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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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in the zaporozhye direction, we are all the same here, we do the same work, the same tasks, deadlift, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit down because i was in normal shape, well, i’m alone, it was the case that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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the one-time payment for contract workers in st. petersburg has increased to 2,100,000 rubles. let me remind you that the decree on increasing the payment to 400,000 was signed the day before by the president, but to this amount regional allowances are also added. about whether there is a response. we’ll find out about this initiative in moscow from our correspondent yegor grigoriev; today he works in the capital’s unified selection center for military service under a contract and is joining the broadcast. egor, greetings, well, as far as we understand, there are not fewer people, is that so? alexey, hello, today at 18:00 the center closes its work to accept applications, but pay attention, now there are men behind me, they can already be...
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the temporary payment in moscow is 1,900,000 rub. well, besides this, of course, monthly allowances, for example, 210,000 rubles were allocated. and depending on the military specialty, this amount may vary one way or another. of course, the financial component is an incentive and motivation, but not the most important thing. this is what a representative of the unified center told us about selection for military service under a contract.
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please note that the selection point is five floors, it works as a modern multifunctional center, that is, everyone who comes here receives a special coupon, he is met by volunteers who explain the work algorithm, give out special information, then each candidate fills out personal data, goes through a questionnaire, undergoes medical tests, psychological tests, including those they are needed...
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in order, among other things, to understand the what military specialty, what military specialty is this or that candidate predisposed to? here is the initial standard questionnaire, where the candidate indicates a little of his biography, military service experience, education, marital status, psychologists, what the psychologists are trying to do is based on a conversation with the candidate, more precisely a socio-psychological one.
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homeland, protection of their family, that’s what they say, and for them, of course, these are not pompous words; if desired, each of those who sign a contract before being sent to the training zone to their military units can communicate with a spiritual mentor, with an orthodox priest, nevertheless, such communication is in demand even among those who are not orthodox, among different people...
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yes, this has long been a known fact, everyone is there united. every day, let me remind you, thousands of contract soldiers are sent to the special military operation zone, today from cherkessk, from grozny, from orenburg, these are the people who confidently go to defend their homeland, and who are confident, among other things, that their families will be protected here, protected by the state, including thanks to the benefits it provides after signing the contract. alexei. yes, egor, thank you, we are following the topic, let me remind you that our correspondent egor grigoriev was in direct communication. and we return to the news from nizhny tagil, where an explosion occurred today gas in a five-story residential building. here's what is known at this time: the body of a dead woman was recovered from the rubble - the ministry of emergency situations is informed about this.
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two entrances to the house were destroyed, as noted by the ministry of health, seven people were hospitalized. among them are four children. the condition of three patients is assessed as serious. four victims. specialists use drones to monitor the situation, the height of the rubble is maintained at the level of the first floor, large fragments of the wall and ceiling are lifted using truck cranes and periodically they arrange moments of silence. it is known that there may still be people under the rubble, including two children. this is the latest data up to this hour. and now it’s time for economic news: the grain harvest in russia by the end of the year will reach 132 million tons, despite difficult climatic conditions, this was announced by the office of deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev. now farmers from five regions have begun collecting grain. the pace of cleaning is almost twice as fast as last year.
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40% of the area has already been threshed, almost 64 million tons have been harvested. at the end of july, the flow of tourists to crimea increased by a third to a million. he noted that most of the tourists (62%) arrived on the peninsula by buses and cars via the crimean bridge, the rest by trains. the average duration of rest is 10 days. the ukrainian authorities put up for sale the zaporozhye aluminum production plant, which was previously part of the structure. this was stated by the head of the country's state property fund, vitaly koval. starting. the cost of the enterprise is 3,700,000 dollars. kiev nationalized 68% of the plant’s shares back in 2015. in february twenty-third, the highest anti-corruption court of ukraine recovered income state remaining interest. and the french bank ssit general completed
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the sale of its remaining assets in russia. for them he received 301 million euros, the financial group’s report said. the ssit geeneral group left the russian market in may of twenty -two. then she sold her main asset to rosbank interos from vladimir potanin. later, the french company estimated losses due to the winding down of its business at more than 3 billion euros. it was economic news. short. well, also about the economy. opec plus countries may suspend or cancel phasing out voluntary oil production cuts depending on market conditions. this decision was announced following the results of the regular meeting of ministers. our correspondent dmitry followed the discussion. morocco: market conditions are changing dynamically, there are now many influencing factors, including events in the middle east, however, it was decided to leave the current parameters of the deal unchanged, we are talking about voluntary production cuts that opec plus countries have undertaken in addition to those
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mandatory quotas that already exist, this is the level of 2 million 2000 barrels per day, it will remain until october, when it begins. decisions that were made at the ministerial meeting on june 2, this means that the agreement was extended as a whole until the end of 2025, and voluntary obligations on restrictions until the end of the third quarter of this year, starting from the fourth quarter, if the situation develops this way and the balance of supply and demand is positive, a partial increase in production is possible, oil prices fluctuated this week, the brand initially fell below. 80 dollars per barrel, but then rose in price again and is now trading at around 81 and
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a half against the backdrop of escalating events in the middle east. nevertheless, according to deputy prime minister alexander novyk, the current level of oil prices is comfortable for the russian budget, and the main thing now is to maintain a balance of supply and demand on the world market. i believe that this is a normal price, which today is in the same range as for russia.
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according to investigators, in 2019, the head of voentorg employees together with others being accomplices in the territory of the city of moscow, the republic of north ossetia, allania, the stavropol territory, the pskov region and other entities entered into a criminal conspiracy aimed at stealing funds from the ministry of defense of the russian federation. having united into a stable, organized group, the accomplices ensured state imprisonment. contracts for the supply of army nassers. the total amount of contracts amounted to about 625 million rubles. the supreme court
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of karelia recognized the nazi invaders of the finnish troops during the great patriotic war patriotic war by genocide. the intelligence services annually declassify documents that contain irrefutable evidence of the atrocities of the nazis and their accomplices, including in kareli, where the nazis created more than 100 labor and concentration camps. some of the minors... this photograph, known in different parts of the globe, was taken by military photojournalist galina sanko in the summer of '44, when petrozavodsk had just been liberated from the invaders. in the right corner , nine-year-old klava, in a finnish concentration camp, she ended up with her mother and five sisters. i i remember that they gave one spoonful of flour per person. from this flour we got seven spoons of flour, we cooked it in liquid form on
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the stove, which was in our room, that’s all, all the food was, women, when they were taken to forced labor, they managed to find some in garbage dumps along the way leftovers, herring or some kind of bones, in the occupied territory of the karelo-finnish ussr , the nazis built 14 concentration camps, through factories... 86,000 people died during the great patriotic war, this is almost every fourth local resident. the prisoners, mostly russian belarusians and ukrainians, were considered settled slaves without any rights. the finns wanted to create a great finland, including the murmansk region and the karelian isthmus, all of karelia, as they called it, eastern karelia. and so the karelians, webs, finns, ingermalans, had advantages and privileges during the finnish occupation, all the non-finno-ugric population. the slavic population, which means, well, the other neftnovogorsk population, actually ended up
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either in concentration camps, or in labor camps, or in places of imprisonment. massive the occupiers did not carry out executions, they did not burn villages, unsanitary conditions, an epidemic of typhus, smallpox and plague did their job, thousands of people died from unbearable living conditions, hard labor and endless hunger, everyone who tried to violate the order and climbed over the barbed wire was waited... . execution, even of children, klavdiya nyupieva still has a scar from a bullet on her left thigh. as part of the investigation into the criminal case of genocide during the great patriotic war, the investigative committee of russia established. claim that they are criminal witnesses of the victims allowed reliable actions to be taken by the finnish occupiers ; analysis of archival materials and interrogations were sent to exterminate local residents as an ethnic, racial and religious group.
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crimes against humanity have no statute of limitations. the supreme court recognized the actions of the nazis in karelia during the great years. but it is possible to defend the bitter historical truth. sofya sergieva, news. in vladivostok, in the aquatoria bathhouse complex, a ceiling collapsed over an area of ​​100 m. eight people were injured, it was reported in
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investigative committee. five of them were hospitalized, three are in serious condition. what caused the collapse? they will sort it out. investigators. in connection with the emergency , a criminal case has already been opened under the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. now the ministry of emergency situations ambulance crews are working at the scene of the collapse . investigators of the investigative committee of russia for the primorsky territory have opened a criminal case regarding the collapse of the ceiling in the aquatoria entertainment complex. this is article 238 of the russian criminal code federation. providing services that do not meet safety and life requirements. russia is almost twice as fast as the 2023 harvest figures. this was stated by deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev. today he arrived on a working trip to the saratov region, where he held a visiting meeting on
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the development of the agro-industrial complex. despite the difficult weather conditions, the russian agricultural industry is showing signs of success this year.
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all designs, the purpose of our visit is so that this high-tech, modern medicine, narrowly targeted medicine of this or that another disease, one or another pathology, was available to our heroes, to our military personnel who will receive it, including now in the perimeter of civilian medicine, using such a bundle
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of all the resources that exist today in medicine and rehabilitation, we studied and... as veronika skvartsova, head of the federal medical and biological agency, said, the clinics provide a full cycle of medical rehabilitation, and also conduct. with a unique operation that help to recover from severe mine blast injuries. state duma deputies in the fall will continue to work on a package of bills that increase liability for the leakage of personal data. we are talking about amendments to the criminal code and the code of administrative offenses, this was announced by the head of the state duma committee on information policy , alexander khenshtein. today he became
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a participant in the round table of the expert institute for social research called responsibility for information, why regulate the work of bloggers. and here's how alexander khenshtein commented on the work to strengthen control over the reliability of information published on the internet. already today on the internet, everyone who posts information is responsible for its accuracy; today, in our country, the internet is a zone where directly defamation of the law is not allowed. today, in our country , not only is a person responsible for the accuracy of the information disseminated, but for this information itself, for the dissemination of unacceptable, prohibited information. what refers to completely criminal content, in gurza today the results of the international campaign people of artek were summed up. the winners
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of the competition were 78 high school students from 15 countries. as part of the competition , lessons were held, schoolchildren studied history and heroes associated with the famous camp met with eminent mentors. you have a good connection in your names, people of artek and friends. dedication for you for life, because in russia we are loyal, devoted, honest, sincere friends. one of the largest convention and exhibition centers will appear in russia, it will be erected at vdnkh. large-scale construction started today. mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin, he also congratulated muscovites on the eighty-fifth anniversary of the country’s main exhibition. our correspondent maria valieva has details. vdnkh turns 85 today
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, and the convention and exhibition center, which will soon appear here, will unite three pavilions, the seventieth, seventy-fifth exhibition hall, where during the international exhibition of the forum russia booths of all eighty regions of our country were presented and... the existing 69 pavilion, inside there will be five exhibition halls, two congress halls with 1,720 seats, a concert and congress hall with 2,500 seats, restaurants, food courts, recreation areas and areas for business communication, as the mayor of the capital emphasized today, the third stage of vdnh development is beginning. vdnkh has gone through a huge, difficult, complex path of revival in recent years.
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synthetic materials, how they are used in industry, now the exhibition is divided into four zones, but soon there will be many more of them, the house of polymers is awaiting a large-scale
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reconstruction, exhibition space will increase to 2,000 km, which will allow the installation of new interactive exhibits, laboratories for schoolchildren and students of various levels of training, as well as a production management simulator. maria valieva, alexander dvornikov, artyom. since august 1 , the green standard for individual houses has been in effect, what advantages it provides and what is included in it, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in this issue of the instructions. the new state standard was developed according to the roadmap of the ministry of construction and the house of the russian federation together with the national agency for low-rise and cottage construction. its full text can be found on the official website of the federal agency for regulation and... it includes 45 criteria, which are divided into eight categories, izh projects are assessed comprehensively, everything is taken into account, how the building is designed, how it is built and from
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what materials. how convenient and healthy it is to live in it, where will the waste be disposed of, during its operation, and so on. when developing the standard, we tried to maintain a balance between categories, without highlighting any specific one as prevailing, since based on feedback from the company market, based on feedback from experts, from the technical committee in which we developed the standard, we received different proposals, different wishes, and accordingly our task as developers was to strike a balance. and personally, i can highlight the main categories, such as architecture, environmental safety, site organization, comfort and quality of the internal environment, energy efficiency and atmosphere, and building engineering. construction companies and manufacturers of house kits will be able to offer buyers projects rated gold, silver, bronze. the more gost criteria a project meets, the better for...
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approval of compliance with the standard and assignment of a bronze rating, it is necessary to fulfill basic criteria, including the use of energy-efficient space-planning solutions, responsible construction, comfortable living conditions in the house, improved consumption of energy resources and controlled consumption of thermal energy, as well as acoustic comfort. compliance with the green guest is not tribute to fashion, if the house is built from quality materials. is insulated, there are no cold bridges in it, then there will be no dampness in it, and it will need to be heated in winter or cooled in summer less, its owners will receive small bills for electricity or gas, and it will last longer, a simple example would be an insulated wall and a non-insulated one , when a person arrives after a long absence, the walls are frozen, the appearance is lost, the load-bearing capacity of wooden structures is lost, for example, and if
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we... energy efficiency, accordingly there is no such problem, the house retains heat, remains stable, which in the long term affects, of course, the presentation of the property. for green projects , it will be easier to find financing, for example, to get a mortgage for it, banks are willing to give money for an object that is almost guaranteed to be in demand on the market, that is... in which case a green house with collateral will be easier to sell? our guest is aimed not only at individual home improvement in terms of energy efficiency and resource-saving technologies, we have many criteria related to infrastructure, such as the proximity of kindergartens, the proximity of schools, hospitals and, accordingly, the infrastructure necessary for human life. developers who are building small villages at once or a large association of houses can build.
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based on these criteria and make a better product. so, let’s repeat the main thing: since august, a new standard for the construction of individual houses has come into effect; it takes into account how comfortable it will be to live in them and how many resources will need to be spent for heating them or, conversely, cooling them. houses that will be built according to the new guest will be more durable, and it will be easier to find money for their construction. want to learn more about modern home building? and support measures for homeowners, write to us on telegram, send your questions, we will ask them to the experts, we will tell you everything in the next issues, instructions.
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the latest data from nizhny tagil, where a five-story building collapsed. debris clearance continues, two entrances have been destroyed. an airmobile group has been sent to the site detachment of the spas center, additional calculations of dog handlers, as reported by the ministry of health. vladimir putin discussed the development of mordovia with the head of the region, artyom zdunov. the republic actively supports the psvo participant, industry is growing. which ones? changes in the social sphere. attacks on patriot air defense systems, 14 haymards shells and dozens of ukrainian drones were shot down. the enemy loses almost 2.0 troops. what's at the front now? and amazing shots. right during the filming of a report on the work of patrol service employees, the police the real suspect in the robbery was detained. how does it feel? how was he detained?


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