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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 4, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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yes, yes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, but where you need to go. ognipa, soon. in russia. today is railway worker's day, vladimir putin congratulated workers and veterans of the industry. dear friends, today we celebrate railway worker’s day, i want to sincerely congratulate all workers, railway transport veterans, young professionals who have chosen this vocation for themselves on their professional holiday, thank you for your work and.
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the history of russian railways knows there are many examples of labor and military valor, real feats, selfless work for the good of the country. so this year marks 50 years since the start of construction of the baikal-amur mainline. congratulations again. everyone, and above all the participants
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of the legendary construction site, on this significant date. bam, like transip in its time, has become a unique state, national, national project, opening up fundamentally new opportunities for the exploration and development of siberia and the far east, for strengthening the economic potential of the country in in general. these days we see that bam largely defines the global. logistics of the 21st century, russia is developing, moving forward, and a significant role here belongs to railway transport, workers, engineers, track workers, transport builders, specialists from freight and passenger companies, the opening of new global markets, the growth of domestic tourism, the sustainable operation of enterprises, including the defense industry. industrial complex, all this... including your
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merit. now we are faced with the task of further modernizing the eastern training ground bama, transsib. moreover, these highways must work in interconnection in a single logic along the north sea route. with such promising projects as the northern latitudinal railway with access to the arctic port. in general, we need an accelerated expansion of russia’s railway infrastructure on a new one.
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development of the azov-black sea transport direction, organization of the so-called seamless railway communication from the baltic and barints sea to the coast of the persian gulf and the indian ocean. the task is truly large-scale and i am sure thanks to your knowledge, experience, focus on results in the interests of the country, we will definitely solve them. i wish you success, health and prosperity. happy holiday to you and your loved ones. the russian army repelled 10 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. the center, west, east and south groups occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost about 2.0 more soldiers and mercenary officers. three tanks and eight other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as over thirty self-propelled guns, howubs and other guns, mostly american and british polish -made. air defense forces shot down.
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i don’t want to damn it, bent over , zelensky timidly talks about the desire to see russia at the second peace summit, but whether there will be negotiations is undecided, rather divided, now demanding an end to the conflict, now begging for weapons, arguing how ukraine is fighting for survival, i wake up, is it like this, truckers on international flights leave the cordon, abandon their trucks and flee, and those whose shoes are too tight are ready to get rid of them? beauty, i’m still handsome, i haven’t had the operation yet. among gender-specific men 2000 they are saved within the walls of universities, they enroll for the sake of a deferment. we will check and pay attention to this phenomenon very carefully. now the database will give us general indicators
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and we will once again analyze the anomalies that we discover. there are several negative aspects here. there are more and more negative aspects for ukrainians. since august 1 , single fathers have lost their reservation. to the vulnerable group. they kicked me, the next day four young children started beating me,
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they had no right to conscript me, they took me away, i thought that the military registration and enlistment office was just to stop, they said that they paid for me, presumably, according to this scheme , military commissars earned from 100 to 150 monthly.
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elimination of the consequences of a gas explosion in a residential building, vladimir putin reported by phone that the search and rescue operation was completed. o governor of the sverlovsk region. evgeniy kuyvyshev said that thanks to the coordinated work of rescuers , 16 people were rescued from the rubble. the examination will be completed by august 11, then they will decide whether or not the building can be restored. august 1, as a result gas explosion killed 10 people. today is trump day in nizhny tagil. a state of emergency at the republican level was introduced in buryat due to heavy downpours, several roads were blocked, including a section of the baikal federal highway, seven bridges were damaged, and the khankhalkhaloy reservoir began to overflow the dam. about the consequences
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ilya koshlyunov. where a small stream ran, a large river now rages. heavy rains. the reason for the release of large waters, which blocked the only path to the village of gorkhon. the water began to rise in the morning, literally for one hour it completely flooded this road, and now traffic on it is closed. there is a state traffic police post at the entrance. 1,200 people were left without the opportunity to travel outside their home village, and electricity and water supply also disappeared, but this issue was temporarily resolved. we ran out of bottled water in our stores, but we organized a well and connected a power plant. there is no threat of flooding for houses and garden plots in gorkhon, which cannot be said about the neighbors. so that there is no water, yeah, now. knee in ulusi dorkhit, local residents barely managed to lift the equipment and even save their loved ones, well
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, first of all, you began to save the equipment, we see , yes, there is a refrigerator on the table, equipment, relatives, an old grandmother, wait, not only household property was under water, but greenhouses and vegetable gardens, now we’ll have to forget about this year’s harvest, in the greenhouse there’s water everywhere, there’s water everywhere underground, here there ’s water everywhere, there people have even worse conditions, and people really found themselves cut off on a small piece of land, right? moment the rain stopped, but the flow of water is still strong, it cut off several houses, as you can see, behind me there are people who are waiting for the ministry of emergency situations to evacuate. in total , 10 people were evacuated from the disaster zone in the zaegraevsky district, including two children, all of whom were taken to temporary accommodation centers. those who stayed at home took up shovels. i want to encourage people to start digging everything. in vlinsk, strong streams washed away a bridge, and a bus with volunteers got stuck right in the rapid current not far from the village. shabura, in the muharshibir region the dam failed pressure began to overflow. nature tested
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not only the nerves of people, but also the readiness of local authorities for such situations. while it is impossible to carry out any measures, because the water is flowing, we won’t do anything right now, we won’t do anything. in the meantime, a state of emergency has been introduced in the zaigraevsky district. our trans-siberian embankment is under threat, the railway workers are already in place, strengthening the embankment. water level monitoring. continues, after she leaves, a commission will begin work that will determine the damage and the first victims will begin to receive compensation. ilya koshvinov, alexander lubsanov, lead buryatia. similar problems in transbaikalia. due to heavy rains, two rivers overflowed their banks. powerful flows even carried away several cars from the buildings. 45 residential buildings and a school were flooded. some residents were taken to a temporary accommodation center. protests against migrants are taking place in thirty cities in britain after
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an attack on children by a native of an african family, he killed three girls and injured 10 people, this is what the government is doing - anton dadykin found out. in liverpool, manchester and hull demonstration. escalated into a clash with the police, there were casualties on both sides, crowds of angry british people smashed shops that they believed belonged to migrants, and also beat up passers-by. the ministry of internal affairs put rapid response forces at each police station on high alert in advance and formed mobile special forces groups. representatives of local authorities are trying to calm everyone down. the dominant minority with its disgusting behavior in no way represents the population
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our region. i'm shocked, i'm horrified by what i saw. violence, vandalism is not a way to express protest, it is a crime, and it has nothing to do with mourning the loss of the innocent children of southport. these crowds do not think about the feelings of the families of the victims. the reason for the unrest was the massacre in saltport at a children's dance group. a seventeen-year-old boy stabbed three girls, eight more children and two adults were injured. to stop rumors that the criminal was an illegal migrant, the british authorities broke the law and exposed him personality. this didn't help much because, as it turned out, axel rudokubana's parents were refugees from rwanda. the guy's motives are still unknown; labor prime minister keir starmer promised to increase spending on psychological assistance, hinting that the killer may be insane. conservatives, which just now. thrown out of power, immediately attacked their competitors and demanded that members of parliament be recalled from vacation. the government risks
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not being able to cope with these events and cannot keep them under control. it's time for reflection and solidarity at the national level to stop the wave of violence clearly without fear or prejudice, to condemn it in parliament with a united front. this is why parliament must meet immediately. but the conservatives themselves are largely to blame for these problems. it was under them that the country essentially began. controlled entry of migrants. in addition, prisons are overcrowded, and there is no money in the budget for new ones. labor is even considering the possibility of releasing about 10,000 criminals early. so large-scale amnesty. can only worsen the situation on the streets of british cities. i am concerned not only by the events in southport, but also by the social decline in our country. law and order are regularly violated. the current prime minister does not say a word, how to fix this? it’s time to show toughness, conduct arrests and searches regardless of skin color,
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and tighten prison sentences for stabbing. it's time to face reality. otherwise, what we have seen in recent days on the street.
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news from the middle east is becoming increasingly alarming in anticipation of a retaliatory strike iran to israel. after the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, was killed in tehran, the authorities of the islamic republic blamed the jewish state for this, claiming that haniyeh was killed by a short-range shell. they refuted the version of the western press about a bomb explosion in the residence. the islamic revolutionary guard corps promised to punish the organizers of the murder (quote) at the appropriate time and in an appropriate manner. the wall street journal reports: iran refuses to negotiate through arab mediators, but the states deployed additional forces to defend israel. in berlin, thousands of people
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demonstrated for peace and... against arms supplies to ukraine. during the march , they called on the scholz government to stop and not drag germany into military conflicts. he believes that first of all, the chancellor must cope with the economic crisis, which was caused by the implementation of washington’s plans to destroy the independence of europe. several demonstrators were arrested. olympic sadists, this is how social networks reacted to the request of head mock thomas bach, explain to him what a woman is after the scandal with the brutal beating of female boxers. the olympic committee allowed transgender people into the ring, who, by the way, consider ukrainians their idols. about the madness of the parisian games natalya goncharova. who
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is linyutin? this question is asked by the british on the bone. analyzing the figure of the main character of the latest news about the gender dispute at the olympics. journalists are trying to mold the taiwanese athlete into a fighter for gender equality, creating a beautiful success story. the coach told me: can you imagine that you are participating in the olympics, he said that my dream depends on how strong my heart is, how much i can go beyond my limits. yutin is a fan of the ukrainian boxer vasily lomachenko, who failed the gender test at the women's world championship, then in 2019 the judges removed her from the competition due to a clear physiological advantage over her rivals. now yutin, as they say, has fallen into the western trend of transgender people; she was allowed to reach the 1/4 finals in boxing at the olympics. and the mok who approves of the disqualification of athletes based on nationality; in the case, yutin speaks
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of justice. the age of athletes is determined by their passport. everyone. yutin's friend and ring colleague, algeria kamanhiliv, is also at the center of the scandal. she easily knocked out or knocked out her opponent from the tournament. she abandoned the fight 46 seconds after it began. the entire internet is arguing about algerian gender. iman looks like a man and failed the hormone test. she, like yutin, was not previously allowed to compete with women. why were they allowed to enter the ring? and gave the journalists a photo of, as he claims, little iman. iman was a little girl who loved sports from the age of 6. she used to play football. these rumors are aimed at
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destabilizing the situation so that she does not become champion. the olympics in paris, as western media write, may become a record for the number of scandals. the opening ceremony with transgender people is an insult to the feelings of believers, but emmanuel macron said that the french are proud of the opening ceremony in paris, that... water sports in the hay, however, they did this rather in spite of it. first, in paris , the courts were able to organize competitions in unbearable heat, the orange danger level
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meant that the number of pathogenic bacteria was growing, and now the triathlon training was canceled due to a storm warning. the main danger is that when it rains along with sewage, dirt gets into the hay, then all the efforts of the organizers to clean it may come to naught, but it could... the olympic triathlon tournament in the hay was sensational, or better yet, sensational. whether the competition will take place will become clear soon; in 5 days the open water swimming competition will take place. natalya goncharova, lead. a subsurfing festival, one of the largest in the world, took place in st. petersburg. more than 10 thousand participants from different countries sailed through the historical center. most are in original costumes. about a holiday on the water, dmitry akimov.
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this year's fountain kasap festival once again proves st. petersburg, among other things, the russian capital of this sport. there are so many participants at the start that you can’t see the water under the boards. it really became such a national holiday, in fact, what we wanted. now we can safely say that whoever didn’t stand his ground has never seen st. petersburg. of course, everything begins on earth, so that the athletes can prepare for the swim, a huge town was built here, because the number of participants this year is more than 10 thousand people, river carnival participants and fans along the embankments right on the water, stand-up comedians energize and entertain me, i’m not afraid to be on the water, i know how to swim, if i fall, it’s possible.
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even more, they sailed from the shore, everyone stood up that there would be 50 rowers, but the result was on their feet and stood on
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their feet for more than one minute, which was the record. 3, 2, the gazpromneft team's substructure is so large that you can walk on it. there are two rowing teams here at once, one actually rows, the second rests, it was set up here for them. have already been arranged in tyumen and yekaterinburg in turn to rostov-nadon, but with a locomotive the northern capital remains the development of this sport in the country. from st. petersburg, this summer is with
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literally! a few days ago , the russian federation’s presidency of the united nations security council ended. the russian representative to the united nations, vasily nebendia, took the chair on july 1. thank you very much for taking the time out of your schedule, here we are now in this famous security council chamber.
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the impression remains.


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