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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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the authorities write to their sources that such an attack will be, quote, fast and harsh. the islamic revolutionary guard corps released photographs of the missile, saying it would reach israel in 12 minutes. the idf is promising massive retaliatory strikes. new footage from the special operation zone. our anti-aircraft gunners showed how they shoot down an american atak ms tactical missile. she was amazed by the calculation of the beech complex. other targets of the ukrainian armed forces are also destroyed, from combat aircraft to unmanned aerial vehicles. beeches strike as soon as the 360-degree radar detects objects enemy. the debate between trump and hari will most likely take place on september 4 in pennsylvania, at least the republican agreed on this with the fox news channel. the broadcaster is now waiting for consent from the vice president. the former owner of the white house also insisted that there be an audience in the hall, which is exactly what joe biden, who dropped out of the race, was afraid of. the june debate with trump took place with only two presenters. and
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turin went under water , heavy downpours hit the italian city, and hail the size of a chicken egg fell. one of the roads that connects the city center with the hill, literally turned into a river, and this is quite ironic, writes the local press, because the street is called me, which in russian is something like a river street. now a short advertisement. further continuation of the documentary film inventing ukraine. the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others. and even a percentage on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berim. the problem
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sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated and has become even more profitable with a sberm subscription plus two top categories of 1% cashback on everything, twice as much. bonuses every month, it’s more profitable in savings with prime. our main goal in this war is the long-term weakening of russia and therefore , if we win, we will begin to create a ukrainian state independent of russia. to implement these plans, it was necessary to write a new history of the currently non-existent state. it was composed by someone who emigrated to galicia associate professor at kiev university mikhail grushevsky. the essence of his ten-volume work entitled history of ukraine in russia is as simple as possible. it turns out that the inhabitants of kievan rus were ukrainians; they are a separate nation from the russians, only they are related to
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european civilization. the ukrainian people belong to western europe, in short, simply to the european circle, not only due to historical ties that over the centuries since... they have completely restored this concept of grushevsky. portrait of the historian grushevsky even appears on ukrainian banknotes, also because during the revolution that broke out in russia in february 1917, it was grushevsky who headed the central rada, the new ukrainian
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parliament announced the creation of the ukrainian state. germany and austria-hungary stood behind these processes. were interested in making peace with the new state and not fighting on two fronts. from an interview with the chief of the german staff of the eastern front, general max hoffmann, to the british newspaper daily mail, 1918. in reality, ukraine is my business hands i created ukraine to be able to make peace with at least one part of russia. this is unique chronicle footage, soldiers of the german imperial army are marching through the streets of kiev, next to the german generals stand the so -called builders of ukrainian independence, who signed
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a very strange peace treaty with germany and austria. according to it, ukraine, in exchange for an imaginary recognition of independence, pledged to pay huge reparations to the empires. the central rada was supposed to supply the occupiers with 1 million tons of grain, 400 million eggs, up to 50,000 tons of cattle meat, as well as lard, sugar, hemp, manganese ore and even tens of thousands of tons of ukrainian black soil. as for the year 18, i would only talk about declared independence, because de facto, none of the ukrainian governments were independent. the central rada gained power. from the hands of the germans, then the germans took this power away from her and gave it to skoropatsky. the elections of the new hetman of independent ukraine pavlo skoropatsky took place on april 29, 1918 in the circus with called hippolas. everything happened like clockwork. in the morning, a congress
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of grain growers opened in the arena. skoropatsky arrived there around noon. the speaker who spoke made a speech about the need for a strong government, a one-man hetmanate and proposed this position. former general of the russian imperial army, pavel skoropatsky, he received official power and held this power for six months, it didn’t work out anymore, as soon as the revolution began in germany, skakapatsky fled along with the leadership of the army along with the germans german authorities. the state, which served as an agrarian appendage of germany and austria-hungary, lasted only 7 months, exactly until the german troops left.
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in order to get a fatal hit, but somehow they fire a volley, they run to those still alive who were shot, and grab from their clothes what each of them had marked on their victim before the volley, on the streets drenched in blood... the rivtsi immediately began the fight against the russian language, in the released the next day after the pogrom, the order for the zaporozhye cossack ukrainian brigade republican army, named after the head otaman petlyura, the residents of the city, distraught with fear, were ordered to rewrite all signs into ukrainian within three days . so that i don’t see a single moscow sign, pasting over letters is strictly prohibited, those guilty of this will be brought before a military court. after years. petlyura, who fled to paris , was shot by a jewish youth, whose family was killed during these pogroms. the french court
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will acquit the man who passed a fair sentence on the organizer of the massacres. but modern ukraine will be named after petliura call. streets, and his followers in the cities and villages of donbass will also carry out real ethnic cleansing. ironically, in the same places where today there is a confrontation between ukraine and russia , in 1919 there were battles between troops. petlyura was divided. kiev and right-bank ukraine of the red army of the bolsheviks. the country was again
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controlled by petliura's nationalists. on the left bank of the dnieper, bolshevik supporters proclaimed the creation of soviet ukraine and the so-called independent donetsk-krivoy rog republic. like today poland provided support to the nationalists with money, weapons and troops. in may 1920, the pelsud petlura moved to kiev. it was taken, then lost, but it was obvious. that the polish government will not be able to come to an agreement with the government of soviet russia. for this help, ataman petliura paid poland with two regions of western ukraine. warsaw regained control of what had recently belonged to austria-hungary, volhynia and galicia. petlyura and the directory did not control ukraine; they immediately became, in fact, vassals of the poles. but the petliura poles who helped them were unable to hold the capital of the self-proclaimed state, the city of kiev. right bank ukraine soon also became soviet.
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after liberation from the petliurists, kiev gained control over the original russian territories in the east and south. odessa, nikolaev, kherson, mariupol became part of the new ukrainian soviet republic. the donetsk-krivoy rog republic, which declared annexation to russia, was abolished. years later, it was along these borders that the line of confrontation that supported the coup d'etat passed. in... the year and his ardent opponents. now i will show you fascinating cia documents from 1957, from which it will be clear that that armed aggression against the russian regions of ukraine was being prepared. long before today's events, back during the cold war. in these documents, the cia actually
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provides a detailed analysis of the situation in ukraine on more than 200 pages. the purpose of this analysis is to prepare separatist movements, in the event of hostilities, who could be relied upon. the cia study divides ukraine into 12 zones. by degree of loyalty to american interventionists recognized the western part of the country as the most promising, but the south, crimea and donbass were already characterized as unpromising, since the local population supported moscow. that is, cia analysts already in 1957 believed that it was impossible to raise some kind of pro-ukrainian separatist movement in order to collapse the soviet union there, and we...
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must also exhaustively resolve the national issue. the phenomenon of ukrainization was supported. moreover, in the soviet years they were actually quite keen the creation of such phenomena as socialist nations. this process took place in transcaucasia and ukraine itself. in those years , the forced ukrainization of the malaros aroused sharp rejection. the broad ukrainian
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masses treated ukraine with contempt. not only workers, but peasants, ukrainian peasants. in kiev we received protocols of peasant meetings, in these protocols the peasants wrote to us: we all feel like russians and we hate germans and ukrainians , we ask the rsfsr to annex us to itself. but for refusing to carry out bolshevik decrees, repression followed. articles from newspapers of that time about the punishment of those who resist the process of ukrainization have still been preserved. later efforts of soviet moscow.
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from the bolsheviks, warsaw, which gained control of galicia and volyn, did not engage in any ukrainization of local residents; on the contrary, the polish authorities began to call these lands in the polish manner, eastern kresy, and began the systematic destruction of the ukrainian identity that had recently been implanted by the austrians. there were different stages in the attitude of the polish authorities towards ukrainians in the twenties last century, on the one hand, we, of course, had attempts at polonization, attempts to colonize these territories, especially.
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was the formation in 1929 of a secret organization of ukrainian nationalists, in short aoun, who dreamed of creating an independent state where there would be no nation except ukrainians. we want not only to possess ukrainian cities, but to trample enemy lands, capture enemy capitals, and salute the ukrainian empire on their ruins. we want to win the war, a great and cruel war that will make us masters of eastern europe. the core of the aund were former scouts from the youth organization plast, created with the help of the austrian authorities. among the ukrainians living in austria-hungary, who had also already joined this nazi movement, they naturally also created youth organizations. before the first world war, plast was conceived as a german reserve of anti-russian forces. among
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the organization’s students was the future leader of ukrainian nationalists stepan bandera. ukrainian journalist ruslan katsaba
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forced to flee from kiev to new york experienced this policy himself. the journalist will spend 60 days behind bars.
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repression began almost immediately when the journalist dared to openly criticize the government policy of those who made bandera and his supporters national heroes of ukraine. but even though i was once even the director of the bandera museum, i know why bandera.
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says: in his hands he held documents telling about the terrorist activities of the leader of ukrainian nationalists, these papers said that he had already since the mid-twenties, aoun's work was directly controlled from berlin. this was a small group of terrorists, i emphasize: terrorists who, in principle, as the most extreme right-wingers, are always used, recruited, by all and sundry. in order to make themselves known, stepan bendera and his like-minded person.
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jewish figures, especially supporters of undesirable polish, moscow and bolshevik-moscow imperialism. it will be very difficult with polish-ukrainian reconciliation at a time when...
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hitler’s germany was already in full swing preparing for in the attack on the soviet union , the german command placed a special emphasis on the combat detachments of ukrainian nationalists. from the testimony of prisoner of war filtwebel of the german army alfons paulus. for the first time i had to deal with the bandera detachment in the first month of my work in krakow. a certain faber was sent to me, who was supposed to receive monthly money for bandera’s followers. i was told that bandera’s detachments work on orders from the abwehr, providing their people to carry out individual tasks on russian territory. western ukraine. based sights on the future, on revival specifically. the german empire and the german reich hemf relied on these volunteers who came to him and wanted a little money
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and moral and political support. first of all, with an eye on the future war, already in those years in order to create their own agents, prepare possible uprisings, and the most common banal espionage. these tasks are a continuation of sabotage activities, this time against the ussr. in 1939, volyn and galicia, which came under the control of moscow, stalin annexes soviet ukraine. the bolshevik leaders, whose monuments are being massively demolished in modern ukraine, gave this country truly generous gifts. it was in the territories recently annexed to the soviet union that, according to hitler’s plans, a real sabotage war was to begin. june 22
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, 1941. nazi germany attacked the soviet union. together with german troops , armed detachments of ukrainian nationalists entered the cities of ukraine, from which special ss units would soon be formed. among ukrainian nationalist formations that decided to fight on the side of hitler’s germany, it is necessary to mention such volunteer units as, for example, waf, nachtigal, ss galicia. which included ukrainians, but we must also say about the so-called ukrainian auxiliary police, which in the general government, that is, in the occupied polish lands, very diligently served the nazis. before the attack of hitler's germany on the soviet union, the western lands of the ussr were home to millions of jews. with the pogroms of jews, which were carried out by combat detachments of ukrainian nationalists, began what in berlin would later be called
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