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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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once the parents brought their children, they said, you will practice, you will be like uncle misha, well, i think that at that time i could not sit and the winner of the russian figure skating cup, the husband of olympic champion yulia lepnitskaya, vladislav tarasenko, yes , it turns out my father served, that is, he was in afghanistan, i’m a figure skater, as if this is not my network at all, in theory that’s all. well, somehow
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it happened in our family that it’s necessary, it means it’s necessary, what prompted professional athletes to go to the front and how are their combat days going on? figure skater vladislav tarasenko worked with the best russian coaches, first with eterri tutberidze, and then with alexei mishin. and after finishing his sports career, tarasenko himself led a group of children at the evgeni plushenko academy. since the fall of twenty-two, vlad has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction, including participating in repelling the counter-offensive. vladislav tarasenko has been serving in this direction of the front for more than a year and a half. for a professional figure skater, cup winner.
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this is essentially combat duty, so we hold the defense in case of an enemy breakthrough, so we take up positions and simply observe, serve, so we keep our eyes open, that’s how you can call it, that’s essentially our tasks mainly in the event of a breakthrough, we will have to fight back. it took vlad, like all soldiers without combat experience, some time to get comfortable at the front, now tarasenko, his call sign surf, is used to the life of a soldier, that’s all, all the conditions are there, here i seem to be sleeping , here we are... here we eat, there
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we’re cooking outside, as if there’s a tile over there, that’s it, he’s a luxury, luxury conditions, so to speak, it took him a long time to get used to a soldier’s life, a soldier’s life, ah, well, yes, that is, there were, there were some moments, here it was hard to get through all this, when you come here from a small town, let’s say , there really are a lot of, well , a lot of hardships, no, but we were lucky, in fact, we had a chef, a cook, who was mobilized there with us, so he was so kind to us i spoiled him sometimes, so we ate normally. troops vladislav called up as part of partial mobilization in the fall of twenty-two. and in this sense, his story is very similar to the stories of thousands of other mobilized fighters. after receiving the summons, he came home and told his wife that he was going to the front. you come and say, yulia, here’s the summons, i’ll go to war. reaction, well, in general, she saw that... i
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was following this, well, at first, and it seems to me that she already understood, well, she already understood, most likely, that sooner or later i understood it too, we will end up there, uh a summons arrived, well that’s why she didn’t have one reaction, i would say violent, because it was already clear that before this, before mobilization, tarasenko worked as a coach at evgeni plushenko’s academy. and could count on a reservation, but at work he said that he decided to go to fight, everything is fine, how plushenko reacted to the fact that you received a summons and you said that you would go to fight, he said that well, exactly, as if he was sure that’s all , that’s it, well, i’m not exactly sure, all that, he said, yes, yes, that’s right, the summons has arrived, we have to go, he’s like, that’s it, i understand, good luck, as if, he shook hands and... vlad’s mother,
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of course, was worried and is now also worried, his father, a combat veteran, supported his son’s decision, yes, my father, it turns out, served, that is, he was... in afghanistan i was at war, and as if from childhood , my brother and i were brought up quite patriotically, we had a very patriotic upbringing and we watched a lot of military films , of course, well, as boys always do, it’s all really, well, most often boys are interested in wars with friends there in yard and everything else, but i can’t say what it is right from childhood i was so shaped towards this, i’m a figure skater, no matter how... the network, in theory, that’s all, well, somehow it happened in our family that, well, it’s necessary, then it’s necessary, as it were, well, what options, if you’ve been called up, then you have to go, he supported your decision, probably, well, yes, naturally he supported it, because it’s as if he also
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understands, uh, that is, everything, he seems to be on his side too, so yes, he said , where to be careful, i tried to give advice too, well, of course, from myself. as if naturally all parents also worry, but these are not children anywhere, among the mobilized fighters like vlad, there are people of various specialties, but a professional figure skater in the unit is not so much a rarity, but rather exotic, and of course, the servicemen, finding out who the surf was in civilian life, from they raised their eyebrows in surprise, well, yes, they were surprised, they said that i forgot here, well, let's go for fun, teach how to do a sheepskin coat there. all that, well, in short, this is a classic movement, you’re already used to such jokes, well , naturally, yes, that is, well, they can come, teach me how to do it like this, in short, i ’ll do it tomorrow, you, i’ll beat you up, well, something like that, that was the topic, and so how would
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we all get in touch very quickly, that is, we quickly found contact, here we have a very friendly friendly company, a friendly platoon, a friendly squad, that is, we are all among ourselves, well , really, well, it has formed here, that is, as if in this regard, we are all the same here, we all do the same work, the same tasks, so , well, you can say so, brothers, vlad’s figure skating section was given away at 3 years old, and we can say that yumis perasenko spent his entire childhood at the skating rink, studied at the sports school, took lessons in between training sessions, and spent most of his career with vladislav. that’s why it happened that way, i trained there until i was about seven years old, then
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we came, then after that we came to gedza for a tryout, so i had a second coach , she took me, that’s where i trained. for several years now, after that he went to st. petersburg to alexei nikolaevich mishin, he was there for about, about 7 years too, where he trained like that, under his leadership, after so i returned to moscow, that is, i ended my career for a certain period, and so, in fact, already in moscow, about six months later, about a year later, i returned to eridze again, she took me. somehow, too , i trained there for about 2-3 years with her, after that i ended my career again and tried myself, but not for long, in pair skating. after finishing his career, tarasenko decided to become a coach,
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at first he worked with children individually, then he started holding training camps, and it all started happening. coaching is very different from what you saw as an athlete? well, of course. it’s different, that is, with the eyes of an athlete, everything looks different, that ’s what it looks like through the eyes of a coach, and at some point you simply understand that, uh, looking at the children, that you were exactly the same, that is, absolutely exactly the same, absolutely there, for example, i tried to fake it somewhere, not to fake it, well, such moments, they are immediately visible, well, and for you, as a former athlete, it’s much, well, easier to find a common language with young athletes, because you ’ve already walked this path and you, well easier choose certain words there, so that the athlete understands you and what you want from him. vlad trained his group of children at the plushenko academy together with his wife yulia lepnitskaya. yes, we trained together now , she just continued working, that is
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, she now has new trainers there, she recruited trainers there, everything is calm, the whole process is distributed, the work is going on, that’s all, everything is fine, as if it were already on... . they write as if i’m keeping in touch - so naturally i look at it from time to time, and in general , you miss the skating rink and i miss it. the children with whom i worked, and well, this is the only thing, as i already said, that i was kind of inspired by the work, that is , working with the children, and how i wanted to do the best my wife could.
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child, as it were, before these events directly, that’s all, now of course, we communicate, and according to the prism , we maintain communication, when when it exists, as it were, this is how we live now, now is everyday life tarasenka, aka the surf , looks completely different, vlad went through more than a year and a half at the front. a long way, and now, like his colleagues, he is an experienced fighter.
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vlad, of course, remembers his first entry to the line of combat contact very well. the first time you are there, a person, when, for whom, well, it’s always scary, and the first time, well, this is in a triple match, i don’t know how much it will multiply, well, of course, yes, there the first time when you leave, naturally, you react to any rustle, you try your best, well, out of ignorance, that is, to behave like a mouse, but in principle, everyone behaves like a mouse. be careful not to get burned, because they are birds, not birds they can cover, uh, well, we tried, exactly, to minimize all our movements, to minimize unnecessary walking and so on, well , tfu-tfu-tfu, as if everything, thank god, you remember at the moment when it was really scary, yes, of course i remember. a whistle and a burst, that is, we were sitting there with our comrades, we
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were so shaken specifically, a wave penetrated the sternum, so, but even at some certain moment, that is, for a certain fraction of seconds, there was panic there, so , but quickly, as if everyone gathered in a small group, they continued, as it were, what had arrived, at that moment would be on a tank, a tank... worked, threw it over, it turns out to be a canopy, well, they shared such shelling, basically they had uh, that even then the poles worked, well, the poles there are also such a theme that only at the very, very last moment you understand that she’s flying, there’s only a few seconds left to do everything, lie down and hide there, the regiment is 14:30, where vlad serves. a special unit, everyone from the commander to the soldiers, mobilized from moscow and then the northern military district, practically no one had
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combat experience, and here at the front every soldier of the regiment went through the most difficult school and fought studied from scratch. yes, our regiment has a special feature, we are completely, completely mobilized from moscow, all without exception, that’s what i can tell you, i can tell you. that it doesn’t really matter where they were mobilized from, here all the guys showed themselves very worthy, that is, uh, well, that is, in everyone, in all the people we are, in all our comrades, we all seem to be confident in each other, that is, everything works like clockwork, all units, that is, we very much respect and love our commanders, that is , despite the fact that everything is as usual mobilized, that is, they also very quickly , well... got involved in all this and we seem to trust them all very much, that is, we respect them,
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so we are grateful to them. the regiment, where the surf serves last summer, together with other units of our army, took part in repelling the counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces in the zaporozhye direction. well, yes, during the period of the counteroffensive there was a really very difficult time there, that is, our regiment repelled the offensive along with other regiments, that is, heroic regiments. it was a difficult time, that is, they were subjected to shelling and so on, that is, in some areas there were very heavy battles, somewhere there was a little...
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he misses her, of course, i always keep in touch as much as possible, but despite the separation with family and hard combat work, former figure skater ledislav tarasenko, even if there was such an opportunity, would not change his decision to go to the front, if you rewind the time to
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the autumn of twenty-two, given that you had a reservation, well, in fact, you could embroider i went anyway, well, that is the decision had already been made by me, as if i was just waiting for all this to happen, that is, even if you rewind, you don’t regret it, no, i don’t regret it, well, yes, it’s difficult, it can be difficult, but how can a person overcome everything? , if you wanted to, so... no, i would still go anyway, as it were, well, without options, that’s for sure. in the same zaporizhzhya direction, combat missions are now being carried out by the multiple world and european champion in powerlifting, mikhail andryukhin. mikhail is a volunteer; since may last year he has been serving as a machine gunner in the assault group. you are working
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directly at the forefront? yes, when i arrive at the task i go to the front. we go to the front door, everything is simple, well, we have our own specifics here, that’s why we go there periodically, there are units that stand there, mikhail is from serpukhov near moscow, where his sports career started. andryukhin started with weightlifting, trained by his father, an honored coach of russia.
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to study, not to study, well, at that time , it was as if there were children whom i had already trained, but i didn’t go far, then it surfaced a new sport is foam lifting, and it was popping up so actively at that time that i was also offered to compete in competitions, powerlifting - a powerlifting event, which includes squats with a barbell, bench press and deadlift, looking at andryukhin’s complexion, for the most part...
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well, with all the totality, like three titles with a couple of equipment shields in tenge, the world championship, five times i won the european championship in equipment, and i won the world championship without equipment, in 2014 my last performances were in big-time sports, but after that i didn’t go into big sports anymore, the last time.
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to work, well, thanks to, let’s say, this, the fact that i worked at school, i then went to college, this opportunity arose for me in terms of the fact that, well, without education they were already forbidden to work at school, and even though you are honored there master of sports, you have an education, you don’t have the right to work, so off you go. i passed it, of course it’s funny, i went in russian, i passed it, in the city, i’m still here,
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i have my children there, whom i train, they graduated from school here, they’re like, oops, that’s it the whole class, where is this from, where, andryukhin’s thoughts of going to the front as volunteers appeared at the very beginning of the northern military district, but he finally decided to go to fight in...
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so it’s necessary, because, well, how would i, to be honest, how would i i think i have always been an example for people, for children, once
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parents brought their children, i said, you will study, you will be like uncle misha, something else, well, i think that’s what i was at that time. i couldn't sit still because i was in normal human form, enjoy the rolls from the delicious point, caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese, try the caesar roll and other rolls at a tasty spot, or stop by the car for them, sale, where? megamarket font school style. buy a set of notebooks for 179 rubles. megamarket, school style. this is a coffee machine
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the red sun has risen, the time of the alpha bank, the time of the alpha benefit, andryukhin, his call sign physical education teacher, arrived in the zaporozhye direction in may twenty-third, and less than a month later a counter-offensive began in the ssu, the reflection of which the four-time world champion in powerlifting was directly involved in. they threw our tanks there, drove through us
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, everything flew there. exploded, well, after what, two days later we were taken out into the staromirovka, and we were already at the very breakthrough, where the koklovs were planning a breakthrough, so we stood there, i was 12, we were already changing 10 there, you had no combat experience and here you immediately find yourself in the thick of it, in your very first sensations remember, don't.
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we are here for one thing and a military brotherhood is a military brotherhood, it has been developing for generations, and people live and know each other, they help each other from precisely such moments, some people have friends for life in these very places. at first, mikhail andryukhin served under the beginning of commander roto with the call sign altai.
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that's how it was that day.


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