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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 3, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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people who serve in intelligence are not even very physical, but simply stronger in spirit, a maroon beret - a symbol that whoever wears, i believe,
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should be a model in everything, they should follow it, it can’t be worse, it can be better, we’ve always had this motto in life , pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, this is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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hello, the program correspondents on duty and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. lata with the aroma of a bribe has been studied by researchers. suspect police officer in corruption. the investigation believes that the enterprising employee had been tearing up coffee shops on wheels for about a year. for the trouble-free trade in the aromatic drink in the most fishy places, the servant of the law took a bribe. in total, during such cooperation, the law enforcement officer allegedly got 3 million rubles into his pocket. everything went like clockwork, the inspector was full and borista was safe. but colleagues traced the attacker. on august 1 , when transferring part of a bribe in the amount of 287 thousand rubles, we are suspected. was detained with the assistance
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of employees of the regional division of the fsb russia during operational-search activities. a criminal case has been opened for taking a bribe. the investigation is ongoing. square meters from a former adviser to the city mayor. in the krasnodar territory , members of the group who were selling places in sochi cemeteries were arrested. according to the law, plots should be allocated free of charge, but relatives of the deceased had to pay up to 3 million rubles. the defendants in the case were detained by police and fsb officers and are being investigated.
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home to inspect all the rooms, it took a lot of time for the investigators to enter the richly furnished building and even look into the bathhouse. during the searches, investigators found gold-plated spoons, a collection of luxury watches, jewelry and thick stacks of five thousand dollar bills carelessly left on the table. searches were carried out at 25 addresses in sochi, during which investigators seized more than 15 million rubles. according to investigators, 15 million rubles. this is the income of an organized crime group for just a month, for one place. at the cemetery, accomplices allegedly took bribes from 2,000 to 3 million rubles from grieving families. supposedly such a profitable business was invented by former adviser to the sochi mayor radion pishchura and invited acquaintances into the criminal scheme, among them the head of the funeral department of the municipal services department of the sochi administration, stanislav gormash and his subordinate evgeny pivnev. they persistently convinced clients that there are no free places in their cemeteries, otherwise you will lose this place in the cemetery. without a place,
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a person in grief, in a trance, naturally gives money so as not to be left without a place, because these are all agents, so-called black dealers. they are all psychologists, those who are not succumbed to manipulation and still demanded that the funeral be organized according to the law, they were shamed for wanting to save money on the deceased, and the money eventually ended up in the hands of swindlers. the negotiations took place behind this door with a sign accepting orders, security forces also visited the office premises with a search, you will look for the keys from the employees, there are cash documents in the safes, apparently, another gullible client left the office shortly before the people arrived in...
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this is one of the most vivid examples of how those who move money in ritual solve issues business. a few years ago, a massacre occurred at the khovansky cemetery in moscow. with the shooting, in which two hundred people participated, there were no casualties, the defendants in the criminal case in sochi were not seen in such episodes, they are charged with receiving a bribe with extortion, but for this the suspects face a long term in prison. the central district court of sochi sent into custody three persons involved in a high-profile funeral case, including the alleged leader of an organized crime group. most likely arrests will be made soon will continue. it is now known that at least seven people could divide millions among themselves. alexander ostakhov, lead the duty unit. don't miss this weekend on russia 24 tv channel the investigation of eduard petrov to cover his tracks. a businessman, an electrician and a welder, they did not have enough money to live. and they didn’t come up with anything better than to rob
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the collector. i turned my head at that moment and a shot sounded. i woke up in the hospital. the detainees purchased a car in advance and regularly honed their skills. recognition of repeat offenders in the astrakhan region researchers have solved a triple murder that occurred back in 2000. then two friends decided to rob the apartments, they cleaned them out one after another, but one day they met resistance. as a result , a man and two girls were deprived of their lives. a word from our colleague from state television and radio broadcasting company lotus dmitry dubrovsky. they
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didn’t even think about killing, they just went out for a walk. the idea of ​​a robbery, as if someone had suddenly hissed in my ear. they left the house for a walk, entering. while walking, one suggested to the other: listen, i know that a rich man lives there, let’s go see him let's climb in and see what he has there, the criminals entered the apartment on the first floor directly through this balcony, by the way, the windows here are still without bars, they first put ordinary men's socks on their hands instead of gloves, they brought the crime weapon - a sledgehammer, of course not with themselves, they found it right here on the balcony, i saw it, waved the sledgehammer, here the light from the lantern was falling from the window, in the area of ​​what, head, torso, head?
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ended up as a result all these 24 years , i really regretted that i found myself in this situation and was afraid to admit even to myself what i had done, this is very it was pressing hard. the robber and murderer will most likely have to spend the rest of his life behind bars. by the way, his brother is already serving a life sentence. he
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committed another murder and robbery 2 months after his release. dmitry dubrovsky, andrey reasonable, damir maykenov, lead: duty unit. people learn about legal news in their region or region thanks to the work of local magazines. the program to conduct the duty unit is published in many regions of the country; my colleague anna zhukova will tell you what topics interested our colleagues in the arkhangelsk region. hello maxim. this is what we will talk about in our issue: they wanted easy money, but they will receive a serious punishment. a couple of drug pawnbrokers were detained in arkhangelsk. they purchased synthetics on the internet and distributed them throughout the city. the arkhangelsk regional court did not satisfy the appeal of the culprit of a terrible accident near bereznik, vinogradovsky district. the sentence to the ex-head of the correctional colony valery basharin was left unchanged and entered into legal force. he and his lawyer believe that the court's decision on the accident where he died. there was a family too harsh. the victim was also present at the meeting. she is the only one who survived
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the terrible tragedy. of course, i sympathize with you about the traffic accident. this is the last word from valery bashararin. in a couple of minutes, the court will retire to the deliberation room to decide on his appeal. basharrin was found guilty of a terrible accident near bereznik in the vinodivo district. july 22 last year. the car flew into the oncoming lane and collided with the car in which the family was traveling. the father and little daughter died on the spot. behind doctors fought for his son’s life, but to no avail. only the mother, natalya kalinina, survived the accident. by the verdict of the vinogradovsky district court , basharin was sentenced to 5 and a half years in a general regime colony and the payment of moral compensation in the amount of 5 million rubles. it is known that the driver was sober at the time of the accident. the convicts and the defense insist. for
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basharin, the sentence is too lenient, natalya kalinina believes, she intends to go to the end for those who will no longer be embraced by the fatal blow, which simply completely ruined my life what he stopped, did not turn over, he stopped my life itself, i would like at least with the court and the law... to restore justice, relatives and friends came to support natalya, i see, even now in the hall, you were sitting here, everyone, he even bickers, he doesn’t understand that he killed two children, the father of the family, he killed the whole family. the outcome of this meeting, the verdict remained unchanged and entered into legal force. a resident of the primorsky district will have to change his car to public transport, where a drunken driver was stopped state traffic inspectors. he confessed honestly, he drank, but it seems that the arrest was a pleasant surprise for the driver.
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in several regions of the country, security forces carried out large-scale raids to identify illegal immigrants. in suzdal , construction sites were targeted, where the majority of foreign workers did not have special patents, and the rest decided not to register for migration at all . the situation in the krasnoyarsk territory is even more deplorable. there, the police, together with fsb officers and russian guard soldiers, raided a large farm where more than a hundred foreigners lived worked illegally. you have documents for the right to stay on the territory.
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you are in russia illegally, that’s right, everyone came from the southern republics to work, and essentially became cheap labor for the owner of the farm, these are the conditions he created for his employees: in the footage, residential sheds, not even with beds, with skinny mattresses, dirt and flies everywhere, it is not surprising that the owner did not even think about taking care of the employee’s documents, and now the migrants themselves are responsible for violations. violations, illegal presence on territory of russia, violations of migration control rules and non-compliance with the stated purpose of entry. in addition, the migrants were checked for information and fingerprint records of each of the foreigners, the police also checked for involvement in committing offenses and crimes. the result of the raid is mass expulsion, at least 35 citizens will soon leave the country. a clumsy deception in the moscow region received a buyer of a powerful laptop instead of a brand new computer. piece of iron the equipment was sold at marketplace at an attractive price, the scam was discovered along with the parcel.
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dmitry chernousov looked into who and where replaced the computers, and how to protect yourself from such surprises. footage of the unboxing went viral on social media within a matter of hours. the long-awaited package, which was supposed to contain a new laptop, is opened by alexander boyko. a development engineer from noginsk near moscow ordered equipment for work and made the purchase through market. while they were unpacking. that is, all the seals, everything is in place, no damage, nothing like that, only at the very last moment did suspicions arise, because the size was somehow smaller than a laptop, we got it. i turned it over, and found a broken axe, they could have at least put a normal one, the most expensive purchase, impulsive, there is an ax for 90 thousand. alexander immediately contacted the online platform via the hotline, but was unable to process the return of the goods; they say that if there was a broken laptop in the box, there are no questions, and the documents say nothing about the axe. here is that same mysterious package: an ax
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neatly attached with tape to the piece of wood was probably waiting in the wings, but it ’s true that you can’t go wrong with something like that, not only is it all rusty, it’s also without a handle, you can only guess where it is, either it didn’t fit in the parcel, or it was too much in weight, and now let's weigh it, so, 3,300, however, this is the average weight of laptops, the path from the seller to the buyer through the online trading platform is thorny, there are several sales schemes through marketplaces, let's focus on the most popular one, from the seller a batch of goods... the products are already there goes through several stages they check quality, licenses and certificates, only after the goods are placed in warehouses. when an order is received, the online store independently packs, labels, ships and delivers the goods to the buyer. there are two options: either to the order pick-up point, or to the buyer by delivery service. representatives of the internet platform assure that
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it is extremely difficult to replace goods before they are handed over to the courier. warehouse employees accept everything piece by piece. goods shipped by the seller, if during receipt the warehouse discovers that the goods are different, it returned to the seller and not included in the sale. in any case, who is to blame should be determined by the marketplace, not the buyer. if you were given a brick instead of a phone, immediately demand a replacement product. if this is not possible, then return the money accordingly. the deadline for responding to such claims by law is 10 days. if the seller does not cooperate, then you need to go to court. at the ministry of internal affairs, or even better , order the goods not at home, open them at the point of issue immediately upon receipt. shopaholics, lawyers, even the sellers themselves, all urgently they recommend that when purchasing expensive goods, you open them right here, at the point of delivery of orders. as they say, without leaving the cash register, you are guaranteed to be captured by cctv cameras, there are several of them here. the footage is of such quality that
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you can even read a barcode. the story with the laptop ended positively. alexander has already been refunded the money for the failed purchase, she. for concealing a murder in his house, investigation, consideration of the case dragged on for 2 years, no prohibition from the media, no comments on why it was not possible for a long time to form a jury, are the residents of a small town still afraid of mokhov? the kapinsky maniac is now below the water, below the grass, he has video surveillance cameras there. is mokhov dangerous now, why did he fence himself with a high fence, and what happened to the bunker in which he once
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starved and raped two captives. izvizan region report by olga zhurenkova. 20 sim cards in one hand. state duma deputies adopted a law that will limit the sale of telephone sim cards. how will this help in the fight against scammers and terrorists? for 265 subscribers more than 1,100,000 sim cards have been issued, and the sim card is becoming a tool for criminals. gray sim cards are material evidence in almost every criminal case. and who helps the attackers stay in the shadows. and who did they formalize for? for physicists. why are you running away? god? why are you running away? what do you have? look, don’t you want to pick it up? the gray market for sim cards, as a separate criminal industry, will it collapse? 3 million rub. for a place in a cemetery, a former adviser to the mayor and his accomplices were detained in sochi, as they made a fortune out of people's grief? everything went through a cash register, through a current account, in which graveyards was trading carried out? we
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have absolutely nothing to do with money. a spacious apartment in an elite building and shopping flights to moscow, why? the main defendant in the high-profile case was not shy about boasting about his beautiful life. sochi, investigation by pavel milnik. these and other topics are already on saturday at 18:15 on russia 24. details of the exchange of russians for nato spies. the day before, 10 citizens of our country returned home to sema. their the return became possible thanks to the systematic work of the fsb. in return for the west. persons who acted in the interests of other states to the detriment of the security of our country were extradited, who they were and what they did, unique details and interviews with foreign spies in the material of maxim shevchenko. two men in a photo taken by a guardian photojournalist are smiling: they are holding a stars and stripes flag, and there are the remains of a buffet table on the table. they were photographed in the us immediately after arriving from ankara. turkey hosts
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largest exchange since the cold war prisoners, in which several countries participated, including russia. at the time of their pardon, evan gershkovich and paul willan were the most prominent foreigners charged with criminal charges in russia. gershkovich was detained in march. last year in one of the restaurants in yekaterinburg, according to some reports, during a meeting with an informant, he was accused of espionage. american journalist of the wall street journal newspaper gershkovich, on instructions from the cia in march 2023 in the sverdlovsk region, collected secret information about activities of the defense enterprise aoonpk ural vagonzavod for the production and repair of military equipment. evan gershkovich’s interest in the products of the ural carriage plant could not go unnoticed by the special services, one of the key defense services. enterprises are called the main tank conveyor of the country. in mid-july, the court sentenced gershkovich to 16 years in prison. the verdict did not have time to enter into legal force.
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the exchange took place 2 days earlier. but paul willan, if he had not fallen under the current exchange procedure, according to russian laws could would be released only in 2036. a former us marine, according to the fsb, was listed as an american intelligence officer. it is known that in december.
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do you have any complaints or statements? not available. another participant in the exchange, ukhta native demuri voronin. the political scientist, as proven in court, sent secret data on the movements of russian troops in syria to an employee of the german foreign intelligence service. during his arrest, it turned out that he had two citizenships - russian and german. this german passport is valid until 2028 the track is being shown on television for the first time.
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dangerous. and both turned out to be right. safronov was later sentenced to 22 years on charges of treason. demuri voronin was also detained. he confessed to everything and received 13 years in prison.
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in a conversation with journalists, voronin was sure that he would definitely be replaced. don’t feel any guilt at all, don’t see it. in one country you are not to blame for this, in another country, well, the law is written in such a way that you are to blame for this. there is a court that has decided that you are guilty. having sent abroad, including these people, our country received the opportunity to return eight russians, their children released from prisons in nato countries, the families have already been reunited, the plane of passengers, whom the president of russia personally met, landed in vnukovo a few hours after the completion of the exchange procedure. maxim shevchenko, eduard petrov, andrey skrobot and kirill bortnikov. vesti is the duty unit. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in the telegram channels provided by the duty officer.
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that's what the lighthouse says.
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective. are you used to watching videos online?
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stopped working? install, open, watch, russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs, and documentaries, watch, watch in the app or on the website, beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, that’s where it belongs, that ’s my name , because i’m not taking you where you’re a fool.
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the oryol region was attacked by ukrainian drones this night, three of them shot down air defense systems. the head of the region, andrei klychkov, spoke about this. two hit the building. by according to eyewitnesses, the drones specifically flew towards a residential building. the fire was quickly contained and there were no casualties. emergency services are on site. the rostov region was also subjected to a massive attack. over fifty drones were spotted there. there were no casualties, and the consequences of the drone crash are being eliminated. it is reported that in


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