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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 4, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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[000:00:31;00] vladimir putin congratulated the road worker on the holiday of workers and veterans. the president recalled large-scale plans for the development of railway communication. this includes the construction of high-speed highways between russian cities and the creation of international transport corridors. we need an accelerated expansion of russia's railway infrastructure at a new technological level. using the most advanced developments. and
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here we must proceed not only from. needs of today, but create a foundation for the future for decades to come, this is exactly how our great ancestors thought and worked, so our agenda includes the construction of high-speed highways in conjunction with a central transport hub, the creation of international logistics corridors, the development of the azov-black sea transport direction, the organization of the so -called seamless... railway communications from the baltic and barin sea to the coast of the persian gulf and the indian ocean. the tasks are truly large-scale and i am sure, thanks to your knowledge, experience, focus on results in the interests of the country, we will definitely solve them. the russian army repelled 10 attacks in the ssu. the center, west, east and south groups occupied more advantageous
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positions. zelensky’s formation has also been lost. the tank has been replenished with ammunition and is heading to a closed firing position, which is located about 5 km from the line of combat contact. always in groups, on the line of combat contact in pairs, the crew works in the artyomovsk direction. the commander with the call sign yerevan tells us about the details of the breakthrough across the line of combat contact. at
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the industrial zone we enter the route we pass. tank mines at the headquarters began to be fired at the tip, a distance of 200 m, it was even closer, a shot, the tankers of the southern group of troops returned to their base without losses, while the completely spent ammunition was replenished for lunch, bread, and wheat, there is time, we can make pizza, no they have never said that the bread was tasteless, everyone likes it, everyone thanks it. here in the blindage there is also a fully equipped unit from the rear of the group of forces to the west, laundry. the artillerymen of the central military district work together with the tankers, constantly maintaining contact. malka self-propelled artillery batteries are deployed in one of the forest belts. this is how
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they equip cars themselves. not only closed firing positions, but also places for replenishing ammunition. the reconnaissance forces of the center group of troops work both on the front line and behind enemy lines. it is from them that the artillerymen receive the coordinates of the most important targets at any given moment. 81 48 81. today they are hitting self-propelled batteries gaubette made in germany. rolled out, started working, hit with the third shot, finished off with the fourth, first we burned it, and then he toned it, the fewer of them there are, the faster our boys and infantry will pass, buildings, fortifications, any dugouts, we hit sevens, for any other guns,
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they give you the target, work everything out, send it. artillerymen from the troop center group provide 24/7 support for the advance of assault groups in the avdeevsky direction. shot. this is the volyn region, where residents could not stand even several dozen people they are trying to storm tsk, where they are holding those whom the regime intends to transfer to the front line. there are no people willing to voluntarily fight for zelensky’s dictatorship. kiev even began
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to fight with its own military commissars, allowed to break the established corruption scheme, but, for example, the police were allowed to admit that in ternopil the military commissars were involved in racketeering, kidnapped men, tortured and demanded tens of thousands. hryvnia for deferment from the front. this is happening all over the country. about how zelensky turned ukrainians into real ones slaves margarita semenyuk. a little more on the front line, the russian military will probably meet the camel cavalry. animals, unfortunately, do not have armor, unlike breeders. tck employees are trying to catch gorbatov. let's go, let's go, let's go, whatever you want, damn it. zelensky, bent over,
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timidly talks about desire. among gender-specific men, 2000 are saved within the walls of universities, enrolling for the sake of a deferment. we will check very carefully and pay attention to this phenomenon. now the database will give us general indicators and we will once again let's analyze the anomalies that we find. there are several negative aspects here. there are more and more negative aspects for ukrainians. since august 1 , single fathers have lost their armor, and students who have not even reached
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the mobilization age, that is, twenty, have now been added to the vulnerable groups. it’s time for ukraine: the man remains a civilian, the military commissars will go to jail. margarita semenyuk, natalya uvarova, news! well , in the meantime, ukraine stopped the transit of oil from russia to hungary and slovakia. by
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in agreement with the european union. the illegal actions were coordinated by brussels, hungarian foreign minister peter sijárka said. he emphasized that in this way the eu is trying to punish budapest, since hungary - quote, despite powerful pressure. does not give up and continues its policy aimed at establishing peace. as a result, hungary lost a third, and slovakia almost half of its oil imports, and ukraine thus violated the association agreement with the european union, but in order to harm russia, european officials turned a blind eye to this. with dozens of unguided missiles were launched into lebanese territory towards israel, as the times of israel newspaper reports; the iron dome air defense system intercepted most of them. but several of the rockets fell on the territory of northern israel. before this,
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idf fighters attacked military targets of the lebanese hezbollah movement. the situation in the middle east is extremely tense. in anticipation of massive retaliatory attacks by iran or hezbollah on israel. after the head of the hamas politburo was killed in tehran. about the situation, my colleagues, sergey pashkov and alexander belibov. israeli tanks operate in gaza, in the center of the south. at the same time, artillery and aviation are working on the northern borders of the country, only today a message came about the liquidation of a high-ranking hesbalah field commander in southern lebanon. at dawn on saturday , five pro-hamas militants were killed in the town of tulkarom in samaria while driving a car to carry out a terrorist attack. the country is awaiting the main dramatic event, a massive, combined strike by missiles and drones from iran, yemen and
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lebanon. has developed into a wider regional conflict, the best way to do this is to conclude
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a ceasefire agreement. while us navy warships are approaching the possible war zone. the aircraft carrier abraham lincoln is heading to the middle east. israel has again sent a negotiating team to cairo to resuscitate a deal with hamas on the terms of a ceasefire in gaza. more and more heavy israeli military equipment is being pulled towards the borders of rafah. all. the day before the chief of the general staff inspected it. military pressure on hamas militants in gaza the tsakhal unit operating in gaza coupled with the liquidation of the group’s leaders, in the opinion of the command, will force the islamists to be more accommodating. our message to the entire middle east this week. we are willing to go far and know how to put in a lot of effort
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to gather very accurate intelligence, strike, kill and also take risks. the home-delivered revenge promised by iran and the lebanese group hezbollah may, according to some forecasts, take place as early as this weekend. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. here. such footage was broadcast by iranian tv channels all evening the night before, but the large-scale war shown in this video has not yet happened, and although 72 hours have long passed during which iran, as previously reported, could strike israel, tension and nervousness in the middle east the east has not become smaller. meanwhile, supreme leader of iran ayatallah ali khaminiy made the following statement today. it is now more important to eliminate the causes of a security breach than to rush to a location because murders.
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it seems that there really were security problems when receiving a high-ranking guest, regional media write, reporting that about 20 people have already been detained in tehran, both from among the staff of the guest house where haniyeh stayed, and among the officers of the islamic revolutionary guard corps who were in charge for a vip guest. the ksir itself, which is tasked with investigating the incident, today reported new information about the attack, which resulted in the death of the head of the hamas politburo. according to the investigation, the terrorist operation was carried out by launching a short-range projectile with a warhead weighing about 7 kg. responsibility for what happened in iran is placed on israel, while they say that tel aviv could not act independently without at least approval from washington. therefore , it is possible that american military bases in the region may come under retaliation for the murder of the hanei. we can talk about the contingents that are in syria and iraq. pro-iranian
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formations in the territory. is already part of iran's answer to stall for time the hope that the enemy’s vigilance will weaken only then to attack, this already happened in april of this year, when after tel aviv’s attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. the missiles flew towards israel only 2 weeks later. alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov and timofey mukhin. middle east news. russian roman seleznev, who returned to his homeland as a result of a prisoner exchange, said that he was almost killed several times in american prisons. in total, 10 people were returned to russia.
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the western press calls this a tough success the position of vladimir putin, who forced the united states and germany to agree to russian conditions. anna voronina talks about this. russia does not abandon its own. such a clear message. western journalists could not miss it as part of the exchange. putin has conveyed a clear, morale-boosting message to his security forces: that if you are caught, russia will bring you home, that those working abroad will receive maximum protection, and that if they are arrested , the state will fight to bring them back. for putin, those who returned to russia are real heroes, patriots who worked defended by the state. for the united states, as analysts note, the exchange is more of a show for the public to earn political points. the release of men and women is a success for the west, especially for us president joe biden's negotiators, the return of the famous journalist grishkovich, could help democrats in matters of public opinion ahead of
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the november presidential election. however, it is not only the american authorities who are trying to earn points both within the country and in the international arena. very difficult to conquer trusting other security services to share information, but gaining respect is even more difficult. we have gained trust and respect. two states were very important, germany and slovenia. it was difficult for germany to free the killer. it was difficult for slavenia to hand over two spies; we had no one to exchange them with. the german authorities, having demonized vadim krasikov for so long in the local press for eliminating the terrorist, are now trying with all their might to justify themselves to the public. between russia, belarus and a number of western countries a very delicate dilemma. federal minister of the interior nancy feiser noted that this was a very difficult decision. defense minister boris pistorius hailed the prisoner exchange
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as a success of negotiations and called for realism. at the same time, german politicians emphasize that a successful exchange is a good sign, which means it is possible to negotiate with russia. they prefer to keep silent about the fact that moscow was always open to them. it is a great success of diplomacy that it has now become possible to free many german and other western european citizens from conclusions in russia. in any case, the deal shows that it is possible to negotiate, to enter into negotiations with the russian state, even with the russian aggressor, on issues where it also has its own interests. ultimately the goal is to achieve peace. such conversations, in turn, raise concerns. in ukraine, as the washington post writes, in kiev they fear that now the west, primarily the united states, may begin secret negotiations with russia on the ukrainian conflict, without the participation of ukraine itself. anna voronin, news. the us presidential candidates, donald trump and kamala haris, cannot yet
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agree on a date for the debate. trump proposed holding them on september 4 on the fox news channel, and in front of a packed auditorium in pennsylvania, one of... kharis’ headquarters was not happy with this option, well, after which the former us president wrote on social networks that kharis, i quote, has no mental abilities, to have a real debate, she can't speak properly without a teleprompter, and biden has an extremely low iq. emergency mode a republican-level situation was introduced in buryatia due to heavy downpours,
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several roads were blocked. this road is now closed to traffic; there is a state traffic police post at the entrance. 1,200 people were left without the opportunity to travel outside their home village, and electricity and water supply were lost, but this issue was temporarily resolved. we ran out of bottled water in our stores, but we organized a well and connected a power plant. there is no threat of flooding for houses and household plots in gorkhon, which you can’t say about your neighbors that there won’t be water. yeah, now it's knee-deep. in the ulus of dorkhit , local residents barely had time to lift the equipment and even save their loved ones, well, first of all, you began to save the equipment, we see, yes, there is a refrigerator on the table. not only household property was under water, but also greenhouses and vegetable gardens, now
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we will have to forget about this year’s harvest, in the greenhouse there is water everywhere, in the underground there is water, here there is water everywhere, there people have even worse conditions, and indeed people found themselves cut off on a small piece of land. at the moment the rain has stopped, but the flow the water is still strong, it has cut off several houses, as you can see, behind me there are people who are waiting for the ministry of emergency situations to evacuate. in total , 10 people were evacuated from the disaster zone in the zaygraevsky district, two of them were children, all of them were taken to temporary accommodation centers, while those who remained at home took up shovels. i want to encourage people to start digging everything. the navlinsky strong stream washed away the bridge, the bus with the workers got stuck right in the stormy current near the village of shabur, in the muharshibir district the dam could not withstand the pressure and began overflow nature tested not only the nerves of people, but also the readiness of local authorities for such things. situations where it is impossible to carry out any measures, because water is not added, not poured, nothing, we won’t do that now. in the meantime,
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a state of emergency has been introduced in the zaigraevsky district. we are under threat of erosion, the trans-siberian embankment, the railway workers are already in place, strengthening the embankment. monitoring of the water level continues, after it goes away, a commission will begin work that will determine damage and the first victims will begin to receive compensation. ilya kashlinov, alexander lubsanov. news, buryatia. similar problems in transbaikalia. due to heavy rains, two rivers overflowed their banks. powerful flows even carried away several cars from the buildings. 45 residential buildings and a school were flooded. some residents were moved to a temporary accommodation facility. protests against migrants took place in thirty cities in britain after an attack on children by a person from an african family. he stabbed and wounded three girls. 10 people, what is the government doing?
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anton dadekin found out. in liverpool, manchester and hull, demonstrations have escalated into clashes with the police, there are casualties on both sides, crowds of angry britons are destroying shops that they believe belong to migrants, and also beating passers-by. the ministry of internal affairs put rapid response forces at each police station on high alert in advance and formed mobile special forces groups. representatives of local authorities are trying to calm everyone down. a riotous minority with its disgusting behavior is in no way represents the population of our region. i'm shocked, i'm horrified by what i saw. violence, vandalism is not a way to express protest, it is a crime, and it
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has nothing to do with mourning the loss of the innocent children of southport. these crowds do not think about the feelings of the families of the victims. the cause for unrest was the massacre in southport at a children's dance club. a seventeen-year-old boy stabbed three girls, eight more children and two adults were injured. to stop rumors that the criminal is an illegal migrant, the uk authorities went to... control, the time has come for reflection and solidarity at the national level to stop the wave of violence clearly without fear or
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prejudice, to condemn it with a united front in parliament, which is why parliament must meet immediately. but the conservatives themselves are largely to blame for these problems; it was under them that the essentially uncontrolled import of migrants into the country began. in addition, prisons are overcrowded, and there is no money in the budget for new ones. labor is even considering the possibility of releasing about 10,000 people early. such a large-scale amnesty can only worsen the situation on the streets of british cities. i am concerned not only by the events in southport, but also by the social decline in our country. law and order are regularly violated. the current prime minister doesn't say a word about how to fix this. it's time to show toughness and conduct arrests and searches regardless of skin color. tighten prison sentences for stabbings. it's time to face reality. otherwise. and what we have seen in recent days on the streets of hartelpool, london, southport will not compare with what will happen in
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the next few weeks. the british telegraph published. kallash, in which the prime minister falls into a giant funnel of problems. the government is now trying, well, at least to tighten the screws, as for all those people who go out into the streets, yes, they are intimidated there with serious deadlines, they are intimidated, i don’t know, not by social networks, they will just agree, they will fight, they will install what a rather strict censorship in relation to any protest actions, but it is clear that people have a question, what is this some kind of story with two-way traffic, on the one hand, yes , people, people who can destroy some police stations there, of course, probably, some kind of criminal measures should be taken against them, but at the same time it’s strange that the government seems to be doing nothing, that concerns migration issues there, that is, by the fall we may well get such, well , really not displeasure, british politicians are again trying to blame this entire crisis on russia, moscow is blamed for almost all the problems of the united kingdom, from the migrant crisis to
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impoverishment of the population. anton dadykin, news! we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels - all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and
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documentaries. look, look in the app or on the website, beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need it, ohnipa, soon! august 1 is the day of remembrance of russian soldiers who died in the first world war, in many ways, it was thanks to them that france and
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great britain were able to win. marshal of france and supreme leader of the entente forces on the western front in 1918 , ferdinand foch wrote: “if france was not erased from the map of europe, then we owe this primarily to russia.” sir winston churchill also wrote that brusilov's victory in 1916 provided an important service to france and especially italy. even in the summer of 1917, after the fall of the tsar. the kerinsky government was still trying to organize an offensive to help the common cause. this russian restraint was the most important factor in our successes, right up to the entry of the united states into the war. however , all this did not prevent western partners from forgetting russia’s services as soon as the opportunity presented itself. they don’t remember this in the west


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