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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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the leadership of qa'atar, led by the emir , attended the funeral of the head of the hamas politburo. the press writes that negotiations on a truce in gaza have stopped; analysts are arguing how iran will respond. the clearing of the rubble in nizhny tagil continues, six have already died, 15 people have been saved, what doctors say about the condition of the victims. and the paratroopers almost accept congratulations. 70 soldiers became heroes of russia during the northern military district, how the religious procession took place in the center of the capital and how the mood was at the combat post. the most important international issues were devoted operational meeting of vladimir putin with the permanent composition of the security council. the president held it via video conference. presentations were made by foreign minister sergei lavrov and head of the foreign intelligence service sergei naryshkin.
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today we have several issues on the international agenda concerning our country, our interests, the speakers are the minister of foreign affairs and the director of the foreign intelligence service, but i would ask you, in addition to the planned issues, to discuss the most current events recent times. today new details of the negotiation process on the international prisoner exchange have become known. the biggest between russia and the west since the cold war. let me remind you that 10 people returned to moscow the night before. it is already known that negotiations on the exchange were conducted mainly through the fsb. and here are the details that presidential press secretary dmitry peskov shared with reporters today. negotiations on this complex exchange were conducted through the fsb and the cia; this was the main line along which the agreement was actually reached.
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illegal intelligence officers who arrived yesterday found out that they were russian only when the plane took off from ankara, before that they did not know that they were russian and that they were related to our country, when the children went down the plane, they did not speak russian they say it was putin who greeted them in spanish, he said “boinas nochas.” they asked their parents yesterday who this person was meeting, that is , they didn’t even know who putin was, but this is how they work with...
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the father of this employee and a telephone call was organized, and during the telephone when the call came, the father, contrary to what was expected of him, actually said: “son, you are doing everything right, hold on.” krasikov, he is an employee of the federal security service, he served in alpha, and it is interesting that when he served in alpha, he served together with some members of the presidential security service, who now work in the presidential security service and who, naturally, are each other. we also greeted each other yesterday when we saw each other, well, probably, still taking this opportunity, we, of course, must give the highest assessment of the interaction that was carried out with the kgb, with the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus and the assistance that president lukashenko personally provided in drawing up such a complex chain and to express gratitude for this. solemn meeting of the liberated. this is a
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tribute to those people who serve their country and who, after very difficult trials, were given the opportunity to return to their homeland, dmitry peskov emphasized today. let me remind you that the day before, at the airport on the morning of their grandson ’s plane, they were personally met by the head of state. anastasia efimova will tell you about the atmosphere in which the meeting took place. airfield, red carpet, presidential regiment, a plane lands in vnukov on board of whom, how to put it, the president. i never forgot my homeland for a minute. the head of state personally arrived at the airfield to meet the russians who had returned home on exchange right in the morning. the first to come down is vadim krasikov, collected, restrained, the same patriot whom, apparently, vladimir putin spoke about in february in an interview with tucker carlson, whom he shook hands with and hugged today. next, four people join hands at once, a family dultsev, anna and artyom and their two minors. children, and this, of course,
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is the most emotional scene of this evening. the dulcevo couple were arrested in slovenia at the end of 2022, their children were sent to foster families, if not for the current exchange with their mother and father, they might not have returned, so anna’s tears and artyom’s smile, both the embarrassment of their son and daughter, are easy to understand,
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directly related to the military function, i want to thank you for your loyalty to the oath, your duty and the ruble, which was not for a minute, now you will all be introduced state, you and i...
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here's what else they write about the dultsev family, who returned home that night after being released from prison abroad. among their suburban neighbors in ljubljana , the couple were known as ludvik gisch and maria mayer muñoz. she had an online gallery, he had an it startup, he worked on antivirus software. according to western intelligence officers, all this turned out to be a carefully constructed legend. he claims that gee, in fact artyom dultsev is... a native of bashkiria, an svr officer, like his wife. she, allegedly originally from nizhny novgorod. software for communication with moscow was found on the couple’s computers. it was encrypted in such a way that neither slovenian nor american specialists could crack it. after the start of the special operation
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, the family came to argentina to quickly update their documents. after returning to slovenia, gishim and mayermuños, at the suggestion of a partner agency, became interested in the development. to slovenia. the couple have already spent more than 18 months in prison. according to the law of the country, the maximum sentence for espionage is 8 years, but in the media write that in about 4 years they could be released for good behavior. while the couple were in prison, they were deprived of the opportunity to constantly see their children, and if they were left in custody, there would be a real threat of deprivation of their parental rights. children don’t speak russian about the fact that they are russian, they just found out. after flying to moscow from ankara airport, therefore , when meeting vnukov, vladimir putin greeted them in spanish, the children asked their parents who was meeting them, since they didn’t even know what he looked like russian president. pain, spasm, take
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15 people were rescued from the rubble, seven of them were children. 11 victims, as reported by the ministry of health, now remain in hospitals, five in serious condition. and today the first residents of the partially destroyed house began to receive payments. each victim in nizhny tagil will be assigned a separate employee of the mayor’s office to help people restore their documents and purchase new housing. in the house after the explosion. 25 apartments were damaged, six residents the surviving entrances were resettled, some stayed with relatives, the rest are in temporary accommodation centers. sevastopol was again shelled by the ukrainian armed forces at night, and civilian infrastructure was hit by american atokms missiles. the main target was the area where the city's largest children's hospital is located. one of the cluster warheads fell on the roof of a high-rise building and will be destroyed at the training ground. casualties among the townspeople were avoided. about another attack on hospital residential buildings. olga chernetskaya. and the ammunition
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was destroyed a few minutes ago. by according to the governor of sevastopol mikhail razvazhaev, the destruction took place as expected. the work was carried out in the area of ​​general ostryakov avenue. after a night attack, fragments of missiles and atakons submunitions were discovered there. before the demolition work was carried out , demolition crews worked on site, and the evacuation of residents of neighboring apartment buildings was organized. i will answer, i will note. that earlier in the day governor mikhail razvazhaev visited the place where the operational headquarters worked. in his telegram channel, the head of the city commented on the night attack on sevastopol. the evil spirits from the armed forces of ukraine are dismantled by their western curators mainly on orthodox holidays. the neo-nazis struck the last blow on trinity, and today is ilyin’s day, one of the most significant orthodox holidays and the day of the russian airborne troops. the attack was carried out by american attack missiles with cluster and high-explosive charges. their goals are by no means military. last time there was a beach in this residential neighborhood, where
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the largest children's hospital is located nearby. let me remind you that at night the air defense forces shot down several missiles, their fragments and submunitions fell in different areas city, so the high-explosive part of the rocket pierced the roof of a nine-story building on simonka street. this is the northern side of sevastopol. and got stuck on the technical floor. local residents were quickly evacuated, at around 80 in the morning they... returned home, part of the rocket was transported to the test site for destruction, also due to work to eliminate the consequences of the attack, congestion formed at the entrance to the city, so drivers are asked to choose alternative... routes , the road closure period has been extended to approximately 16 hours. ukraine, even with the help of the west, will not return lost territories. this opinion is expressed by experts in the american conservative publication. and they emphasize: after the american elections, kiev should expect changes in washington’s policy. the new leadership will not want to sponsor kiev.
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natalia gancherova has details. kiev is already being called on all sides to start negotiations, a french journalist.
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instead of ukrainian ones, but the cunning plan did not work. the geson immigration department refused them, as it considered it reasonable to return to ukraine to obtain new documents. refugees can make a separate claim for asylum, like conscientious objectors, but it is doubtful that it will be granted. how does washington use propaganda to control public opinion, and most importantly, for what purposes? i think they are trying to justify the planned increase in budgets, and
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in order to justify these budgets to their people, they need to be scared, but what are the europeans afraid of? of course, from the same thing as several generations ago, they constantly hear that russia will attack them, my look, they're using it to increase their budgets because they want to, because this organization wants to continue to grow and become more powerful, whether it's justified or not. a business insider, meanwhile, analyzes the situation on the battlefield, reporters emphasize the long-awaited f-16 profits for the ukrainians, but it is unlikely that they will be able to use them as... use them for offensive actions on the front line, which means that there is no chance of turning the tide there is no apu. natalia
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goncharova, to lead. russian embassy in london. did not reject the accusation that our country was involved in inciting unrest in great britain. diplomats called on the british media not to hold moscow responsible for the growth of social tension in the kingdom. and they emphasized that such materials are a predictable manipulation, and they are printed by people who previously themselves destabilized the situation in other countries. let me remind you that in southport there were clashes between local residents and the police; they began after a teenager attacked children near the park. attractions where the dance lesson took place. after this, a number of british media, such as the daily mail and the telegraph, rushed to look for a russian trace in the attack. for headaches there is askafen p. affordable price. and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. mobile communication for thank you
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the defense capability and security of the country. sub-branch airborne forces are fighting ukrainian militants in all areas of the special operation. some crews destroy the enemy with strike drones, others with artillery fire, and still others with guns on airborne combat vehicles. about work fighters. russian paratroopers, assisted by beer drones, attack a fortified area of ​​the ukrainian armed forces in zaporozhye. the enemy prepared for an active defense, dug trenches and installed artillery pieces, but all this did not help the enemy. in a matter of minutes, relatively cheap drones burn out expensive howitzers, and ammunition depots were destroyed with a precise strike. the calculations work well. night copters and day copters at different frequencies, at different ones, development is gradually taking place in this regard, everything is only going to increase both quantity and quality, they
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they help hide artillery, from just a mortar to a galbitsa. on a neighboring section of the front, paratroopers in bmd4 tracked vehicles approach the observation post of the armed forces of ukraine, they open fire from closed positions, the 100-millimeter guns leave no chance for the militants, the enemy flees the position, the vehicles are distinguished by powerful weapons quickly. flying in, rolling onto the opornik, covering the attack aircraft, on the front line the eptur crews showed high efficiency, each gun operator accounted for destroyed tanks and armored personnel carriers, the situation is tense, we carry out different tasks, well... our main task is the destruction of equipment, we do not allow delivery from the ukrainian armed forces, mainly wheeled vehicles, armored vehicles, we
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have already burned them all. the long-range artillery of the dnepr group of troops is operating in the rear zone. howitzers d-30 and geocint b thwart enemy attempts to deliver fresh forces and ammunition to the front line. the guns also crush the enemy on the front line, helping the advance of storm units. our artillery operates around the clock and in any weather. almost all targets are on quite a large distance away, now the region has difficult weather conditions, strong winds are blowing, periodic rains are falling, and in order...
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to protect the operator and commander from being dropped from above by a babayag, soon a captured armored personnel carrier will be used by the paratroopers, the vehicle was captured during the battle, it is still of soviet production, foreign specialists installed a modern western weapon on the tower, the soldiers say that ukrainian soldiers launched transport, the enemy army clearly lacks qualified personnel. in addition to the damage she received in battle, there were there are still shortcomings in the chassis. part about the power plant, about the technicians, well, let’s say, not particularly trained people, incompetent, the same goes for the crews, paratroopers help the population of front-line villages, ukrainian militants left behind thousands of mini-shells, sapyurs clear mines on roads, neutralize ammunition that the enemy drops drones and cluster shells. igor pikhanov, sergey eliseev, lead zaporozhye region. august 2.
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a memorable date in the military history of russia. 2 august 1572, battle of molodi. the commanders of ivan the terrible, vorotynsky and khvarosttinin, defeated the troops of the crimean khan in the battle of molod. despite the double numerical superiority, the enemy was defeated and put to flight. historians say that in terms of significance for the future of russia, the battle of young is comparable to kulikovskaya. the crimean khanate lost most of its power.
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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, doing the same thing work, the same tasks, get traction, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit still because
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i was normal. it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction? oh well, i say, well , yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.


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