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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 2, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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to insure against the fact that stock markets may collapse, some problems may arise with the infrastructure of financial markets, but now our main purchasers of physical metal are central banks, why is this happening? well, because the dollar has become an instrument of geopolitical struggle, just like missiles, guns, and so on. while some are stocking up on gold and oil, others have to be patient. the head of the danish logistics company marsk, vinsend clerk, believes that in the third quarter of the year, carriers are in conditions. it won't get any easier. by according to the financial times, due to the houthi attacks, the number of container ships in the red sea has decreased by 90%. risks remain and ships are forced to go around the cape of good hope. and this is plus 10-20 days on the road, as calculated by the same company in mairsk. fuel costs increase by 40%. accordingly, cargo prices will rise in price and the consequences will be felt first by the european union, experts say. prices there will most likely increase, because delivery comes from here. goods from china from india, but this is
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naturally not only one way it works, and therefore some business processes that exist on the part of the mediterranean countries, but in the red sea region, they will naturally become more expensive, and perhaps problems will appear somewhere in the economy. in addition, the situation in the middle east is causing concern among western airlines, as the german lufthansa has suspended flights to tel aviv until august 8. in beruut until... flights to israel have been canceled by at least six more carriers. in moscow 10:31 onwards, briefly about the main thing by this time. rocketeers of the southern and central districts practiced equipping missiles with special training ammunition and took up positions for electronic launches. aviation conducted patrols with special training ammunition at the start of the third stage of the exercise.
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the ministry of defense announced no strategic nuclear forces to the federation. russians who were previously detained and until recently remained on the territory of nato countries returned home. the president met the arrivals at the airport. moscow transferred 16 people as part of the exchange. the board with those released early in the morning applied for the united states. emergency services are investigating the whereabouts of six people after a gas explosion and partial collapse of a residential building. in nizhny tagil. in total , 17 people, including seven children, have been rescued since the start of work on the emergency site of the rubble. four dead. search and rescue efforts continue. the escalation in the middle east has affected the economy. cargo carriers are suffering losses, and commercial aircraft are forced to avoid israeli airspace. meanwhile, a national day of mourning has been declared in turkey in connection with the death of the leader of the hamas politburo. flage. the government and state institutions will be
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dissolved. in the united states, on the eve of the presidential election, the struggle between vice presidents is heating up, the current one - kamala harris, perhaps the future j.d. vance, whom trump chose as his running mate. the candidacy turned out to be controversial. on the one hand, vance’s age and poor origin play into his hands, on the other hand, he may not have enough experience in big politics. about who? this is vance in the america program with valentin bogdanov, watch it immediately after the commercial, i’m with you with that, i say goodbye until monday, see you, good news, just an asterisk, such bells can indicate bad blood vessels, it is important to strengthen blood vessels, angianorm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. ange
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rolls from tasty point, cezar roll with snow chicken in a crispy breading with tomato and cheese, try caesar roll and other rolls in...
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after purchase, try it too, compare, asaga nine out of ten clients stay with us for less, i know how to take a punch, no matter how they break me, i’ll get back on the road again, i’m made of iron, unlike you, take the speed into your own hands, choose life. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. when, after an unsuccessful assassination attempt, donald trump, at the emotional upsurge of the republican convention in wisconsin
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, named jady vance as his vice presidential candidate. it seemed to many that this choice, although somewhat radical, was still correct. however. weeks after shots in butler turned out to be an era-defining event for the us presidential race. the time has come to evaluate trump's choice and its consequences with a cool head. so who is he, mr. vance, it seems, at 39, senator atagayu still does not have an exact answer to this question. indeed, next to trump and his sons, he does not behave very confidently. joke, smile, but somehow it all turns out not very cleverly, and how could it be otherwise, they are really too different, a rich family of billionaires from new york and
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a man from the very bottom of america, poor ohio, rust belt , deindustrialized america, childhood in kintuka. then the marine corps, service in iraq and yale university, where vance ended up not because he had a lot of money to pay for an ivy league university, in general, he achieved everything himself and he made his biography very popular in the united states, there is a book called legia khilbili, or in translation we also call it village book.
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a very popular film in the usa, what is its popularity? yes, that's what vance's fate is in a sense, typical for representatives of that class, so to speak, not rich. americans, and whites from the outback, in general, this is such a typical trump voter, this is the same forgotten, abandoned electorate on which the republican relied in 2016, what is also important is that then at the very beginning of the journey, vance admitted that he and does not think about such a serious political career, and then they even asked him about possible plans for the white house, that’s what he answered.
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changed, and it’s not about trump’s personality, observers note that he simply began to like vence’s picture of the world, what trump was doing, he began to agree with trump in...
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from india, a very purposeful girl, she , too, as they recall, criticized trump, especially after the events associated with the storming of the capitol, she said friends who were furious that trump s... incited the attack on the capitol, she also lamented the social division that
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fueled support for trump, said friend yusha vance, speaking on condition of anonymity. so what changed vance, why did he suddenly turn to trump? republican sen. john barassa, who represents wyoming and whom vance called his mentor, said vance's views changed because he saw trump's success and liked it. flooded the country with millions of illegal aliens, forcing citizens to compete for the precious housing market with those
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who should not have been here in the first place. there is still an important point to note here; the fact is that at one time the defenders, so to speak, democrats spoke out for blue collar workers and the working class in the usa, but with ideas like trump’s, the situation is changing, and now it is politicians like vance who position themselves as defenders of the working class. we will no longer serve the wall street people, but devote ourselves to the working man. we will not import labor, but will fight for american citizens, give them good jobs and good wages. vance is a very religious person, family values ​​play a big role in his picture of the world, he often talks he says that he has a very tough attitude towards the issue of abortion, even tougher than trump.
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“mr. vance, i pray for your daughter that she will be lucky enough to one day get pregnant on her own, i hope that she will not have to undergo ivf, because you are also trying to take this opportunity away from her. of course, this is all technology, and the technology has long been tested in america , every word is like
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a miranda rule, but only in politics, every word spoken by a politician a few years ago can be.” used against him, here's svenson that's exactly what happened. but in any case, this was a statement on the brink, in conditions when the whole struggle is for the undecided voter, who can be impressed by any such flaw, this is probably not very good, it is good for his original republican voter. i think he is ideologically very close to donald trump, he has great potential and a lot of strength to work out the next 4 years, he has succeeded in living.
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he draws attention, for example, to the very limited capabilities of the american military-industrial complex, in to which billions of dollars were poured, but nevertheless there are restrictions, that’s what people from trump’s circle say, it was his position on the ukrainian issue that attracted the attention of trump jr., trump jr., trump’s son, was the person who strongly advised his father to pay attention on ven. here is one of the characteristic comments with vence’s assessment of what is happening in ukraine. anyone with a brain knows that this can only end in negotiations. the idea that ukraine will push russia back to its 1991 borders is ridiculous. nobody really believes this. ukraine is functionally destroyed as a country. the average age of an armed forces officer is 43 years old - this is a tragedy.
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in america's interests, recognizing ukraine would have to cede some territory to the russians. we need. vance has another strong side, he is involved in silicon valley, is connected with rich people from there, helped trump raise money, but there is also a downside to all this, his popularity among conservative people narrows the electoral field for trump, who now needs to fight for swing states, that is, not only... for their native voters, whom trump himself knows how to motivate quite professionally, but for undecided people, and they say that this is the main problem with the figure of vance, the figure of a man who is called a greater trump than trump himself , and consists in the fact that the electoral field for his leader, that is, for trump himself
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, he does not expand and does not work. on the political strategy that republicans need to win. republicans, political technology, is not part of speaking on condition of anonymity, they expressed concerns about vance's foreign policy positions, his lack of experience and his inability to expand the republican coalition beyond trump's base. he was the worst choice of all the options. "he was so bad i didn't even think it was possible," one republican said. and representatives, he inspires the same people who love trump, the prevailing opinion is that if trump loses, it will be because of this choice. well, on the contrary, who is, of course, happy about everything, who is happy about such to wence's limited tactical characteristics - these are democrats, they are also fighting for the same swing
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voter, and if wentz is not helping trump, then he is indirectly helping them. promotion of vance, who does not have. having enough experience in politics gives harris a new opportunity to criticize trump, which will allow her to focus on trump's age and how close the young thirty-nine-year-old vance is to occupying the oval office if something happens to his seventy-eight-year-old boss. thus, it turns out that harris is left with more room for maneuver, not without reason among potential candidates for the democratic vice presidency. they call entirely white men, that is, precisely those who, unlike vance, can expand the electorate for the too liberal kharis, but if...
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10:56 am
gold in itself is worth so many unknown things, if we hide it, then the story of its life is revealed, among millions of pieces of gold there are two identical ones, they are all different. this is a gold room, 2 tons
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of gold, in monetary terms it is 13 billion rubles. gold will remain the metal that the country, the state, the people will always need, it is just absolutely bare metal from the deleev tables, four nines, which begins to travel throughout the planet, humanity is in dire need of for something to be reliable, that something is gold.
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the largest exchange of convicted russians in the history of modern russia, who returned home at the airport, was personally greeted by vladimir putin. how did the international media react and what statements are the state department making? the search and rescue operation in nizhny tagil has been going on for more than a day, the rubble is being cleared. as a result of the collapse of a residential building, four people died, six remain under the rubble, we will tell you the latest information. airborne forces day. the winged infantry celebrates its professional holiday. during the special operation, 70 paratroopers were awarded the title hero of russia. massive rocket attack on israeli army positions. the rockets were fired from territory under hezbollah control. how does tel aviv respond?
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what did the leaders of israel and the united states discuss during the telephone conversation? flooded roads and houses from washed-out bridges in three settlements of buryatia introduced a state of emergency due to flooding. about the situation on the ground in the report of our correspondent from the region. and we start with news from the leningrad region. in in the waters of lake ladazh, the ship ran aground. on board. 70 passengers and 47 crew members, as reported by the northwestern transport prosecutor's office, were not injured. the motor ship temeryazev departed from the island of vlaa to st. petersburg this morning. in the area of ​​​​konevets island, he deviated from the course and ran aground. now they are trying to find out why this happened, the prosecutor's office organized an inspection to remove the ship from the shoal, and they brought in a road tug. the russian military worked out
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the equipment. special ammunition


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