, of the operation of such a point. experts also insist that it is necessary to prohibit the sale of smoking liquid with flavorings, namely. tastes and smells attract teenagers, i started smoking around the age of 14, i started just with electronic cigarettes, because they are delicious, and after a few months i felt bad, nausea, weakness, i began to feel pain in my chest, after that i just recently turned in, which and he told me
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that i get pneumonia, only in the last 2 years, doctors say, the number of patients with complaints after smoking vapes has increased by 15%, well, alexey, an avid lover of vapor statistics: he doesn’t believe it, he’s been smoking for a long time and no matter what no complaints, we decided to check if everything is really good with his health, take a powerful breath, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull some more. spirometry allows you to assess the condition of the lungs and respiratory function. there is already a decrease in the speed of the e curve at the distal level. this means that the bronchial passages have the opportunity to narrow due to prolonged smoking. all organs of the system suffer, both the brain and the heart. we are talking about the so-called eval syndrome. the left tissue is affected so severely and irreversibly that such people sometimes cannot be saved. the worst thing is that damage to the lungs can occur in just a few days, my entire chest was shackled,
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as if with an iron robe. the diagnosis is spontaneous pneumothorax. anna's lung burst from the steam and collapsed, requiring emergency surgery. an incision was made between the ribs under local anesthesia with lidocaine. and through this incision , a tube of such thickness as the little finger was already inserted in order to pump out the air that we take to the laboratory after... the purchased mixture, in addition to nicotine, which, by the way, is not declared in the composition, a whole chemical cocktail. the substances that are in its composition are harmful individually, and when mixed with special heating, they have a carcinogenic effect that can cause the development of tumors, malignant tumors, the sale of electronic cigarettes is prohibited already in...
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the guy was found guilty of organizing a series contract killings and assassinations, as the investigation was able to prove, the son took revenge for his mother, elena conrad, on those who exposed her. details from alexander mostova. at the announcement of the verdict, the moscow hall was sold out. the regional court could barely accommodate all the journalists. defendant nikolai kondrat traditionally hides his face, this time behind a black medical mask. his accomplice , grigory voskresensky, pointedly turned away from the reporters. they make their decisions calmly, it seems they have already come to terms with the fact that they will not be free any time soon. nikolai was found guilty of the crime. murders for hire, grigory voskresensky was found guilty of complicity. nikolai
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kondrat was convicted of organizing a series of contract killings, evading responsibility the young man failed, despite all his connections in the past with very influential parents. his father is ivan kondrat, a former deputy prosecutor general of russia, and his mother was a judge of an arbitration court for a long time. the latter, however, has tarnished the honor of mantle, and is now a criminal herself. last year. elena kondrat was convicted of intermediary in the transfer of a bribe. according to investigators, the then-servant of themis offered her colleague elena makhalkina to make the necessary decision for $50,000. makhalkina refused, and ms. kondrat as a result, they were detained in 2020 while transferring money. in court, she really tried to convince her colleagues that her case was the machinations of some enemies. there is one problem, i believe, which certainly indicates the ordered nature of the persecution. as is now known, while elena kondrat was huddled in a pretrial detention cell, her son was hatching a plan for revenge. nikolai,
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according to investigators, ordered the killers to kill the very judge makhalkina who refused the bribe. the assassination attempt failed, but kondrat jr. did not rest on this, allegedly i ordered my personal driver kirill igetkhanyan. he was only guilty of knowing too much about the affairs of an influential family. the counter had concerns that the victim might inform law enforcement. in these frames , nikita matsinev is likely the perpetrator of the murder. the killer agreed to cooperate with the investigation; during interrogation , he said that he was following kondrat’s orders. do you admit the crime was committed? i admit it. do you agree? agree. and where he explained his desire to get rid of this person with help. murders, mm, we moved further the body was there in a small ravine, they covered it there
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with branches and debris. in addition to organizing the murder of his driver, kondrat allegedly asked matsnev to deal with two more people with whom he had a conflict. but keller simply didn’t have time to do it. he was detained by operatives. another accomplice of kundrat , grigory voskresensky , acted as a driver during the crimes, so to speak, he took a vacant position after the murder.
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clothes. after his arrest, he was sent to a pre-trial detention center, which he will now change to a maximum security colony. nikolai kondrot, accustomed to living in luxurious interiors, you will have to get used to new realities. he will spend the next 20 years behind bars. this decision was announced by the moscow regional court. kondrat’s accomplice grigory voskresensky was sentenced to 10 years in prison. alexander mastva, vladimir shabalin and andrey mashkarov. vesti is the duty unit. a high-security children's camp, a loud scandal in primorye, where the children went on a voucher to study wildlife and spend time actively, and so it happened, the schoolchildren ended up on a desert island in dilapidated huts, cleaned toilets , slept on rotten mattresses, as a result of the rabbinson attack, a criminal case was opened, read more galina hungureeva. the interior
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is ascetic with only crumpled mattresses, the furniture gives the impression that these were logged in. construction workers live in makeshift temporary huts, but children are accustomed to the harsh conditions here, to be silent, i say, what did you say, what did i say, i gave you a fire, so i can, an employee of the children’s camp askolt and dir sprinkled non-folklore phrases, they arranged a high-security vacation on uninhabited island in the primorsky territory, another shift came to be impressed by the wild nature, they were impressed, the living conditions turned out to be wild, the children talk about the absence. hot water, about having to sleep on mattresses that had become stiff after the rain, cleaning up the mess from the previous shift and scrubbing toilets. in this video, children are being transported on a boat without life jackets. askolt island is located in the gulf of the sea of ​​japan, a mecca for ecotourism. people come here to see the rocky shores in the haze of fog, to catch wild animals.
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askolt and dir organized a scientific and educational camp on the shores of a treasured corner of nature in 2021, and even received a grant. subsequent years. he was already working without government support, and recently the prosecutor’s office said that an uninhabited island is not a place for children’s leisure. the prosecutor strictly pointed out that in addition to the absence of the organization in the list of children's health organizations, askolt island is classified as an area where such activities are prohibited, of which the manager was notified in writing. we also received a warning from local administration. there are no conditions on the island to ensure the safety of children. in case of injury, evacuation and timely delivery of the victim. medical facilities are complicated by the remoteness of the islands from the mainland, which is impossible in case of worsening weather conditions. after these videos appeared on social networks, employees of the prosecutor’s office of the investigative committee went to the scene and a criminal case was initiated. according to investigators, in july 2024, residents of the region, in the absence of special permission , created a scientific and educational camp,
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field trip format on askult island for children. the services provided did not meet the requirements without. it can also somehow be explained by the spartan approach to the education of young characters, then walking on the sea without life jackets is definitely beyond the bounds of the law, the girl who recorded these videos was immediately taken away by her parents, a reserved colorful corner where young geniuses were promised to be taught natural sciences, numerous tests await in natural conditions. galina hungureeva, duty officer. dark business on the last square meters in sochi policeman together. fsb officers traced a group that was selling places in cemeteries; according to the security forces, it included a former adviser to the head of the city. for each plot, the funeral workers allegedly demanded up to 3 million rubles. despite the fact that places should be allocated free of charge. the investigation committee is investigating the case. in the words of andrey romanov. members of the investigative team take a few steps through the luxurious interiors and politely greet
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the inhabitants of the dark home. with the owners of square meters furnished with special chic, security forces. but we know each other, the apartment belongs to one of the likely leaders of the sochi organized crime group. according to investigators, the gang was engaged in the sale of places in city cemeteries; it seems that this brought in impressive income. investigators found in the apartment a collection of luxury watches, jewelry, including gold-plated spoons, and an impressive amount of cash carelessly left in a writing utensil. by the way, during the search the bogateevs were most concerned that the disk with family video recordings would not be lost. this is a kindergarten, morning, if kindergarten. so that you don’t lose it later, if you study the materials of the criminal case, it becomes clear why the defendants are not particularly concerned about the fate of their finances, money came to them easily, according to media reports, a piece of land for a grave in the city’s cemeteries. businessmen sold the resort for an average of 250,000 rubles. and this despite the fact that according to the law, places must be allocated free of charge. the organizer of the criminal scheme is said to be the former adviser to the mayor of the resort
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town, radion pishchur. supposedly it was he who came up with the idea of ​​making money from the dead, and then more people happily joined the churchyard business several officials and businessmen in the field of funeral services. according to the assigned roles, the attackers created conditions under which burial in cemeteries took place. impossible, but without transferring bribes to them, the amounts of which ranged from 200,000 to 3 million rubles. according to preliminary data, the monthly income of the organized group ranged from 10 to 15 million rubles. the probable organized crime group was based, as investigators report, in the buildings of the non-profit organization ritual, and security forces also visited there. the only thing non-commercial in the ritual was the name, the relatives of the deceased delicately and very persistently explained that. there are no free places in cemeteries; those who, even after these speeches, demanded that funerals be organized according to the law, were shamed for wanting to save money on the deceased. as a result, the required amount most often ended up at the disposal
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of the businessmen. for some time, before distribution among the participants of the organized crime group, the money was kept in a safe. you can look for the keys from the employees. the keys were not found, and the safe turned out to be an aphoria, it is understandable who would think of robbing a funeral home. the searches took place in 25 addresses. in total, investigators seized more than 15 million rubles from probable participants in the organized crime group. and documents confirming their involvement in criminal business. based on materials collected by police officers of the fsb department, the investigative committee opened a criminal case. in the near future, a preventive measure will be chosen for the detainees. security officials do not exclude the possibility of new arrests in a high-profile criminal case; the funeral workers could still have accomplices at large. andrey. romanov, lead the duty unit. one on four became aware of the details of a violent clash between mixed martial arts fighter alexander larkin and passengers at the airport. they allegedly did not give way, and his
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golf cart was greatly offended. i decided to give the tasks with cuffs. alexander polivko listened to both sides of the conflict. these are shots of a fight between tourists at the vnukovo airport building. a self-confident vip passenger constantly rushes at four travelers who returned to russia from turkey, waving his fists and legs. he does not doubt his abilities. this is a professional boxer and fighter of the league of fist fights, alexander larkin. what do you allow yourself, airport employee, what do you allow yourself? the men who had to fight off the athlete say that the conflict began on the way to passport control, when they did not give way to the golf vip. we headed towards passport control and heard the driver of the golf cart start honking, move aside, well, what did they say, you seem to have a path, a special dedicated lane there. in order for the golf car to move, in general it started a conflict, a verbal altercation, it’s as if we parted ways, the athlete supposedly didn’t calm down, here he is in the baggage claim area,
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overtakes the men again, first of all he attacks nikolai kuzvesov from behind, here he is in a yellow shirt, nikolai’s friend is trying to stop the fighter , literally hangs on the brawler’s neck. larkin throws off a new opponent, while an airport employee also comes to the aid of the athlete; escort services for vip passengers, sparring is unlikely to be included, perhaps. the participants in the fight are not doing something they agree that one way or another the police had to separate the opponents. larkin is no stranger to fighting without gloves, although in 2020 he began his sports career as a boxer, then chose the so-called fist fight, no less brutal fights, and competes in the light heavyweight division, where he often gains the upper hand, although he meets very worthy opponents. but larkin has not yet appeared in criminal chronicles. we contacted the athlete to listen to his version of events. the fighter believes that his...
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it is possible that the fight will continue for another legal plane, so nikolai kuzvesov and his comrades have already secured... he intentionally caused maximum harm, and this is a professionally delivered blow, and we say over and over again that it is still necessary, if a conflict suddenly arises with ordinary people, which provoke and involve professional fighters who perform in the ring, then here it is already necessary to use attempted murder. based on the fact of the fight, a criminal case has already been opened against vnukov . hooliganism committed by a group of people, but who exactly will be charged intrigue, while all participants in the fight pass through it as witnesses. aleksandrivka, andrey karamanov, yuri dzheksembaev, konstantin berzov, and anna makaveeva. news:
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duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is conducted by the duty department and the honest detective , subscribe also to our investigation , watch daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our episode is completed, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia tv channel 24.
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these were all mariupol residents, those children who, from the age of fourteen, were zombied at school, this is punishment for us, for the fact that we were engaged in cannibalism for the last century, we killed each other, looked for enemies among ourselves, we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries movies, watch, in the application or on the website.
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let's start with news about a special operation, assault groups are squeezing ukrainian militants out.
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