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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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the operation officially ended; unfortunately, it was not possible to find anyone alive overnight; the final list of dead included 10 people, including five children; in total there were 26 people under the rubble. right now, with the help of heavy equipment, they are dismantling the most damaged part of the house, since the threat of its self-destruction remained until the very end. the operation lasted two days without interruption. one of the most experienced employees of the spas center, dmitry karinny, admits that the hardest part of the operation was holding back his emotions. the features of the dam are such that there are cavities
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2 weeks, immediately after vladimir yakushev went to a meeting with residents, questions, including seemingly compensation for lost housing. according to the latest data , 10 out of fifteen apartments in the destroyed entrances were completely destroyed. there will be a two-week examination, and after 2 weeks we will be able to understand only from the remaining part of the house whether it is possible for people to live there or not. depending on this, the regional government will make a decision on compensation. the first payments for primary needs are 10-15,000 rubles. now. this procedure has already started and people, i addressed the audience and asked, so people raised their hands, they are already receiving this money. today it became known that compensation for those who lost their housing was increased from 150 thousand rubles to 500,000 rubles. due to the threat of self-destruction , part of the house had to be demolished for final clearance of the rubble, which will take about 3 more days. albert musin, nikolai starosttin, dmitrikomov, ilina goleeva. news from nizhny tagil, sverdlovsk region. during a special operation by the attack aircraft crew on su-25 aircraft. attacked a ukrainian armed forces unit,
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worked in the group’s area of ​​responsibility troops east. the strikes were carried out on a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, hitting specified coordinates with unguided aircraft missiles. as a result, all targets were hit, special equipment and enemy personnel were destroyed. the crew performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned to the departure airfield. the ministry of defense reported new data on the progress of special operations. within 24 hours , the ukrainian armed forces' fuel warehouses were hit. temporary deployment points for foreign mercenaries, as well as air defense missile launchers and 140 drones. center grouping per day continued to advance into the depths of the defense of the ukrainian army and defeated six ukrainian brigades. the south group unit improved its tactical position. details were provided in the press center. as a result of active actions , they occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of the twenty- eighteen-fifty-fourth mechanized brigade.
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esu in the areas of perezdny, verkhnekamensky and konstantinovka. up to 420 military personnel were wounded and killed in esu, artillery was hit by loitering ammunition an m113 armored personnel carrier, two vehicles, a pq50 anti-battery counter-battery station and two field ammunition depots. during the counter-battery fight , the 155-mm towed howitzer fh-70 and the m-777 howitzer were destroyed. four 152 mm guns. two 122-mm d30 howitzers, two hundred-five-millimeter m119 guns and a 105-mm l-119 howitzer and a hundred-millimeter mt-12 rapier cannon. new developments of russian engineers. the varan platform can help our military in their combat work. it is designed to transport goods or evacuation of the wounded. another new product is the camica avatar drone. it has already been successfully used in the special operation zone. about the work of coolies.
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popular front club margarta semenyuk. the fighter pulls the cord behind him at a distance of 5 m. follow me function and tracked platform. varan follows the operator, even if the fighter does not give a command from the remote control. the development of the kulyubin club makes life much easier for fighters on the front line. the monitor lizard can be equipped with an electronic warfare system, reconnaissance system, or a turret with a machine gun. the platform is extremely useful, including when assault and mine clearance. she. works in remote mode, accordingly , the operator of this tracked platform drives up, delivers this platform along with medicines to the fighter, the fighter is loaded into drags and, accordingly, evacuates him from the battlefield. the first batch of varans are already on the front line. another important development was the avatar drone, the kamica drone, which is already being used in the special military operation zone. it can fly up to 10 km and lift 5 kg. we have ten.
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various reviews from various departments, and the guys are actively using our unmanned navigation system not only as komikazes, but we also made them options for... a reset system, accordingly, here is one of the latest reporting videos, when the avatar flew 10 km, reset and came back. production capacity is more than 400 products per month. the kulibin popular front club is engaged in the selection, testing and support of serial production of the best developments of domestic engineers. this initiative has brought thousands of innovative tools to the forefront. margarita semenyuk, news. now the middle east is an army. israel's air force forces eliminated hezbollah member alinazih. the strike took place in the south of lebanon - the idf said they named the palestinian. quote: important terrorists on the entire southern front of the radical group. its loss greatly reduced the combat effectiveness of the shiite organization, tel aviv emphasized. and at these moments
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, israeli security forces are conducting a counter-terrorism operation on the west bank of the jordan river. earlier this morning, together with intelligence and the idf, they destroyed other islamic militants. five people were traveling to... or reportedly to carry out terrorist attacks. the region is preparing for a big war. the united states is transferring an aircraft carrier strike group, additional cruisers, and air defense destroyers to the middle east. the american media claim that tehran is about to strike tel aviv. the wall street journal, its sources, writes that such an attack will be - quote, fast and tough. the islamic revolutionary guard corps released photographs of the missile, saying it would reach israel in 12 minutes. but they promised massive response. against the backdrop of such news, airlines are massively canceling flights to the region; today it became known that the dutch airline klm has stopped all flights to tel aviv until october 26. the largest greek translator edin airlines followed the same example. previously
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, lufthansa, delta, wieser and united airlines reported the cessation of flights to israel and lebanon. vladimir putin congratulated vietnamese president tolam on his election to the post of secretary general. 4 days in the open air, without the bustle of the city and a continuous flow of information, in in the leningrad region, on the banks of the vuoksa river , the traditional summer festival stone table, creative laboratories, music and theater areas, evening film screenings, and activities will be available for the whole family.
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report by zhanna skvartsova. and i understood your idea, a dwarf nose, well, well, maybe a dwarf nose, of course, that’s out of the question. the spirit of creativity here seems to be in the air, even the mountain of dry logs inspires, the master of log house construction, laying down the rafters, embodies the artists' idea. out of nothing, a certain image is born, that is, the guys saw in him the head of a moose and came up with the idea of ​​cutting his antlers, it’s from such little things that everything comes together, they don’t play a role, but as if they’re just living, but if they need it, they can easily transform themselves, like actress yulia zakharkina in one of her performances she i organically fell in love with the male image, the future location for the festival is being prepared here, the pavilion was borrowed from colleagues on the set, all that remains is to secure the backstage and the experimental music stage, where
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the bell-playing ensemble will be one of the first to perform, ready, here there will be all the musical jams, there will be the opening of a new project by igor gotsmanov, in general, drummers. experimental music, here are the main artists of the first equestrian drama theater in russia, veliso, two stallions were brought to the picturesque shore of the lake, and why are you so tense, calm down, come back, the ideological inspirer and artistic director of the theater, evgeniy tkachuk, brought relationships with horses to the level of dramaturgy , of course it is built by a man, but having achieved the trust of a noble animal, the actor is able to weave a raging horse into convoy of the plot, though in an unfamiliar place , orlovsky...
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here is the field itself and here we will have a spiral-shaped table, this open field is also a creative space, where artists and spectators, at arm's length, together will play a performance based on the work of director and screenwriter roman mikhailov, without rehearsals , for us it is a unique opportunity to come into contact with the old format, where people can talk a. one sits there on one side, the other on the other, they are already having a dialogue there, and
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there will be several such locations: a night cinema, master classes for children there is no usual schedule at the festival, all performances will be prompted by the environment, no usual framework of classical theater, continuous flight of thoughts and exchange of energy, among the directors of the performance there is sun, wind and rain, the audience must take this into account, but they themselves are full-fledged co-creators general reality and choosing where to be in the moment here and... present their picture of the world in a natural amphitheater, where the atmosphere itself gives birth to poetry and refers to the work of the avant-garde artists with its illusory reality, if you look closely, you can understand that we are now little children sitting under the table. and we think that we know something, and we can even
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talk about what we know, so we look up, we understand that it is unattainable, having collected the meanings of the dream, sensations, like-minded people will bring to life an artistic statement, create a story that is difficult to explain, you can just feel it. zhanna skvartsova, sergei skripkin, nikita moroz and andrey romanov. vesti, st. petersburg, leningrad region. and in the second half of the hour on air new release of our joint project with the carlson tv youtube channel. tucker carlson invited senator mike lee for an interview. and now the america program with valentin bogdanov. immediately after a short commercial. the loyalty program from berspasiba has been updated from. has become even more profitable with a zber prime subscription. plus two top cashback categories. 1%
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coverage speed, emvideo eldorado is giving out super discounts and 500 wow. the tv is also 55 inches for only 3999 video eldorado chief expert in technology online cinema okko the world i'm watching this. a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. when, after an unsuccessful assassination attempt, donald trump at the emotional high of the republican convention in wisconsin named jaydee vence as his vice presidential candidate. it seemed to many that this
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choice, although somewhat radical, was still correct. however, the 3 weeks that passed after... the shootings in butler turned out to be an entire era for the presidential race in the united states. it's time to evaluate trump's choice with a cool head and evaluate its consequences. so who is he, mr. vance, it seems, at 39, senator atagayu still does not have an exact answer to this question. indeed, next to trump and his sons, he does not behave very confidently, this footage from viplozhi.
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pihota, service in iraq and yale university, where vance did not end up because he had a lot of money to pay for an ivy league university. in general, he achieved everything himself and he made his biography very popular in the united states. there is a book called hill billy's elegy, or in translation we also call it a village legia, in which... bence described his difficult path to the heights of success. you had a difficult childhood. yes, your parents swore at you and humiliated you. certainly. you were pushed threw objects at you. yes. my parents divorced and lived separately. yes. you lived with an alcoholic or drug addict. you lived with a depressed person who attempted suicide. yes. you have seen
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someone you love treated cruelly. yes. this book was later made into very popular films. in the usa the film, what is its popularity? yes, the fact is that vance’s fate, in a sense , is typical for representatives of that class, so to speak, not rich americans, but whites from the outback, in general, this is such a typical trump voter, this is the the most forgotten, neglected electorate that the republican relied on in 2016. what’s also important is that veens admitted it at the very beginning of his journey. that he was not even thinking about such a serious political career, then they even asked him about possible plans for the white house, that’s what he answered. everyone wants to know if jaydee is going to run for president? i think people who think that way think too highly of me, of course, never say never, but right now i'm not thinking about it. and he certainly didn’t tie his
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political future with donald trump. in 2016, he... literally hated the republican, called him a populist, compared him to hitler, now they are all raising this, all these epithets, quotes, they are again in the information field. eight years ago, during the 2016 presidential campaign, jaydee vance was an outspoken critic of donald trump. he publicly called the republican candidate an idiot and said that he deserved censure, but gradually, as observers note, the picture. and it’s not about trump’s personality, he just started to like him, what trump does is he began to agree with trump on fundamental issues. now some party members are ready to forgive vance for this and do not see any problem in the fact that he was once against their leader.
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jady is an american, he can change his mind, he changed his attitude towards trump after his first presidential term, when he saw what policies he was pursuing and what decisions he was making. i believe that americans can change their attitude towards a person, especially if this is done on a basis. pitoly, she also lamented about social divide that fueled support for trump, said friend yusha vance, speaking on condition of anonymity. so what changed
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vance, why did he suddenly turn to trump? republican sen. john barassa, who represents wayomenk and whom vance called his mentor, said vance's views changed because he saw trump's successes and liked the trump agenda. in economics in matters of protecting the united states from migrants, this is perhaps the main topic, very important for conservative voters, this is how vance comments on it. first the harrows wall street crashed the economy and forced developers out of the market, houses stopped being built, jobs became scarce, wages stopped rising, and then democrats flooded the country.
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we will no longer serve the wall street people, but devote ourselves to the working man. we will not import labor, we will continue to fight for american citizens, give them good jobs and good wages. vance is a very religious person, family values ​​play a big role in his picture of the world, he often talks about this, he has a very strict attitude towards the issue of abortion, even tougher than trump. in this regard. vance’s statements, made not now, but several years ago, are now turning against him; perhaps the most resonant was
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the interview of 2021, in which vance said literally the following, this country is essentially ruled by democrats and oligarchs with the help of a handful of childless cat ladies, who have -because of their own decisions , life doesn’t work out, they are trying to do the same with the rest of the country, what’s the point? moreover, the technology in america has long been tested, every word is, as a rule, a miranda rule, but only in politics, every word spoken by a politician several years ago can be
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used against him, that’s exactly how svenson happened, but in any case it was a statement on the brink, in conditions when all the struggle goes for the undecided voter, who can be impressed, any such flaw is probably not very good, it’s good for his... i think this is very cool, this is a young man with a sharp mind, a marine, i, like ex-military, very glad to see my brother weapons as a vice-presidential candidate, it’s even strange that we hadn’t heard much about him before.
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anyone with a brain knows that this can only end in negotiations. the idea that ukraine will push russia back to its 1991 borders is ridiculous. nobody really believes this. ukraine is functionally destroyed as a country. the average age of an armed forces officer is 43 years old - this is a tragedy. in america's interests, recognizing ukraine will have to cede some territory to the russians. we need to end this war.
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that political technology is not part of the political strategy that republicans need to win. republicans, speaking on condition of anonymity, expressed concerns about vance's foreign policy positions, his lack of experience and his inability to expand the republican coalition beyond trump's base. "he was the worst choice of all the options, he was so bad that i didn't even think it was possible," said one house republican. inspires the same people who love trump, the prevailing opinion is that if trump loses, then because of this choice. well, on the contrary, who, of course, is happy about everything, who is happy about such limited tactical and technical characteristics of vance, these are the democrats, they are also fighting for the same swing voter, and if vance does not help trump, then he indirectly helps them. promotion of vance,
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who has little experience in... trump. this will allow her to focus on trump's age and how close the young thirty-nine-year-old vance is to occupying the oval office if something happens to his seventy-eight-year-old boss. so this leaves harris with more room to maneuver. it’s not for nothing that the democrats are named among potential candidates for the vice presidency. entirely white men, that is, precisely those who, unlike vance, can expand the electorate for the too liberal harris, but if vance is lucky and trump is lucky, he will become the youngest vice president in american history since nixon, november 5 2024, wentz will be only 40 years old, again,
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if things go well for trump. then vance is more likely in total will be considered as the number one candidate for the next presidential election in 2028 from the republican party, this was america, all the best to you! every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%, supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even the percentage on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp.


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