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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 1, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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top cashback categories, 1% on everything , twice as many bonuses every month. it’s more profitable in savings with prime. hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department. in the studio maxim movchan. the head of the company wiintor has been arrested in moscow, and we are not talking about famous stores for security forces, about a large joint-stock company that carries out orders from the ministry of defense. report by galina hungureeva. under escort, taking a modest nssr bottle of water and a book, vladimir pavlov, head of the joint-stock company veintorg, appeared before the journalists. he will answer before themis on charges relating to the army. according to investigators , they were very costly for the ministry of defense.
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not the same as house arrest, refuse. putting aside his reading, detective sigalson, pavlo hid his face and listened to the charges brought against him. the investigation claims that the head of documents, he composed his own financial and criminal plots, allegedly as accomplices. from other regions he purchased hygiene kits for the army, nssr and at a bargain price, and sold them to the ministry of defense at many times more expensive. if initially their total cost was 220 million rubles. then the supply contract was concluded for 625 million. the benefit, as it is not difficult, is 400 million. it is not surprising that the place where the entire russian army trade system is controlled is completely surrounded by iron fences, forged bars on the windows. in the building on nasadovnicheskaya street in the main office of vyntor is located in the capital.
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similar names, we are talking about a large company that provides military personnel with food, food, sews uniforms and supplies household services. the army nssr was conducted in 2014, it includes the most necessary personal hygiene items for a serviceman, kits that were supplied at an inflated price and intended for conscripts. criminal case regarding the theft of funds on an especially large scale from the budget of the russian federation during the execution of government contracts for the needs of the ministry of defense russian. federation investigators of the investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia have been charged with committing crimes under the fourth part of article 159 of the criminal code of the russian federation, that is, fraud committed by an organized group on an especially large scale, according to an open source vladimir pavlov, the head of five
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organizations, among them the vaintor joint-stock company. at the moment, very interesting data has been published. its authorized capital is 25 billion rubles. revenue - 81 billion. more. provider household services goods for the military are mired in arbitration proceedings, appearing in more than 3.00 cases, the total amount of claims for them, according to media reports, is 12 billion rubles. the satisfaction of the accused's defense lawyers about the choice of a milder measure for the reason of refusing such house arrest, along with vladimir pavlov, businessman timur isakov was detained, but in court he stated that he was ready to cooperate with the investigation and asked for house arrest. according to the investigation, several more alleged accomplices live in the territory of northern ossetia, stavropol territory, pskov region. so far, the court has sent the two accused pavlov and isakov to pre-trial detention for 2 months during the investigation of the criminal case. the court considered that they could put pressure on the investigation. there are also some unidentified persons involved in the case, so the detention of suspects may continue in the near future. galina khungureeva, vladimir
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bazov, denis navazhilov and dmitry manushev, lead the duty department. the number of crimes committed in public places in the capital has decreased by more than a quarter. moscow police officers as part of an extended meeting of the board of the main directorate of the russian internal affairs in moscow. summed up the results of the department’s work for the first half of 2024. the event was attended by the head of the capital’s central administration, oleg baranov, his deputies and heads of structural divisions. here are just a few of the indicators that were discussed. the number of murders in moscow decreased by more than 5%. there were 20% fewer robberies, and the number of vehicle crashes dropped by a third. at the end of the meeting, oleg baranov outlined the main tasks for the personnel, and also presented state and departmental awards to a number of employees. the number of victims as a result of the collapse of a five-story residential building in nizhny tagir has increased to twelve, among them six children, at least one person died. four hundred rescuers are currently working at the scene. an operational group from the central apparatus of the department headed by the deputy minister flew out on a special aircraft il-76 from the sverdlovsk region. due to a gas explosion on
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the third floor of a five-story building, two entrance. there may still be people under the rubble. report by albert musin. the first minutes after the collapse of the slab and the ceiling continued to collapse in front of the residents, the blast wave collapsed two entrances of a five-story building at once, rescuers promptly arrived at the scene and began a search, there they carried out a three-month-old little boy, really, everyone get out of there, almost immediately two newborns were pulled out from under the rubble children, a little later two more kids were rescued. risking their lives, rescuers dismantle the collapsed ceilings, periodically announcing the minutes silence, say it loud again, it seems to be coming, more than 10 people were pulled out from under the rubble, among them six children, in these footage the rescue of a thirteen-year-old boy and
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a forty-eight-year-old woman, her sixteen-year-old daughter is under the rubble. dog handlers have been involved in the search; there may still be people under the rubble. he seemed to answer the phone, saying that his legs were pressed, but we didn’t know where anya and another girl were, they lived on the third floor in the sixth apartment and said. at that moment a boy came in there, seven-year-old denis, ran here because i knew that my relatives live here, uh, they took out my mother and her infant child, but they didn’t get my sister dvayurodna herself yet, because she was somewhere under the rubble, the great-grandson of this woman was visiting in one of the entrances at the time of the collapse, his the phone is now unavailable, great-grandson, great-grandson, small, big, 7 years old, 7 years old, yes, he was with friends there, they didn’t find him, and what else? no, the air ambulance flew to the crash site in nizhny tagil, four hospitalized children are now being evacuated to
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yekaterinburg, a six-year-old boy is in intensive care unit, there is this guy with a refrigerator, at the scene of the emergency, now all the emergency services are working, hundreds of rescuers and equipment, according to preliminary data, the explosion occurred in an apartment on the first floor, local residents claim that a few minutes before the emergency they saw two men in... the crime scene is being inspected using modern forensic technology; it is known that the last time the house was checked for leaks was on june 28. we are currently conducting an investigation.
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investigative committee for the sverlovsk region a criminal case was initiated under an article of the criminal code for the provision of services that do not meet the requirements for the safety of life and health of consumers. more than 70 people were evacuated from the damaged house in the library building. headquarters, water and hot meals have been supplied to emergency services for the victims, rescue work continues. right now at the scene of the emergency, the rescuer announced a minute of silence, at this time the emergencies ministry employees are listening to literally every rustle from under the rubble, i hope to hear those who are still left inside. albert musi, nikolai starosti, medrikomov, elena goleeva and oksana serzhantova. news: the duty unit is from nizhny tagil, sverdlovsk region. the chairman of the investigative committee of russia held a reception for military personnel at the central military clinical hospital. named after mandryk. the sbo participants discussed pressing issues personally with alexander bastrykin. and department officers handed over
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medicine to the medical facility staff for the fighters. material: maxim shevchenko. meetings in military medical institutions for the chairman of the investigation the committee event is not new. alexander bastrykin traditionally receives military personnel who have returned from the zone of a special military operation and discuss various issues, from professional to personal. to the entrance to the clinical hospital named after the soviet surgeon. a minibus arrived in mandryk, inside were dozens of boxes with medicines for the treatment and rehabilitation of injured soldiers. from the officers of the investigative committee , humanitarian aid, a list of which is attached in this list, is transferred to the manryk hospital. the chairman of the department greeted the hospital medical staff and went into the hall, where he was met by dozens of military personnel. we usually structure the meeting this way, here in the common room, you can. ask us any questions, we try to answer them, after
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that you move to other rooms, there is a group of military investigators, each at a separate table, we can tell you about the problems in more detail, many have topics for appeals, without attention and not a single application is left with a proper response, i was wounded, they told me, the second question is that i have been outside the unit for more than five days, that is, it’s as if i’m... awol people, i don’t know, i don’t understand what’s happening, and they told me: contact the general the prosecutor's office, there is no need to go to the prosecutor general's office, today you have such an opportunity, you already have an application, and today we will record that some of the fighters are already thinking about the future, a young man in the forefront asked bastrykin to help in finding employment for vsk. which university did you graduate from, just for us to understand, because not all universities are eligible to continue serving in investigative agencies in the future, but as exceptions they will not report that you underwent a special military operation.
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receives directly from the landing agency, you can also see them on your screens. in sochi, the deputy head of the main department of the russian ministry of emergency situations for the krasnodar territory was detained. according to some reports, the internal service colonel is suspected of a corruption crime. according to our information, the criminal case is being investigated by the central office investigative committee of russia. don't miss this weekend on russia 24 tv channel
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the investigation into eduard petrov covering his tracks. electrical merchant. welder, they didn’t have enough money to live, they couldn’t come up with anything better than to rob the collectors, i turned my head at that moment a shot sounded, i woke up in the hospital, the detainees had purchased a car in advance and regularly honed their shooting skills with weapons, inconspicuous citizens with no criminal record , for 40 years he worked conscientiously, worked hard, didn’t earn anything, didn’t have enough money for his teeth, so so it happened, the thief must sit. in prison, they can’t be free, the crime is not the best in the world, the act, on the contrary, is the worst, i don’t understand what’s going on at all, we took up this case and conducted our investigation, journalist oksana goncharova was found guilty of murdering her lover, this was the verdict handed down by the jury in the city court
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of elektrostal near moscow. oksana goncharova was detained in september 2022 after she, during a quarrel, several times... a scam, otherwise in order to gain confidence the scammers worked painstakingly for a long time ; it took weeks to persuade the pensioner to sell her property . andrei ivlev will tell you what techniques the telephone scammers used and how to avoid becoming their victim. with a bouquet of illness, without housing, without means of subsistence. muscovite olga kuzovkina, who underwent surgery to amputate her toes, is still unable to walk on her own, and
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she has nowhere to go. fraudsters deprived a disabled person of the first group of her only apartment. it all started with a phone call. a man called, pretending that he was a lieutenant from the police department taganskaya, and he said that my apartment is on the black market with collateral, that i must buy this apartment urgently, the fsb will be busy returning the apartments to you, then call after call. negotiations continued for several weeks. olga kuzovkin communicated, as it seemed to her, either with police officers, or with fsb officers, or with representatives of the bank; it was only later that she realized that she had trusted swindlers who played different roles. but at that moment he says that no suspicions arose, because the callers assured that they were saving her from scammers, the apartment is supposedly secured, and the only option is to keep the property and not be left on the street, sell the property and send money to a safe bank account, that same apartment in a house in the west of the capital, a muscovite lost it after communicating with scammers, there must be new
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owners here , but no one opens the door, olga kuzovkina was born in this house, her parents lived here, so... it was not easy for her to part with the apartment, but the self-appointed security forces said it was necessary, the fsb was working, the deal in favor of the state, they first wanted me to sell to an individual, i have too many diseases for which to let people in, well, this is unrealistic, they say: okay, we will make a buyout, the price was very low, that is, barely higher than the cadastral value, the deal happened quickly, the money was taken away, the pensioner... did not tell anyone about her actions, she was threatened with criminal liability, allegedly for disclosing state secrets, so they said: big things like silence. olga borisovna, accustomed to believe law enforcement agencies, whose work she still respects, still cannot believe that she was cruelly deceived, maybe they worked under hypnosis, i don’t know how this happens, that is, they implanted me into me so that i would not open mouth, that
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you are under article 310 about non-disclosure, i felt very bad, i... thought that i needed to talk to people in general, just talk to people. st. petersburg resident vera derzhavina fell into exactly the same story of deception. at the end of march, she was the heroine of our report. a seventy-year-old pensioner sold two apartments to give money to scammers. the pseudo-security officials also offered her to save the property and transfer the money to a safe account. they said that i needed to save the money, they sent me to the bank so that i could withdraw money, and through an atm on the card that they provided me, i brought all the money there. i can’t answer the question, why did i do this? real police opened a criminal case, lawyers were able to prove that at the time of the transaction verderzhavina was in serious trouble. psychological state, did not give of herself.
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so that a disabled woman ends up on the street. the police opened a criminal case, the victims recognized the owner, here is the official response addressed to olga kuzovkina. your appeal, received by the russian ministry of internal affairs in moscow, has been considered, taking into account that it contains information about a crime or administrative offense, it is registered in the book of records of statements and reports of crimes, administrative offenses and incidents. lawyers we are sure that the situation can change if attention is paid to it.
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professionally equipped call centers, there are about 350-400 operating there , according to statistics, this year over 368 thousand crimes committed using information and telecommunication technologies or in the field of computer information were registered, which is 15.8% more than in january -june last year. almost half of such crimes are committed using mobile communications, approx. third by stealing or fraud. the ministry of internal affairs once again asks citizens not to believe calls from so -called pseudo-law enforcement officers, even if they send photos of their
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ids for authenticity. russian security forces never do this. also, you should not transfer money to all kinds of safe accounts. and after any questionable call, you should immediately call the police. well, it’s better not to answer unknown numbers at all. muscovite olga kuzovkina, who lost her only apartment due to scammers. the power to warn yourself others about a possible mistake, he says, the main thing is not to succumb to persuasion and not to remain silent, consult with loved ones and talk about strange calls, and swindlers are most afraid of eyes. andrey ivlev, dmitry malyshev, ekaterina romanova, lead: duty unit. in one of the swimming pools in vladivostok , the ceiling collapsed right on the heads of vacationers, eight people were injured, everything happened in seconds, at some point the supporting structure grew, apparently broke, the light blinked and giant metal beams with...
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a criminal case was opened in connection with the collapse ceiling in the aquatoria entertainment complex, provision of services that do not meet the requirements of safety, life and health. now the new phobia is the responsibility of the pool management and almost certainly the ceiling craftsmen. in the primorsky territory, a trial began against the main core of the trifonovsky gang. in the nineties and early two thousand, this group was considered one of the most powerful.
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the trifonovskys were considered one of the most powerful groups in primorye; the bandits kept residents in fear, engaged in robbery, racketeering, and did not disdain murder. in 2004, after the death of gang leader sergei trifonov, the organized crime group was allegedly headed by alexander yasin. his name is widely known in the region; he headed the far eastern federation.
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these shots show well-known athletes in vladivostok, ivan bakhtin, mikhail sumin and dmitry sergeev. according to investigators, they participated in fraud with land plots, and now all three have been sent to pre-trial detention. another member of the gang, the group’s regular killer igor kovalchuk, better known as an american, was a fugitive from justice for a long time in los angeles, according to him investigator, got rid of competitors on
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the orders of alexander yasin.
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then, when a systemic inflammatory reaction develops, as a response to blood poisoning, it is impossible not to notice, it was at this moment that the ambulance was probably called. let me remind you that last month the prankster spent more time in custody than in freedom. first, he and a friend served 13 days for scandalous rides around the capital in costumes similar to the uniform of traffic police officers, and as soon as they were released, they again found themselves in court for stupid internet show in the same outfits. the entire
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operational tape. legal news in telegram channels is carried by the duty department and an honest detective, subscribe, we also watch our investigations and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our episode is completed, maxim ovchan was in the studio, see you on the russia tv channel 24 at 21:30. latest data from nizhny tagil, where
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it collapsed. clearing of the rubble continues, two entrances have been destroyed, an airmobile group of the centros detachment and additional calculations by dog ​​handlers, what do the ministry of health report? vladimir putin discussed the development of mordovia with the head of the region , artyom zdunov: the republic actively supports the participants of the northern military district, industry is growing, and what changes are there in the social sphere? impacts on installations. 14 shells and dozens of ukrainian drones were shot down, the enemy is losing almost 2.0 military personnel that are now at the front. transgender people at the olympics. an algerian athlete who failed a gender test was allowed to participate in a women's boxing tournament. eventually scandal, but the olympic committee shrugs everything off according to the rules, as far as sporting is concerned. and 73 million


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