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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 3, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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given the exchange of prisoners between russia and nato countries, special attention to the security council. the meeting was chaired by the president, it was devoted to international issues, here are the personnel, the beginning. today we have several issues on the international agenda concerning our country, our interests, the speakers are, respectively, the minister of foreign affairs and the director of the foreign intelligence service, but i would ask you, in addition to the planned issues, to discuss the most current events of recent times.
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as if they can't come to terms with the fact that we had to let our people go. in germany, for example, insinuations continue about vadim krasikov, an fsb officer who was sentenced to life by the germans and now exchanged, who served in the alpha special unit, along with several active members of the presidential guard. bilt tabloid headline. tiergarten killer, free. tiergarten, because in this park in berlin in 1919 the militant zelimkhan khangashvili was shot dead. bilt, of course, is silent about who he was. although vladi. this is
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fighting on the side of the separatists on caucasus, he is not georgian by nationality, this man was on our wanted list, this is a man who took an active part in militants, and a very tough, bloody man, in only one of the actions in which he took part, he killed 98 people , he was one of the organizers of the explosions in... in the moscow metro, extremists and foreign agents handed over to the west rushed to give interviews and announce press conferences, at this one in the boom, yashin, brewers, karamurza, as usual, pretends to be victims, but not really it turns out that a delegation of doctors came to each of us this morning, about 10 people, probably wearing masks, yes, they woke us up at 8 in the morning with a very dramatic look and said that we have received the results of your tests, we have the results of your blood tests . we found a deficiency
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of vitamin d in them, we saw the sun only through the bars of the windows, so, but in general - we are actually fine. we didn’t know when the exchange would take place, but we worked on it, went to the state debate department, collected a package of documents about the client’s health, says igor litvak, lawyer of roman seleznev, who was detained by us secret service agents in the maldives in 1914. he was found guilty of cyber fraud and sentenced to many years. inclusion in the appeal was denied. he did not receive medical care in america in prisons, so we went to the state debate, we met with them, i sent them some documents and we put pressure on them, no one knew the specific date, but if roman had not returned to his homeland, he would have america would have died in prison; his life was actually saved. tonight i'm after ten years of separation from my son, i met and am in such a state of shock, he is even more so, he pinches himself. by the leg and
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says, dad, this is not a dream, i say, it’s not a dream, i’m brought to tears, we just have to pay tribute to the special services who carried out this operation at the most complex level at the highest. spanish journalist of russian origin pabla gonzalez, aka pavel rubtsov, notes the extraordinary resilience of his client, and of course, pavel hoped that he would be exchanged, we were constantly informed that this was happening.
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less well, literally in advance, several days, maybe even hours. russia saves those people who serve it, and this exchange only confirms this fact. the dultsevs, artyom and anna, are our illegal intelligence officers. anna graduated from the nizhny novgorod university with a degree in philology, met her future husband at a disco, after the wedding she came to his garrison, they disappeared from the public space, like the dultsevs, and became argentinean antique dealers in slovenia. ludwik. gish and mariaro maher, it's called working under cover. their children, sofia and daniel, were born abroad. after the dultsovs were detained in ljubljana last year, they hardly saw them. there was a real threat of deprivation of parental rights. the children of illegal immigrants, intelligence officers, who arrived yesterday, found out
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that they were russian only when the plane took off from ankara. they asked their parents yesterday who it was that was meeting them. that is, they didn’t even know who putin was. they don’t speak russian, and putin greeted in spanish, he said “boinost.” greetings in spanish and a bouquet from the hands of the head of state: red carpet, guard of honor, everyone who was exchanged was greeted as heroes who defended the interests of our country and did not break down in prison. the fate of all russians who are currently imprisoned abroad in the united states is a matter of constant concern for those concerned. well, in germany they generally believe that scholz took this step only for the sake of biden. anna voronina will continue the topic.
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almost all american television channels show these images live. paul willon the one who emerges from the plane is the first to be greeted with applause. joe biden dropped out of the race in order to somehow correct his image.
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as if justifying himself for the release of vadim krasikov, sentenced in germany to life imprisonment for the murder of a terrorist, he confirms that this is all for the sake of strengthening relations with a great ally. now is a special moment for me again, a moment that has certainly strengthened the friendship between the united states and germany. the conversation i had with the american president emphasized this very much. playing along with the democrat, the german the press agrees with washington. berlin would hardly be suitable for donald trump. such a step, however, is a controversial step in the opinion of the german public, while the minister of justice calls this the most bitter concession to vladimir putin, others are much harsher. this is vladimir putin's middle finger to the west, he showed it to them and this is , above all, a powerful message to his agents. it
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says: we will take care of ourselves, we will bring every agent home, and he has now done that. there are plenty of indecent gestures in the west to the side. white house. bloggers say no only about biden’s failure in the matter of negotiations, but they remind you that in 2018 , donald trump returned three americans from north korea without any exchange.
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a week carried out 11 group strikes on military factories in ukraine, assembly shops and storage areas for combat drones, as well as on an ammunition depot, a military train and a militant deployment point. during this time , zelyansky’s formation lost another 13,600 soldiers and mercenary officers, 14 tanks and 42 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as almost 200 gunships, self-propelled guns and missile systems, in mainly produced by nato countries. tarets is approaching. there are fierce battles, this is an important node, the key to the slavic-kramatorsk
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agglomeration about the confrontation between the crews of fpv drones and the battles of the terek brigade, our military correspondent evgeniy podduma. the closer the front edge, the faster you have to go through sections of the road. at the front, the main factor of losses is still fpv drones of hostility and... competitions of whose drone calculations work more effectively, whose systems are more adapted to current conditions, it continues, here we fly in solidarity, on every vehicle that moves in the combat zone has an electronic warfare system, this is one of the few ways to prevent the enemy from striking, in almost every vehicle there is a fighter with a smoothbore... bovik case if rap is powerless. there is almost no one in the open space; the personnel are camouflaged and
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in shelters. from here it is now about 2 km to the enemy, but in general this is the direction to slavyansk and kramatorsk. a little further south, chasov yar and konstantinovka. all these are large logistics centers for the formation of the kiev regime. calculations their enemy pividrons are now doing everything possible to slow down the advance. our troops and support the infantry units of the kiev regime in defense, help maintain their combat stability, despite serious opposition, our unit is slowly moving forward, the enemy is in a similar position, our group accompanies the crew of kamikaze drones, the task is to destroy a disguised stronghold of the militants of the kiev regime in a forest belt , for this, to a drone,
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a visualizer, not even urgent service passed, but here he is in his place, he says, he went to fight because of the barbaric shelling of russian cities, oh, well, well, some kind of heightened sense of injustice, unrealistic anger, well, i really want to be - somehow, well, on our side and effective when you look at footage from the same belgorod, something like
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this, indiscriminate attacks by militants of the kiev regime on civilians have inspired many who are now here at the front to take up arms. we stop by the terik cossack reconnaissance brigade. it comes with volunteers. kambrik, general fadyukhin, on the front line, says the situation is difficult. here , on the solidaroartyomovsky front , paratroopers fight together shoulder to shoulder. shooters, scouts and cossacks. every meter of liberated land is difficult for our troops. we are not fighting with the army of ukraine, in principle with an army from... the intellect of nato and the west, so it is clear that all the actions of the enemy, they are fully supported and developed by information and other types of support, precisely by our most important enemy, who is known to everyone, well, it’s natural that the enemy suffers heavy losses, because we, too, as they say, don’t eat our bread in vain, we constantly suffer fire
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damage, we work with all our means in order to inflict maximum damage on our enemies. fortunately, fire damage and assault operations constantly force the enemy to bring up reserves, just as the entire time that a special military operation lasts, the command of the armed forces of ukraine is trying to hold the front at the cost of huge losses. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news: solidaro artyomovsky area, nwo zones. vladimir putin congratulated airborne forces, personnel and veterans on airborne forces day. a congratulatory telegram was published on.
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and in afghanistan and the caucasus, in other
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theaters of military operations of our time, and of course, during a special military operation, paratroopers. have shown and continue to show extraordinary courage, readiness for self-sacrifice and the highest professionalism. workshop carbines are rotated by cadets of the honor guard company of ryazan, guards, higher airborne command school named after morgelov. a combination of drill techniques, less than a second between movements, passage into the bayonet line, everything as a single whole, every step is calculated to the smallest detail and practiced to the point of automatism. the elite of the russian troops, the best in the sky, on earth, on the water and even under water, and also excellent musicians, the combined orchestra of the airborne troops has been applauded more than once on red square during military band festivals. together with ryazan cadets on red square, participants of military-patriotic clubs from all over russia.
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tver schoolchildren, despite their young age, confidently declare service. only in the airborne forces and why such a choice, why such a choice, because i like it, it’s strength, soul, strength and soul, yes, that’s right, that’s right, the battle of khalkingol, the great patriotic war, afghanistan, chechnya, from the moment of its creation in in 1930, the airborne forces took part in all conflicts, first the northern military district, already 70 paratroopers were awarded the title of hero of russia, a total of 188 soldiers were awarded the gold star. streets in ivanovo will bear the names of four of them. lieutenant colonel in july 2022, ivan pozdeev personally led his fighters into an attack in the belogorka area, kherson region. he was hit by a sniper bullet. in january 2023 , lieutenant colonel alexander makarov died heroically. andrei mosin was in the northern military district zone, leading sniper groups, came under mortar fire, covered
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his comrade, but did not survive. viktor amelkov also covered his soldiers to the last, where. performance of official duty. airborne forces day is celebrated throughout russia in pskov. 124 separate tank and 175 separate reconnaissance battle battalions were assigned honorary title of guards. strength, honor, conscience, faith - that's all. about the airborne forces and the continuity of generations helps to preserve the best qualities of tradition. my dad is currently a military man, and he also serves in the airborne forces. that's why. i am very proud that i basically went through this parade for him, he is now almost at his peak, for which it is very scary, no matter how difficult it is, the paratrooper will never tell about it, because everyone knows,
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no one except them landing troops and there are no invincible tasks, egor grigoriev, dmitry vishkevich, mikhail utkin, varvara pastushnaya, in nizhny tagil the number of deaths when part of a house collapsed after a gas explosion increased to ten. all two bodies were recovered from the basement; according to the ministry of emergency situations, 15 people were saved, seven of them children. 11 victims are now in hospitals, five in serious condition. the search operation continues, with 550 people and 74 pieces of equipment working at the site. the city authorities declared august 3 a day of mourning. 25 apartments in the building were damaged after the explosion. each victim will be assigned an employee from the mayor's office to help people restore documents and purchase new ones. housing. a powerful downpour covered perm, flooding several shopping centers and the city market. many streets temporarily turned into rivers.
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a strong wind knocked down a dozen trees. utility workers eliminate the consequences of bad weather. the united states will regroup its forces in the middle east to strengthen israel's defenses. this was stated at the pentagon. they fear a retaliatory strike from iran. after the murder in tehran. israel is concentrating, in stores, as once during a pandemic, they are busily buying up water, canned food, toiletries paper, without fuss or panic, they equip a home bomb shelter with everything necessary, so that it is guaranteed to last for several days of massive shelling; the doors to the basement shelter are now constantly held. covered, my experienced neighbors brought into our spacious driveway bunker, air conditioning, fan, water, blanket, chair and even a large sofa.
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toilet cubicles have been installed in the large hall; soon all this may come in handy, since there are many children and elderly people among the residents. only the day before from the territory of lebanon to about 60 rockets were fired into northern galilee, an action not yet promised by hezbollah.
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said, who called on participants in friday prayers to mourn the martyr ismail haniyeh. it is difficult to judge the timing of the upcoming attack, while the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, was buried in katera, and israel denies responsibility for his liquidation. and the new british minister of defense, john healy, was making an emergency mediation tour along the beirut-tel aviv route, and there was a pause in the tense confrontation. using it, the country's leadership made new ones. hard statements addressed to tehran and lebanese hezbollah. hassan nasrola. stop the boasts, threats and lies, until you pay the heavy price, we will act with all
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our might to restore safety to the people of the north. prime minister benjamin netanyahu discussed the heated situation with the us president the day before. the main strategic ally has promised support, but it threatens to be less effective than on april 13, when...
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the islamic republic of iran will certainly act in accordance with the law justice against a notorious and criminal regime, without any compromise. the yemeni houthis also demand decisive retribution; their leader declares that the ansar allah group will not remain
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aloof from the possibility. asked prime minister and foreign minister khater to convey a message to iran to lebanese hezbollah. according to the source, these messages contained a call for disqualification, as well as a request not to respond to the murder of hezbawah precision weapons curator flaad shukar and the head of the hamas politburo ismail haniyeh. and secretary general guterres urgently contacted iranian foreign minister bagheri. during the conversation , the secretary general expressed deep concern about the current situation in the region. he repeated his
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public message, calling. having arrived in jordan, he said that the crisis in the region could only be resolved by stopping the war in the gas sector. we need both sides to make a peace agreement, we need both sides to make a two- state solution. after the death of haniyeh, who was buried today in qatre, where he lived almost constantly in recent years, the region seems to be waiting for a new test, which may turn out to be the most difficult. in recent years. on wednesday, almost immediately after the murder of ismail haniya, information appeared that tehran could respond within 72 hours. by this point, about 60 years have already passed, so if this is really the case, then a retaliatory strike against israel could be delivered this coming night. alexander bilibov, dmitry shcherbakov and anna lvova, lead the middle east. figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall
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of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here. in the zaporizhzhya direction, we are all the same here, we do the same work, the same tasks, deadlift, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit still because i was in normal shape, well, let’s face it, one by one, it was the case, that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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500 500 people serve in intelligence not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit. the crop beret is a symbol that i believe should be worn by those who wear it.


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