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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 1, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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there is still a threat of house collapse, how do rescuers work in such a situation? yes, daria, indeed, the threat of further collapses remains, which is why the ministry of emergency situations employees are acting quickly , dismantling the structures under the rubble, they found three more survivors to get to them, they are dismantling the structures, let’s look at these footage, nothing is running anywhere , there is a tova. after making sure that the victims were from the village, they pulled her out from under the rubble and handed her over to the ambulance doctors, and in the same way they pulled out the three-month-old baby. let me remind you that as a result of the bang , the first and second entrances collapsed. the head of the investigative committee, alexander postrykin, has already instructed to provide all assistance in investigating the circumstances surrounding this collapse. head of the investigative committee. gave instructions
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to criminologists from the main department of forensic science and experts from the department's forensic center to provide practical assistance in investigating the circumstances of the collapse of part of an apartment building in nizhny tagil. based on this fact, the sverdlovsk investigation department has already opened a criminal case. provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. the chairman of the investigative committee put the progress and results of the investigation under control in the central office of the department. rescuers have already evacuated 70 people from the collapsed building from neighboring houses. according to the latest data, three more people are still missing. there are already eight victims, one of them is an adult and is in serious condition. eyewitnesses tell how they learned about what happened. it works out for me, i live in the third entrance, nothing from my apartment was damaged, the child was there, like i would, but under the rubble i have a graduate.
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lies in my kindergarten, he is 13 years old, sasha shadri, he seemed to take it, answered the phone that his legs were pressed, but we don’t know where anya and another girl are, they lived on the third floor in the sixth apartment, at that moment there a boy came in, seven-year-old denis, they were looking for them at the entrance, they couldn’t find them, that’s all for me, we continue to monitor the development of events, diana. thank you, diana semikova spoke about the consequences of a gas explosion in a five-story building in nizhny tagel. and now it comes a message that traffic on one of the avenues in nizhny tagil is completely limited due to rescue operations; in addition, a state of emergency has been introduced in the dzerzhinsk area. well , now the middle east. the american magazine news week puts forward versions of how tegera will respond to the liquidation of the political leader of hamas. there is talk of a missile attack on a major trading city.
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meanwhile, protests, thousands of marches and demonstrations continue not only in iran, but throughout the middle east. palestine, lebanon, yemen, in jordan, protesters gathered outside the israeli embassy. we say to the enemy, you are lost, you will not defeat this nation and this great people. in iran, meanwhile, the investigation into the death of haniya continues. a photograph allegedly appeared online of the very building that was struck on wednesday night. judging by the limited nature of the destruction of the version. the fact that
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a high-precision missile was used for the attack is confirmed, in the arab media they write that the israeli intelligence service massat was monitoring haniteh by installing a spyware on his smartphone tracker program by sending it a message in the whatsapp messenger. at the initiative of iran , emergency meetings of the un council were held; however, the resolution condemning israel for the attack in tehran was expectedly blocked by the united states and its allies. the responsibility of the united states as a strategic ally. the main supporter of the israeli regime in this region cannot be overlooked in this heinous crime. this act could not have been carried out without the permission and support of us intelligence. similar attempts to drag iran into regional confrontation will destabilize the already tense atmosphere in the region. the vicious practice of targeted assassinations of prominent political and military figures puts the middle east on the brink of a regional war. for the first time after the attack on tehran , israeli prime minister netanyahu appeared in the media field. abu. sounds
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from all sides: we are ready for any scenario and will be united and determined to confront any threat. the new york times reports that iran's supreme leader, ayatallah ali khamini, has already ordered a direct strike on israel. this already happened in april of this year, when , after an israeli airstrike on the iranian consulate in damascus, where a high-ranking general of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, mahammad zahiday, was killed, iran fired three hundred drones and missiles at israel, most of which were then intercepted. and the air defense system, it is reported that the current iranian retaliatory strike will be much larger than the april one, for the second time in the last four months, the entire region is again on the brink of a full-scale war. alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov, polina fedorov and vlad tsurkan, lead the middle east. israeli authorities sent
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diplomatic messages through secret channels to both iran and lebanon. they declared their readiness to start a full-scale war if iran and its allies. will carry out a retaliatory strike on israeli territory. the situation in the region is monitored by the head of the middle east news bureau , sergei poshkov. israeli politicians have made many statements in the last 24 hours, and they can be divided into two groups: on the one hand , israeli politicians say that they are ready to go on a full-scale rampage war, to deliver a crushing blow to lebanon and iran if israel is attacked from that side. on the other side it will be sealed. a statement that israel is not interested in a full-scale war, at least this is what israeli defense minister job gallan said the day before in a telephone conversation with his american counterpart lloyd austin. but yitzhak herzog, the
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israeli foreign minister, said that the situation on the israeli-lebanese border can only be defused by confirming un resolution 1701, who speaks. that hezbollah should withdraw its armed forces beyond the letani river several tens of kilometers north of the israeli border. the day before, the chief of the israeli general staff, duke aleve , had just visited the units of israeli military personnel stationed in the area and stated that israel was ready for any development of events and made it clear that a ground operation in lebanon also... was not removed from the agenda, at the same time, the situation within israel itself remains relatively calm, the home front service has not made any special orders, institutions are working, public transport is running, mass events are continuing and israeli airlines
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are continuing their flights to bengurion international airport, but the most important statement was made the day before by israeli prime minister netanyahu, for the first time... fully and spoke fully to the press, analyzing all the events that have occurred since last saturday, when a rocket fired from lebanon hit the football field in the city of majelshams, when 12 israeli teenagers were killed and about 30 people were injured. benjamin netanyahu in his speech said that israel is responding quite harshly, and recalled the liquidation of muhammad def, this is the second. the man in command of the armed units of hamas in the gaza strip said that the liquidation of fuad shukr, and this is the chief strategic military adviser to the secretary general of the shiite hezbollah group in lebanon, but he took
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responsibility for israel and said that it was israel that eliminated fuad shukr recalled the attack on the port of yemen, saying that israel would deal harshly. respond to such attacks on their territory and called on citizens to prepare for difficult times, saying that the war is far from over. there are difficult days ahead of us, since the attack on beirut, threats are coming from all sides, we will cope with any of them. israel will make us pay a very high price for any attack on us on any front. it must be said that the security service of the prime minister of israel is now.
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was rescued from the basement of a collapsed house, the number of victims has increased to nine, the ministry of emergency situations reports, two victims are in serious condition, this is already data from the ministry of health of the region. the argentine authorities admitted that the country had lost its gold reserves. tens of tons of precious metal are now stored in the uk. as stated in the ministry of economy of argentina, this is fully in line with national interests, while inflation in argentina has already exceeded 80% since the beginning of the year. so whose interests are here, anton dadykin was looking into. against the background of a large-scale crisis looming in the west, gold prices and demand for it is increasing. but the president of argentina suddenly and secretly transferred all the country's reserves to the british, when this became
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known a scandal began, the minister of economy stated that such a step was fully in line with national interests. imagine that you keep jewelry in your house and cannot use it in any way, but if someone else has your gold, you get a financial return. the reality is that the country needs to maximize income and interest on our assets. keep the gold under lock and key and do nothing with it. that is in argentina it is not, quite rightly, there is information that a private collection company, on charter flights with british airways, transported 62 tons of precious metal to london for a total of $4.5 billion. argentina's central bank remains silent. gold left argentina back in june, but this became known only now. head of the trade union of banking sector employees part-time.
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there are a lot of countries, about 290 billion dollars. we
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will pay anyway. in my life i am used to maintaining financial balance, when we pay, the interest rate on our loan will drop sharply. rumors also appeared in argentina that gold from great britain would be sent as collateral to one of the swiss banks, which would allegedly provide the miley government with a loan of a billion dollars; there was simply nothing to return it with. it’s the same as pawning your grandmother’s jewelry, you give gold in exchange for dollars, in order to get the gold back, you will have to return the dollars, if you don’t have the money, the pawnshop, in this case an international bank, will keep the gold for itself. in in any case, even if argentina has the money to pay off the loans, it will not be easy to return the gold. thus, the lion's share of the gold reserves in germany was until recently stored in the united states and the same great britain. berlin managed to get back only a small part. with great difficulty, the central bank of india managed to take back its 100 tons of gold from the british, where they had been since the early
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nineties. and there are many similar examples. in ukraine, after the coup d'etat in 1914, the entire gold reserve was also flown out to united states. if javier miley is more uk oriented, then he has moved to the uk. the ukrainian authorities were guided by the united states, which means they transported it. western control over the argentine president apparently continues from his time at a british bank, as well as cooperation with the world economic forum. meley not only did not take the malvinas islands from great britain, as he promised the argentines before the elections, but...
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the republic compares favorably and is even better in agriculture the result is in contrast to the results for the country as a whole, but there are certainly some that require special attention on your part, on the part of the government, please, dear vladimir
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vladimirovich, thank you for the opportunity to report on the development of our republic, we are working on a single agenda for the country, i also went there, you set the task of clearly bringing order to financial discipline, 3 years ago, the government’s income exceeded our own income by more than twice, now we have corrected the situation, now our income already exceeds the national debt, but we are trying to improve this indicator, i believe that we still need to work a lot, because now the indicator is about 90%, on average i think, well,
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it should be somewhere around 60-70 to function normally, of course we need to... but we are working with the ministry of finance, we have a complete understanding and for the first time in many years we have been recognized as proper in managing the finances of the republic, we are constantly working to increase wage growth, here we also have our own reserves, if in industry we managed to increase wages, so people began come last year we had a small migration influx into the republic, people come for new investment projects, but the birth rate, the birth rate is low, and that’s what i wanted for us. questions, so we will now all of you in the message gave options for solving these opportunities that were voiced in the message to use, throw all your efforts at it, as for wages, of course, in the social sphere we need to catch up, in industrial agriculture people come and choose mordovia as a place of work,
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we will finalize this issue in the social sphere, for last year, the russian government made two cardinal decisions; for small medium-sized businesses there was 15% growth last year; by the way, we have been growing for 3 years. smes and the number of people employed in smes is also growing by 10%; last year, according to the industrial production index, i believe that we have adopted the investment standard as a basis, the agency for strategic initiatives has been working on this for several years, the ministry of economic development, here is the strict implementation of investment standards , and we felt that investors reached out, we they became more open, understanding began
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to emerge, so i think they began to invest in industry, and this ensured industrial growth. by the way, this year we already have 112.5%. i think that we will not only maintain this dynamic growth, but will try to increase it. with regard to fiber optics, the goal was to ensure technological sovereignty, because there are few players on the market, and this is still broadband internet, this is uninterrupted communication. it is important for us that we must build a second plant. here, on your instructions, the ministry of industry and trade russia was offered a financial mechanism. 2 billion this year we will already be able to contract equipment.
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they allow you to transport cargo over long distances for up to 60 days, and they maintain temperature, maintain pressure, these are especially dangerous substances, and lng, and most importantly, we are superior to foreign analogues, because the shelf life of refrigerators is no more than 25 years, now we have has been running for 31 years, we enter the market on time, our company rmrail is now trying to do science and expand production, last year we grew by 37%, we used to say: 10,000 industrial cars, now there are 13,000 planck cars and we are the leaders in russia. in pharmaceuticals , traditionally, we bring new drugs to the market, mainly vital ones, 80%. what the biokhimik company, our group of companies promet, does is the fight against cancer, cancer, obesity and so on, so oncology also requires special attention, yes,
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because the incidence rate in oncology is higher on average than in russia, that’s why i said, we built an oncology clinic on your instructions, the detection rate has increased sharply, and detection in the first stages, we saved a lot of lives, and we will too.
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well, it’s important for us that the program is professional, thank you very much for it, we have taken on specific areas for ourselves, agriculture, electrical
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products, mechanical engineering, agriculture, and of course, we have a unique center for healthy eating, which has been in mordovia for many years now center for the all-russian meeting on school nutrition, sergei sergeevich, i know, reports on the results of feedback, in this year we also have a high school tables championship.
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skill we conduct children's holidays in what way children's holidays we firstly direct our own, we have prepared all the camps together with the regulatory authorities, traditionally people come to us from novorussia, people come to us from belgorod, that's why we try and pay the most important attention to the employment of patriotic education, standards gto, knowledge of history, well, it is important for us that with the movement of the first, we actually created a center on the basis of one of... children's health camps and are holding a championship in providing first aid, in general, this topic is quite interesting, so the russian ministry of health and i took on the responsibility
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of training work collectives, schools, sports schools, as if now this skill is in great demand, so that everyone has it until the ambulance arrives, of course it is necessary for the majority of people to be able to provide first aid, insert blood, restore breathing, and the same goes for fire safety, we traditionally...
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well, on the issue of healthcare, i wanted to report that we traditionally have many doctors in mordovia on average, the provision is higher than in russia, why is this happening, and because participation in programs to implement your initiatives, ensuring decent work for doctors, our university has come up with an initiative, we will transfer the clinical base to them in agreement with the ministry of education and science, there the best departments of orthopedics, hospital surgery, traumatology...
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he didn’t surrender a single soldier, didn’t lose a single battle, didn’t lose a single one, and it’s also interesting, i carefully read the script, by the way, the film is being produced by the fund presidential grants, a fund for cultural initiatives, will be devoted mainly to his life in mordovia, on the territory of modern mordovia, in 1812 he was engaged.
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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, we do the same work, the same tasks, put it in. my record is 285, i couldn’t get all dressed because i was in normal shape, well, salamati, one alone, it was the case that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, i say, well, yes, the first once i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i wanted to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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the law on foreign agents has come into force in georgia, how they react to it inside the country outside its borders, we will discuss with the georgian political scientist, archil stikhorulidze, he is in direct contact with us, archil telmurazovich, hello, good afternoon, please tell us what this law on foreign agents, what are its fundamental provisions, why was there a need to adopt it?


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