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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 3, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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today you explore the boundaries and contours of freedom, we will support those who intend to pursue democracy and economic freedoms. truly independent ukraine emerged only in 1991 within the borders that were given to it by the leaders of the soviet union. but the contradictions between the west and southeast of the young state were so obvious that it was impossible to gain complete control.
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in response, the pro-western opposition brings thousands of its supporters to the streets of kiev, they demand to cancel the election results, dressed in the colors of their political leader viktor yushchenko. therefore, this coup will be called the orange revolution. in those years, journalist ruslan katsaba was one of the protesters on kiev independence square. i was a participant in all the maidans that took place in ukraine. the orange revolution, then the so -called euromaidan, also a revolution of dignity, although there was no dignity there. the protesters' demands, supported by european american ambassadors.
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collaborators who, after the end of world war ii, were forced to flee to the united states. here, katerinana did a brilliant political career. chumachenko worked in the state department, there are disputes there, discussions about whether she was ordered to marry yushchenko, or whether she simply met him and fell in love with him, the americans have already decided to use their life together in their interests. whether the marriage of viktor yushchenko and ekaterina chumachenko was concluded for love or for convenience is now unimportant. but
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it was with their coming to power in 2004 that the active nazification of ukraine began. katorin claire chumachenko participated in the activities of many non-profits organizations in ukraine in the early nineties, in russia, these funds, they were very closely and actively connected with the american intelligence communities. it was yushchenko who proclaimed a policy of breaking with russia. by his order , the educational program in the country's schools is changed and students are graduating.
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us security efforts through a decade of the cold war culminated in success in 2004. after just 10 years, the processes began.
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america, the united states, where we are now, and russia are waging a geopolitical war. today ruslan katsaba finally understood in whose interests the project, invented back in the 15th century, to create
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an anti-russian state on the territory of present-day ukraine has been created all these years, and how it could end for all its inhabitants. this is a punishment for us because we have been engaged in cannibalism for the last century, we killed each other, wrote millions of denunciations against each other and looked for enemies among ourselves, weapons. what we have, we have. i say we deserve whoever we choose. we have chosen our path, and now we must suffer for it. i suffer for what i have lost, everything i lost my family, my homeland, my finances, my prospects, my job. people, to be surprised, to be afraid,
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are taken into the army, by force. just like 400 years ago, there is a war on the territory of ukraine for language and faith. a war in which there are only russian people. they are killing other russian people, the western project of ukraine, not russia, has entered the final phase. in essence, ukraine is not at war. on the territory of ukraine, at the cost of ukrainian lives , the russian federation and nato countries are fighting among themselves, where the most important beneficiary of them is, of course, america. well, britain, which has its own interests regarding the european union. you understand what the problem is, that we will perish, ukraine, god forbid, but it is heading to the point that it will disappear as a state or there will be several ukraines, which means that not only is the disposal of ukraine as a state of ukrainians, but of ukraine as a country, quietly ,here,were coming.
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with increased acidity in the stomach , it is active from the first minutes and extinguishes the zhobu vladimir putin congratulated the president of vietnam. with the election to the post of general secretary of the central committee of the communist party of the country. the russian leader highly appreciated his efforts to strengthen the strategic partnership between our countries and expressed hope for continued constructive dialogue and joint work. vladimir putin's telegram is posted on the kremlin website. the plenum of the central committee of the communist party of vietnam was held in hanoi this morning, the decision was made unanimously. i will add that tolam has become the third leader of the country after hashimin, who will combine the highest party and government positions. today is a day of mourning in nizhny tagil; as a result of the partial collapse of a residential building, 10 people were killed, five of them
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children. let me remind you that the tragedy occurred on august 1, gas exploded in a five-story building and two entrances collapsed. this morning, rescuers completed clearing the rubble. during the work, specialists rescued 15 people, including seven children. report by albert musin. by morning the search the operation was officially completed; unfortunately, it was not possible to find anyone alive overnight. the final list of dead included 10 people, including five children; in total there were 26 people under the rubble. right now, with the help of heavy equipment, they are dismantling the most damaged part of the house, since the threat of its self-destruction remained until the very end. the operation lasted two days without interruption, one of the most experienced employees of the spas center. dmitry karinny admits that the hardest part of the operation was holding back his emotions. the features of the dam are such that there are half of the in which there is a possibility of detecting people, we heard that several people were pulled out alive from under the rubble. today in nizhny tagil has been declared a day of mourning; in the middle of the night , people
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began bringing flowers and toys to a spontaneous memorial at the site of the tragedy. we are grieving very much, god forbid that anyone survives this. today, presidential envoy vladimir yakushev arrived at the scene of the tragedy. he held a meeting of the emergency commission, where, among other things, the fate of the remaining house was decided. so far it is known that about 2 weeks immediately after, vladimir yakushev went to meet with residents. the questions, among other things, seemed like compensation for losses. whether people live or not, depending on this, the regional government will make a decision on compensation, the first payments for primary needs are 10-15,000 rubles. now this procedure has already been launched, and people, i turned to the hall, asked, so people raised their hands and are already receiving this money. today it became known that compensation for those who lost their housing was increased from 150,000 rubles to
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500,000 rubles. because of the threat of self-destruction part of the house had to be demolished for the final clearance of the rubble; it will take about three more. 75 ukrainian drones, dozens of drones attacked the rostov region, a state of emergency was introduced in the morozovsky district, schools, kindergartens, as well as residential buildings and industrial premises were damaged. fuel containers caught fire in the kamensky district; the fire has already been extinguished. lotniki and oryol region , 17 ukrainian drones were shot down over the region, two hit a high-rise building, governor andrei klychkov spoke about this. according to eyewitnesses, the drones flew purposefully it was in a residential building that the fire was quickly localized, one local resident was injured, and emergency services are on the scene. new footage from the special operation zone, our anti-aircraft gunners showed how they shot down an american
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atakms tactical missile. she was amazed by the calculation of the beech complex. other targets of the ukrainian armed forces are also destroyed. in the artyomovsk direction of the special operation, tankers of the southern group of troops broke through the line of combat contact, artillerymen of the central military district are working in conjunction with them, they are effectively hitting the fortified dugouts of the armed forces of ukraine. personnel combat work. in a report by our war correspondent alexei boranov. the tank has been replenished with ammunition and is sent to a closed firing position, which is located from the line of combat contact, approximately 5 km, always in groups, on the line of combat contact in pairs. the crews of the kozma minin tank battalion are working in the artyomovsk direction. here is footage of the combat
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work of the tank crews of the southern group of troops, filmed by us on the front line. the commander of a tank unit with the call sign yerevan tells us about the details of the breakthrough through the battle line contact. the operation was successful, none of the tankers were injured. we drove along the route, tank mines, at the headquarters, they began to detonate on fire, the distance was 200 m, it was even closer. our tanks have better cross-country ability and armament. the artillerymen of the central military district work together with the tankers, constantly maintaining contact. the battery of self-propelled artillery units malka is deployed in one of the forest belts near the line of combat contact. this is how
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the vehicles independently equip themselves not only with closed firing positions, but also with places. replenishment of ammunition, both on the front line and in the rear of the enemy, reconnaissance officers of the center group of troops work, it is from them that the artillerymen receive the coordinates of the most important targets at any given moment. 81 481 today they are hitting a battery of self-propelled howubs from german. rolled out, started working, hit with the third shot, finished off with the fourth, first we burned it through, and then he toned it, the fewer of them there are, the faster our boys from the infantry will pass through the building, fortifications, any, dugouts, we hit the sevens, any other guns, they give a target, that’s it they are practicing, load, the control said,
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send in the artillerymen of the troop grouping center around the clock to ensure the advance of the assault groups in the avdeevsky direction. shot! alexey baranov, yuri marchenko, alexander malyshev, anton dmitriev. news: lugansk and donetsk people's republics line of combat contact. in the people's capital of donetsk. republics honored the memory of the legendary korsa olga kochura, commander of a rocket artillery battalion. she was awarded the title of hero of russia dpr, since 2014 her unit has stood on...
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a real officer, a real colonel, who managed to organize and train a military unit to such an extent that she was not defeated in direct battle.
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israel's security services are currently conducting a counter-terrorism operation on the west bank of the jordan river, the idf announced this and added that earlier this morning, together with intelligence, they killed five islamic militants there, they were traveling in a car, reportedly to carry out terrorist attacks. the region is preparing for a big war, the states are transferring strike forces to the middle east aircraft carrier group, additional cruisers, destroyers and air defense systems. the american media claim that tigiran is about to strike tel aviv. wallstreet journey. he writes to his sources that such an attack will be, quote, fast and tough. the islamic revolutionary guard corps released photos of the missile, saying it would reach israel in 12 minutes. the idf
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is promising massive retaliatory strikes. a new medical train has been launched in russia. this is a mobile clinic with the latest equipment and its own laboratory. get tested there residents of the most remote regions can. sofya stergieva saw how everything worked. saint. pantilemon will come to the aid of residents of the most remote regions of our country. unique train, clinic-diagnostic center. for the first time in russia it is registered as a medical device. the future has already arrived. radiation functional diagnostics, laboratory, dental office, cardiology and surgery. 8 of 14 carriages of st. panteleimon, medical purpose. it is possible to undergo mamography here, and radiography of any organ systems, florography. a dental tube has also been installed, which allows for visiography, that is, pictures for dentists. the formula of the mobile medical center is universal: find out the cause of the disease, provide assistance
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and prescribe treatment in full. under these conditions, it is possible to puncture the upper sinusitis, open the abscess, including the paratandylar one, and conduct a full examination of the ear, throat, nose, and larynx, given the fact that there are a lot of diseases of the larynx that are diagnosed on... the idea of ​​​​creating this train was born several times years ago, the implementation was backed by colossal work within the framework of cooperation between russian railways and the ministry of health. unique medical devices that are very demanding, including voltage, working conditions, transportation, so choosing
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all this so that it works flawlessly in combination was also quite a complex process. a minimum of wires, but the most accurate diagnosis due to the simultaneous examination of various profiles. the green light on the board means you can enter. hello, hello, please tell me what kind of office you have here? this is an office. a cardiologist, where a screening examination takes place, that is, the patients all go through very specialists, reach a cardiologist and the cardiologist determines the main functions, that is, i have an ultrasound diagnostic device with which i can look at the condition of the heart, blood vessels, as well as vascular conditions. work on the territory of the eastern training ground has its own characteristics: one of the cars has a diesel power plant, the train itself is equipped with high-capacity tanks, heating and water filtration systems, enhanced by a satellite communication system. historically, we had medical trains on russian railways, they were popular, they were in demand, but they were traditional
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carriages, sofia, yuri zhaksembaev, dmitry maslennikov, lead. and urgent messages from the leningrad information agency, the governor of the sverdlovsk region, evgeny kuyvashev, reported to the president of russia on the liquidation of the consequences of a gas explosion in a house in nizhny tagil, reporting that 16 people had been rescued from the basement. he stated this to reonnews. press secretary of the russian leader, dmitry
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peskov. sberbank demonstrated how hack-resistant the payment service using biometrics is. in one of the moscow offices , anyone could check the security of the system. our correspondent, elizaveta morskaya, also took part in the experiment. the smile payment service is already known to many in russia; you connect biometrics in the application, look at the camera at the checkout and you’re done, convenient, and most importantly, fast. but what about? security. the staff suggested i test it system and choose an identity for today. daniil, however, purely for experimental purposes, is trying to impersonate someone else in order to try to hack the system. he, like other interested people, was invited to test the strength of the service. substitute a photograph. and we focus the distance. did not work out. it is not possible to deceive using a fake photo, then the next artifact is used. let's turn on the video.
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and we approach, he cannot determine, this is already 2:0 in favor of the payment method, it was not possible to mislead the algorithm even with using a mask, what about feminine tricks? now i’ll try on this burning brunette wig in order to understand whether the system recognizes me in it, now we’ll try to pay, i choose payment with a smile, the answer is received and that’s it... i studied, this is very good news for all girls, that is, you you can change your hairstyle and makeup, but the system will recognize you, so it’s safe to pay with a smile, because your identity cannot be stolen, the bank explains. we determine the presentation of a face by our mathematics, we cannot be bypassed by a mask, we cannot be bypassed by a photograph, you can't get around photos printed or from your phone. this system is implemented by neural networks, so we trained them for several years, we taught them all possible types of attacks, due to
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this they can resist everything. by the way, russia is the first country in the world to start using biometric technology on a large scale. the service has been running for a year since last summer, and is just gaining popularity. we reached 1 billion in total purchases by our clients in june and this figure is constantly growing. we are one hundred at the end of the year 5 million active users who pay per month, we are currently approaching the figure of 1 million active users, all indicators indicate that the goal will be met.
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aeroflot opened. previously, aircraft were sent for repairs to nearby regions. about the possibilities of the new service in the report by elvira masyagina. the iron bird takes flight in a matter of minutes. a specialist carries out a technical inspection of the board in accordance with all the rules. this time there is no chance of a flight delay, because what if suddenly... will be fixed soon. this became possible thanks to opening of the eastern air harbor line maintenance stations. it will focus on aircraft such as boeing and airbus. previously, to fix any problems on the plane, it was necessary to call specialists from the mainland. all this took time primarily from passengers. now, as a matter of routine, specialists carry out inspections after the plane lands at the airport, as well as before departure...


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