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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 2, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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republicans criticized biden after the prisoner exchange with russia. trump demands that the white house immediately disclose all the details of this deal and says that the american negotiators are disgracing the country. his supporters note that the exchange is a victory for moscow and a failure for washington. russian tank crews destroyed strongholds and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine on the front line in the kharkov region, hitting the nationalists from a distance of about 3 km. accurate. shots hit an enemy unit, destroying personal compound. the number of victims in nizhny tagil, where a residential building partially collapsed, has risen to four people. rescuers recovered the body and another victim from the rubble. two entrances of the five-story building collapsed the day before, caused by an explosion of a gas-air mixture. by this hour, 15 people had been rescued, including seven children. a state of emergency has been introduced in the dizhinsky district of the city. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. the united states is not abandoning attempts
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to destabilize the situation in venezuela, the state department says that the opposition candidate allegedly won the elections, and when counting the votes according to washington, mistakes were made and a loud conclusion was drawn. the voting results do not reflect the will of the venezuelan people. let me remind you that the pro-western opposition fomented unrest throughout venezuela for several days, trying to seize power in the country. and floods on the rivers of the chelyabinsk region. in the next 24 hours, water levels are expected to rise again, in some places it is possible to reach dangerous levels, this is all due to the cyclone, which does not want to leave the region. vadim zavodchenkov will tell you how the situation will develop further. august took over from july's rainy and cool relay race. the long-lived cyclone will continue to spoil the weather over a vast area. how much more rain will it bring down on the flood-stricken chelyabinsk region?
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when the heat returns to moscow, current weather analytics on the russia-24 channel, i’m vadim zabuchenkov, leading specialist at the phobos center, hello, a huge cyclone will continue to flood the russian plain and the urals with rain, the day before, under its influence , a tornado spun again in tatarstan, a dangerous funnel was noticed near the village chura of kukmorsky district fortunately the tornado passed far from the populated area and did not cause any destruction, at the same time ufa was covered by a powerful downpour, its intensity was such that after a couple of minutes stormy streams rushed along the roads and sidewalks. you just have to swim home. the private sector was flooded. the streets in the very center of the city were also lost to the supply. a passenger was stuck on one of them. bus, according to the local
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weather station, in just an hour and a half , 25 mm of precipitation fell on the capital of bashkiria, or almost half of the monthly norm. due to incessant rains, difficult the hydrological situation remains unchanged in the chelyabinsk region. this is what the southern outskirts of meat looked like on thursday. people are complaining that water has been standing in houses on the plots for a week now. seventh day to get home. we can, well, we don’t live at home, it’s impossible to live, everything floats, the flood left the local residents not only homeless, but without a crop, so they dug up potatoes, this is what happens, the hole immediately filled with water, here are the potatoes, now they are already rotting, here’s everything rotted, the fact that the ural soil no longer absorbs moisture is not surprising, everything... the second half
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in july, the region was flooded with intense rains, as a result, for example, in chelyabinsk there were more than two monthly normal precipitations, in magnitogorsk almost three, in the south of bashkiria generally more than four. as a result, the middle of summer turned out to be the wettest here over the entire period of instrumental observations. the culprit of these weather disasters is clearly visible from space. this is a peak of frontal clouds. stretching from scandinavia to western siberia, but you see, the densest clouds are concentrated outside of russia, which means that showers, in areas affected by rain floods will gradually weaken. today , a huge territory will still be in the rainy weather zone, from the banks of the yenisei to the baltic coast. however, in most regions the intensity of precipitation will already be low. and... only in the mountains of the southern urals, in some places on
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the upper volga in the middle ob region, up to 10-20 mm of moisture can fall. in chelyabinsk, the heaviest thunderstorm rains are expected today. in total they will bring another 13 mm of moisture; in the following days the showers will weaken and the weather will warm up to +23-24, but nevertheless, during this rainy period, almost 40% of the august volume of precipitation will fall here, so the flood wave in the urals will subside slowly. due to the influence of the cyclone, the temperature in the middle zone of the russian plain today will be slightly cooler than usual. +20-25, the epicenter of the cold anomaly will be the urals, here in the afternoon it is only +18.23. at the same time , the ural vortex will begin to pump well -warmed air masses from kazakhstan and thermometers in this part of the country into siberia
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will reach +27-32. in moscow, until tuesday, the probability of precipitation is increased, but it will not bring more than 5 mm. moisture per day, the sun peeking out through the breaks in the clouds will warm up the air better, this afternoon is +22, in the following days the daytime temperature will even exceed the norm for the beginning of august, +24.25, that’s all for me, goodbye, i choose rosselkhozbank , here there is everything i need, high cashback, profitable deposits, a convenient credit card. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think.
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7:38 am
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patients were admitted to the day hospital of the new oncology center in the kaliningrad region; before that, the polyclinic service opened diagnostics, the construction of the complex took approximately 6 years, the staff of doctors from different regions will develop, including nuclear medicine, about new opportunities marina naumova, the opening of the newest oncology center equipped with advanced equipment allows residents of the kaliningrad region to receive modern, including high-tech medical care, for there is no longer any need to travel outside the region. a spacious clinic and diagnostic service are already operating here ; almost 500 people have used their services; the day before the day hospital received its first patients, with whom the deputy prime minister of russia, tatyana golikova, spoke. don't worry, the doctors will help. i took all the tests, they processed it as expected, well done, the attitude is very good, how do you rate
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the hospital itself, here is the room, how excellent, five blocks of the oncology center also house a 24-hour hospital with 200 beds, six operating rooms, intensive care wards and other departments, how do you like it? here, hello, the doctors are very attentive, very comfortable, where are you from kaliningrad? no, i'm from the soviet, from the soviet. the project of the center is not standard, construction took 6 years, now licenses for all types of activities have been received ; soon the medical facility will be fully operational. previously, all of his patients, or almost all of them, who required complex radiotherapeutic treatment, went to the petrov institutes, some in belarus, some in israel, some in germany, some wherever they could. now this complex is enough to treat everyone and cover all needs. the staff includes oncologists from kaliningrad region. areas for moving also doctors from arkhangelsk, samara, khantemansiysk, st. petersburg and moscow agreed. i came
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from the city of kurgan, a serious platform for growing professionally and learning new techniques. now nuclear medicine will be developed in kaliningrad; there is a gamma therapy device, an installation for the treatment of skin tumors and other equipment. the president set the task of launching the oncology center as soon as possible, so as soon as i arrived in the kaliningrad region in may, it was one of my priorities, a priority task. the topic of quality medical care became the main one at the commission on socio-economic development of the region. we agreed in principle on options for action and support for projects so that residents of the kaliningrad region feel fully protected by the russian federation. we also discussed the issue of transport accessibility of the kaliningrad region, surrounded by the territories of unfriendly countries. marina naumova, evgeny bekish, alexander naumov, ivan kireev, lead kaliningrad. now economic news,
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maria russia increased grain exports, how much did they manage to deliver during the last agricultural season? alexander, more than 70 million tons, and more details below. russia exported a record volume of grain in the last agricultural season, which ended on june 30, by which time we had shipped more than 70 million tons, the ministry of agriculture said. this is more than 10 million more. the result of the previous period, and domestic consumers were provided with grain in full, thanks to the quota mechanism, the ministry emphasized. banks in russia began to massively raise deposit rates after central banks raised the key rate to 18%. this is evidenced by data from the marx agency, as they noted that, for example, in alfabank one of the deposits can now get 19.5%. in sofcom bank - 19.35, in mts banks and t-banks 18 each. kaliningrad intends to restore production by 2027. the regional government notes
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that manufacturing industry indicators are already gradually growing. thanks to the attention to our problems from the federal government and personally the president of russia in the kaliningrad region, we note the gradual restoration of the manufacturing industry. enterprises are learning to live in a new reality, adapting to the current situation, and successfully establishing supply channels with new products. partners. at the end of 2024, we plan that the index of manufacturing industries will be 110.6%. in 2027, we expect to restore pre-crisis levels. volumes of industrial production in the region. the government will also help the region improve transport accessibility. on those the goals will allocate about 3 billion rubles. almost 6 billion more will be received by new investment projects. this was announced by deputy prime minister tatyana golkova. the european commission advised hungary and slovakia to look for an alternative to oil from russia, as the financial times writes, this is how brussels
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responded to the complaint of these countries about kiev’s decision. let me remind you that in june. capital flows in both countries. at the same time, another company from saudi arabia , oil saudi aramka, became interested in the south african assets of british shel. she , in turn, plans to leave ur completely after 120 years of work. during this time, it built several oil refineries in the country and opened about 600 gas stations. in terms of the number of gas stations,
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the company ranks third in ur; shel estimated its assets at $800 million. they also became interested. from the united arab emirates, the largest private oil traders are trafigura and glinkor. that's all i have for now, even more news in the next hour. the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated. every month you choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, etc. and others, and even the percentage on everything is more profitable with a subscription to berprime. register your car in the avito auto garage and get a chance to win a new car. avito auto garage. here are the parts for your car. magnet - the price is what you need. oil sloboda, 1149.
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kiev’s efforts at the front are in vain, writes the american conservative. the press noted that losses in the armed forces of ukraine are much greater than the authorities claim. in addition, ukraine is experiencing difficulties with human resources. he calls those unfit for medical reasons to the front, and dissatisfaction with the work of the tsk only increases. the editors of the publication also emphasize that the loss of positions continues. the armed forces on the home front are suffering. the authors concluded sanctions against russia. worked, its economy is only growing, and moscow can easily cover military expenses. mentions of the negotiations cause a negative reaction in washington, and no european plans will be able to turn the tide of the war. anti-aircraft guns of the group of troops center knocked out the enemy drone in the avdeevsky direction. the target
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worked out the calculation of the anti-aircraft gun, thereby protecting the positions of russian units from attack. air defense crews are on combat duty around the clock. if enemy drones are detected, they are destroyed using existing weapons. in addition to anti-aircraft installations from. su-35s fighter crews carried out patrols over the neutral waters of the black sea. the pilots’ task was to prevent
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foreign aviation and drones from violating the russian border. let me note that such flights are carried out regularly under strict conditions. in accordance with international rules for the use of airspace. we maintain 24-hour combat duty, which means we do not allow violations of our borders, we are looking for air targets, as well as surface ground targets. also when an air target is detected. we place it at the control point under which we are located, a decision is made and then, with permission, we carry out an attack on this target. further program instructions with maria kudryavtseva: tax benefits, protection against unjustified dismissal, information about health insurance, all these options are available find on government services. we'll tell you more about everything right now. state services is a portal for citizens of all ages; it has a number of useful functions for pre-retirement pensioners. we will tell you what services they might need in 5 minutes in the program. the number of people over 14 years old, that is, those who have passports can be registered with
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government services, is approximately 122 million. well, according to general statistical data. accordingly, of those who make up the population there over 50 years old, there are approximately 52 million, well again according to average statistical estimates, that is , we have, as it were, such pre-retirement pensioners, here is their share, respectively, of... everyone 14+ is approximately 42%, 42-43, here on the portal the share, oddly enough, is striking it simply correlates with this figure, that is, we have 43 pre-retirees there, with a tail of a percent of the total number of registered ones. let's start with pre-retirement status. if you have less than 5 years left before retirement, then you have additional rights, for example, you are protected from unjustified dismissal, there are tax and other benefits, but to take advantage of them. you will need a certificate, which can be obtained on the portal. we had a separate issue about this. the type of pension can be changed; if you qualify for several payments at once,
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you can switch from one type to another for free. to do this, you only need to submit an application through the portal. its draft is filled in automatically. you just need to answer a few questions about your life situation and check the resulting document. a notification about changing the type of pension will be sent to your personal account. some or all social services can be exchanged for money, if it is more profitable for you. you can learn about how to understand what will be more useful to you and how to submit applications from our other issue. on the state portal you can communicate almost directly with the social fund, for example, look at your personal account to find out how much the pension amount has changed after the next indexation, or find out what length of service the fund knows about, and if there is a need to clarify.
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not everything, with government services you can register with a clinic, make an appointment with a doctor and open an electronic medical record for yourself to make it more convenient to keep track of your appointments, and if you have
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excellent health and don’t complain about anything... don’t complain, you’ll be able to sign up for a medical checkup. government services allow you to receive compensation for purchased prostheses and other medical products, assistance with the maintenance of a guide dog, and so on. gradually, more and more services will be available online. of course, mfcs are not going anywhere, but electronic services can be used from anywhere, for example, when you spend time with your grandchildren. that is, we see in general high attendance, well, we understand that for... we have a number of generally significant services, well, it is clear that even those same pensioners, some of them use, for example, services in the field of education, well, conditionally, it looks like for the successes of children, some grandchildren, and so on, that is, as if whose legal representative he is, but of course this is a small number, it is clear that a large number, these are the most frequent services that are associated with various payments there, i don’t know about fines there housing and communal services, services and the like, and of course services, which are directly aimed at people of pre-retirement age. and
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so, let’s repeat the main thing, don’t be afraid to try new things. on the state services portal you can manage your pension and other payments. through it you can easily make an appointment with a doctor or find out your medical policy number. the number of services available digitally is constantly growing. if you still don't have a government services account, now is the time to open one. do you want to know more about how to use government services or what are new services appearing on the portal? write. us in telegram, send your questions, we will ask experts about everything and we will tell you everything in the next editions of the instructions.
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it seems that we are nationalists, it is also true, and unique nationalists, the project of ukraine as a national anti-russian
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state, well, seems to have received its own. we killed each other, looked for enemies among ourselves, we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in an application or on a website.
8:00 am
criticized biden after of the prisoner exchange, about the violent reaction in the west in our issue: shot! airborne forces day. congratulations from the president to the heroic paratroopers. we will show footage of their combat work in the special operation zone. there are already four victims of the partial collapse of a house in nizhny tagil; 15, including seven children, have been rescued.
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we'll tell you about the progress of the search work. scandalous!


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