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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 3, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

2:30 pm
most likely, he will be considered as the number one candidate in the next presidential election in 2028 from the republican party. this was america, all the best to you! here i am! burger king tastes better on fire, the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated! every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even the percentage on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp. every master wants to know what kind of grout. take
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2:34 pm
so obama calls the sitting president and tells him you're done, then he tells kamali haris, he tells her, okay, you 'll be the candidate, but if you don't succeed, if you're not popular, we 'll take you out too. so my question to you is, i mean, this is all shocking.
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for example, if it is already necessary to apply the twenty- fifth amendment, yes, if its condition is such that it is time to apply it, but they do not apply it, then by this they are putting the country in a precarious position when it is not fully led a mentally healthy person, but if the amendment is not worth applying, it means that they used some influence, yes, in order to remove the candidate for the position who is the current president. and this is not good, i am quite sure that this can be qualified as blackmail, and if this is not blackmail, then this is some kind of behind-the-scenes manipulation of the process, in this scheme the voters are not taken into account in any way, no, no, and yes, i understand that
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we this has been repeated many times already, but the same people who lectured us, looked down on us and talked about democracy for years, i just...
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i also thought about this, but i just said it, but it’s true, her first reaction was a change in tone, remember the program on cnn right after the debate, she said that it all seemed to be planned in advance, that’s all staging, they all seemed to be
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prepared in advance for such an outcome, there was a feeling that this was all planned in advance, they knew in advance what would happen at the debate, and when have you ever seen a presidential debate?
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the media and white house staff did a great job of defending biden, as everyone explained these situations, when he walked in the wrong direction, greeted invisible people, said some unintelligible rubbish, but they did not understand that they could no longer cover it up. so they decided: let's agree to debate, and if things don't go as they should, although they knew in advance that they would, then we 'll do what needs to be done. my first reaction, i think, was that my wife was pissed off that i was on
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social media during the debate. one of my first messages was that i think he got the wrong injection. yes, because he very often for example, when he made this address to congress. he was positively charged, as if he had drunk six cans of energy drink at once, yes, he was excited and even angry, here he was very tired. and it made me think about a lot of things, including what they gave him before he left, it seems like that scares me too, because it's like when a kidnapper takes off his mask, because they showed us how things really happen, the voters don't mean anything, it sponsors and leaders of the dim party, like obama, schumer, jeffreys and polosi, who accept everything decisions, they don’t even pretend anymore, yes, they don’t even pretend anymore, because...
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such a trick, i can’t even imagine how it would hit us, there are no scratches on them, since the media decided not to mention, i don’t even agree, the media here are their accomplices, what ’s interesting to me is, what do you think, kamala haris can win, she can win, there is no doubt about it, and the republicans will be very mistaken if they underestimate her, implying that we cannot have to. working too hard to defeat her. about we know a bit about kamala haris, but she is
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the technical head of the body you work for. yes, she is the president of the senate. kamala haris, despite all her giggles, when she works according to a script, when she has good assistants who wrote her a script, when she is within the framework of this script, then she looks good. yes, i don't agree with almost everything she says, but when she sticks to the script. i always remember this beautiful
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monument, i think it’s a fresco, at the top of the capitol rotunda, inside the dome, there’s this a beautiful painting by constantin gromidi, an italian-born american immigrant, called george washington, depicting george washington ascending. after his death he is surrounded by 13 angels who represent the first colonies, and near him there are two more angels, one of which represents freedom, and the other represents greatness, government or something like that, he is praised there almost deified, and the way it is written this picture is very reminiscent of how the media is trying...
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conjured up in this image of a great warrior who, at the first call, is ready, able and willing to accept the responsibilities of the supreme ruler of america, they erase what she said before, all these crazy statements of hers, from disbanding the police to aggressive and radical decisions on climate change , this whole new green deal, and this is just the tip of the iceberg, that's all.
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the military-industrial complex is the bait that swallows all this progressivist spending. in other words, they include various goodies for the pentagon. this attracts everyone who is in favor of the country's defense capability. and thus get their votes to increase spending, and because of this we have this eternal two-trillion budget deficit, that ’s why we have 35 trillion, but what in the end, it hasn’t become safer, the army hasn’t become stronger, we can’t even cope with the houthis, whoever they are, so in fact, as usually happens, the effect is exactly the opposite of what was stated, and no
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one notices this, does anyone really think that after all this funding our army stronger than before, but on the other hand, our combat effectiveness has decreased due to the recruiting problems that have been created by this administration, the way they advertise themselves, the way they push the pentagon towards this whole agenda, wolf, all of it repels potential. 5 years ago, most americans, including me, didn’t even know the word, and now
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they are blocking key shipping channels with the help of children’s drones, and against mw. in the usa, this, this is failure, failure, i remember this moment in 2015, i then performed in iowa, when i heard about the events in yemen and immediately thought: lord, i hope we don’t get into another proxy war, but we did, the war has been dragging on for three presidential administrations and this war. only strengthened the position of iran in yemen, namely, which gives weapons to the houthis and is ready to give even more, when we get into a proxy war, this is basically what happens. yes, our system is largely based on the british system. we have a bicameral legislature, we have a supreme leader, but
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in the british system, the king is the supreme leader can declare war. alone and individually, our constitution requires that warriors be declared by congress. so, we never decided to use military force or declare war on yemen. they used all other existing possibilities of presidential powers to give all this legal status.
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but it never occurs to them that the results of what we vote for are not very good, the tax situation is just a nightmare,
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the army we give money to is not achieving desired results, do they ever even look at the results, sometimes yes, but tucker, you have to understand something, the problems of the army, it's like approximately. many of them decided that this is conservatism, that our goals are a strong army, a foreign policy aimed at maintaining democracy and transgenderism in the world, and him too, they generally know what he is doing, the republicans don’t like this part, but they i like maintaining democracy. in the world. and they also like the international order based on the rules established after world war ii war. they love it. and so we see republicans, without realizing it,
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making much the same arguments as progressives. progressives, when a government program doesn't work, their immediate instinct is to say, "we just didn't put enough money into it." if we give a little more money, more resources, invest even more, then it will make money. communism is a great idea, it's just wrong. yes, you just need more effort. okay, if that's all, okay, let's not go deeper. but i have one question: a world based on rules. i'm all for following the rules. i believe that all decent people are for following the rules. this used to be the case in our country, but supporters of the rules supported, in fact, the theft of billions of dollars of personal property from the so-called russian oligarchs, and many of them are against putin and have nothing to do with the invasion of ukraine, in any way. but the biden administration is simple.
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pushed, pushed russia, in a sense, iran into the intoxication of china, and now we have turkey, the gulf countries, specifically malaysia, those countries in the world that are getting richer and stronger are now moving away from us, this is not good, i know a guy who, he is a lawyer, works in the oil industry, he is involved with all these legal aspects of contracts, ever expanding contracts. deals with oil supertankers, he handles the details of what currency the shipments will be in, and 20 years ago he told me
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that no matter where you are, all transactions will be in us dollars, yes, that was the only thing back then, what was unified, and now this is not the case at all, i know, and this is really scary, because we were all beneficiaries of this order, our well-being depends on it, the name of the protection, based on the rules of the world order, we weakened the dollar. in the name of preserving the military and economic security of the united states, we have made ourselves more vulnerable, and i wonder when the american people, and more importantly, the representatives elected by the people in congress, will finally realize that they listened to the wrong people, that it’s time for us to stop listen to...
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office, we want someone who will push and develop an atmosphere where individual members and the states they represent their constituents will have
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a voice, as now... this voice is very small, and it is almost gone is not heard, and this is not good for the people of america, and this is one of the reasons why our debt is already 35 trillion. i really hope that you will carry out your reforms. i know you will. senator michaely from utah. thank you for your time. thanks tucker.
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest
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2:59 pm
in nizhny tagil today there is mourning as a result of the collapse of two entrances of a residential building , 10 people were killed, 16 were rescued. governor of the region reported to the president how the liquidation of the consequences of the gas explosion was going. new footage from the special operation zone. our pilots on su-25 aircraft attacked a unit of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy's stronghold was hit, equipment and manpower were destroyed. the united states is transferring an aircraft carrier strike group of cruisers with a minus air defense system to the middle east. american media claim that tigiran is about to strike tel aviv. dozens of airlines are canceling or rescheduling flights to israel, lebanon and iran. the assassination attempt was organized by
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the united states and carried out by israel. combat missions in the zone it is carried out by people who in civilian life worked in a variety of fields, there are professional athletes in the background, at the front, excuse me, history. russian football champion andrey solomatin, world powerlifting champion mikhail andryukhin and russian figure skating cup winners vladislav tarasenko in a special report by marat kremcheev, watch after a short advertisement. the time has come for alfabank. time to benefit...


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