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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 1, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is in general with the production of raw materials exported, what is it, our product, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia.
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russian paratroopers destroyed positions in the ssu and occupied a large enemy stronghold in the area of ​​the village of perezdna. this is the seversk direction of the special operation. in the orekhovsk direction, fighters of the dnepr group destroyed enemy firing points. action used them for attacks on peaceful areas of the zaporozhye region. the assassination of the hamas leader in tehran could not have happened without the support of israel from us intelligence. this statement was made by the permanent representative of the islamic republic. un and called on the international community to hold tel aviv accountable. after the chaos in venezuela , security forces detained more than 1,200 people. president maduro spoke about this and clarified that according to his information, activists were trained in colombia , peru, chile, and even texas, america. specially trained for armed coup d'etat. let me remind you that the pro-western opposition began to incite protests after madura’s victory in the presidential election. russia managed
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to almost triple the export of agricultural goods; this was helped by the embargo on food supplies from a number of western countries, introduced back in 2014 in response to sanctions, which made it possible to sharply increase the volume of its own production. as a result, over several years the country was able to significantly increase its own exports to the top three - cereal oils and seafood. orange weather level danger continues to operate in the chelyabinsk region in some places. heavy rains with thunderstorms and winds of up to 25 m/s are expected in the region. the day before , chelyabinsk had already suffered from the elements, but a real hurricane hit the city. how long will the cyclone continue to spoil the weather on the southern mural, evgeniy teshkovets will tell you. cyclone kersti brought heavy rains back to the urals. chelyabinsk has already been flooded and almost blown away. how much precipitation will fall in the region in the coming days and how will this affect the flood situation? meteor time. on channel
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russia 24, i’m evgeny teshkovets, presenter specialist of the fobas center. hello, cyclone kirsi will continue to create instability in the atmosphere today, causing storms and heavy rains. the day before , chelyabinsk found itself in the path of this whirlwind, and this is what was happening in the city. the capital of the southern urals seemed to be covered by a pacific typhoon. according to weather radar data, the height of individual clouds over the metropolis reached. nominal 15 km, such gigantic clouds are capable of causing a real hurricane, it is not surprising that during the passage of the thunderstorm front , fragments of roofs and wind were flying throughout chelyabinsk he tore down signs from stores, knocked down traffic lights and art objects; when the storm subsided, many streets were strewn with broken trees. what the hell was going on here? my god, what happened here? on top of everything, a powerful downpour hit chelyabinsk. as often happens, during
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thunderstorms, precipitation bypassed the weather station; we do not know the exact amount of moisture that fell, but after the rain , an endless ocean formed in the center of the city, cars sank in it along the wheel arches, water penetrated into houses and supermarkets, and some children did not missed opportunities to swim in deep puddles right in their own backyard. the visit of an active cyclone, of course, is not what is needed for a region that has just experienced a flood and is still experiencing the consequences. recent extreme rains, for example, in the area of ​​magnitogorsk on wednesday the level of the ural river rose sharply again, and these shots were allegedly taken in mias, a man began fishing right on a flooded street and caught a whole pike. today kirsty will still feel at ease in the vast russian plain of the urals and western siberia, continuing to generate fields of rain clouds, and the so-called occlusion point - the place of closure of cold warm fronts, with
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which the stormy weather in chelyabinsk was associated, will cover 700 km in a day and go to the omsk irtysh region, so now hurricane flood squalls should be expected in this region. well, it’s too early for chelyabinsk residents to relax. according to our forecast, kirsty will determine atmospheric processes throughout the entire western half of our country, at least until the end of this week. therefore, precipitation in the southern urals will continue, and the showers here will not be as intense as, say, in the off-season of khabi. and still, they can create problems, right up to the weekend in areas of heavy rainfall; a sharp rise in water levels on rivers, in some places reaching dangerous levels, cannot be ruled out. to chelyabinsk, the nearest ones. another 44 mm of precipitation will fall in 5 days, which is more than 80% of the monthly norm. the worst weather is expected tomorrow and on monday. with such forecasts, calculate there is, of course, no reduction in discharges from the shershnevskoe reservoir, so the level of the mias river within the city
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will remain high with all the ensuing troubles. let me remind you that the embankment in chelyabinsk is currently flooded, and travel on some bridges is also limited due to the flood. yes. i will add that kirsty also influences the temperature background in many regions; once captured by a cyclone, the polar air continues to circulate inside it, as a result, for example, in the center of the country, august will take over the cool relay from july. you see in in moscow today it’s only +20, tomorrow it’s +21, on thursday into friday good rains are forecast in the capital, and over the weekend the weather will not change, except that it will become a degree warmer. that's all for me, goodbye. i'm robbing rosselkhozbank, it has everything i need: high cashback, profitable deposits , a convenient credit card. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think.
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7:39 am
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play and win cool prizes. magnet. argentina wants to quickly remove oppositionists from venezuela, who have been taking refuge in the embassy for 4 months. head of medgentina accuses karakos of not providing a corridor. let me remind you that the enemy is in march. the current government took refuge in the argentine diplomatic mission due to the fact that the prosecutor's office issued an arrest warrant for their participation in the preparation of a coup in the country. political scientists do not exclude that such an ardent desire to take away the conspirators is caused by fears that they might testify against the opposition. the argentine authorities have admitted that the country has lost its gold reserves; dozens of tons of precious metal are now stored in the uk, as stated by the ministry of economics, this fully responds to... on
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against the background of a large-scale crisis looming in the west, gold prices and demand for it are growing, but the president of argentina suddenly and secretly transferred all the country's reserves to the british. when this became known, a scandal began, the minister of economy stated that such a step was fully consistent with national interests.
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the central bank of argentina remains silent; gold left argentina back in june, but this became known only now. the head of the trade union of banking sector employees and part-time member of parliament sergio palata sent an official request to the national bank of argentina noted that the british had already robbed other countries many times. so in 2019, the bank of england blocked more than 30 tons of venezuelan gold.
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there is simply no way to return it, it’s the same as pawning your grandmother’s jewelry, you give gold in exchange for dollars, in order to get the gold back, you will have to return the dollars, if you don’t have the money, the pawnshop, in this case an international bank, will keep the gold for itself . in any case, even if argentina has the money to pay off the loans , it will not be easy to return the gold. so,
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until recently, the lion's share of germany's gold reserves was stored in the united states and great britain. berlin managed to get back only a small part. with great difficulty, the central bank of india managed to take back its 100 tons of gold from the british, where they had been since the early nineties. and there are many similar examples. in ukraine after the coup in 1914 . well, the entire gold reserve was also transported by plane to the united states. if javier miley is more uk oriented, then he has moved to the uk. ukrainian authorities.
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according to the ministry, at the end of the year, gdp will grow by 2.8%. then 2 years will be about 2.3 in 27 will reach almost 2.5%. meanwhile, according to the forecast of experts from the acro agency, economic growth in the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth years will be about 1-2%. retail trade turnover in russia increased by more than 6% in june. according to rosstat, it
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exceeded 4.5 trillion rubles, and in the first half of the year it added about 9%. approached 26 trillion, in turn , public catering turnover increased in june by almost 7%, exceeded 272 billion rubles. the result for the first 6 months is more than one and a half trillion, compared to the same period last year, which is almost plus 5.5%. russia plans to develop fish supplies to latin america, the most promising markets for our products, in an interview with maria kudryavtseva , the head of the russian fisheries agency, ilya shastakov, said. japan, the netherlands and germany, we are
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of course very interested in developing supplies to latin america, this is what we are now going to work hard on. with the fishermen. full version of the interview with by the head of the federal fisheries agency ilya shestakov, watch on our channel today after 11:00 moscow time. russia's popularity among foreign tourists is growing. the flow of foreign guests jumped in the first half of the year by almost one and a half times, to 1,800,000 people. this data is provided by the ministry of development. our destination is especially popular in the gulf countries and the asia-pacific region. i'm going. not only to cultural centers, but to the outback, where holiday recreation is now being developed nature, camping and glamping. the state finances the sector, including through the tourism and hospitality industry program. large investors are offered preferential loans. this year, the portfolio of such projects exceeded a trillion rubles. the us federal reserve kept the base rate at a 23-year record level, ranging from five and
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a quarter to 5.5%. according to the regulator, it does not make sense to reduce it yet. there is no certainty about inflation. the federal reserve began raising the base interest rate in march of twenty-two, when everything in the united states was sharply has become more expensive. in june, inflation exceeded 9%. the last time there was such a price jump was 40 years ago. the reasons were the conflict in ukraine and disrupted logistics, a problem that has been going on since the pandemic. the fed will announce its next interest rate decision in september. and that’s all i have for now, even more. news in the next hour. find out your credit score on the compare website or app. it's free. see if you have any arrears and if anyone has taken out a loan in your name. keep your credit history under control control. your credit score may
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need money, tired of looking for a loan that will be approved, compare, simplifies this task, we checked the offers and collected them in one place, just select an mfo and send an application, the money will come directly to the card, take a loan on the website or in the mobile application, compare. since august 1 , the green standard for individual houses has been in effect, what advantages it provides and what is included in it, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in this issue of the instructions. new guest developed according to the roadmap of the ministry of construction and the house of the russian federation together with the national agency for low-rise cottage construction, its full text. can be found on the official website of the federal agency for regulation and metrology. it includes 45 criteria, which are divided into eight categories. izh projects are assessed comprehensively, everything is taken into account,
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how the building is designed, how it is built and from what materials, how convenient and healthy it is to live in it, where waste will be disposed of during its operation, and so on. during development standard, we tried to maintain a balance between categories without highlighting any specific one. as prevailing, because based on feedback from the market company, from feedback from experts, from the technical committee in which we developed the standard, we received different proposals, different wishes, and accordingly our task as developers was to strike a balance, and personally i i can highlight the main categories, such as architecture, environmental safety, site organization, comfort and quality internal environment, energy efficiency and atmosphere (and engineering support of the building. construction companies and manufacturers of house kits will be able to offer buyers projects rated gold, silver, bronze.
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the more gost criteria the project meets, the better. to confirm compliance with the standard and assign a bronze rating, it is necessary to fulfill the basic criteria, including the use of energy-efficient space-planning solutions, responsible construction, comfortable living conditions. in the home, improved energy consumption and controlled thermal energy consumption, as well as acoustic comfort. compliance with the green standard is not a matter of fashion; if a house built from high-quality materials is well insulated, there are no cold bridges in it, then there will be no dampness, and it will need to be heated in winter or cooled in summer less, its owners will receive small bills for electricity or gas, but it will stand... a simple example would be an insulated wall and an uninsulated one when a person arrives after after a long absence, the walls are frozen,
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the appearance is lost, the load-bearing capacity of wooden structures is lost, for example, and if we take for example a good house with high-quality external thermal insulation with a high energy efficiency coefficient, then there is no such problem, the house retains heat, remains stable, which ... more effectively affects, of course, the presentation of the property. for green projects it will be easier to find financing, for example, to get a mortgage for it; banks are more willing to give money for an object that it is almost guaranteed to be in demand on the market, that is, if something happens , a green house as collateral can be sold more easily. our guest is aimed not only at individual home improvement in terms of energy efficiency and resource-saving technologies, we have. large villages or
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a large association of houses can build based on these criteria and make a better product. so, let’s repeat the main thing: a new standard for the construction of individual houses came into force in august, it takes into account how comfortable it will be in them live and how many resources will need to be spent on heating them or, conversely, cooling them. houses that will be built according to the new standard will be more durable, and it will be easier to find money for their construction. if you want to learn more about modern construction of your own home and support measures for homeowners, write to us on telegram, send your questions, we will ask them to the experts, and we will tell you everything in the next issues of the manual.
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it seems that we are nationalists, it’s also true,
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and it’s unique. this is a punishment for us for being the last century we were engaged in cannibalism, we killed each other, you looked for enemies among ourselves, we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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sturmovo. groups, supported by artillery , knock out militants of the kiev regime from their trench dugouts. report from our war correspondent. israel's actions are disrupting peace negotiations and threatening full-scale war in the middle east. let us tell you what loud statements are already being made. first american f-16s have been transferred to ukraine, but even in the west they do not believe that the ukrainian armed forces are capable of using these several aircraft. help
8:01 am
for nationalists and


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