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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 2, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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we continue to broadcast the morning news and then briefly the main thing. the missile crews of the southern and central circles practiced equipping missiles with special training ammunition and took up positions for... the nuclear forces of the ministry of defense, the ministry of defense announced on wednesday. russians who were previously detained and until recently remained on the territory of nato countries returned home. the president met the arrivals at the airport. moscow handed over 16 people as part of the exchange; the plane with the freed people arrived in the united states early in the morning. the paratroopers and their troops will be safe
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to stand guard over the independence and sovereignty of russia, the president congratulated the legendary winged infantry on airborne forces day. vladimir putin noted their loyalty to the oath and military brotherhood and emphasized: the patriotic traditions of airborne forces veterans help the current generation solve important tasks during a special operation. emergency services are finding out the whereabouts of six people after a gas explosion and... the collapse of a residential building in nizhny tagil. in total, since the start of work at the emergency site , 15 people have been rescued from the rubble, including 7 four children died. search and rescue efforts continue. as part of the third stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces, which started on wednesday, the personnel of the missile formations of the southern and central military districts personally practiced equipping the launch vehicles.
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aviation units have trained, they have conducted air patrols in designated areas, as noted by the ministry of defense, training is carried out by decision of the president, the main goal is to maintain the readiness of personnel and equipment to carry out combat missions. vladimir putin congratulated the russians who arrived the night before as part of an international exchange on their return to their homeland, the president emphasized: russia has never forgotten about them, now everyone will be presented with state awards. anastasia efimova will tell you how the meeting went. the runway, the red carpet, the presidential regiment, a plane lands in vnukov, on board of which are those whom, as the president puts it, the homeland has not forgotten for a minute. the head of state personally arrived at the airfield to directly meet russians who returned. home on exchange,
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vadim krasikov is the first to come down, collected, restrained, the same patriot about whom, apparently, vladimir putin spoke in february in an interview with tucker carlson, and whom he shook hands with and hugged today. next, four people joined hands at once, the dultsev family, anna and artyom and their two minor children, and this, of course, is the most emotional scene of the evening.
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now i want to appeal to those of you who are directly related to military service, i want to thank you for your loyalty to the oath, your duty and hand, which forgot about you not for a minute, here you are, yes, all of you will be introduced. we will see you again,
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talk about your future, now i just want to congratulate you on your return. thank you very much, congratulations, this conversation continued right at the airport, without a journalist’s camera and of course without cuts, everyone whose path home turned out to be so winding definitely has something to tell the head of state. the real hero, along with the most unlucky american, was the journalist evan, released the day before. calls yashkovich on the front page of his own newspaper, the wall street journal. footage of him being met by biden and haris is on the front pages of all american publications. about how america greeted its citizens - a report from our correspondent in the country, dmitry melnikov. in violation of his own daily routine, which does not involve such late
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events, president biden still came to the andrews military base to meet this flight from ankara. kamala haris is here too. and she, as a presidential candidate, has the laurels of being the savior of american citizens now much more necessary. she deliberately interrupted her election campaign for these shots, but biden does not intend to share the glory yet. from the very beginning, he emphasized that the exchange deal with russia was his personal merit. three us citizens, paul willan, evan gershkovich and alsou kurmasheva reached america without incident. and these are the very first shots after they were transmitted to the americans. at this moment, the white house is already convening the press for an emergency statement from the president, next to biden are relatives of us citizens released as part of the exchange deal. such transactions involve
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strict requirements, and there are never any guarantees, nothing is more important to me than protecting americans at home while abroad. that's why we will continue to work for the release of all illegally detained americans around the world. this deal would not have been possible without our allies germany, poland, slovenia, norway and turkey. they all showed activity and were with us. and they made a bold decision, released prisoners who were legally held in their countries and provided logistical support to bring americans home. however, the biden administration itself has already made the current big deal with russia. the most important factor in the election campaign, presenting the exchange as the liberation of americans, germans and russians from captivity. the american press does not even mention the reasons why these people were detained and convicted in russia. for example, not a word about the fact that wall street journal reporters detained evan gershkovich in
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march 23 in yekaterinburg, when he, on instructions from the cia, was collecting information about the work of russian defense enterprises, in in particular the ural carriage plant. gershkovich was interested. it turned out that this businessman, in fact a career employee of american intelligence, willon was detained in 2018 in moscow, as russia, which he regularly visited, willon tried to recruit employees of the ministry of defense and the fsb. he served his sentence in a mordovian colony and waited a long time for an exchange. according to
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russian laws, he would have been released from prison only in 2036, but now he was freed and returned to the united states, along with others. pardoned by decree of the russian president. another us citizen alsou kurmashova, a journalist recognized as undesirable by the anti-russian organization radio liberty. she lived permanently in the czech republic, but in may twenty-third she flew to russia. in october of the same year, she was accused of refusing to register as a foreign agent; in december, another case was opened against kurmasheva for spreading fakes about the russian army. last month, she was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison. while observers are wondering why such an unprecedented prisoner exchange is connected, the white house is already answering: it’s all about personal merit leaders of the current administration. both president biden and vice president harris have made the return of wrongfully convicted
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americans an absolute priority. and in this particular case, vice president haris actually had the opportunity to speak with chancellor scholz earlier this year at the munich conference. discover that in order for the exchange to take place, they had to put pressure on official berlin; as part of this
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operation, 13 people were immediately sent from russia to germany; a plane arrived at cologne airport was met by chancellor olaf scholz, while germany did not officially pardon russian vadim krasikov, but deported him. in close and trusting cooperation with the united states and european partners, after months of confidential negotiations with the russian side, it has now been possible to achieve release. 13 people who were illegally sent to prison in russia as political prisoners. russian diplomats in the united states remind that there are still dozens of our compatriots in american prisons, both russia and will continue to make every effort for their speedy release. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. in russia, airborne forces day, with a professional holiday, personnel and airborne veterans.
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this one is no exception in the church, now there is a special liturgy, a special maleben, then there will be a procession of the cross, we now see that preparations for it are in full swing, the box of the procession has already been built together with the cadets, today among the parishioners, and those who served and those who... serve in airborne troops, there are many who have already come with their entire families, such as the kostroma paratrooper ilya achagin, he came to the temple with his sons, there is simply no future for a russian person without faith, so i think that we need to reclaim our own spiritual and moral values, family values, pay special attention to the patriotic education of children, so...
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on red square, then a prayer will be heard here, and the cadets of the guards, ryazan airborne school will show their skills, their training in drill training, they then they will march in a solemn march together with participants of all kinds of patriotic, military-patriotic clubs, and the holiday really is today all over the country on suvorovskaya. from the battles on khalkingol,
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participation in the great patriotic war, to the chechen, afghan war, to local campaigns, including many of them today fighting on the fields of the northern military district, i really want to note that... 70 heroes of russia, 70 gold stars , paratroopers received specifically in the northern military district, well, in total there are 188 heroes in the ranks of the paratroopers.
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that today they laid wreaths of flowers on suvorov square, among those who laid flowers was the chairman of the just russia patriots for truth party, sergei mironov, who himself is a paratrooper, he said very warm words, it’s impossible not to give them on air, for many years i have traditionally come here to the monument paratroopers of the sixth company of the 104th guards. who took the fight to the superior forces of khattab's mercenaries. six people from the company survived. the courage and heroism of the skov
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paratroopers will forever remain in our memory. alexandra, we are waiting the procession of the cross and we are waiting, of course, for the ceremonial march here on red square from the cadets of the ryazan school. egor, thank you, well, we are waiting with you to celebrate airborne forces day in moscow, said egor grigoriev. to other topics. the three children cannot be found afterwards. the collapse of part of a residential building in nizhny tagil, this is reported by representatives of the operational services, whether they are under the rubble is unknown, search and rescue work continues, rescuers are dismantling fragments of the collapsed building by hand, another body was found at night one in four died. latest information from the scene of the emergency at albert musin. the rescuers' equipment cleared
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the rubble all night and morning and continued to work carefully. there are still at least three children downstairs, two girls polina and alena and... denis, who came to visit his friends just before the collapse. another polina was pulled out alive from the rubble the day before and hospitalized by air ambulance. her friend anya was also found, but unfortunately she died on the way to the hospital. we are all under valerianka, because otherwise, it’s impossible to be here, to see this is live. when you are here, it is an indescribable feeling when children. there are no other people's children, tagil doctors work without rest, around the clock, treating victims, in total seven children and eight adults were saved, four died. for 24 hours, rescuers have been working at the site of the collapse exclusively manually without the use of heavy equipment. several more people, including children, may still remain under the rubble. it's collapsing.
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the day before, a blast wave destroyed two entrances of the five-story sibirskaya building at once. the preliminary cause is a domestic gas explosion. all emergency services are on site, hundreds of rescuers and equipment, search dogs are combing every hard-to-reach corner. now forensic experts from the investigative committee are also working on the spot, they are finding out all the details of the tragedy. in an hour , a meeting of the coes headquarters is expected, where a decision will also be made on the further fate of the victims. albert musin, nikolay starosttin, dmitrikomov, irina goleeva, news from nizhny tagil, sverdlovsk region. a state of emergency has been declared in three villages of buryatia due to strong showers. it has been raining for several days now. they caused a rise in the river level and an outcome of mudflows. mud flows destroy everything in their path, residential buildings and gardens, cars are flooded, and domestic animals suffer. two pedestrian bridges were washed away by the current. water overflows across the baikal federal highway. village residents are provided with all the necessary assistance, drinking water, food and medicine are supplied. now
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let’s check it out for a while, then we’ll continue talking about the main ones. this friday. honor of the anniversary of russian lotto, more frequent drawings. more draws, more prizes, more chances for win. buy tickets on the website in stoloto branded stores. the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants. si and others, and even a percentage on everything, are more profitable with a subscription from berp. what men are silent about, painful urination. erection problems are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langitaza
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the prosecutor’s office reports this, the passenger ship has boarded miles in the waters of lake ladazh, there are 170 passengers and 47 crew members on board, no injuries. let's move on to others topics, now the federation council, where the spring session ends today. the final speech will be made by the head of the upper house of parliament valentina matvienko. senators are expected to discuss more than 100 issues today. my colleague varvara nevskaya joins the broadcast. varvara, greetings, tell us what topics will be in the spotlight today ? alexandra, good morning, the final meeting of the federation council for the spring session is already underway right now. let me remind you that the day before, soffed speaker valentina matvienko held. big press conference, she just said that taking into account today’s meeting, in total for the current session, the upper house will consider more than 330 bills in total,
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more than 50 of these documents are aimed at implementing the presidential message, another 12 to support participants in a special military operation and their families. valentina matvienko also emphasized that this year the upper house of parliament initiated. a record number of bills, let me also remind you that for the first time in 2024 in the entire modern history of our country, the federation council implemented new powers defined by the constitution, this year senators held consultations with the president on the appointment of candidates for the positions of ministers of the security bloc and heads of intelligence services, what about today’s meeting, as you said, more than 100 bills? included in the agenda, 119 issues to be exact, senators should consider changes to the labor code, regarding additional measures to protect the rights
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of employees, including against delayed wages and guarantees for temporary employees, also on the agenda are laws on equating volunteers of a special military operation in matters of life and health insurance to mobilized and military contract soldiers, senators will also consider... a document that prohibits trash streams, another document that is required for consideration today regulates the medical waste management system, it is expected how you also already said, alexandra, that valentina matvienko should sum up the results of this spring session after the end of the plenary session. studio, thank you, i was in direct contact. maronevskaya. halet meshaal became the acting head of the hamas political bureau. the turkish foreign ministry reported this. the department published footage of a meeting between minister hakan
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feadan and a politician from an islamic group. as noted, the negotiations took place in doha. they were also attended by the sons of the late ismail haniyeh. the palestinian organization itself has not yet officially confirmed the information about mashaal’s new appointment. i note that he has already led hamas for a long time. 20 years, people serve in intelligence not even very much physically, but simply stronger in spirit, the maroon beret is a symbol that he wears, i believe that there should be a model in everything, people should be drawn to it. it can’t be worse, it can be better, we’ve always had that motto in life, i pushed these people into the doorway and... it’s probably
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all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up. if everything looks like the wild west, then the law there is one, shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation. they tensed up inside america and outside its borders.
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gold on thursday updated its historical maximum and today at the opening of trading continued to grow. they offer more than $2,500 for a troy ounce. oil is also at high levels now. this is how
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market participants react to... worsening conflict between israel and palestine. maria filippova will tell you how it affects the global economy. logistics in the red sea are becoming more complex, increasing supply problems around the world. the escalation of the israeli-palestinian conflict brings losses to cargo carriers and also accelerates gold and oil prices. on wednesday in the background killing of the leader of the palestinian hamas movement during an israeli strike, the value of the brand went up. if on tuesday the price was less than 78 dollars per barrel, then on wednesday it exceeded eight. only by thursday evening there was a slight correction in the oil market. there are several leading oil-producing countries in the persian gulf area: saudi arabia, iraq, the united arab emirates, iran and kuwait. due to the tense situation in the region, they may change logistics or reduce supplies, so for some time there will be an urgent demand for reserves. when conflicts between israel and other states ended, other arab countries
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made decisions. introduce an embargo, this has already happened in history, so the market remembers this, market participants are afraid of a repetition of such events, therefore they always react by increasing the demand for oil, and oil prices always react by increasing. gold quotes also react to international conflicts; it grew in price in a similar way to oil; on august 1 it updated its historical maximum, exceeding $2,500 per troy function, in the next 2 years it could be... up to 2700, experts say. in addition to geopolitical risks due to the situation in the middle east, there is also the fact that the us federal reserve is in no hurry to lower the key rate. analysts note that there is less and less faith in the dollar, especially against the backdrop of the west’s machinations with russia’s frozen assets. all reformatted portfolios are transferred to other metals, now the main trend is to transfer to physical metal, that is , they buy bars, investment coins and thus want to insure themselves against
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that the stock markets. may collapse, some problems may arise with the infrastructure of financial markets, but now our main buyers of physical metal are central banks, why is this happening? well, because the dollar has become an instrument of geopolitical struggle, just like missiles, guns, and so on, while some are stocking up on gold and oil, others have to be patient, the head of the danish logistics company marsk, vinzend klerk believes that in the third quarter of the year, carriers in conditions conflict is not easier will become, according to... financial times, due to the houthi attacks, the number of container carts in the red sea has decreased by 90%. risks remain and they are forced to go here, bypassing the cape of good hope, and this plus 10-20 days on the road, as calculated by the same mayrsk company. fuel costs increase by 40%. accordingly, the cost of cargo increases will be felt first of all by the european union, experts say. prices there will most likely increase, because delivery comes from here.


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