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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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it's russia. 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today: the victims in nizhny tagel are being provided with all the necessary assistance, funds have been allocated to eliminate the consequences of a gas explosion in a residential building , the governor of the sverdlovsk region reported to vladimir putin by telephone, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov announced this. the search and rescue operation has been completed, the head of the region, evgeny kuyvyshev, said that thanks to the well-coordinated work of rescuers , 16 people were rescued from the rubble. the examination of the partially collapsed house will be completed.
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until august 11, then the question of the fate of the building will be decided. let me remind you that on august 1, a gas exploded in a five-story building, two entrances collapsed, and 10 people were killed. today in nizhny tagil is a day of mourning. the israel defense forces eliminated hezbollah member ali nazih using air force forces. the strike took place in southern lebanon, tdf reported. at these moments, israeli security forces are conducting a counter-terrorism operation on the west bank of the jordan river. earlier in the morning with... other islamic militants. five people were traveling locally with idf reconnaissance; they had already been killed there by car, reportedly to carry out terrorist attacks. the region is preparing for a big war, the states are transferring to the middle east an attack on aircraft carrier force, additional cruisers, destroyers and air defense systems. the american media claim that tehran is about to strike tel aviv. the wall street journal, citing sources, writes that such an attack would be , quote, “quick” and... drain,
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the islamic revolutionary guard corps published photographs of the missile, saying that it would reach israel in 12 minutes. and today the elite units of the armed forces iranian forces, following an investigation into the death of ismail haniya, published a statement saying that tehran will respond harshly to tel aviv. quote: at the appropriate time in the appropriate place and in the appropriate manner. the document specifically emphasizes that the murder of the head. due to floods in the northwestern provinces of the dprk. the russian president asked the leader of north korea to convey words of support and sympathy to the victims and noted that phinyan can always count on moscow’s help. let me remind you, due to heavy downpours in two areas , 500 houses were taken under water, the head of the knd. personally led
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the rescue operation; more than ten helicopters were involved. a dialogue with moscow is possible, this is the trivial conclusion reached by western journalists and political scientists who have been analyzing large-scale prisoner exchanges between russia and the west for the third day now. the rhetoric of foreign analysts frightened the ukrainian authorities. anonina will tell why. russia does not abandon its own. such a clear message from western journalists. they couldn’t miss it as part of the exchange. putin handed over to his clear, morale-boosting messages to the security services: that if you are caught, russia will bring you home, that those working abroad will receive maximum protection, and that if they are arrested, the state will fight for their return. for putin, those who returned to russia are real heroes, patriots who worked for the state and defended national interests. for the united states, as analysts note, the exchange is more of a show for the public to make money. the liberation of men and
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women is a success for the west, especially for negotiators of american president joe biden. the return of a prominent journalist could help democrats on public opinion issues ahead of the november presidential election. however, it is not only the american authorities who are trying to earn points both within the country and in the international arena. it is very difficult to gain the trust of other security agencies to share information. respect is even more difficult, we received trust respect, two states were very important, germany and slovenia, for germany it was difficult to free the murderer, for it was difficult for slovenia to hand over two spies; we had no one to exchange them with. the german authorities , having demonized vadim krasikov in the local press for so long for eliminating the terrorist, are now trying with all their might to justify themselves to the public. first through the mouth of chancellor scholz, now through his ministers. german foreign minister anna lena berbak named. the exchange of prisoners between russia,
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belarus and a number of western countries is a very delicate dilemma. federal minister of the interior nancy feiser noted that this was a very difficult decision, minister of defense boris pistorius on ... prisoner exchange succeeded in negotiations and called for realism. at the same time , german politicians emphasize that a successful exchange is a good sign, which means it is possible to negotiate with russia. they prefer to keep silent about the fact that moscow was always open to them. it is a great success of diplomacy that it has now become possible to free many german and other western european citizens from imprisonment in russia. in any case, the deal shows that it is possible to negotiate, to enter into negotiations with the russian by the state. even with the russian aggressor on issues where he also has his own interests. ultimately the goal is to achieve peace. such conversations, in turn, cause concern in ukraine, as the washington post writes, in kiev they fear that now the west, first and foremost the united states, may begin secret negotiations with russia on the ukrainian
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conflict, without the participation of ukraine itself. anna voronina, vesti. well, now there’s a short advertisement, right after, watch the documentary i’m inventing. discounts until august 14, build faster, sovita for the home! thank you sber loyalty program has been updated! every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even a percentage on everything, are more profitable with a subscription from berp. do you confirm the transfer? let's protect against spam and scammers now in messengers. set up protection in the my security service in the beline application for free. beeline is the safest operator. alfabank is the best bank
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her is what is left of her after the battles for city: the classrooms where the children studied were turned into firing points by ukrainian soldiers, and during the retreat they laid out the school library , the gym, there is the second floor, there it was always like classroom literature from a prominent region, it was like a physical education teacher’s office and an anti-personnel mine was found there. now the ukrainian history textbooks scattered on the floor became further proof of how the state of ukraine was turning into a country.
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we called the population of today's ukraine the rusyn population, we called them
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rusyns, the term ukrainian was rather a geographical term defining the place of ukraine. ukraine and the ukrainian president are objects, that is, they are playing with us, especially, no matter how cynical and sad it may sound, they are playing in the dark. september 1989 , rallies of the ukrainian people's movement for perestroika in the ukrainian style rukh take place throughout western ukraine in the capital city of kiev.
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on lands that were considered russian since the middle ages, orthodoxy was practiced here and russian was spoken since the times of kievan rus, a state that gathered russian principalities from the carpathians to the vladimir-suzol forests. in kyiv lavra christian teaching appeared and so on. that is, kiev began to emerge as the center of the ancient russian state, i emphasize russian, because there was no talk of ukrainians. by the middle of the 15th century , residents of the western lands of kievan rus. became part of the polish kingdom, called the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. from that moment
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on, forced polization and assimilation of the indigenous russian population began on these lands. poland, or rather the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, is indeed one of the first states that began to work on the formation of a special ukrainian identity. the need was purely practical; it was necessary to have a certain stability in these territories. polish historian tomasz jankowski arranged a meeting for journalists in the center of warsaw to show where exactly the idea to create it was born in the 15th century.
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trains run on which ukrainian cities are marked as polish territory. all smart people understood that poland would take lviv for itself, what else is there, what other city, lviv, what else? ivanovrankovsky, this is, well, historically, this is your land, no one has anything to do with this he argues that we will take it without war. in polish, these territories are more often called the eastern kres.
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the concept of western ukraine appeared only after september 17, 1939. when these territories passed to soviet ukraine, we used the eastern kres or, even earlier, eastern golicia, which was associated with these lands belonging to austria-hungary. there is no formal prohibition on the use of this term. now it is already present, but for many poles it is still an eastern cross. modern poland, if it makes claims only for galicia, in my opinion, it is already applying for the zhytomyr region in vinnytsia. not modestly. here on the front line, no one is surprised that it is poland that supplies kiev with its weapons and that nato was the first to transfer the latest tanks to ukraine. our leopards will be the first tanks to reach ukraine from this
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coalition aid.
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after this polish project, unsuccessful, as history has shown, in the creation of the greek catholic church, it was possible to subordinate part of the ruthenian population directly to papal authority. the new church was called greek catholic or uniate, so
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was the name of the agreement between the vatican and a small part of orthodox priests from the annexed territories. the entire population, and thereby strengthen the statehood, i bless your weapons, which with fire will cleanse the polish-lithuanian commonwealth from cism. to create some kind of monolithic catholic ethnic group over time, which would somehow allow the unity of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth to be maintained. in the spring
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of 2023, ukrainian nationalists, with the support of the police, seized the oldest orthodox monastery in ukraine, the kiev pechersk lavra. don't kill people, don't kill people, don't kill people. the abbot of the monastery was arrested. the monks, barricaded in one of the premises of the monastery, were forbidden to transfer food and water. the servant of god brought bread, but it is not clear for any reason why they should not give us any. save me , god! before the eyes of the whole world, in violation of laws on the protection of conscience, the culmination of the church confrontation that began in ukraine almost 300 years ago at the instigation of the polish authorities is taking place in kiev.
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deliberate planting of the catholic church here, here, here, to put it here here, in the catholic way of life and the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, this is precisely what she did. that destroyed the orthodox faith, churches were closed, they were not allowed in, just like now, yes, i’ll take off, take off the mongrels, yes, take off, let’s evenly, stand up like this, have mercy on us, good man and lover of mankind, amen, their souls are in goodness, in nobleman. after the coup in ukraine in 2014 , father peter constantly travels to donbass.
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today he brought humanitarian aid to the surviving residents of lisichansk, a city almost wiped off the face of the earth by ukrainian army. we have now arrived in lisichansk, the temple here is broken, and the man here lives in a broken house, he has nothing at all. you have sour cream with cheese, milk, just right, thank you, now, over there, you can hear it from here, there’s a man living in this broken house, thank you, god, and his wife died, there’s only one left, a useless person.
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baptizing all the people, burying all the relatives, loved ones, getting married, visiting with them at once, and then with them, and now you know what they have done for me, once twice, next, come on, the uniad church here she came, she already came with an attitude, with hatred.
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one of their most revered saints, the so -called iosophat kuntsevich, is precisely the ideologist and leader of the medieval uniatism,
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this word cattle, which we often use with a very unpleasant connotation, it comes from the polish language, this is exactly cattle, and this is the name that the poles often used for the inhabitants of modern ukraine, this is a polish word, in the 17th and 16th centuries from the linguistic and religious repression , people fled to russia, after more than 300 years history repeats itself, here is natasha,
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banner of our king, humble yourself. what ultimately turned into a real religious war, what led to the khmelnitsky uprising, ultimately to the reunification of little russia with the russian state. in 1648, under the leadership of the ukrainian hetmann bohdan khmelnytsky , a large-scale war began against the polish state. after 6 years of confrontation, the orthodox christians of ukraine turned to russia with
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a request to join.


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