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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 3, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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residents of a house in nizhny tagil, which collapsed on thursday due to a gas explosion, will be paid half a million rubles for the loss of property. the regional authorities decided to increase the amount of compensation. the city is in mourning today; 10 people died as a result of the emergency; 11, according to the ministry of health, are still in the hospital. the search operation has been completed and the rubble is being cleared. the united states is sending strike aircraft to the middle east.
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other targets in stu are also destroyed from the combat , it was hit by the crew of the beech complex, as well as aircraft and drones. buki strikes as soon as the radar station all-round visibility detects enemy objects. the trump-hari debate will likely take place on september 4 in pennsylvania. at least this is what the republican agreed with the fox fox news channel. the broadcaster is waiting for consent from the vice president, the former owners of the white house. insisted that the verbal duel be watched by spectators in the hall. this is exactly what joe biden, who dropped out of the presidential race, was afraid of. the june debate with trump took place in the presence of only two cnn anchors. turiin went under water, on the italian city heavy rains fell. hail the size of a chicken egg fell. one of the roads that connects the city center with the hill has literally turned into a river, and this is quite ironic to write. local press, because the street is called
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of yumer, which translated into russian is something like a river street. and our broadcast will continue with a documentary film inventing ukraine, how the poles created an entire anti-russian state, what role the cia played in this and how the ukraine project was used in nazi germany, about this immediately after a short advertisement. buy a big combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer experiences at a tasty point, you don’t decide which option you’ll get, but you decide what your future will be, go wherever you want with an educational loan from sber with state support, calculate payments right now, you confirm the transfer, we will now protect you from spam and scammers in messengers. set up protection in the my
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everything is more profitable with a subscription to berprime. turned into firing points, and during the retreat they mined the school library and gym. but there, there, on the second floor, there it was always, it was like an office, you could see the literature on the edge, it was like a physical education teacher’s office, and there they found an anti-personnel mine. now, ukrainian
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history textbooks scattered on the floor have become yet another proof of how the state of ukraine was turning into a country that was purposefully prepared for war with everything russian. from the age of fourteen. still high school it was said that russia is the aggressor, that history was rewritten, all this was not due to the development of the ukrainian language, primarily due to the destruction of the russian language, due to the destruction of russian culture, when they are trying to rename even there, i don’t know, moscow avenue there , because it is believed that this is the wrong name of the street there,
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the ideology of ukrainian nationalists is distinguished by bestial, unmotivated cruelty. for the sake
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of their ideas, they are ready to destroy even their own people, so that the country knows its heroes, you know? we called the population of today's ukraine the ruthenian population. we called them rusyns. the term ukrainian was rather a geographical term defining the place of ukraine. our sovereign ukrainian language was truly sovereign. ukraine, the ukrainian president, are objects, that is, they are playing with us. moreover, no matter how cynical and sad it may sound, they are playing in the dark. september 1989, throughout western ukraine
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, in the capital city of kiev, rallies of the ukrainian people's movement for perestroika are held in ukrainian rukh - this is a party of nationalists, which initially declared itself democratic.
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“if you are orthodox and you are russian, the term “ukraine” was not used by ukrainians in principle, you, at best, can occupy a lower position in the structure of the polish hierarchy, but only under the condition of a complete renunciation of your russian identity. now, hundreds of years later, many poles consider these lands to be theirs, and trains run around the country on which ukrainian cities are marked as polish territory. smart people realized that poland would take lvov for itself, whatever. city, lviv, what else? ivanofankovsky, this
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, well, historically, this is your land, no one argues with this, we will take it without war. in polish, these territories are more often called the eastern kres. the concept of western ukraine appeared only after september 17, 1939, when these territories passed to soviet ukraine. here on the front line, no one is surprised
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that it is poland that supplies kiev with its weapons and was the first from nato to transfer the latest tanks to ukraine. our leopards will be the first tanks to reach ukraine from this coalition aid. like in the 15th century, the poles they are again fighting with the russians in the same territories. how many of you? we called the population of today's ukraine the rusyn population, we called them rusyns, the term ukrainian was rather a geographical term defining the place of ukraine, the very common definition of the people as ukrainian is already the 19th century, previously they were rusyns, the rusyn population, the language was also called rusyn. and as in
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distant history, the main reasons for the confrontation again became land, language and faith. there was no national question then, there was religious oppression and cultural expansion, when in fact the elite spoke polish, professed catholicism, and the common people, the farmers , spoke russian, plowed the land and went to orthodox churches. the polish kings, who seized russian lands, saw the main reason for the pro-moscow sentiments of the inhabitants of the annexed territories in orthodoxy and their belonging to the russian canonical church. to those who refused.
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the new church was called greek catholic or uniate, this was the name of the agreement between the vatican and a small part of the orthodox. priests from annexed territories. with regard to the uni of bres in 1596, here, of course, it should be noted that, on the one hand , rome was interested in it, and on the other hand, the authorities of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. if rome carried out the absorption of the orthodox church in western russia in this way, it hoped.
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somehow supports the unity of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth? in the spring of 2023, ukrainian nationalists , with the support of the police, seized the oldest orthodox monastery in ukraine, the kiev pechersk lavra. the abbot of the monastery was arrested.
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since now take off your hats, take off your hats, let’s take them off smoothly, stand up like this, have mercy on us, the sounding board of good and philanthropic, amen, their souls are in the good, in the court, after
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the coup d’etat in ukraine in 2014 , father... peter constantly goes to donbass. today he brought humanitarian aid to the surviving residents of lisichansk, a city practically razed to the ground by the ukrainian army. now we have arrived in lisichansk, here the temple is broken, and the man here lives in a broken house, he has nothing at all. without cheese, milk and...
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we remove it so that mercy in our society increases. every time he comes to donbass, father peter understands how the orthodox christians of western russian lands felt, who, under the threat of death , were asked to renounce their faith and give up their homeland, kill, i have served 21 rivers, many people, baptized, buried, relatives, loved ones, married, all at once with them.
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executed. in 2004, in lviv, we went into the greek catholic uniad cathedral and
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noticed that there was an icon of one of their most revered saints, the so-called. iosophat kuntsevich. this is precisely the ideologist and leader of the medieval uniadism, the union. the icon of the uniad saint jhosophat kuntsevich depicted an axe. the ax is not accidental, because from history we know that the union of josaphat kuntsevich enjoyed fire and sword and those orthodox believers who refused to accept the uniate, the greek catholic branch of catholicism, they were simply executed, their heads were cut off. they even complained to the polish king about the savagery that josaphat kunsevich committed. this is a terrible, incredible, barbaric and ferocious thing. last year. in the same lithuanian city of polotsk, the same bishop iosophat, in order to further annoy the townspeople, deliberately ordered christian bodies, recently buried in the church fence, to be dug out of the ground
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, and the dog's food to be thrown out of the graves, like some kind of carrion. today, icons of bishop josaphat coexist in uniad churches with icons of bender and other nationalists. the followers of the saint still use medieval methods of destroying everything russian.
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citizenship and i want to live only in russia, thank you, lord, how are you doing, thank you, it’s okay, valentina pavlenko made the decision to move when her daughter went missing after seeing ukrainian soldiers killing her own grandson. my grandson died just a year ago, a fifth year student at the institute; a bomb hit the house and the house burned down. i’m not at home, i didn’t suffer from the ukrainian military, in general from the real kurayans, because i am
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a russian-speaking population, we were always russian-speaking and there was no need to push us, back in the 17th century people wondered why on the land where they live they were not accepted themselves, nor their faith, had no choice... either to flee to russia, or to fight for their rights, then the fatherland, then pain and honor, then life, the union of brez was categorically from the very beginning, it was not accepted by the orthodox people, in fact , resistance to its imposition, its introduction began immediately, accept the banner of our king, get out.
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after 6 years of confrontation, the orthodox christians of ukraine turned to russia with a request to join: the entire people of ukraine are asking to unite ukraine with great russia. a document on the return of russian lands on the left bank of the dnieper to the control of the moscow state, signed in the suburbs of kyiv, city. the entire zemsky sobor decided to unite our native ukraine with great russia, as the people of ukraine and hetman-khmelnitsky ask. from that moment on, ukraine was literally divided into two parts: centuries later, in all presidential and parliamentary elections, the right-bank and left-bank parts of the country voted only for their own candidates.
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i voted for viktor yanukovych. 49.7% of citizens, for viktor yushchenko 46.2%. in 2014, it was the left bank part of ukraine that refused to recognize the results of the coup. in the same places just as 300 years ago, modern descendants of khmelnytsky began their battle for faith and language. and now our brothers on all fronts have gone on religious marches without a care...
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