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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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in a conversation with journalists, voronin was sure that he would definitely be replaced, you don’t feel any guilt at all, you don’t see, in one country you are not to blame for this, in another country, well, the law is written so that you are to blame for this, there is a court that i decided that you were to blame for sending abroad, including these people, our country got the opportunity to return eight russians, their children released from prisons in nato countries, families have already been reunited, the plane of passengers... was personally met by the president of russia, landed in vnukova a few hours after the exchange procedure is completed. maxim shevchenko, eduard petrov, andrey skrobot and kirill bortnikov. vesti is the duty unit. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in telegram channels conducted by the duty department and an honest detective. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you.
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taking into account the exchange of prisoners between russia and nato countries, special attention to the security council, the meeting was chaired by the president, it was devoted to international issues, here is the beginning of the footage. today we have several issues on the international agenda relating to our country, our interests, the speakers are, respectively, the minister of foreign affairs and the director of the foreign intelligence service, but i would ask you, in addition to the planned issues, to discuss the most pressing recent events. the prisoner exchange deal between the united states and russia was clearly a victory for vladimir putin. the russians were able to extract an excellent, phenomenal deal from biden, said donald trump. today new
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details have become known: russia did not forget about its minute, this is special, vladimir putin emphasized. with details anton potkovenko. negotiations on the exchange, which is already being called historic, were conducted mainly through the fsb and the cia. the dialogue between russian and american intelligence services was not advertised, as it should be in such cases. exchange, especially at this level, is a very delicate matter. the release of the russians was made possible by vladimir putin’s tough position, namely, by exchange, and not by extradition, as a gesture of goodwill. convicted americans, noted presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. according to him, they tried to put pressure on our people there. according to one of gru's employees, the americans tried to influence this employee of gru, who was imprisoned there, they found the father of this employee here, and a telephone call was organized, and during the telephone call, the father, contrary to what was expected of him, said, son, you are doing everything right, hang in there, there was close interaction with the kgb and...
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an fsb employee who served in the alpha special unit, along with several active employees of the presidential security bilt tabloid headline. tiergarton, the murderer is free. tiergarton, because in this park in berlin in 1919 the militant zelimkhan khangashvili was shot dead. bilt, of course, is silent about who he was, although vladimir putin spoke very clearly even then. this is a man who took an active part in hostilities on the side of the separatists in the caucasus; he is not ethnically georgian.
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a delegation of doctors, about 10 people, probably each of us came wearing masks this morning, yes, they woke us up at 8 am with a very in such a dramatic way they said that we received the results of your tests, we have the results of your blood tests, we found a deficiency of vitamin d in them, we saw the sun only through the windows of the bars, therefore, but in general - we did not know when
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the exchange will be, but they worked on it, went to the state debate, collected a package of documents about the state of health of the client, says igor litvak, the lawyer of roman seleznev, who was in the fourteenth year. detained by us secret service agents in the maldives, he was found guilty of cyber fraud, sentenced to many years in prison, appeal was denied. he did not receive medical care in america in prisons, so we went to the state debate, we met with them, i sent them some documents, and we put pressure on them, no one knew the specific date, but if roman had not returned to his homeland, he would in america he would have died in prison, but his life was actually saved. tonight, after a ten-year separation, i met my son and... being in such a state of shock, he is even more so, he pinches his leg and says: dad, this is not a dream, i say, it’s not a dream, it brings me to tears, we just have to pay tribute to the special services who carried out this operation at the most complex level with the highest degree
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of preparation, so no one here, believe me , really knew, except for those directly involved, so i learned about the result of this... operation together with you, with everyone. gonzalo baye, the lawyer of the russian-born spanish journalist pabla gonzalez, aka pavel rubtsov, who was arrested in poland in 2020, notes the extraordinary resilience of his client, and of course, pavel hoped that he would be exchanged. we were constantly informed that this was an exchange between journalists. pablo, for a year now the only people he could communicate with on the phone were from a polish law firm and me, he had three...
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fact. the dultsevs, artyom and anna, are our illegal intelligence officers. anna graduated from nizhny novgorod university with a degree in philology, met her future husband at a disco, after the wedding she came to his garrison, they disappeared from the public space, like the dultsevs, they became argentinean antique dealers in slovenia. ludwig gisch and maria rosa mayermunoz. this is called undercover work. their children, sofia and daniel, were born abroad. after the dultsovs were detained in ljubljana last year. they hardly saw them; there was a real threat of deprivation of parental rights. the children of illegal immigrants, intelligence officers, who arrived yesterday, found out that they were russian only when the plane took off from ankara. they asked their parents yesterday who they were meeting, that is, they didn’t even know who
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putin was, and they don’t speak russian, and putin greeted in spanish, he said , “fight us tonight.” in spanish and a bouquet from the hands of the head of state, a red carpet, a guard of honor, everyone who was exchanged was greeted as heroes who defended the interests of our country and did not break down in prison, the fate of all russians who are now imprisoned abroad in the usa subject a constant concern for the relevant russian departments, peskov emphasized. the work to return our citizens to their homeland will continue. anton topkovenko, lead.
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and this is evan gershkovich just coming off the plane, hands on hips, smile from ear to ear. those arriving in the united states are immediately showered with gifts in front of journalists. it seems that for the sake of ratings on the eve of the elections, the democrats are ready to take the last shirt off joe biden, who has dropped out of the race, in order to at least somehow correct his image. president biden gave me his badge, it's an american flag, he wore it on his lapel. we chatted and he took it off and gave it to me, so it's a keepsake. also tries as best he can, almost attributing all the negotiations regarding sharing with your loved one. did you think this moment would come? yes, what made you feel so confident? my relations with other heads of state, with whom i had to agree on many
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issues. so olaf scholz, as if justifying the release of vadim krasikov, sentenced in germany to life imprisonment for the murder of a terrorist, confirms that this is all for the sake of strengthening. usa and germany, a conversation i had with the american president. emphasized this very much. playing along with the democrats, the german the press agrees with washington. for donald trump, berlin would hardly take such a step. however, the step, in the opinion of the german public, is controversial; while the minister of justice calls this the most bitter concession to vladimir putin, others are much harsher. this is vladimir putin's middle finger to the west, he showed it to them and this is , above all, a powerful message to his agents. take care of ourselves, we will bring every agent home, and he has now done so.
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there are plenty of indecent gestures in the west towards the white house. bloggers aren't just talking about failure biden on the issue of negotiations, but they recall that in 2018, donald trump returned three americans from north korea without any exchange. fox journalists ask: how fair is this exchange? shouldn't more americans have been released? the relatives of those who were not on the plane that arrived in the united states are asking the same thing. a historic exchange of prisoners since world war ii, so they say, but why wasn't mark vogel included? he was accused in the same way as britney greiner, but there was no nba or wall street journal behind them. yes, he has influenced many around the world, one of his students works in your studio. it is completely unfair that he was not brought home with the others as part of this exchange. the biden administration would have nothing to lose from this. biden was also criticized for widely publicizing the exchange, allegedly returning home journalists
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accused of espionage. the white house is provoking new arrests of americans abroad, which means giving opponents leverage over the united states and allies. anna voronina, vesti. over the course of a week, the russian army carried out 11 group strikes on military factories in ukraine, assembly shops and storage areas for combat drones, as well as warehouses. supplies, a military echelon, a point of deployment for militants. during this time , zelensky’s formation lost another 13,600 soldiers and mercenary officers. 14 tanks and 42 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as almost 200 self-propelled guns and missile systems, mostly produced by nato countries. there are fierce battles on the outskirts of toretsk. this is an important node key to the slavic-kramatorsk agglomerations about the confrontation between crews of fpv drones and...
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adapted to current conditions, it continues, here we are flying in solidarity, on every vehicle that moves in the combat zone , an electronic warfare system is one of the few ways to prevent the enemy from striking, in almost every in the car there is a fighter with a smooth-bore shotgun, in case the rap is powerless, there is almost no one in the open space, the personnel are camouflaged and are in shelters. from here to the enemy is now about 2 km, but in general this is the direction to slavyansk and kramatorsk, a little
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to the south, chasov and konstantinovka, all these are large logistics centers for the formation of the kiev regime, the enemy’s crews are now doing everything possible to slow down the advance of our troops and support the infantry units of the kiev regime in defense, they are slowly moving forward, the enemy is in a similar position, our the group accompanies a crew of kamikaze drones, the task is to destroy a disguised stronghold of militants of the kiev regime in a forest belt. to do this, engineers attach incendiary ammunition to the drone, other types hitting the dense crowns of trees with shells is now ineffective. listen, how many kilometers? it turns out to fly with an air repeater, you can fly a raft up to 20 km, this is just a panacea for many troubles, so i went,
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come on, come on, for a few minutes the opornik formation of the kiev regime is on fire, our crew goes into shelter, the pilot is in the pividrona, a volunteer worked in civilian life 3d visualizer, i didn’t even undergo military service. but here he is in his place, he says, he went to fight because of the barbaric shelling of russian cities, oh, well, well... a heightened sense of some kind of injustice, unrealistic anger, well , you really want to be somehow on our side and effective, when you look at footage from the same belgorod, something like this, indiscriminate attacks by militants of the kiev regime on civilians, many who now here at the front we have been encouraged to take up
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arms, we are visiting the terik reconnaissance cossack brigade, it is staffed with volunteers, information and other types of support, precisely our most important enemy, which is known to everyone. well, it's natural that the enemy suffers heavy losses, because we , as they say, don’t eat our bread in vain, we constantly suffer fire damage, we work with all our means in order to inflict maximum damage on our enemies. our units, through fire damage and assault
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actions, constantly force the enemy to bring up reserves, as during all the time that lasts on purpose. military operation, the command of the ukrainian armed forces is trying to hold the front at the cost of huge losses. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov, and stanislav yalovsky. news: solidaro, artyomovsky area, nwo zones. well and air defense forces in a week shot down a mik-29 fighter, a su-25 attack aircraft, in addition, 375 drones and 47 hymers rockets, successfully repulsed 87 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces, and the advance of our forces and... the assault on the harvest, they undermined enemy strongholds with converted anti-tank mines tm-62, from such an explosion spent 8 kg, the basements where the ukrainian armed forces settled fell apart at once. the commander developed a tactic to destroy the fortified areas, as if they were entering from the eastern side of the enemy, approaching
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the basements unnoticed, throwing anti-tank mines covered the fighters of the vostok group, uav operators, and they also made adjustments. strikes by our artillery , aerial reconnaissance, this is very helpful when they are hanging on the natty peephole, observing everything, seeing, this is how fpv drone operators work in western military groups, time after time, destroying camouflaged support units of the armed forces of ukraine, dugouts act deftly so that russian assault units move forward without losses, the guys pass through, who after the assaults, there they thank us, they say that as we began to hum, naturally the enemy sat down and... as if they had a chance to move on, a subdivision of the eight-west group occupied more advantageous lines of the position, inflicted defeat by the formation of three mechanized and assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, three territorial defense brigades, as well as the nationalist azov brigade. there are traces of shrapnel on the hatch, so the enemy aggressively struck the t-72b3 tank with pividrons, but
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the armed forces of ukraine failed to confuse the crew of the north group of troops; there were less than two left to the target.
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threes change to completely assault the group knew each other by behavior, by movement tactics, by the contour of the body, they knew who had what weaknesses, who was capable of what, we had to teach the guys to also evade titrons, from kamikazes, from... lenin donetsk people's republic. and this week the armed forces of ukraine lost three launchers and a radar station of the patriot anti-aircraft missile system and more.
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during the specified period, air defense systems shot down a mik-29 fighter and an attack aircraft of the 125th air force of ukraine. long range guided missile - neptune, seven atacoms operational-tactical missiles, four hammer guided bombs, two patriot and 375 anti-aircraft guided missiles. this is what the arrivals of russian fab 500 in the southern donetsk direction look like, footage from the trenches of the ukrainian armed forces. but here is the work of our cities, the dnieper group of troops. the southern group of troops destroys howitzers, including the nato one in the northern direction. the footage of the destruction of the bridge over the fragment is right on target. the logistics capabilities of the ukrainian armed forces are becoming less and less. exhausted ukrainian soldiers surrender.
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will continue to reliably guard the independence and sovereignty of the country, ensure defense capabilities and national security. yegor grigoriev will tell you how the winged infantry celebrates. the solemn liturgy in the temple of elijah the prophet, the patron saint of paratroopers, continues with a religious procession. on the place of execution, on red square in the heart of the capital , many summer wishes are heard to all the christ-loving army. lugansk direction, this is the solidar area, so the guys are working, the native 106th tula airborne division, they prayed for them,
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there is simply no future for a russian person without faith, the square is filled with stripes of vests and blue berets, former and current military personnel, paratroopers, veterans and cadets, the commander of the airborne forces congratulates. the paratroopers, starting in afghanistan, were the first to enter. both in afghanistan and in the caucasus, in other theaters of military operations of our time, and of course, during a special military operation, paratroopers showed and show incredible courage, readiness for self-sacrifice and the highest professionalism. workshop carbines rotate cadets. honor guard of the ryazan, guards, higher airborne command school named after morgenovo. a combination of drill techniques, less than a second between movements, passage into the bayonet line, everything
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as a single whole, every step is calculated to the smallest detail, practiced to the point of automatism. the elite of the russian troops, the best in the sky, on earth, on the water and even under water, and also excellent musicians, combined orchestra, airborne troops. tver schoolchildren, despite their young age, confidently declare service only in the airborne forces, why such a choice, why such a one will be chosen, soul, strength and soul, so exactly, so exactly, the battle on halqinga. the great patriotic war, afghanistan, chechnya, since its creation in 1930, the airborne forces have been involved in all conflicts. at first , 70
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paratroopers were awarded the title of hero of russia; in total , 188 soldiers were awarded the gold star. streets in ivanovo will bear the names of four of them. in july 2022, lieutenant colonel ivan pozdeev personally led his soldiers into an attack in the belogorka area of ​​the kherson region. a sniper caught up with him. airborne forces day is celebrated throughout russia in pskov
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assigned to the 124th separate tank and 175th separate reconnaissance battalions.
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the united states will regroup its forces in the middle east in order to strengthen israel’s defense, the pentagon said, they fear a retaliatory strike from iran, after the murder in tehran of one of the leaders of the hamas movement , ismail hani, here’s more about the situation from my colleagues,
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so that it’s guaranteed to be enough for several days of massive shelling. the doors to the basement shelter are now kept constantly open, my experienced neighbors brought in our spacious drive-up bunker, air conditioning, fan, water. odiyala, armchair and even a large sofa. toilet stalls were installed in the large hall. soon all this may come in handy, since among the residents there are many children and elderly people. just the day before , about 60 rockets were fired from lebanese territory into the northern galilee. and this is not yet an action of retaliation promised by hezbollah against zafuad shukr, the chief military adviser to sheikh hassan nasrulah, who was eliminated by the tsajal.
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powerful, announced by militants from... an air attack from iran, yemen, syria, under a canopy of hundreds of rockets and drones from the lebanese group hezbollah on the northern border. while the army is preparing to fight on external fronts, the prosecutor's office and intelligence services are working on the internal front. today, the imam of the alyaksa mosque, the former grand mufti of jerusalem and palestine, akram said, was detained, calling on participants in friday prayers to mourn the martyr ismail haniyeh. it is difficult to judge the timing of the upcoming attack while we are still in the cathars.
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kept the head of the hamas politburo ismail haniyeh, who is denied responsibility for the liquidation in israel, and the new british minister defense john hillily was on an emergency mediation tour along the beirut-tel aviv route, and there was a pause in the tense confrontation. using it, the country's leadership made regular, harsh statements against tehran and lebanese hezbollah. hassan nasrola: “stop boasting, threatening and lying until you pay a heavy price.” we will act with all our might to restore security to the people of the north. prime minister benjamin netanyahu discussed the heated situation with the us president the day before. main the strategic ally promised support, but it threatens to be not as effective as on april 13, when the air defenses of the united states, france, and jordan shot down most of them.


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