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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 3, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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afraid to start and finish what you started, look for inspiration, create, the rest will be done by the moment, the moment for those who get down to business, further about the weather and more, accurate analyst forecasts from vadim zavodchenkov. august it started with rain and cool weather. in general, what can we expect from the weather in the final month of summer? will it still please us with warmth? we’ll talk about this in the next 20 minutes, and here are some other topics we’ll touch on. the southern urals are drowning in rainwater, and destructive tornadoes are sweeping across the greater bolshevik region. what causes weather disasters? is it possible that the middle zone will soon turn into a tornado alley, tropical downpours will become a normal phenomenon for the russian plain. the hunting season for
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f-16s is open, the first american fighters are already in ukraine, how they plan to use them the kiev regime and why the appearance of nato aircraft will not be able to change the situation at the front? not everyone passed the hay test, athletes vomited after swimming in the dirtiest river in europe, how much is the concentration of fecal bacteria exceeded and what will happen to the quality? water after new rains in paris. you are watching the main weather program. i'm vadim zavodchenkov. hello. the beginning of august turned out to be the same as the last days of july. it was rainy and cool, but this is in the center of the country. but in the southern urals it fell, be healthy, real tropical libni. at the same time , destructive tornadoes were spinning over the volga region. we'll tell you about the main cataclysms of the week in our review. and then.
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let's figure out why this is happening, damn it, what was here, my god, what was here, cyclone kirsty raged all week in the vastness of russia, during the passage of a thunderstorm front , fragments of roofing were flying throughout chelyabinsk, the wind tore off signs from stores, knocked down traffic lights and art -objects. when the storm subsided, many streets were strewn with broken trees. submitted by radars, the height of individual clouds over the ural megalopolis reached a phenomenal 15 kilos. therefore, it is not surprising that a real hurricane broke out in the city. on top of everything, a powerful downpour hit chelyabinsk. after the rain , an endless ocean overflowed in the center of the city. cars sank in it along the wheel arches. water seeped into homes and supermarkets, and some teenagers jumped at the chance to swim in deep puddles right in their backyards. the visit of an active cyclone complicated the flooding. the situation in the region, for example, in
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the area of ​​magnitogorsk on wednesday again sharply the level of the ural river rose, and these shots were allegedly taken in mias, the man began to fish right on the flooded one. two airfield workers were injured, the weather in kazan was no less extreme on tuesday, ice drifted right on the roadway and snowdrifts along the roadsides, the city experienced heavy rain and hail, those streets that were not flooded were hidden under a thick layer of ice, winter , look, bulag, covered with snow, tin,
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ufa was also flooded with rain, the intensity of the precipitation was such that after a couple of minutes stormy floods rushed along the roads and sidewalks... the waters would only have to swim home, the private sector was flooded, streets in the very center of the city also went under water, a regular bus was stuck on one of them, according to the local weather station, in just an hour and a half , 25 mm of precipitation, or almost half of the monthly norm. at the end of the working week , the southern urals again suffered from the rampant elements. it was impossible to go home for the seventh day. well, we don’t live at home, it’s impossible to live, that’s all. the ural soil is no longer able absorb such volumes of moisture, the flood left the local residents not only homeless, but without a crop, they dug up potatoes, this is what happens,
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a hole, immediately filled with water, here are the potatoes, now they are already rotting, now everything is rotten, rain in the urals is forecast, although they will weaken, the flood situation... taking into account the amount of precipitation that has fallen, will be tense in the near future. the showers that provoked a rain flood in the urals will certainly go down in history. at the end of july, in some areas of the chelyabinsk region and southern bashkiria, the record amount of precipitation was three to four times higher than the climate norm. imagine, over 180-200 mm of moisture. this is the moisture regime. this is ensured by typhoons, for example, in certain areas of the japanese islands, and it can be argued that these are direct consequences of climate changes occurring on the planet. thus, in the relatively cool era of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, prolonged rains in july were observed
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here relatively rarely, for example, in the last century only once every 5-6 years, now due to due to global warming, extreme wet periods are already occurring less frequently. one and a half to two times more often. the mechanism of precipitation intensification due to sustainable climate warming is intuitively clear. even with an increase in the average temperature of the world's oceans by 2-3°c, which is observed now, the evaporation of water vapor from its surface increases by 10-15%. this means that more humid air masses are sent deeper into the continents, carrying with them more powerful air masses. showers, the situation in the atmosphere will change little in the coming days, sunny anticyclones will be able to capture only the extreme north and south of european russia; in the middle latitudes of eurasia , fields of frontal
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clouds will shift from the atlantic through the urals to siberia, so it will not be possible without rain, and although in the affected areas the precipitation is expected to be less intense, the flood wave will subside slowly. in central russia, too, until the middle of next week, unstable weather with thunderstorms will linger, but the intensity of the showers will be small, per day they will bring no more than 2-5 mm of moisture, the sun peeking out in breaks in the clouds during the day will be able to warm the air to +23-25, this is slightly higher than the norm for early august. well, what do the calculations of our models say about the weather in general? month of summer, i will tell you at the end of the program. on other topics, the first f-16 fighters arrived in ukraine, western media wrote about it. the planes promised by the biden administration back
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in may 23 took more than a year to reach square. yevgeny tishkavets monitors the supply of nato equipment to the kiev regime. evgeny, how many fighters? handed over to ukraine. vadim, neither kiev nor washington officially comment on the deliveries, but journalists from the times newspaper, citing anonymous sources, write that we are talking about six aircraft from the netherlands. expected. that by the end of the year the kiev regime will receive 16-18 fighters, in addition to the netherlands , belgium and denmark should transfer f-16s to kiev. the new york times clarifies that due to a shortage of pilots, ukraine will be able to use no more than 10 fighters in the next 5 months. taking into account the fact that russian missiles are systematically arriving at ukrainian airfields, most likely the kiev the regime will try to hide the transferred equipment at nato air bases in romania and poland, from where the f-16s will come. fly to ukrainian jump-off airfields and then go on combat missions, while russia warned
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western countries that it would consider nato sites as legitimate military targets. it is possible that, together with f-16 fighters , the united states will transfer to ukraine improved air-to-air missiles, as well as high-precision small- diameter bomb guidance systems. with reference to a new pentagon report about weapons, the wall street journal reported that the supply includes m-120 medium-range missiles, known as emrem, and m-9x missiles. the us also plans to send more air-to-ground munitions to ukraine. it is assumed that the f-16 will primarily be used as air defense fighters to combat drones. and besides this, for organizing air ambushes, the purpose of which is to counter russian bombers. american curators are in no hurry to throw the f-16 into battle. applies to them the premiere is very serious, the transferred kiev fighters are not capable of fully
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realizing the capabilities of the advanced missiles. however, let us recall that at the same time as the f-16 , the swedish saab long-range radar detection aircraft were delivered to the kiev regime. their radars may well ensure the use of missiles at maximum range. other nato awacs aircraft and drones are capable of performing the same task. it is not a fact that such a scheme will be effective. itself in a real battle, but for the corporation the successful combat use of these missiles promise multi-billion dollar contracts, while ukraine is nothing more than a testing ground. in fact, some people are benefiting from the conflict in ukraine. these are the financial interests of companies such as black rock, state street, the vangard. these large companies own 88% of the s&p-500. they do pose a real existential threat to democracy. they control both political parties, they give money to both, they control all military
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campaigns, they control black rock, general dynamics, nortropram, lock martin, they have a contract to destroy ukraine, they also have a contract to restore it, they make money in both cases. the capabilities of the f-16 cannot be underestimated, so russian troops are carefully preparing for their appearance. for example, the other day our pilots set a new record: a su-35s aircraft in ak. from russia , a ukrainian mik-29 fighter was shot down at a distance of more than 200 km. the enemy vehicle was hit by an r37m ultra-long-range air-to-air missile. american fighters will not change the situation at the front; every f-16 will be under the close attention of our intelligence, they will be sought to be destroyed. nato aircraft will suffer the same fate as other examples of vaunted western technology. the triathletes passed the hay test;
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at the games in paris, swims took place in the dirtiest river in europe. let me remind you that due to the excess concentration of pathogenic bacteria in the water, triathlon competitions were postponed many times and were generally on the verge of failure. tatyana belova sorted out the scandalous situation. tanya, the hay in a day is wonderful. vadim, i believe this difficult, but the organizers decided that the water was suitable for swimming and gave the go-ahead for the competition. the swim, of course, took place, the athletes entered muddy waters and hay, but on the way out, some of them felt nauseous. the whole world saw footage from the finish line when canadian tyler miroslavchuk, who came ninth, vomited right in front of the lenses of photo and video cameras. he later said that this was already the tenth attack of vomiting during the race. other athletes also admitted that after swimming. let's hope the water was clean and we,
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of course, we couldn’t see our hands when we swam, it was so cloudy, and my stomach also hurts because of the water i swallowed. an athlete from kazakhstan, ekaterina shabalina, swallowed water at the start, says that she felt sick for the rest of the swim, and after the cycling stage she vomited and was forced to withdraw from the race. belgian julienne vermeulen reached the finish line, passed the test of the hay, but did not hide her indignation.
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which gets into water, gasoline, and from e. coli, a wetsuit, it definitely won’t help, because i repeat, infection escherichia coli, that is, the bacteria shereche coli occurs through the fecal-oral route through the mouth. officially, a group of fifteen specialists makes a sample of water and hay. tests are taken twice a day, at 3:00 pm and 3:00 am. previously, it was after these measurements that training sessions were canceled twice, and the competitions of male triathletes were also postponed. a few hours before the start, the athletes were finally given the green light, announcing acceptable test results. at the same time , they refused to tell journalists how much the water quality in the river has improved. official data measurements are published with a week's delay, but the quality of water in the hay is monitored daily and openly by an independent international group of scientists. it includes specialists in chemistry and microbiology. experts
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of the fludion initiative previously noted that the concentration of e. coli and entrococs exceeded the norms by... nine times; they took a sample of water and hay on the day the triathletes started. microbiologists took measurements during the competition along the entire distance from the alexander ii bridge to the alma bridge. it turned out that the quantity is free floating e. coli bacteria was indeed within the limits stated by the organizers, it gradually decreased. at the same time, the total concentration of pathogenic bacteria, on the contrary, increased as the turbidity of the water increased and significantly exceeded the norm. how everyone gets infected is no secret to anyone. during heavy rainfall, the contents of the city sewer are washed into the river. attempts to reconstruct the system, unfortunately, did not produce any effect. rainy weather is forecast to linger in paris until at least the middle of next week, and marathon swimming is scheduled for august 8 and 9 at the olympics. at the moment , wastewater treatment plants simultaneously receive
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wastewater from apartments, industrial enterprises and... the danger of holding competitions in sin on the eve of the games, the mayor of paris , anne idalga, swam in the river, although later journalists found out that on the day of the demonstration swim , the concentration of e. coli exceeded the recommended norms , but the mayor apparently didn’t have an election: firstly, she had to somehow justify spending on cleaning the river, costing almost one and a half billion euros, and secondly,
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the official herself admitted that the french authorities did not have a backup plan for holding the olympic triathlon swimming competitions. in open water, except on the seine river. and now our traditional section: space weather forecast, which we compile together with our colleagues from the institute of space research. all july the sun was dormant, but with the advent of august it awakened. our star apparently decided spend the middle of summer in a calm mode, for the whole of july. with the exception of the last couple of days , there has not been a single, even the weakest, magnetic storm, and this is very surprising considering that we are now experiencing a year of solar maximum. quite interesting events really begin in the sun, and their main sign was a very rapid increase in the number of sunspots, and this is always a harbinger
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of large flares. the intermediate peak of this process was reached in the first half of last week. when these big ones groups of spots were directly opposite the earth, in them a flare of the highest grade x was recorded, not a record, but still large, accompanied, indeed accompanied by two magnetic storms. the first magnetic storm was recorded on july 30, the second on the night of july 31 to august 1. disturbances in the earth's magnetosphere were accompanied by auroras in different parts of the planet. residents of north america could see them; bright flashes lit up the night sky in some regions of russia, for example, the aurora was observed in bashkiria. on at the moment, the solar flare activity has not ended, on the contrary, it is increasing, for example, on thursday 13
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m-level flares were registered, this is a record number for the last 2-3 months, the risks of flares of the highest class x are also high, there are now a huge number of spots on the star. the greatest concerns are associated with the large center at number 37. 74, which just next week will enter the zone of influence on the earth and is already showing quite high activity. as for magnetic storm forecasts, weak disturbances are expected at the beginning weeks. essentially, these are echoes of current events. another surge in activity from new areas is predicted in the second half of the week. the sun situation is developing extremely dynamically. it’s more interesting to watch the luminary now and finally, as promised,
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i’ll tell you right now our exclusive forecast for august, what to expect from the weather in the final month of summer. in august, in the south of european russia the average temperature will be 1-2° higher than long-term values, but in the north the temperature regime is expected to be 1-2°. colder than usual, while in the middle zone weather corresponding to the climate will prevail, approximately the same distribution of hot and cold hot spots will be observed in siberia, most of the far east, excluding the extreme south, will be in the area of ​​the cold temperature anomaly. in the last summer month, the temperature regime in central russia is expected to be quite even; powerful intrusions of warm or cold air are unlikely. at the same time, the average temperature for most of august will be slightly behind the climate schedule, only at the beginning of the second third decade, the thermometer readings
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will exceed the level of long-term values ​​by more than a degree, that’s all, enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye, i choose rosselkhozbank, it has everything i need, high cashback, profitable deposits convenient credit card. rosselkhozbank. more than you think, your legs are just numb, such bells can indicate bad blood vessels, it is important to strengthen the vessels, angiom helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen walls of blood vessels, keep blood vessels normal, discounts until august 14, build faster, savita for the home. syota, your money won’t fly away, you’re catching up, gigs and minutes remain, we return rubles for them, you can yota, there are many reasons
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9:00 am
what’s my name: because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to go, fire, soon, in nizhny tagil, there will be a day of mourning, they will remember those who died in the collapse of the house after the explosion. gas the emergency occurred on thursday, 10 people were killed, 11 injured are still in hospitals. and my colleague, albert musin, is in direct contact. albert, greetings, what is happening now at the site of the tragedy? yes, daria, good morning, well, now the work continues, as we see, heavy equipment has already arrived in order to dismantle, including the rest of the house, which for almost the entire two days it somehow still stood in that place, but today it was finally
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resolved. because today


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