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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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they said that the water in the hay becomes contaminated after rains, so it turns out that the organizers were in a hurry, apparently, with permission, or what? good afternoon, apparently this is wishful thinking. several athletes felt bouts of nausea upon exiting the hay. canadian tyler miroslavchuk, who finished ninth, had the most inopportune moment in front of the lenses of photo and video cameras. he later said that this was already the tenth attack during the race. most athletes answer the question. athlete from kazakhstan ekaterina shabalina swallowed water after contact with rivals. she admitted that she felt sick for the rest of the swim and after the bike leg. threw up. the triathlete
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was forced to leave the race. belgian julien vermeulin reached the finish line. he passed the test with the hay, but he did not hide his indignation. i swallowed quite a lot of water, it certainly didn’t taste sweet, soda, floating under the bridge. i also smelled and saw things that i would not like to remember. the water hasn’t been dirty for hundreds of years, so the organizers shouldn’t have said that athlete safety is a priority. this is complete nonsense. officially, water and hay samples are taken by a group of fifteen specialists. tests are taken twice a day, at 3:00 pm and 3:00 am. previously, it was after these measurements that training sessions were canceled twice, and the competitions of male triathletes were postponed. a few hours before the start, the athletes were finally given the green light, announcing acceptable test results. at the same time, they refused to tell journalists how much the quality of water in the hay had improved.
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official measurement data is published from a week late, but the quality of water in the seine is monitored daily and openly by an independent international group of scientists, which includes specialists in chemistry and microbiology. experts of the fludion initiative previously noted that the concentration of e. coli and enterococci exceeded the norms by 3-9 times. they took water and hay samples on the day the triathletes started. microbiologists took measurements during the competition along the entire distance. from pont alexandre ii to pont alma. it turned out that the number of free- floating e. coli bacteria was indeed within the limits of the norm declared by the organizers, it gradually decreased. at the same time, the total concentration of pathogenic bacteria, on the contrary, increased as the turbidity of the water increased and significantly exceeded the norm. the number of planktonic free-floating bacteria was just below the acceptable threshold, but particles were present in the water. of sedimentary
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origin containing higher amounts of e. coli potentially other pathogens, making the concentration well above the threshold of acceptable quality. this suggests that the official results significantly underestimate the actual amount of e. coli, and the actual risk to uncontrolled athletes remains unknown. how pathogenic bacteria get into the hay is no secret to anyone. during heavy rainfall, it is washed into the river. contained by the city sewer system, attempts to reconstruct the system, unfortunately, did not produce any effect. according to forecasts, rainy weather will linger in paris until at least the middle of next week, and the olympics are on august 8th and 9th marathon swimming planned. the length of the distance is 10 km, the athletes will be in the hay much longer than the triathletes who swam for one and a half kilometers, which means they risk taking a sip for much more... yes,
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evgeniy, thank you, evgeniy teshkovets spoke about the foul-smelling scandal at the paris olympics. near novosibirsk, the second stage of the sibirsky transport and logistics center, the largest beyond the urals, was launched; container trains will be processed there. a platform adapted for crane technology and a specialized stockpiling and sorting fleet for wagons. in the near future, similar centers will appear in other regions of the country. there will be about ten of them without the moscow transport hub, in the moscow transport hub there will not even be 10, because the entire cargo base is essentially being formed there, and such the urals, siberia, the far east, now we need to have kuzbass in the plan, the same will happen to be done in the north-south corridor, such transport and logistics centers are also planned there. where will they be
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it is impossible to imagine a modern war without aviation, without missiles that destroy military aircraft, machine guns, and tanks. protective equipment for warriors, many types of weapons, protection in one form or another appeared in the first world war. in soviet historygraphy this war was called imperialist; it was not customary to talk about the heroism of russian soldiers and officers, as well as the achievements of russian military engineers and designers. it was during the first world war that our soldier-officers began to wear khaki uniforms, which have reached to the present day. russian officers were then offered to sew a jacket from shanzhan fabric.
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well, minister of war sukhamlinov, so to speak, was a little ironic on this topic, saying how they imagine how a soldier will change his clothes, that is, he went to the sand and changed his clothes, accordingly, took off all his equipment, turned out this tunic. in the same way, in the russian army in 1914 they did not adopt the invention of the russian engineer, lieutenant colonel venir chimerazin, the chest armor, i would like to say, in vain, because this is the prototype of the modern body armor. the war became positional, trench warfare, the troops did not perform maneuvers, they were in the trenches, the title of the novel, a remark on the western front without change, quotes from military reports of that time. the enemy could not be driven back by cavalry attacks; the engineers were designing new ones. than scissors,
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here is one invention that is well known to everyone, we see it in the first and so far only museum of the first world war in tsarskoye selo. a german field kitchen from the first world war was found in the kaliningrad region, the initiator of the creation of this museum was georgy vedensky, here it is, and in general, a field kitchen for the first time. appeared precisely in the russian army during the russian-turkish war. in 1907 , anton turchinovich received a patent for a field kitchen with two boilers for cabbage soup and porridge. she can even come to the trenches. well, the diet of a russian soldier is also known. bread, tea, sugar, 20 g of butter and a pound of meat, that's almost half a kilo. a new era began in 1903 with the flying of an airplane by the frith brothers. after 6 years, louis bleriot flew over. and it became clear that aviation is not only a field of sports, but it should be used in war, it
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is perfect, it is better suited for reconnaissance, on an airplane you can fly behind enemy lines, take a photograph of the fastenings, while the airplane is not as vulnerable as a balloon, airplanes were made multi-purpose, they also dropped bombs manually, grand duke alexander mikhailovich began to oversee the development of domestic military aviation. we were ready for the first world war, that is, russia had it. nine aviation formed detachments, there were 213 airplanes and 213 experienced pilots, and we were even in first place, this is germany second, austro-wenger third, every russian officer, be it from the infantry, from the artillery, if desired , could go into aviation, if he then passed theoretical and flight exams, they also had their own program, everything is there , then he then already became a certified pilot, a military pilot and... that’s what was written in the documents: lieutenant of the eleventh artillery brigade,
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military pilot popov. the first production multi-engine bomber was designed by igor sikorsky. he made his first flight on 23 december 1913. his predecessor was a russian knight. it was a huge breakthrough. having lost one engine, the plane was doomed to destruction. sikorsky was the first to come up with the idea of ​​installing four engines on a biplane. and yet, russian aviators flew foreign aircraft. mostly french, in these chronicle footage, the frenchman pigou does an aerobatic maneuver, a loop, it was a competitor of our pyotr nesterov, there is one small film of nesterov himself, footage of him doing a loop, it was called nesterov’s loop, no, the newspapers wrote about pegu, about nesterov, even russian newspapers reported on the last pages, where we were clearly lagging behind was in pr, advertising, what is a loop, it turns out that the plane hangs at the top point and... and it can simply fall into a tailspin and not reach peak and without
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completing this very loop, and it was extremely dangerous for life and even more so for such imperfect devices that could fall apart in the air, i’m generally silent about the engine power, there’s 50 horsepower, a maximum of 80 horsepower, but not enough indeed - he also planned to do it, he theoretically calculated everything on how to do this, and he - that means in his army ... well, he then served in the eleventh corps aviation detachment, he took it on a french-built nupor, that is, he took off and made a complete loop, so he was ahead of uh pega for a few days. it is important that this was not only destiny, courage, while still a student of the gadchin aviation detachment, nesterov theoretically proved the possibility of this figure. pyotr nesterov performed his loop on august 27, 1913. becoming the founder aerobatics, pegu confirmed the primacy
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of the russian aviator. in the vadim zadorozhny museum of technology, the scene of being sent to the front at the railway station has been reconstructed. this is the very beginning of the german war. headquarters captain, commander of the eleventh corps aviation detachment pyotr nesterov says goodbye to his wife. literally a month later, over galicia, he would die a heroic death, having carried out the world's first ramming attack. enemy plane, it was an austrian plane posthumously, peter nesterov will be awarded the order of st. george , fourth degree. once in a war they began use aircraft, the need arose to destroy them. at first it was believed that a three-damage gun could cope with such a task, but it turned out that it could not shoot down an airplane or an airship. it was necessary to first load the gun and then raise the barrel, that is, there was no rate of fire. the first special weapon designed for firing at air targets was the seventy-six-millimeter anti-aircraft gun of the 1914-15 model of lender.
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four samples of such anti-aircraft guns were produced at the putilov plant and, after testing, they were sent to the front. in combat testing conditions were carried out under the leadership of vasily tornovsky. this anti-aircraft gun was easy to manufacture and operate; it could be installed on an armored car ship. for its time, franz lender's gun had an advanced design. the peculiarity of this gun was its mechanism. back in 1908 , lander created a semi-automatic wedge bolt. the essence of this mechanism was as follows: after the shot. automatically the wedge bolt opened, released the cartridge case, then the loader inserted the next projectile, closed the bolt, cocked drummer, thereby increasing the rate of fire of the weapon. the lander gun became the best anti-aircraft gun of the first world war; it was already used in the red army until 1934; it was the lander gun that became the basis for the creation of
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tank guns in the future. machine guns were already actively used in the first world war; the heavy machine gun was popular. british maxim system, but there were no machine guns. one of the first gunsmiths in the world who invented the principle of automatic operation and implemented it. in samples of weapons supplied to the active army during the first world war, there was a russian gunsmith vladimir fedorov. the general concept was born in 1916; it was planned to produce the machine gun at the sestoletsky plant, but this was not possible. there were three automation systems in the world that could compare with fedorov’s. the german mauser rifle, for example, but it... 25 rounds, after we withdraw, that means our mobile system back, that means it opens for cartridges, after which we send it accordingly, throw our bolt forward, send
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the cartridge, the weapon is ready to fire, the trigger cocked, when fired, when the bullet goes along the bore, the barrel will go back, under the influence of recoil, it will go back, unlock our bolt, after which our bolt will bounce back and eject the cartridge case, this is actually what is called fedorov’s automatic system. in a positional war, when the enemy trenches are close, one cannot rely on full-fledged support from guns. in the russian army, the main weapon was a three-inch gun, it was called the scythe of death, it shot shrapnel and mowed down infantry on the battlefield, but in the case of trenches it did not it worked, it appeared...
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already in 1899, the gague convention on the laws and customs of land wars included a ban on the use of chemical weapons, but germany did not sign this document. it is believed that the germans first used gases on the ypres river, hence the name ypres, but in fact the first attempt was in january 1915 from warsaw in the town of balimov. the gas then snowed in the form of crystals. following the story of january 1915, the great russian chemist nikolai. zelinsky thought about how to neutralize poisonous gases. moreover, his son turned out to be generally susceptible to this attack. he wrote to him in a letter about this bolimov attack, yes, that some soldiers were still poisoned, but many were saved because someone wrapped their head in an overcoat, someone breathed
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through a wet rag, they put earth in a rag, they breathed through it , here - zelinsky then realized that he could save from gas poisoning some kind of porous substance, which would absorb, so to speak, these toxic elements, as such an element, he proposed, in fact, the one he invented, activated carbon. zelinsky conducted experiments on himself, he entered a laboratory filled with a deadly mixture of chlorine and fascination, and did it. several inhalations and exhalations through the handkerchief in which the activated carbon was wrapped came out of the laboratory unharmed. the zelinsky gas mask was developed and adopted by the russian army in 1915. this is the world's first gas mask and the best one from the first world war. it is interesting that the great chemist did not register patent inventions; he believed that one should not profit from misfortune
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gassed people. the russian army showed clear success in this war in the operation of the summer of 1916, known as the brusilov breakthrough. the russian army advanced 100-120 deep into enemy territory. what would have been the outcome of the war if not for the events in russia itself, which led to the february revolution, the abdication of the sovereign and the october coup, one can now only guess. in total , 30 states took part in the first world war, 10 million people died on the battlefields. this war changed the world structure and led to redistribution of territories, to revolutions, and then to the second world war. french marshal forche. after the signing of the armistice between the allies of germany on november 11, 1918, he said: “what kind of peace is this, this is a truce for 20 years.”
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the official tourist portal "visit to st. petersburg" invites you to take a trip to the city on the neva. st. petersburg surprises and delights. the great history of the past and the new tourist geography, classic. modern routes, great museums and creative spaces, will help you plan the perfect trip for the whole family official tourist portal visit st. petersburg. feel the unique atmosphere of st. petersburg, the city where good mood is born. since august 1 , the green standard for individual houses has been in effect, what are the advantages? it gives and what is included in it, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in this issue of the instruction: the new guest was developed according to the road map of the ministry of construction and the house of the russian federation together with the national agency
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for low-rise and cottage construction, its full text can be found on the official website of the federal agency for regulation and mitrology. it includes 45 criteria, which are divided into eight categories. izs projects are assessed comprehensively, taking into account everything about how the building is designed. our task as developers was to strike a balance, and personally i can highlight the main categories, such as architecture, environmental safety of the site organization, comfort and quality of the internal environment,
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energy efficiency and atmosphere, and engineering support of the building. construction companies and manufacturers of house kits will be able to offer buyers projects with estimates gold, silver bronze. the more guest criteria. welcomes the project, so much the better, in order to confirm compliance with the standard and assign a bronze rating, it is necessary to fulfill basic criteria, including the use of energy-efficient space-planning solutions, responsible construction, comfortable living conditions in the house, improved consumption of energy resources and controlled consumption of thermal energy, as well as acoustic comfort. compliance with the green guest is not a tribute to fashion if... a house built from high-quality materials, well insulated, there are no cold bridges in it, then there will be no dampness, it will need to be heated in winter or cooled in summer less, its owners
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will receive small bills for electricity or gas, and it will last longer, a simple example would be an insulated the wall is not insulated, when a person arrives after a long absence, the walls are frozen, the appearance is lost, the load-bearing capacity of the wooden ones is lost. for example, and if we take, for example, a good house with high-quality thermal insulation, the exterior high energy efficiency coefficient, so there is no such problem, the house retains heat, remains stable, which in the future, of course, affects the presentation of the property. for green projects it will be easier to find financing, for example, to get a mortgage for it. banks are more willing to give money for an object that is practically guaranteed... to be in demand on the market, that is , if something happens, a green house as collateral can be sold more easily. our guest is aimed not only at individual home improvement, in part
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there. technologies, we have many criteria related to infrastructure, such as the proximity of kindergartens, the proximity of schools, hospitals and, accordingly, infrastructures necessary for human life; developers who are building small villages at once, or a large association of houses, can build based on these criteria and make a better product. so, let’s repeat the main thing: since august, a new standard for the construction of individual houses has come into effect. it takes into account how comfortable it will be to live in them and how many resources will need to be spent for heating them or, conversely, cooling them. houses that will be built according to the new guest will be more durable, and it will be easier to find money for their construction. if you want to learn more about modern construction of your own home and support measures for homeowners, write to us in telegram. send your questions, we will ask them to the experts and we will tell you everything in the next
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editions of the manual. are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. look, look in the application or on the website.
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the first helicopter with the injured child took off from the lower one. tagil to yekaterinburg , the rescue operation continues, an airmobile group of the centros detachment has been sent to the site and additional calculations of dog handlers, what is now at the site of the collapse? vladimir putin discussed the development of mordovia with the head of the region, artyom sdunov. the republic actively supports svo participants, industry is growing. what changes in the social sphere? in iran, forgiveness from political leader of hamas.


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