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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 2, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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well, now about the weather, cyclone kirsty continues to rage in the european part of russia, in the urals and in siberia. at the same time , a state of emergency due to flooding after rainstorms was introduced in one of the regions of buryatia. we’ll talk about everything in more detail with the leading specialist of the fobs center, evgeniy teshkhovets. evgeniy, hello, well, as i understand it, the influence of the cyclones will not weaken over the weekend. good afternoon, but this giant atmospheric vortex turned out to be a long-liver. there are many unpleasant surprises from the heavenly office. craters appeared in the sky throughout the week in the european part of russia and in the urals. today was no exception. the tornado tried to spin 35 km from ulyanovsk near the kuibyshev reservoir. previously, the same whirlwind was observed in the tomsk region. in both cases, the trunk from stuchi failed to reach the ground. residents of chelyabinsk tested java. this is not the first time in a week that the city has been hit. a one-time downpour with squally
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winds, the streets predictably went under water. rains continue in the middle urals. thunder was heard today in nizhny tagel. let me remind you that there is a search and rescue operation underway at the site of the collapse of the entrance to a five-story residential building after a burst of gas. in buryat , cars were carried away by stormy streams from the hills after a rainstorm. three villages in the torbagatai region of the republic were the first to be hit by the elements. the water carried away fences, light buildings and pedestrian bridges.
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the heaviest precipitation will shift to the east, buryat to the western regional transbaikalia. there , up to 40 mm of rain is forecast during the day and more. comparable downpours will also occur on saturday on sakhalin in the khabarovsk territory, as well as in primorye. according to information from the prinhydromet, we expect the activation of frontal sections everywhere, in the evening of the second, at night and during the day of the third of august in the western, central and north-eastern regions of the primorsky territory, strong local ones are expected, very...
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common, but not for long, especially in the second part of the seven-day period in the region are predicted extreme downpours. north atlantic centenarian kirsty will continue to wreak havoc on much of the weather on saturday european russia, the urals and western siberia. its center will shift to the north of the perm region. the most intense thunderstorms up to 18-23 mm will occur in the pre-urals, in the east of ugra in the omsk irtysh region. focal thunderstorms will also occur in the kherson region, crimea, and the republic. north caucasus. in chelyabinsk on saturday another 6-7 liters of rainwater per meter of area is expected. daytime temperature +20-22. on sunday there will be the same amount of rain, but there will be less precipitation, no more than 1-2 mm. next week , a rainy cyclone will not leave the urals alone. particularly heavy showers of up to 30 mm in 6 hours are expected on wednesday evening, after which a noticeable cooling will begin. in the capital today the air managed to warm up to +21, until
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the beginning of next week in the rear of the cyclone the same type of weather will remain with the likelihood of small focal rains. at dusk the air will cool down to +11-14, and in the middle of the day it will be moderate + 20-23, which is well within the august climate norm. these are the forecasts for this minute. evgeny, thank you, let me remind you that evgeny teshkovets spoke about the weather in russian regions in weekend. it's airborne forces day in russia. vladimir putin congratulated the personnel and veterans of the airborne troops on their professional holiday. in a telegram published on the kremlin website, the president noted that patriotic traditions. oath and military brotherhood help paratroopers solve important tasks during a special military operation. the head of state expressed confidence that soldiers and officers of the airborne forces will continue to make a significant contribution to ensuring the defense capability and security of the country. congratulations on airborne forces day are also accepted
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units that are currently performing special operations tasks, including specialists from the logistics service of the ivanovo airborne forces unit. in the main distribution complex, which is located underground from...
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so that everyone can do everything on time, everything is very tasty, wonderful, the supply of the entire airborne division depends on the rear service, work in the complex does not stop for a minute, they are delivered to the local warehouse once a week food, from here the food is sent to other departments, the quality of the products allows you to prepare delicious healthy food, the soldiers are happy, the personnel are happy, now you improve your speed and fly a little slower, so that everything works out, he trains underground... those who fly above the clouds, uav operators are trained by experienced instructors, at first recruits are trained virtually in a special program. the most important thing for a pilot operator, a paratrooper, this means his perseverance, understanding of what he is doing,
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his hands, his head must work together, the instructor can give, i don’t know, 10-20 percent, everything else depends on the person, this is desire, this is motivation, this is the charge on result, here the person prepares. fighters are learning how to repair and assemble copters, this is just flight control, a motor regulator, here you also need a video transmitter, a control receiver, and, accordingly, a power connector for connecting batteries, that is, this is the heart of the quadcopter, various drones deliver similar sets to our units, logistics officers use drones for supplies, often units find themselves in a hard-to-reach... place that cannot be reached on foot with supplies. uav operator with the call sign maga, hereditary paratrooper. in every generation of his family down to imperial times has a military officer. the fighter follows in the footsteps of his heroic ancestors, and at times the survival of an entire group depends on him. the entire width of the front is maintained
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due to the eyes that we provide in the sky, due to the ammunition that we send out with their beer. the greatest defeat of enemy forces is on par with artillery. this is very promising. it provides enormous efficiency, quality, it is superior to many units that were previously were considered much more effective. the rear service is indispensable, it is the rear people who refuel trucks and tanks, drive to positions with supplies, supply artillery, attack aircraft, motorized rifle units and armored vehicles. the underground complex performs several functions at once and simplifies logistics in the zone.
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backpacks for your son, or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom, sort the waste, give things a new life, it’s called a dream. okko, the world i'm watching. the death toll at the site of the collapse of part of an apartment building in nizhny tagil has increased to six. rescuers recovered the girl's body from the rubble. search and rescue operations are currently ongoing; under the rubble, which is being dismantled by hand, there may be... more three persons. according to the ministry of emergency situations , 15 people were rescued from the rubble, seven of them were
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children. 11 victims, as reported by the ministry of health, now remain in hospitals, five in serious condition. and today the first residents of the partially destroyed house began to receive payments. each victim in outer tagil will be assigned a separate city hall employee to help people restore their documents and purchase new housing. all these issues were discussed at a meeting of the emergency response commission , which was chaired by the regional governor , evgeniy. the rescue operation required the installation of equipment, in general, it is
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oversized, how to enter, in general, prepare the necessary sites. the russian military practiced equipping missiles with special ammunition as part of the third stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces. the personnel of the missile formations of the southern and central military districts also occupied designated areas for electronic launches. equipment of aviation weapons. personnel and equipment to perform combat missions. one of the most difficult sections of the front in the special operation zone, now this is the solidar area. the enemy's positions are being penetrated by our armored vehicles, artillery, and drones. the assault troops advance step by step. from the leading report of our war correspondent, evgeniy poddubny. the closer
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the front edge, the faster you have to go through sections of the road at the front. the main factor in losses is still the enemy's efividron, and the competition is whose fpu drone calculations work more efficiently, whose rap systems are more adapted to current conditions, it continues, here we fly solidar, on every vehicle that moves in a combat zone there is an electronic warfare system. this is one of the few ways to prevent your opponent from striking. in almost every car there is a fighter with a smoothbore shotgun, a case in which rap is powerless. there is almost no one in the open space; the personnel are camouflaged and in shelters. from here to the enemy is now about 2 km, but in general this is the direction to slavyansk and
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kramatorsk, a little to the south, chasov yar and konstantinovka. these are all large logistics centers. formation of the kyiv regime, the enemy's crews are now doing everything possible to slow down the advance of our troops and support the infantry units of the kiev regime in defense, to help maintain their combat stability, despite serious opposition, our units are slowly moving forward, the enemy is in a similar position, our group is accompanying the crew drones. the task is to destroy a disguised stronghold of militants of the kiev regime in a forest belt; for this, engineers attach incendiary ammunition and other types to the drone hitting the dense crowns of trees with shells is not effective now, listen, how many kilometers can you fly? with an air repeater you can fly up to 20 km, this is just a panacea for many ills, so i went,
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come on. for a few minutes the opornik formation of the kiev regime is on fire, our crew goes to shelter, pilotovrona, a volunteer in civilian life worked as a 3d visualizer, he didn’t even serve in military service, but here he is in his place, he says, he went to fight because of the barbaric shelling of russian cities, oh , well, aggravated.
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he says the situation is difficult. here, on the solidar-artemovsky front , paratroopers, motorized riflemen, scouts and cossacks fight shoulder to shoulder. every meter of liberated land is difficult for our troops. we are not fighting with the army of ukraine, in principle with an army with the intelligence of nato and the west. therefore, it is clear that all enemy actions are fully supported by well-developed information. other types of support, namely our most important enemy, which is known to everyone. well, it’s natural that the enemy suffers heavy losses, because we, as they say, are not we eat our bread in vain, we constantly suffer fire damage, we work with all our means to inflict maximum damage on our enemies. our units, through fire damage and assault operations, constantly force
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the enemy to bring up reserves, just as throughout the duration of a special military operation, the command of the armed forces of ukraine is trying to hold the front at the cost of huge losses. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news: solidaro artyomovsky section, nwo zones. the official tourist portal visit to st. petersburg invites go on a trip to the city on the neva. st. petersburg surprises and delights. the great history of the past and... tourist geography, classic modern routes, great museums and creative spaces. the official tourist portal visit st. petersburg will help you plan the perfect trip for the whole family. feel the unique atmosphere of st. petersburg, the city where good mood is born. four more families from russia and
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ukraine will be reunited thanks to a humanitarian action between the two countries. this was reported by commissioner for human rights tatyana moskalkova. according to her, a thirteen-year-old boy and another of our compatriots, who left several years ago, are returning to russia. to the territory of ukraine in order to care for her father and could not return, a citizen of ukraine, as well as a brother and sister, will return to the kharkov region. the humanitarian action took place with the support of the border service of the fsb of russia named after defense. in just a year, the free economic zone has attracted over 170 companies with a total investment volume of more than 74 billion rubles. areas in which free economy participants operate. the territory development fund has the rights of the management company. our
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terms of reference also include the introduction of a unified register of cc participants. at the moment, 172 organizations are included in it with a total volume of declared investments of more than 73 billion rubles. it is important that these companies and enterprises employ more than 66,500 people, including creating more than 12,500 new ones. work places. as part of recovery and development large-scale work continues in new regions. the main goal is to bring the lives of citizens there to the russian average level by 2030. to date, work has been completed on more than 1,950 objects. earlier, deputy prime minister marat khusnulin, as part of a meeting on the socio-economic development of new regions, reported to the president on the main results of the plans. we have a presidential decision. we must take into account all plans for what
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needs to be done so that new regions, in all respects, catch up with the territory of the russian federation today, so when we we are talking about 800 km of roads, this is over 5 years with a further planning horizon of up to the thirtieth year. on the route. there is a transfer to other lines of ground transport, the new transport hub has already been assessed by margarita semenyuk, it is expected that now the medko station on mcd-3 will be used by more than 6,500 people per day, this data is provided by russian railways employees, i note that this is... really already thirty the ninth station on mcd-3, well, in general, this is the 137th station, the fifty- first comfortable moscow city station on the mcd. moscow mayor sergei sobyanin came to
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the official opening of the new station, it was built taking into account the needs of passengers, and of course, it will satisfy all their needs and expectations, indeed many people were waiting for the opening of this station and of course more than 100,000 people will be able to use it, these are the residents of sokolniki and krasnoselsky. i would also note that sergei sobyanin, during the grand opening of the station, congratulated russian railways employees on their upcoming professional holidays, and also noted that the russian railways system works closely with the moscow government quite a lot of large-scale projects have already been implemented jointly. i sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holiday of the railway workers, which has been celebrated for many years, the railway system, the system. today it is one of the main partners of the moscow government in the development of the transport system. in recent years, we have implemented such megaprojects as the moscow central
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circle, four moscow central diameters, and built many train stations. due to this , the transport system and the transport framework have changed in the most serious way moscow. the third moscow diameter was launched almost a year ago, during which time 120.2 million people have already used it, transport accessibility has improved overall for 3 million residents, i would also note that train service intervals during rush hour have been reduced by one and a half times and also by 3 s2 times the fare has decreased. i would also note that mcd-3 transports 415,000 people daily, and these are good figures for the above-ground metro. all the latest developments have been implemented here, these are escalators, these are elevators, these are... legs, this is a good system navigation and many, many other elements that moscow and moscow allow us to do,
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first of all...
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they hit sevastopol again, ms attacked again. shot down, but it is known that they were aiming at the children's hospital, which is now in the city. fresh details on how the exchange was prepared. only putin’s tough position allowed the russians to be released, says dmitry peskov. to whom and why did the president address at the trap, in spanish. ukraine, even with the help of the west, will not return the lost territories, writes the american press. after the us elections, kyiv should expect changes in washington's policy, what kind?
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the leadership of qa'atar, led by the emir , attended the funeral of the head of the hamas politburo. the press writes that negotiations on a truce in gaza have stopped. analysts are debating how iran will respond. the clearing of the rubble in nizhny tagil continues, six have already died, 15 people have been saved, what doctors say about the condition of the victims. and the paratroopers accept congratulations. almost 70 fighters became heroes of russia over time. tvo, how was the religious procession in the center of the capital and how was the mood at the combat post? the most important vladimir putin’s operational meeting with the permanent members of the security council was devoted to international issues. the president held it via video conference. presentations were made by foreign minister sergei lavrov and head of the foreign intelligence service sergei naryshkin.


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