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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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a high-rise building collapsed in nishny tagil, a six-year-old child is in intensive care in serious condition, the search and rescue operation continues, there may still be people under the rubble... who are now in place. vladimir putin discussed the development of mordovia with the head of the region, artyom zdunov. the republic actively supports svo participants, industry is growing, and how children’s summer holidays are organized. large-scale processions, prayers and calls for retribution. iran is saying goodbye to the political leader of hamas. the top officials of the islamic republic are also participating. which resonant? statements have already been made about the exercise
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of non-strategic nuclear forces, the russian military has worked on obtaining special ammunition, we will show fresh footage from the ministry of defense and talk about the tasks of the soldiers. cyclone kirste is not losing ground in the urals, it will affect the weather until the end of the week, intense precipitation in the central part of russia, when clearing is expected. and still unlucky with the weather. paris, then the heat, then the downpours that wash the garbage into hay, and today there is also a hurricane, because of which sports competitions were postponed walking. and another victim was pulled out from under the rubble at the site of the collapse of a residential building in nizhny tagil. the rescue operation is currently ongoing there. two entrances to a five-story building collapsed after a gas explosion. according to the latest data from rescuers, 10 people were injured, including.
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two spans have already collapsed here, rescuers rescued eight people from under the rubble, almost all of them are hospitalized, among them there are children, now they are receiving all the necessary help, 13 years old shadri, he seemed to answer the phone that his legs were pressed , but we don’t know where anya and another girl, they lived on the third floor in the sixth apartment, all operational services are involved in clearing the rubble.
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examination. information about the victims
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is being clarified; rescue efforts are continuing by the ministry of emergency situations and the police. this building is very tall, it collapsed from the first to the fifth floor, work continues, all resources are being deployed here, we hope that they can still extract the living from under the rubble and lead the urals. and here is the latest data that comes right during the broadcast, the number of victims after the collapse of the entrances of a house in nizhny tagil has grown to...
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hotel accommodations; a mobile reception area for the prosecutor's office has also been deployed there, where they will answer all the questions of those whose loved ones have suffered, as well as their property. the russian military
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exceeds ... a small but migration influx into the republic, comes to new investment projects. among the projects highlighted by the head of the region is the construction of a second fiber optic production plant, the first successfully operating, and today the only one in the country where it has been developed. production of such products, which allows 100% to cover the need for government procurement in this industry. and in mordovia they produce cars and refrigerators that maintain the required temperature and pressure, so that they allow the transport of hazardous substances and lng in the required conditions. and of course,
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pharmaceuticals. the republic launches on the market new drugs are mainly life-saving. our group of companies produces 80% of what the biokhimik company does. this is a fight with. with cancer, otitis media, obesity and so on, so oncology also requires special attention, yes, because the incidence rate in oncology is higher on average than in russia, that’s why i said, uh, we built an oncology clinic, on your instructions, the detection rate has increased sharply, moreover, detection in the first stages, we saved many lives, the statistics just increased, yes, the statistics of the first early stages, right away the same, because good equipment and specialists appeared. in this case , of course, we need to provide further treatment and rehabilitation of patients. for 2 and a half years now , a polyclinic complex has been operating in the region, the laboratories and x-ray equipment of which allow diagnosing the disease in the earliest stages. in the future, it is necessary to eliminate the dissonance between the new
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modern center and the old building of the oncology clinic, opened half a century ago. they are also reconstructing new schools; the work has already been completed for the summer. economic development, in this case we also monitor this quality; it is our absolute priority today, so we will also pay close attention to them and apply for a professional degree in pedagogy this year. among the problems that the head of the region highlighted, low birth rates and
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public transport, including in saransk, are planning to update it, but mordovia is provided with doctors much better than many other regions, including thanks to the implementation of all... east mid iran called on all countries un unite for opposition to israel. meanwhile, the world media is making forecasts about what kind of response might come from tehran. there is a farewell ceremony for ismail haniyeh from the region. report by our own correspondent, alexander bilibov. tehran today says goodbye to the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, who was killed the day before. after the completion of mourning events in the iranian capital, his body will be taken to qatar, where it will be held. burial ceremony. in the arab world, meanwhile, protests continue,
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marches and demonstrations of many thousands only in iran, but throughout the middle east. palestine, lebanon, yemen, in jordan, protesters gathered at the israeli embassy. we say to the enemy, you are lost, you will not defeat this nation and this great people. you are wounded, meanwhile, the investigation into haniya’s death continues; a photograph allegedly appeared on the internet of the very building from which. on wednesday night the strike was carried out, judging by the limited nature of the destruction, the version that a high-precision missile was used for the attack is confirmed, the arab media write that israeli intelligence massat monitored hanei, installing a spy tracker program on his smartphone and sending him a message in the whatsapp messenger; on iran’s initiative, an emergency meeting of the sofbe zon was held, however, the resolution condemning israel for the attack in tehran was expectedly blocked by the united states and its allies. the responsibility of the united states, as a strategic ally and the main supporter of the israeli regime in
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this region, cannot be overlooked in this heinous crime, this act could not be carried out without the permission and support of us intelligence. such attempts to drag iran into a regional confrontation will destabilize the already tense atmosphere in the region. the vicious practice of targeted assassinations of prominent political and military figures puts the middle east on the brink of a regional war. israel still denies any involvement in this, but called on its fellow citizens to prepare for a retaliatory strike. we have difficult days ahead: after the attack in beirut, threats are coming from all sides. we are ready for any scenario and will be united and determined to face any threat. the new york times reports that iran's supreme leader, ayatallamini, has already given the order to strike. a strike on israel, this already happened in april of this year, when after an israeli airstrike on the iranian consulate in damascus,
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where a high-ranking general of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, mahamad zahidi, was killed, iran fired three hundred drones and missiles at israel, most of which were then intercepted by the system air defense. the current iranian retaliation strike is reportedly will be much larger than the april one. for the second time in the last 4 months, the entire region is again on the brink of a full-scale war. alexander.
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a lot depends on the united states, and it’s very bad that many processes in the world in
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the middle east region, in particular, depend on the course of the election campaign in the united states of america. well , continuing the topic, the israeli minister of defense confirmed that the israeli military killed the commander of the military wing of hamas, mohammed addeifa. operation footage. which took place on july 13, the tsahal press service previously published. they show a missile strike on a residential area; it is alleged that mohammed addawe was in the building. telyaviv holds him responsible for preparing the terrorist attack. october 7, during which over a thousand people were killed in southern israel. i note that hamas representatives did not confirm the death of commander mohamed deif. the authorities of the volga region are increasing the one-time payment to contract soldiers and participants of the svo. so in the penza region, for example, taking into account regional allowances, the total amount will be more than a million rubles.
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the president signed a decree increasing the payment to 400,000 the day before. we will find out from our correspondent egor whether there is a response to the initiative in moscow. grigoriev, he today works in the capital’s unified selection center for military service under a contract. so, egor, greetings, how is the situation there, what ’s going on with you? alexey, hello, as usual, it’s already crowded at the single selection point for military service under contract, but on the street behind me you probably see dozens of people, and hundreds more now they are inside in offices, they are tested, fill out questionnaires, and undergo a medical examination. it’s worth answering that this is probably not the usual one, but this is a hundred and old familiar military registration and enlistment office, everything here works according to a new principle, according to the principle of the mfc, there are no paper records, there is no paperwork, there are no these old dusty archives affairs, everything is computerized as much as possible, all databases are maintained in digital form, an electronic queue
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is mandatory, everyone issues a coupon and the entire process from filling out the form, from checking the data, before the actual preliminary and familiarization with the contract, this whole process takes only 4 hours, only after this the person is sent home for a few days, to collect things , after that the person then leaves for the training base, it is worth saying that the specialists are here on the ground, including volunteers, will tell you in detail about all the processes, they will also inform you about the benefits available, and... the amount of monetary allowance, the amount of one-time payments, they are constantly growing, just the day before, you mentioned this, the president signed a decree that the federal one-time payment will be increased to 400,000 rubles. it is also recommended that the constituent entities of the russian federation raise this amount, although the constituent entities are regions,
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they themselves a priori make it higher, for example, in moscow, in the capital, and this amount is equal to 1 million. 900,000 rub. and accordingly it was calculated that in a year almost 5 million, if, taking into account the monetary pleasure, the contract soldier will receive, while the contract must be signed with 1 august, or from july 31, yesterday it was decided that from august 1 , a contract must be signed for at least a year. in addition to monetary payments, of course, contract soldiers are entitled to other benefits, social benefits, both to them and to their families, this includes medical care, this is the admission of children to schools without queues, to kindergartens, without being tied to the place of registration and admission to universities, that’s what we were told about benefits and cash payments here at the selection point, let's listen: on july 31, on july 31, a presidential decree was signed
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number 644 on the introduction of a lump sum payment in the amount of: people from 18 to 65 years old can enter into a contract, this is if we are talking about men, while the average age is 25-27 years old, as we were told at the inkomat, primarily family and money and benefits , this is of course not the primary reason why a contract is concluded, to defend the homeland, to protect your loved ones, these
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are not pompous words, this is what contract soldiers and soldiers told us, not for the first time... medical specialties, nurses and communications specialists, we here with them we also talked today, in the next live broadcasts we will definitely give them the floor and tell them that every day... thousands of people all over russia go to the training zones and directly to their zones, today, for example, from cherkesssk, from grozny, from orenburg, large sending. alexey, yes,
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egor, thank you, we are following the topic, our correspondent egor grigoriev was in direct contact with the studio. in russia, today is the day of remembrance of russian soldiers who died in the first world war, which began exactly 110 years ago. today in moscow, participants of the russian historical. development of our society and state. another ceremony in honor of the day of remembrance of russian soldiers at the monument to the heroes of the first world
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war on poklonnaya hill. here the action was carried out by activists of the military historical society together with the victory museum. the monument was opened, let me remind you, 10 years ago. chisinau announced the person of nongrad, an assistant military attache of the russian embassy, ​​he must leave the country. about this after visiting mid-moldova. head of the russian type mission oleg vosnetsov. in his opinion, such actions are aimed at the actual dismantling of relations between the two countries. the diplomat recalled that a year ago, under a far-fetched pretext, 2/3 of the russian embassy employees were expelled, but evidence of their guilt was never presented. starting today, the pensions of pensioners who worked last year will be increased, payments for people over 80 will also increase, and this is not all the changes. we'll find out more from... konstantin, greetings, and what else has august brought us? alexey, hello, i brought a lot, they are extending, in particular , restrictions on the export of gasoline and sugar, which should stabilize the situation on the domestic
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market. in the coming august, russians will face a number of changes, and we will tell you about the most important of them right now. from august 1 , the russian social fund will recalculate the insurance pensions of pensioners who worked in 2023. the adjustment will affect all pension recipients. for old age and disability, for which the employer paid insurance contributions. what the increase will be depends on the salary; the higher it is, the more the pension will be increased. as noted on the social fund website, the maximum increase is three pension coefficients. its cost depends on the year in which the citizen received his pension. well, for example, this year it is 133 rubles 5 kopecks. the social fund website states that you can view the accumulated coefficient using an account statement, which must be requested in your personal account on the government services portal. what is important: the recalculation takes place without application , that is, pensioners do not need
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to apply anywhere. the new pension amount will be transferred in august according to the standard schedule. also, an increase in payments awaits those who turned 80 in july. their pension will double. from the first of august , we traditionally begin indexing the base part. pensions of pensioners who have reached the age of 80 will now be doubled, and the increase will be 8,134 rubles, in total, the basic level of a pensioner’s pension, in addition to the insurance part, will be 16,268 rubles, that is, this figure is quite exaggerated, there are other changes, august 1 in russia ... a ban on the export of gasoline has come into force, it will last until october inclusive, similar measures for diesel fuel were not taken; according to first deputy head of the ministry of energy pavel sorokin, the government
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made this decision in order to stabilize the market, saturate it with supply and prevent sharp price increases, including in wholesale. this week, starting from tuesday, stock prices for gasoline in russia are rising, these graphs show the cost of ninety- second and ninety-five gasoline for the european part of russia in rubles per ton . that fontanel prices will be forced to react to this. the changes also affected the market sahara. by order of the ministry of agriculture from august 1 to
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april 28 next year. restrictions on the export of sugar under export agreements are being extended, the export of only one ton of this product is allowed, in fact, this is almost a ban, but there are several exceptions that apply to the eac countries, for example, 28,000 tons of sugar are allowed to be exported to armenia, 5,000 tons to belarus, to kazakhstan - 120,000 tons, to kyrgyzstan 28.5. these volumes are distributed among exporters by the ministry of agriculture, and export licenses are issued by the ministry of industry. the situation on the sugar market remains quite stable, we expect the harvest to be close to average, and wholesale prices for sugar are now gradually decreasing ahead of the start of the light season, and there will even be some surplus that will need and can be exported, i think that the government, within the framework of other decisions, will allow
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do it. and, of course, these are not all the changes coming into force this month. on august 1, a law came into effect according to which the digital ruble is considered an object of civil rights and can be inherited. from august 2 in case of bankruptcy bank, its creditors will be able to receive their money faster. this will happen thanks to the introduction of an accelerated procedure for the sale of bankrupt assets. well, from august 5, banks and microfinance organizations must enter a record of all messages that they sent to debtors overdue. loans, this will protect people from possible violations, insults, threats, and this is only a small part of the innovations this month.
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all mariupol residents, those children who were zombied at school from the age of fourteen, this is a punishment for us for being the last century engaged in cannibalism, we killed each other, looked for enemies among ourselves, we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch,
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we watch, in the application or on the website. now it's time for economic news. the grain harvest in russia will reach 132 million tons by the end of the year, despite difficult climatic conditions. this was stated in the office of deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev. now farmers from five regions have begun collecting grain. the pace of cleaning is almost. twice as fast as last year, 40% of the area has already been threshed, almost 64 million tons. according to the results of 7 months, transportation on russian railways increased by 7.5%. a total of 728 million tickets were sold. the company reported this. almost 90% of trips are on suburban routes, the rest are long-distance . as the head of the holding oleg belozerov previously stated, russian railways plans to achieve this year.


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