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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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let's look, look, in the application or on the website, the russian army repelled 10 attacks in su, groupings center, west, east and south. occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formations lost about 2.0 more soldiers and mercenary officers. three tanks and eight other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as over thirty self-propelled guns, howitzers and other guns, mostly american and british polish made. air defense forces shot down 140 combat drones, a patriot missile and nine rockets. about the situation on the front line, alexey boranov. the tank has been replenished
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the ammunition is sent to a closed firing position, which is located about 5 km from the line of combat contact. always in groups, on the line of combat contact in pairs. the crews are working in the artyomovsk direction. the commander with the call sign yerevan tells us about the details of the breakthrough through the line of combat contact. at the industrial zone we drove along the route bypassing tank mines at the headquarters and began to tear off with direct fire a distance of 200 m, the shot was even closer! the tank crews of the southern group of troops returned to their home base without losses, until completely spent ammunition was replenished, lunch! the bread is wheat, we have time, we can make pizza, they have never said that the bread was tasteless, everyone likes it. everyone
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thanks, here in the dugout there is a laundry, fully equipped by the rear units of the western troop group. the artillerymen of the central military district work together with the tankers, constantly maintaining contact. the malka battery of self-propelled artillery units are deployed in one of the forest belts. this is how vehicles independently equip themselves not only with closed fire positions, but also places to replenish ammunition. scouts from the center group of forces work both on the front line and behind enemy lines. it is from them that the artillerymen receive the coordinates of the most important targets at any given moment. 81 48 81. today they hit the battery. self-propelled gaubettes from
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german production, rolled out, started working, hit with the third shot, finished off with the fourth, first we burned through it, and then donated vk from her, the fewer of them there are, the faster our boys and infantry will pass through buildings, fortifications, any, dugouts, by we hit the sevens, we hit any other guns, they give us the target, i practice everything, when the control, control. send artillery groups of troops to the center around the clock to ensure the advancement of assault groups in the avdeevsky direction. alexey baranov, yuri marchenko, alexander malyshev, anton dmitriev. news: lugansk and donetsk people's republics, line of military contact.
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here is another beating in uzhgorod, which brought a person to an attack, there are no people willing to fight for zelensky’s dictatorship, and kiev even allowed the established corruption system to be broken scheme, for example, the police were allowed to officially admit that military commissars in ternopil were engaged in racketeering and kidnapping.
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i wake up, there’s something like this, truckers on international flights leave the cordon, abandon their trucks and flee, and those whose shoes are too tight are ready to get rid of them, so are you handsome or beautiful, i’m still handsome, i haven’t had the operation yet, among gender-specific men 2000 are fleeing within the walls of universities, they enroll for the sake of deferment, we will very carefully check and pay attention to this phenomenon now. there are several here negative aspects. there are more and more negative aspects for ukrainians. since august 1 , single fathers have lost their reservation. the vulnerable groups now include students who have not even reached the mobilization age,
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that is, 25 years. i ask you a question: will you go with me to the assault? this is how i serve.
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with the european union, in order to harm russia, european officials turned a blind eye to this. the victims in nizhny tagel are provided with all the necessary assistance, funds have been allocated, and the search and rescue operation has been completed. on eliminating the consequences of a gas explosion in a residential building
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at home , the governor of the sverlovsk region reported to vladimir putin by phone. evgeny kuyvashev said that thanks to the coordinated work of rescuers, they managed to get 16 people out of the rubble. expertise. will be completed by august 11, then they will decide whether or not it is possible to restore the building. on august 1 , a gas explosion killed 10 people. today is a day of mourning in nizhny tagil. a state of emergency at the republican level was introduced in buryat due to heavy rains. several roads are blocked, including a section of the baikal federal highway. seven damaged bridges. the khankhalkhaloy reservoir began to overflow the dam. about the consequences ilya koshlyunov. where a small stream ran, a large river now rages. heavy rains caused large amounts of water to come out, which blocked the only path to the village of gorkhon. the water began to rise in the morning,
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literally in one hour it completely flooded this road. now traffic along it is closed; there is a state traffic police post at the entrance. 1,200 people were left without the opportunity to leave. outside their native village, and electricity and water supply were lost, but this question temporarily, but we managed to solve it, we ran out of bottled water in our stores, but we organized a well, connected a power plant, there is no threat of flooding for houses and personal plots in garkhon, which cannot be said about the neighbors, so that there is no water, yeah, now it’s knee-deep , in the ulus of darkhita , local residents barely had time to lift the equipment and even save their loved ones, well, you... first of all , they began to save the equipment, we see, yes, there is a refrigerator on the table, equipment, relatives, an old grandmother, plus an aunt, it turned out that not only household items were under attack property, but also greenhouse and vegetable gardens, now we will have to forget about the harvest this year, in the greenhouse there is water everywhere in the underground, there is water everywhere, there people
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have even worse conditions, and indeed people found themselves cut off on a small piece of land, and for a moment the rain stopped, but the flow of water still strong, it cut off several houses as you can see. behind me there are people who are waiting for the ministry of emergency situations to evacuate. in total , 10 people were evacuated from the bidstve zone in the zaigraevsky district, including two children, all of them were taken to temporary accommodation centers, those who stayed at home. let's take up the shovels, i want to encourage people to start digging everything. on vlinsky, strong streams washed away the bridge, a bus with workers got stuck right in a stormy current near the village of shabur, in the muharshibir region the dam could not withstand the pressure and began to overflow. nature tested not only the nerves of people, but also the readiness of local authorities for such situations. while it is impossible to carry out any measures, because the water is flowing, we won’t do anything right now, we won’t do anything. while on the territory a state of emergency has been introduced in the zaigraevsky district. the trans-siberian embankment is under threat of being washed away.
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the railway workers are already in place, strengthening the embankment. monitoring of the water level continues, after it goes away, a commission will begin work that will determine the damage and the first victims will begin to receive compensation. ilya koshvinov, alexander lubsanov, lead buryatia. similar problems in transbakal'e. due to heavy rains, two rivers overflowed. banks, powerful streams even carried away several cars and buildings, flooded 45 residential buildings and a school, some residents were transported to a temporary accommodation center. protests against migrants are taking place in thirty cities in britain after a man from an african family attacked children, killing three girls and injuring 10 people. anton dadykin will tell you what the government is doing in this regard.
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a violent minority with its disgusting behavior in no way represents the population of our region. i'm shocked, i'm horrified by what i saw. violence, vandalism is not a way to express protest, it is a crime, and this has nothing to do with grief for the deceased. to the innocent children of southport. these crowds do not think about the feelings of the families of the victims. the reason for
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the excitement was luck in saudport at a children's dance group. a seventeen-year-old boy stabbed three girls, eight more children and two adults were injured. to stop rumors that the criminal was an illegal migrant, the british authorities violated the law and revealed his identity. this didn't help much because, as it turns out, axel rudokubana's parents are refugees from rwanda. motives the guy is still not from... starmer promised to increase spending on psychological help, hinting that the killer may be insane. conservatives, who had just been thrown out of power, immediately attacked their competitors and demanded that members of parliament be recalled from vacation. the government risks not being able to cope with these events and cannot keep them under control. the time has come for reflection and solidarity at the national level to stop the tide of violence clearly without fear or prejudice, to condemn with a united front. her in parliament, which is why parliament must meet immediately. but
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the conservatives themselves are largely to blame for these problems; it was under them that the essentially uncontrolled import of migrants into the country began. in addition, prisons are overcrowded, and there is no money in the budget for new ones. labor is even considering the possibility of releasing about 10 thousand criminals early. such a large-scale amnesty can only worsen the situation on the streets of british cities. i am concerned not only about the events in southport, but also socially. gave a call on which prime minister starmer falls into a giant funnel of problems. the government is now trying, well, at least
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to tighten the screws, as for all those people who go out into the streets, but they are intimidated there with serious prison sentences, they are intimidated, i don’t know, not by the fact that social networks will talk, they will fight, they will establish some pretty strict censorship in relation to any protest actions, but it is clear that people have a question that, well, this is some kind of two-way traffic story, on the one hand, yes, people, people who... there may be some police officers smashing them areas, of course, probably some kind of criminal measures need to be taken against them, but at the same time it is strange that the government seems to be doing nothing regarding migration issues there, that is, mowing. we may well get such well-realized displeasure in relation to kirostaper. british politicians are again trying to blame this entire crisis on russia. moscow is blamed for almost all the problems of the united kingdom, from the migrant crisis to the impoverishment of the population. anton dadekin, lead. news from the middle east is becoming increasingly alarming anticipation of a retaliatory strike and wound to israel
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after the head of the hamas politburo ismail haniyeh was killed in tehran. authorities. the islamic republic blamed the jewish state for this, claimed that hanei was killed by a short-range shell, and denied the western press version of a bomb explosion in the residence. the islamic revolutionary guard corps promised to punish the organizers of the murder at the appropriate time and in an appropriate manner, this is a quote. the wall street journal reports that iran refuses to negotiate through arab mediators, but also the united states has deployed additional forces to defend israel. some of the best harvests in the country, the famous turgenev reserve, a heroic history, the leader of the communist party of the russian federation, gennady zyuganov, arrived in his native oryol region, where he is preparing to celebrate the eighty-first anniversary of the liberation of the third reich from the nazis. maria simak has all the details. the regional committee of the komsomol, an asset of the city council, the beginning of a long
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journey. 80 years since the oryol region, that’s the name of the new exhibition on spassky alleys. the hero of the exhibition himself arrived at the opening. russian communists willingly share memories, but today it’s no longer about politics, but about the personal, about childhood, about youth. i was 17 years old when i put on a tie for the first time, although it was my aunt who put me on a tie, who sent me to the theater to see a beautiful one, and said, i can’t do without a tie, this is the first photo. no longer pioneer, but always red, bright, like the biography of gennady zyuganov. gennady andreevich made a huge contribution to the development of our hometown, to the development of our oryol region, and of course. museum of the spassky lutovino nature reserve, he was directly involved in the restoration house of the museum in 1976, the leader of the communist party of the russian federation was never afraid of work, for which he was celebrated for the anniversary; in june he turned 80 with a high state award. the role of ginadi andreevich today is not measured in years, but in her contribution to the life of our country and the oryol region as well. and it was no coincidence that the president awarded
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the title of hero of labor of russia to gennady andreevich, for the enormous selfless work that... helped our country get through difficult times, he perceived difficult times as new opportunities, setting an example of hard work and the perseverance of bees. this industry agriculture devoted a scientific work: oryol farmers replenished the library, a new bee family, a special one from oryol, will leave for the apiary of the communist leader. we preserve this very core, this charge of energy that she represents, she is hardworking, region 57 is an agricultural region, so the route runs more and more along rural roads, in the midst of suffering and adversity.
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based on the strength of flour, this device is called an alviograph, there are only a few of them in russia, it was created in order to test the physical and chemical properties of flour, they just tested it on it zyuganovka, the head of the laboratory, ekaterina zdrabova, will tell us about the results. the main indicator for baking properties of bread is the ratio of elasticity to extensibility. on the screen, this is the letters pi to 2.52 we never
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take into account, that is, this is a one, this is a two, it just says what it is. golden variety of russia. the golden variety of russia has passed state examination and will become freely available in 2025; bread made from excellent flour will appear on the shelves of grocery stores. maria semak, anatoly pekurov, host orel. olympic sadists, this is how social networks reacted to the request of the head of thomas bach to explain to him what a woman is. after the scandal with the brutal beating of female boxers. the olympic committee arranged this by allowing transgender people into the ring.
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the coach told me: can you imagine that you are participating in the olympics, he said that my dream depends on how strong my heart is and how much i can go beyond my limits. transgender people, she was allowed to come out in 1/4 of what is called, she fell into the western trend for boxing final at the olympics, and could, which approves the disqualification of athletes based on nationality, in the case of yutin speaks of justice. the gender and age of athletes is determined by their passport, each. a person has the right to play sports without discrimination. friend and colleague in the ring yutin, alzhirka and mancheliv are also at the center of the scandal. she easily knocked out or knocked out her opponent from the tournament. she abandoned
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the fight 46 seconds after it began. the entire internet is arguing about algerian gender. iman looks like male and failed a hormone test. she , like yutin, was previously not allowed to compete with women. why they allowed access to... is now not understood in many countries, including european ones. i think that athletes who are genetically male should not compete with women. algeria's father tried to save his reputation and gave journalists a photo of, as he claims , little iman. iman was a little girl who loved sports from the age of 6, she used to play football. these rumors are aimed at destabilizing the situation so that it does not become champion. olympics. in paris, as western media write, may become a record number of scandals. the opening ceremony with transgender people is an insult to the feelings of believers, but emmanuel macron said that the french
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are proud of the opening ceremony in paris and that france showed its true face. the official representative of mit, maria zakharova, responded to the leader of the fifth republic. french president emmanuel macron, about the scandalous opening ceremony of the olympic games in paris. france demonstrated its real face. many thought that this was something else, some other parts of the body, but since macron insists that france now has such a face, then he knows better, of course, the french authorities are especially proud of the fact that, despite the gossip, they were able to organize water competitions sports in senj, however, they did this rather in spite of it. first, in paris there was unbearable heat, the orange level of danger, which means the number of pathogenic bacteria was growing, and now the triathlon training was canceled due to.
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the olympic triathlon tournament was sensational, or better yet , sensational. whether the sensational competition will take place will become clear soon; in 5 days there will be open water swimming competitions. natalya goncharova. lead. one of the most unusual summer festivals - a stone table - has opened in the leningrad region. master classes and acting courses, performances and open-air film screenings will be held on the river bank. zhanna skvortsova visited the creative laboratory. and i understood your idea. corlik nose. well, well, maybe a dwarf the nose, of course, is wrong. the spirit of creativity seems to be in the air here. even a mountain of dry logs inspires, a master of log house construction, laying down the rafters embodies the artists' idea. out of nothing, a certain,
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certain image is born, that is, the guys saw in it the head of a moose and came up with the idea of ​​​​cutting antlers into it, it’s from such little things that everything comes together, they don’t play a role, but as if they are just living, but if necessary, they can easily transform, like actress yulia ... zakharkina in one of her performances, she organically got used to the male image, the future location for the festival is being prepared here, the pavilion was borrowed from colleagues on the set, it remains to fix the backstage and the experimental music stage, where the ensemble of gudoshniks will be one of the first to perform, it’s ready, all the musical jams will be here, there will be the opening of a new project by igor gotsmanov, in in general , drummers, experimental music, that’s the main thing... the studs of the first equestrian drama theater in russia led from two stallions to the picturesque shore of the lake. why are you so tense, calm down, come back. ideological
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inspirer and artistic director of the theater. evgeny tkachuk brought the relationship with horses to the level of dramaturgy, of course it is built by a person, but having achieved the trust of a noble animal, the actor is able to weave a rakish horse into the convoy of the plot, although in an unfamiliar place the oryol trotter of okhaltykin is noticeably nervous. look how attention works, everything is unknown, they are here for the first time, so at any moment they can do something stupid with a fool, that is why now they... need to be placed, calmed down, they need to eat, stand. the dialogue will be conducted in full harmony, and this is not only about horses, 4 days in the open air in the scenery of the wild nature of the karelian isthmus, with a fire and a sauna, where professional steamers were invited. here the poporon should have been an ordinary beam, but our innate perfectionism did not allow us to install the beam; we took a piece of dry wood, cut it down, installed a support post made of wood , and cut it in. here is the field itself, and here we
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will have a spiral-shaped table, this open field is also a creative space, where artists and spectators are together at arm's length will perform a play based on the works of director and screenwriter roman mikhailov, without rehearsals. it is a unique opportunity for us to come into contact with the old format, where people can talk, one sitting there on one side. one on the other, they are already having a dialogue there, and there will be several such locations: a night cinema, master classes for children, there is no usual schedule at the festival, all performances will be prompted by the environment, no usual framework, classical theater, a continuous flight of thoughts and exchange energy, among the directors of the performance are the sun, wind and rain, the audience must take this into account, but they themselves are full-fledged co-creators of the common reality and when choosing where to be in the moment here now, they always find themselves in
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the first row. not just a festival, a creative laboratory, a kind of research, where completely different people, artists, athletes and even cosmonauts are waiting for sergei korsykov, will present their picture of the world in a natural amphitheater, where the very atmosphere gives birth to poetry and refers to the work of the avant-garde with its the illusory nature of reality, if you look closely you can understand that we are now little children sitting under the table and thinking that we know what... and we can even talk about what we know, so we look up, we understand that it is unattainable, having collected the meanings, dreams , sensations, like-minded people will bring an artistic statement to life, create a story that is difficult to explain, can only be felt. zhanna skvortsova, sergei skripkin, nikita moroz and andrey romanov. vesti, st. petersburg, leningrad
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