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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 1, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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look, look in the app or on the website, and now it’s time for economic news: the grain harvest in russia at the end of the year will reach 132 million tons, despite difficult climatic conditions, this was announced by the office of deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev. now farmers have started collecting grain. in 55 regions, the harvesting pace is almost twice as fast as last year, 40% of the area has already been threshed, and almost 64 million tons have been collected. according to the results of 7 months, transportation on russian railways increased by 7.5%. a total of 728 million tickets were sold. the company reported this. almost 90% of trips are on suburban routes, the rest are long-distance. as the head of the holding oleg belozerov previously stated, russian railways plans to achieve this year. russia and the eu, following
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the results of 5 months, decreased by one third, to almost 29 billion euros, news writes about this. experts note that trade with european countries cannot completely stop, including due to dependence on russian energy resources for fertilizers. at the same time, moscow continues to purchase some goods from the eu, clothing, food, equipment and others. in europe not see. for hungary and slovakia from ukraine stopping the transit of russian oil, a representative of the european commission stated. he noted that the department does not plan to begin urgent consultations on this issue. kiev , in turn, banned and assured the european commission that the transit of oil from russia would continue if this oil did not belong to lukoil. let me remind you that in july ukraine stopped supplies of russian oil through the druzhba pipeline. hungary and slovakia faced a shortage of raw materials and demanded that the european commission accept it.
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3:35 pm
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the vaentork joint stock company was detained on charges of embezzlement of funds during the execution of government contracts for the ministry of defense. according to the ministry of internal affairs , the criminal scheme worked for 3 years from 2019 to 22. the products purchased by the company in the regions were then sold by the defendants for...
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at home, this was also reported in the press service of the ministry of health of the sverdlovsk region, in addition, tas adds that five people are possibly under the rubble, this, let me remind you, is data, which are arriving right at these moments. the head
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of the ministry of health, mikhail murashka , is on a working visit to crimea today; he visited a maternity hospital, hospitals and an oncology care center in the cities of yevpatoria and saki. the minister also supervised the construction. children's rehabilitation center and spoke about how clinics are being modernized; this year in crimea , 1 billion 100 million rubles were allocated for the modernization of primary care. two large clinics are being built today, i hope that the regional leadership will complete this on time, well for the next year it is planned... 1 billion 700 million rubles and seven healthcare facilities, which will also have to be built, and cars and medical equipment will be supplied, near novosibirsk they launched
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the second stage of the largest transport and logistics center siberian beyond the urals, container trains will be processed there , a built site adapted for crane technology and a specialized fleet for the accumulation and sorting of wagons. in the near future, such centers will appear in other regions russia. there will be about ten of these without the moscow transport hub. in the moscow transport hub, even 10 will not be enough, because essentially the entire freight base is being formed there, and such the urals, siberia, the far east, now we need to include kuzbass in the plan, the same will be done on... and state duma deputies will continue in the fall work on a package of bills that increase liability for the leakage of personal
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data, we are talking about amendments to the criminal code and the code of administrative offenses, the head of the state duma committee on information policy alexander khenshtein, today he became a participant in a round table... of the expert institute of social research called responsibility for information, why regulate the work of bloggers, this is how alexander khenshtein himself commented on the work to strengthen control over... already today on the internet everyone who posts information and is responsible for its accuracy. in our country today, the internet is already a zone where outright defamation of legal norms is not allowed. today we have it is not just the reliability of the information disseminated that a person is responsible for, but for this information itself, for its dissemination. unacceptable, prohibited information, something that relates to completely criminal
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3:44 pm
discounts until august 14, build faster with avita for your home, the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated, choose up to five tops every month. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even percentage on everything, it’s more profitable with a subscription with berprime, mobile communications for thank you is normal, hello, that’s why we do it, sbermobile.
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my native country is wide, there are a lot of forests, fields and rivers in it, and if you look at the numbers, water bodies occupy approximately 12% of the territory of russia, well, they are home to hundreds of species of fish, businesses around the fishing industry, what solutions are there for entrepreneurs to rise to new heights?
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producers of our food, then i am sure that the russian sturgeon will, of course, choose domestic food. it is important to stimulate further influx of investment in the fishing industry, build and modernize processing plants, improve all related transport, logistics, engineering, and social infrastructure. what does a business in the fishing industry need to feel like a fish in water, of course, a good catch, in 5 years. this figure increased by almost 400 thousand tons, and the production of fish products by about 200,000, and modern vessels allow the catch to be processed directly at sea, the demand is growing for such a fleet, and why is it important that it be built been to russia and what is a keel quota? we go to the shipyards for answers. this foundation
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was laid by peter ii 320 years ago. at the company they call it. general director, it was here that almost the entire baltic fleet was formed, and today on this shipyard they build not only warships, but unique science-intensive vessels or trawlers like this, and this is already the fifth in the series. there is the most modern equipment here, and the ship itself is a large factory for deep processing of frozen catch, more than 60,000 tons per year. if you take a submarine and freezer trawler, which is more difficult to assemble? the construction of a fishing crawler of this project is more complicated, it is a unique vessel, not like in russia, in the world. ruslan kasimov, chief builder at the admiralty shipyards, says that now approximately 80% of the civil order is fishing trawlers. the kiel quota mechanism helps to reach serial production. it has been in effect since 2017; in order to obtain the right to
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catch biological resources, a company must build fishing vessels at a domestic shipyard. you could say. that the range has expanded the assortment has of course expanded, we can say that it has expanded by 20 percent. the deadlines for the delivery of ships, if there were delays on the first ships, there were some problems that we successfully solved; we encountered problems with the commissioning of the supplied equipment. to what extent are shipbuilding capacities ready to meet the needs of fishermen? of course, for us it is such a pain both in the head and in the heart. those 106 ships that were supposed to be built as part of the first stage should have already been handed over to customers next year, but unfortunately the shipyards were unprepared for the construction of a fishing fleet, these competencies were still being developed by the shipyards, well , sanctions restrictions took some time, which have now been overcome, the ships have been redesigned where necessary for
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the supply of equipment from friendly countries in order to support the shipbuilder's term. grows by 137 different vessels, 36 processing factories and four logistics complexes will appear, because you can get the right to production in exchange for the construction of coastal fish processing plants. this the almond deep processing plant was launched in 2020. the catch comes here from
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two seas - the okhotsk and bering seas. and if at the start the products were sent from here. only to the regions of the far east, now deliveries go throughout the country, from cutting it on machines, filleting it to freezing it in just 15 minutes. why is it important that there is such a short time so that the fish does not lose its juiciness, after the freezer, where we have minus 35, it goes into a bath of water, and then it is immediately packaged, it is stored longer and will...
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in the future, they plan to establish partnerships with large chains to supply semi-finished products there, and now fish from here can be tasted not only in different parts of russia, but abroad. the path to the foreign market may be shorter if you start it from the my export platform. it was launched under the national project international cooperation export. in 2020, here you can already obtain more than 120 services digitally, for example, receive a phytosanitary certificate or support from the state for transporting goods, and all in the mode
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one window, but the demand for fish is increasing within the country, along with appetites, not only fishing is growing, but also fish farms, where valuable species of fish are also grown. over 5 years , commercial aquaculture production has increased by more than 100,000 tons. how this business works, why the food, the whole head. all our food is made from domestic ingredients. using our equipment, we also produce domestic feed for aquaculture, which we then feed russian fish. a client who bought a delicious fish, he is very pleased, wipes himself with a napkin, his hands are a little oily. if the theater begins with a hanger, then delicious aquaculture in the production of feed. the plant was launched in 2009.
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smolensk region. it’s just been developed, we just agreed to build a new large plant, and it’s not enough anymore, so a year ago , for aquaculture, about 20 recipes that are in no way inferior to our western partners, western partners envy us and say: we’ve done a big stupid thing, most likely you’ll break into our world with your feed. temporary problems with those restrictions that have been introduced on the supply of feed, this is actually a very strong investment impetus for the construction of our feed production plants, now
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there are eight modern plants under construction, the government, by the way, has introduced a support measure for the construction of 25% compensation for investment costs, by the twenty-fifth year we expect that somewhere we have already closed 40-50 percent, by the twenty-eighth about 80 percent, over the past 10 years our aquaculture has more than doubled in volume production, what is the largest fish you have ever caught? i actually caught 14 kg chevs back in kamchatka, but sometimes when fishermen, amateurs start telling me, i caught the biggest one there and they start increasing everything , increasing everything, increasing everything, i say, yes, but last year we got 5.4000 tons were caught, and these are records, i say, but you say that these are not records. baikal is the deepest lake in the world and a magnet for tourists, and also a habitat for more than 50 species of fish, in order to preserve them, industrial fishing
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lake is prohibited, but there is a solution, literally 20 km down the hangar there is a farm where they grow the same omles, carp or carp. so who is this with us this is also si so and i him and i can’t hold him now so come here come here friend go wow how much he can pull two 200 kilograms even i think so well let’s let him go so swim my friend was offended during filming the program has a solution, not a single fish was harmed, although the company of ivan sysoenko, with whom we visited, was once engaged in fishing and processing of the catch. but then they changed their profile, restored an abandoned enterprise, started raising rare inhabitants of lake baikal, and now they are planning to develop agritourism. now there is an exemplary
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kindergarten for fish for fry. yes, that ’s right, this enterprise was built back in the soviet union, in the early nineties, all work stopped, that is , there was no fish here, there was no fish here, no production, and the buildings, in principle, even needed demolition. at the factory we have about six species of fish that live with us, the only species which does not live here is trout, that is, it is simply a commercial fish that we sell to the market. why did they decide to grow trout? we have rather difficult climatic conditions and trout is basically unpretentious, and most importantly... people hear it, there is no need to explain that it’s delicious, people hear trout and go buy it, and not just buy it, and try it right away in nature, so another line of business appeared - agritourism. these eco-houses were built with a grant from the ministry of agriculture, 70% of the money from the state, 30, the business invests itself, so far there are seven houses, but soon there will be 25, everything is already planned for several weeks in advance, there is a restaurant nearby where they cook peal or the same grayling.
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after all, what kind of business do you have, do you have tourism or fish? these are two directions of the same essence, if i may say so, yes, and if one direction fails a little, the second may work a little better, in the tourism business we offer people the most unique thing, this is fish, which is ours , that is, this is an eco product, like our enterprise, you can’t cook a delicious fish soup from just one fish; for a rich soup you also need... ingredients: potatoes, carrots, onions, and also aromatic herbs, pepper, salt, and also explosive growth; its growth is impossible without the development of snow production, from freezing equipment and feed until the construction of new trawlers, mm, beauty!
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12 people were injured, including six children, a high-rise building collapsed in nizhny tagil, a six-year-old child is in intensive care in serious condition, people may still remain under the rubble, an il-76 of the ministry of emergency situations took off, and is now in place. vladimir putin discussed the development of mordovia with the head of the region, artyom zdunov. the republic actively supports svo participants and is growing. and what changes in the social sphere? in iran , forgiveness with the political leader hamas, a wave of protests throughout the arab world, there are calls for retribution, how will tehran respond now and whether washington was aware that israel was preparing a political assassination. exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces. the russian military has worked on obtaining special ammunition. we will show fresh footage from the ministry of defense and let's talk about the tasks of the soldiers. and cyclone kirsty
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is not losing ground in the urals, it will affect the weather until the end of the week, intense precipitation in the central part of russia, when can we expect clearing? according to the latest data, 12 people were injured as a result of the collapse of two entrances to a residential building in nizhny tagil, including six children. five more people may remain under the rubble, the city’s emergency services report. ministry of emergency situations. increased the grouping of resources at the scene of an emergency; now more than 200 rescuers are working there. from the scene our correspondent dmitry nemytov. the emergency in nizhny tagil on sibirskaya street occurred at approximately 12:00 noon local time. now we are right at the site of the collapse. unfortunately, you can’t get any closer, rescue work is underway. the fact is that two spans have already been built here. rescuers rescued eight people from under the rubble, almost all of them were taken to hospital. among them there are
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children now. all the necessary help is being provided, 13 years old shadri, he seemed to take it, answered the phone that his legs were pressed, but we don’t know, where anya and another girl, they lived on the third floor in the sixth apartment, all operational services are involved in clearing the rubble, the governor of the sverlovsk region came to the scene of the emergency, the deputy plenipotentiary of the president created an operational headquarters, one of the city hospitals closed.


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