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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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hyptral time. order from pharmacies plus. you don't decide which option you get. but you decide what your future will be. go wherever you want with an educational loan with government support. calculate payments right now buy a big combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions. delicious. the time has come for alfabank. the time of benefit for everyone, from beijing to the baltic sea, with instant delivery of cards to thousands of cities, the time of the best bank for millions of entrepreneurs, the time of super cash and the best application for dozens millions of people. but alone!
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the red sun has risen, time for alpha bank, time for alpha gain. the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated and has become even more profitable with a sberspasibo subscription. plus two top cashback categories, one percent on everything, twice as many bonuses every month. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime.
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thank you loyalty program has been updated! every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even a percentage on everything, are more profitable with a subscription from berp. mobile communication for thank you is normal. hello, that's why we do this. sbermobile. yuri chanchikov was taken a few days later. soldiers of the russian guard tied him up at a bus stop in the akadem town on the outskirts of krasnoyarsk.
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at the same time, on the right bank of the yenisei, in another part of krasnoyarsk, special forces soldiers were waiting for mikhail rubtsov; he was detained as soon as he left the entrance of his house.
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back in 2017, they purchased a car in advance and regularly honed their shooting skills; in addition, the alleged organizer made a special trip to hairdressing salon, where he collected hair, which he threw into the car after committing a crime, so he intended to divert suspicion from himself; the operation to detain especially dangerous criminals was led by the head of the regional headquarters of the ministry of internal affairs, aleksandrsky.
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my personal assessment of their actions is the totality of confidence in the impunity and cruelty of people who have watched criminal action films. in life, such schemes are broken. it turned out that styagen had been hatching the plan to attack the collectors for several years, and it seemed i wish i had thought of everything, bought an old vaz six, drove the lada into the garage, where it sat for 3 years, got a license plate number from a random car, got caught with the thirty-fifth region, this is the vologda region, used a variety of cars to monitor the movements of collectors. every time he left the house, he left his mobile phone in the apartment so that it would not be identified by billing, and he also prepared false evidence, collected hair and cigarette butts in order to lead the police on a false trail, but krasnoyarsk investigators bit by bit
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we reconstructed the events of the crime and determined the roles of each member of the criminal trinity. the organizer of this crime and his accomplices were driving the car. one of whom was the performer whose role was the direct use of weapons in the commission of a crime and causing harm to the health of the collectors; the second accomplice is the person who directly transferred the funds, that is, the collection bag from the collectors' cars to their car in which they fled. the organizer of a robbery attack on collectors, businessman alexey istyagin gave detailed testimony. this footage shows him at the site where he divided up the loot and then disposed of the atm cassettes. behind this garage with the sign for sale and the numbers 369, between them and the fence there are discarded empty cassettes from under money from a sberbank atm.
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during the investigation, investigators found those same empty cassettes. we talked with the organizer of the crime, at first istyagin assessed the work of the investigation in a mocking tone. works very well the police, the investigation works very well and the penitentiary system works especially well, so it makes sense to say that first of all in krasnoyarsk there are enough crimes to commit.
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everyone is alive, of course, here’s what else you can say to people, what you can say to your loved ones, you are incredibly guilty before your loved ones, immediately after the arrest of the shooter yuri chanchikov
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, investigators carried out a search in his apartment in academy town and found objects unexpected for an electrician, an expensive american jackson guitar and amplifier for her. after entering the apartment, the accused showed the place where he kept his share of the stolen money.
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this is an abandoned construction site of a scientific complex. everything is in the same area of ​​akadim town. 1,200 yes, oh, 600 thousand, but with something like 600
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something, we talked with chanchikov immediately after the investigative actions, he stated that lack of money pushed him into the crime, they say there was not enough money even for a dentist. for 40 years he worked conscientiously, worked hard, didn’t earn anything, didn’t have enough money for his teeth, that’s how it happened, and what did you do, if it’s not a secret? worked as an electrician. well, the salary was only 25, something was missing, there were a lot of loans, three grand in savings banks, and why did they shoot at the arms, at the legs, and you see, initially it was as if it was just the legs, but since i saw that i was reaching for the holster , then i had to, you regret what happened, of course, you want to tell the collectors, i want to apologize to the collectors, that... in general , i wouldn’t advise anyone to do the same as i did, collector andrei
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volkov told our film crew, how on the day of the robbery i brought it with my partner money for the atm, which is installed on shchorsa street, this is... volkov remembered for the rest of his life, saturday, morning, there were few people, this is how i parked the car, parked, since here we have to park the car as close as possible to the object, this is called door to door, so that there is quick access to the object, which means that then when i parked the car, it appears that my friend and partner began to prepare to leave, that is, to get it from the safe. trunks with cassettes, when he closed the safe, did everything, got ready, i left
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car, that is, he went up to that door, naturally he closed the bolt behind me, since our rules are so that no one could get in everything, that is, he looked around, since it was morning, there were not many people, that is, no one paid attention like that attracted. i walked up, showed him that he could go out, he opened the door, i helped him get the bag, they closed the door, and at that moment, when we turned, that is, we began to move towards the cash register, i turned my head that someone was moving quickly came at us, at that moment a shot was fired, that is, i fell, that’s it, i woke up in the hospital, there was no pain, apparently shock. traumatic, as they say in the hospital, so we were put into an artificial coma in order to get out of this traumatic shock,
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let's look again at the cctv recordings: collector andrei volkov in a cap, he is the first to get hit by bullets, tries to get a pistol out of his holster, but in this at one point , chanchikov shoots at him point-blank twice, well , i have injuries on both hands, it appears, then , well, we haven’t even yet... we passed one finger and it still doesn’t bend, a bullet hit you in the hand it turns out that they are kortechinas, they didn’t even pull them out, into the palms, that is, for now, yes, then microsurgeons will restore the fingers so that they move, and so they see, this hand still doesn’t move at all, doesn’t move , because here i won’t even take off the bandage, that is, it’s in terrible condition, yes, everything is cut there, there ’s nothing there. one bone is missing, i have to have an operation, they will take a bone from my leg,
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a tibia and put it in my arm, i also got wounds, a card fell into my leg, this one, in this one, well, thanks to the doctors, they collected me and treated me. andrey volkov with his partner. spent 2 months in the krasnoyarsk regional hospital, they underwent several operations, all this time the wounded collectors were supported by relatives and colleagues. let us remind you that the loot of a gang of cash-in-transit robbers amounted to 2,320 thousand rubles. the raiders divided the money among three, but this was not the amount that styagin and
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his accomplices were counting on. it turned out that the bandits were expecting a much larger one.
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the plan for an armed attack on collectors was developed by alexey istyagin, he also came up with the trick of tossing cigarette butts into the hair. the organizer of the raid was confident that he could outwit the operatives and the criminal trio would never be found, but the bandits still made mistakes. the third participant in the robbery, mikhail rubtsov, worked as a welder and moved.
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he hid his share in the basement of an abandoned building in akademgorodok next to his house. alexey from tyagin did exactly the same thing. he put his part of the money in a cardboard box and buried it not far from his home in a friend’s car repair shop. in this footage , police are seizing stolen rubles. return managed to almost the entire amount that was taken from collectors on may 30, 2020 by the electrician entrepreneur.
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what are you looking for, that i will at least have time to repair my teeth, all three participants in the robbery were arrested on the same day in the central district court of krasnoyarsk, after the raid on the collectors, they spent exactly 9 days at large, the court decided to choose in
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relation to suspicion, service! sberbank's cash collectors are one of the best in russia, we observed how carefully they prepare money carriers , putting people's safety first, while, of course,
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however, no one excludes that the collectors could be attacked at any moment, well, it is clear that we have provided a number of measures to ensure that this never happens again, it is clear that we carried out traditional briefings. it is clear that we conducted traditional additional classes on physical training, fire training, or on the situation that arose specifically in this situation, but it is important that we went a little further, and today we are beginning to actively introduce elements of artificial intelligence that will help. ours collection teams see potential, well , let’s say, potential risks in
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a given situation. all our vehicles are already equipped with remote control, we have long been able to turn off the engines at any time, if there is a necessary reason for that, we see 360° around our armored car, everything that happens and... we can remotely block any valuables that are located inside our armored cars. the law enforcement system today is built in such a way that in most cases the police are able to solve such crimes, for this there is enormous experience, modern technical means, as well as a great desire to put into practice the principle...
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that daring and cruel criminals face up to 15 years in a maximum security colony, the investigation continues.
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this is the search history we saw. a daring gang of cash-in-transit robbers, this was our investigation from krasnoyarsk, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia-24 tv channel, april 2021, the organizer of the attack was the first to hear the verdict.
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mikhail rubtsov will sit 14. robbers are also obliged to pay compensation to the injured collectors, in total more than 6.5 million rubles. they will really need this money for treatment. that same recording from cctv cameras actually became educational. a guide for beginning cash collectors , look at the car, turn back to the target, within about five meters you can safely walk there, look behind the car. that is,
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rushing about your work, you got out of the car, looked in all directions, in the area longer there, which is behind, on the right, you must monitor the entire situation 360° around ourselves, we created a special platform also using artificial intelligence, and now today cars, our armored cars, moving along city streets have cameras and a single platform can today help collectors determine, for example, surveillance of our armored car.
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people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit. beret is a symbol who wears it, i believe that there should be a model in everything, people should follow it, worse is not possible, better is possible, we have always had such a motto in life, it pushed these people into doorway and... it's probably all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
8:00 pm
the victims in nizhny tagil are provided with all the necessary assistance, funds have been allocated to eliminate the consequences of a gas explosion in a residential building, the governor of the sverlovsk region reported to vladimir putin by telephone. the examination will be completed by august 11, then they will decide whether or not the building can be restored. on thursday , a gas explosion killed 10 people; today is a day of mourning in nizhny tagil. well , next, a little advertising, and then watch the senate program.


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