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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 4, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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hello, this is the senate program, i, gennady krylov and my colleagues, now we will talk about new laws and how they become. part of our life. key events in the federation council over the past week, right now. the spring session in the federation council has come to an end, valentina matvienko spoke about the priorities in the work of senators. much attention was paid to creating conditions for the rehabilitation and restoration of our military personnel. respect laws and traditions, let's discuss what russia's migration policy should be. it's important that we clearly fully realized that...
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migrants, as many say, yes, are not going anywhere. working on mistakes, what laws in the field of education were adopted in the spring session. scientific expertise is needed in our school textbooks today. the future of mortgages, the head of the central bank told when housing loans will become available again. mortgage rates are bound to go down. fines for violators on scooters, how is the work progressing? from the federation bed the law on agricultural aggregators to the counter with a minimum markup was approved by the council a new system of relationships between the farmer and a large trading network has emerged. black gold of astrakhan, how the region’s fishing industry and aquaculture are developing in russia.
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in the third year, our enterprises supplied 23 tons to the market. the spring session of 2024 in the federation council has ended. at the final plenary session, the chamber approved more than a hundred laws. almost a quarter of them were developed by senators. in the coming days , the documents will be signed by the president, then all that remains is to wait for them to come into force. traditionally, the results of work for six months in at the end of the plenary session , the chairman of the federation council summed up. valentina matvienko noted that the current session coincided with the beginning of a new six-year political course. president vladimir putin set the main tasks for the development of the country until 2030 to the federal assembly in his message. and the federation council energetically carries out these instructions from the head of state. 44 laws have already been adopted. interaction with the new cabinet of mikhail mishustin is also developing positively, noted valentina matvienko. we have proven again that... our strength
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in teamwork, we are all in one party, the party of regions in one team, the president’s team. not a single law approved by the federation council and submitted for signature by the president should infringe one bit on the rights and powers of the regions; this is our special responsibility, and this is one of the priorities of our work of the chamber of regions. this year the number of senators. bill was a record-breaking one, colleagues, this trend needs to be continued, among the approved laws, increasing social guarantees for single parents, strengthening social support for disabled children, in addition, we supported changes aimed at improving the higher education system, approved the indexation of pensions for working pensioners, more details:
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we will tell you about the agenda of the final plenary meeting a little later, but for now to the press conference of valentina matvienko, which she held on thursday and where she noted the key trends in legislative activity in the first half of the year. report by our special correspondent, alexey mak. in the hall where parliamentary hearings are held, discussions important for the country legislative initiatives, this time journalists, the head of the chamber of regions valentin matvienko immediately succinctly describes the results of the spring session of the federation council. priority to completing orders. president from his address to the federal assembly, in the first place is social support for russians, primarily for participants in the special operation and family members of our fighters. much attention was paid to creating conditions for rehabilitation, restoration of our military personnel, for their care, benefits, starting there from loans and kindergarten schools. according to the speaker of the council the federation has now created in russia the best system of comprehensive support for caring for military personnel in the world.
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also, according to her, concerns the support of families with children, the close attention of the state to their problems, especially in the target year of the family, in addition...
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spoke about new benefits, for example, at the initiative of senators, pregnancy benefits for women dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization will not be lower than the subsistence level; previously this amount barely exceeded 900 rubles. social support issues were discussed at a recent meeting of the council of the chamber of the council federation with prime minister mikhail mishustin. a list of instructions has been issued, in your opinion, and you are satisfied with its content, it reflects the important expectations of the senators, and some questions after our meeting. the deadline for the execution of instructions is only a few months; the list includes proposals
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from senators on the development of sectors of the economy and support for regions with low incomes; the topic of organizing children's recreation is not left aside; it is under the special control of the federation council; it is necessary to highlight the development of this area... billion rubles, parliamentarians believe. by the way, it was valentina matvienko who proposed the project for the reconstruction of children's health camps; another item of instructions was to improve the vocational training system. there is an acute shortage of workers in the country, so it is necessary to attract migrants. it is necessary in the cis countries, we know which cis countries have excess resources, to organize special courses to prepare such citizens for work. answering a question about the principles of the country’s migration policy, valentina motvenko noted: that here we need to rely on the economic needs of the state, among other things, but actively fight against illegal immigrants and corruption. i believe that corruption in this area should be equated with the most serious crime;
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this is unacceptable. this is where law enforcement agencies should work. at the final press conference, we touched upon issues of international cooperation between russia, including in the economy. expansion in trade markets is gradually decreasing, valentin matvienko noted, and the brix alliance also contributes to this, at a parliamentary forum association in st. petersburg, the speaker of the federation council voiced the idea of ​​​​creating a new payment system, bricks bridge. now, according to her, she is already in a good stage of preparation. i hope that the system created by brix will become a model, an example to which not only the brix countries, but also many other countries will connect, continuing the international one.
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to tighten migration policy, we are talking about expanding the grounds for deprivation of acquired citizenship, as well as the obligation of foreigners to undergo procedures biometrics, fingerprinting, digital registration, place of work and residence, the need to urgently bring order to migration policy is recognized at the highest level,
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so we are expecting new laws in this area in the near future. one of them has already been approved at the final plenary meeting of the spring session of the federation council since 2000. twenty-fifth year , for foreigners who violated the rules of stay in russia, an expulsion regime is introduced, and law enforcement agencies will be able to apply such a sanction without a court decision. in addition, violators will be prohibited... buy apartments, transport in our country, obtain a driver's license, register a business, open bank accounts and transfer money. we spoke in more detail about the innovation with the chairman of the federation council committee on constitutional legislation and state building, andrei klishes. andrey aleksandrovich, how will the new law help restore order in the migration sphere and resolve the issue of illegal migration? well, since you say it will help restore order, apparently you are proceeding from that. this there is no order, and in general you are not far from the truth, if we talk with our citizens,
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we will see that, of course, people are very concerned about the migration issue, but the purpose of these restrictions is precisely to create conditions when being in the country as an illegal immigrant becomes as uncomfortable as possible, and this is due to the fact that the ability to open a bank is limited. it is illegal here , there are quite a lot of bills related to the field of migration currently being considered in parliament,
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how are senators involved in this work and what maybe you would highlight a priority bill? there is no one priority bill here, the logic of parliamentarians is important, it is important that we clearly understand that migrants, as many say, yes, are not going anywhere, the peculiarity of our economy is such that we have a shortage of jobs.
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constantly close the monetary spheres in the economy, there are still quite a lot of them,
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migrants, in particular, who are illegally on the territory of the russian federation, they create various kinds of enclaves, try live by your own law, there is a huge turnover of unaccounted funds, well , let's remember, for example, the situation with the illegal delivery of alcohol on the internet, any of you can order alcohol on your smartphone, it seems that we are all saying that this is illegal, but try it, order it, they will bring it to you anywhere, we are located 10 minutes from the kremlin, there will be no problem, they will bring it to you to the federation council, to the state duma, to the ministry of internal affairs.
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i mean control how migrants behave, even just on our streets, because this very often outrages citizens, we see many examples when migrants impose their standards of behavior in clothing and in other matters on our citizens, this is absolutely unacceptable, in general, it seems to me the approach should be the following: we do not need to create any special codes for migrants, or formulate these codes for them. or rules of conduct, you and i have a criminal administrative code, we have labor legislation, there will be it is enough if migrants simply obey the laws that apply in the russian federation, both federal and regional. this is the senate program, see below. work on mistakes. what laws in the field of education were adopted in the spring session.
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scientific expertise is needed in our school textbooks today. the future of mortgages, the head of the central bank told when housing loans will become available again. mortgage rates are bound to go down. fines for violators on scooters, how is work progressing on the long-awaited bill. kicksharing companies, at a minimum, should perhaps conduct some kind of tests on knowledge of traffic rules . from the garden to the counter with a minimum markup, the federation council approved the law on '. aggregators have created a new system of relationships between a farmer and a large retail chain. black gold insurance, how is the regional fishing industry and aquaculture developing in russia? in 2023, our enterprises supplied 23 caviar to the market. let's return to the main topic of our program,
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the final plenary session of the spring sessions in the federation council. senators approved more than 100 laws, including none. vladimir putin’s initiative to give families the balance of maternity capital if it does not exceed 10,000 rubles. the same law provides for a provision by which pensioners over 80 years of age and disabled people of the first group will receive an additional 1,200 rubles. the payment will be assigned without an application. also , without a declaration, participants in a special military operation will be awarded a monthly cash payment or edv. this is a measure of support that is due to various categories of beneficiaries. for veterans. their actions now such a payment is 4,200 rubles. in russia, a limit has been set on the number of sim cards that one subscriber has the right to issue: 20 per russian citizen and 10 per foreigner. the approved law should combat fraudsters; they register themselves with hundreds of numbers in order to evade justice. an interesting amendment was added to the second reading: it obliges bloggers
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, channel owners, messengers to transfer information about themselves to roskomnadzor if more than 10 thousand people are subscribed to them. in case of refusal, the anonymous author of the channel will not be able to legally advertise or receive donations. to bring order to the field of blogging there must be a law on so-called trash streams. these are live broadcasts on the internet, the authors of which make money from the audience’s interest in violence, cruelty and humiliation of others. the document introduces the very concept of trash streaming into the legal field, as well as fines and criminal liability for those who impose them. another long-awaited law is the ban on the sale of energy drinks. adult. the harm of these drinks especially for children’s bodies, doctors have proven. the law also gives regions the right to limit the place and time of sale of energy drinks. the examination of textbooks will be carried out with the participation of the russian academy of sciences. senators also approved this law at the plenary session. the purpose of the document is to create a reliable system for evaluating
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educational materials so that schoolchildren have access to scientifically based knowledge. read more about this initiative, as well as the results. right, when the role of scientific knowledge doubles almost every 5 years, of course, scientific expertise is necessary today for our school textbooks, work programs, from... you know, this is not only about the quality of textbooks, but in general about improving the quality of the education system in our country. what other laws would you highlight from the spring session?
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i can’t help but note one more law, we discussed it on our broadcasts, very long-awaited, interesting, about the so-called orphan works. today we have legislated the possibility of compensated use of such works, but i would like to talk about the law on patent attorneys in new regions. it turned out to be very rich if we talk about the main directions, but first of all, when we talk about achieving technological sovereignty, when new production facilities are opening in the regions today,
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the inclusion of regions in the scientific and technological agenda is very important for us, as for the relevant committee. in this regard , i cannot help but say that a pilot project is being implemented quite successfully today, when in each region we have responsibility for the scientific and technological agenda, already 20 regions prepared their programs taking into account regional specifics, but with a focus on federal tasks, of course, it remained important for us to develop issues of inter-parliamentary diplomacy, in this regard , i cannot help but mention the eleventh forum of regions of russia belarus, where our committee very successfully held two sections, one of them was devoted to the scientific agenda of interuniversity cooperation, the other to issues of our humanitarian...
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what are the difficulties, how much additional funds are needed, well, the second, as you said, homework concerns objects cultural heritage, the committee is doing a lot of
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work in this direction with the relevant departments, we have developed such an algorithm of action, firstly, in each region we need to carry out an inventory of such objects, understand how we are moving, what is needed in terms of changing the legislative framework, and more in addition, we go to the autumn session... and someone even manages to make money from it, there are such people. the only problem is that the cryptocurrency itself, and its mathematical generation, is the very same mining. it is still illegal in russia. against such shady
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the central bank has long and consistently acted as a financial asset. but even he gave in under the pressure of circumstances. russia's international payments in conventional currencies have been greatly complicated in recent months due to secondary sanctions. we simply have nothing to pay our foreign partners with. cryptocurrency will help solve this problem. rules for using new assets. council for the development of the financial market at the chamber of regions. together with senators, representatives of federal subjects, banks and the real sector of the economy, they discussed monetary policy in the country, and the same cryptocurrency, inflation, preferential mortgages. our special correspondent alina maksimova looked into what financial course russia is pursuing. in the fight against inflation , it is necessary to pursue a balanced policy.
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the central bank increases the cost of money, encouraging people not to spend, to save, and this is the right tactic, valentina matvienko is sure. at the moment, it can be argued that despite high rates, lending has not fallen, as many feared; on the contrary, it continues grow, the profits of enterprises also grow, and this is an important source for the influx of funds into the real sector of the economy. increased flow of money into the economy today. the main task of the state is to convince people and enterprises to invest in the long term, and to convince them not with nice words, but with benefits and subsidies, among them the federation council identifies priority measures, for example, strengthening the taxonomy mechanism, this is targeted support for projects that work for technological sovereignty, benefits for companies listing shares on the stock exchange, information about tax deductions for individual investment accounts,
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co-financing of long-term savings. citizens, this year such a program has already started working on the basis of non-state pension funds. according to the president’s instructions, by the end of this year it is necessary to attract 250 billion rubles to the program. to this end, a number of measures have already been taken, in particular , the period for co-financing long-term savings has been increased from three to 10 years, but we need to see what else can be done to increase it. attractiveness of the program for citizens. their the federation council will support the proposals legislatively. for example, an initiative is being prepared to insure money in individual investment accounts in the event of a broker’s bankruptcy. another bill will regulate the installment plan mechanism, which today has turned into a cunning marketing ploy, especially among developers. by the way, the proposal to fight mortgage schemes is also supported by the central bank. behind all these enticements for people is either inflated
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prices for apartments. or a sharp rise in payments subsequently and all this for people opaque, confusing. those preferential mortgages were given special attention at the meeting. here the positions of the federation council and the central bank coincide. massive subsidization of loan rates has led to a sharp jump in housing costs. in the future, the benefit should be targeted, for example, for families with children, for residents of specific territories or representatives of in-demand professions. could mortgages become affordable again? but at the same time not to inflate housing prices. yes, and i want to return again to our experience of low inflation. i let me remind you that back then mortgage rates were falling, when inflation was low, and on the eve of the pandemic, banks issued loans at 8.9% without any budgetary support, without these expensive programs. as the current surge in inflation subsides, mortgage rates are bound to
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fall. separate. a block of legislative initiatives is dedicated to the fight against fraudsters in the financial sector. so the federation council drew attention to companies that supposedly help write off debts for a fee. this kind of advertising should be banned - senators are confident. the central bank, in turn, proposes to introduce a long cooling period for suspicious loans, so that a person has time to realize the mistake and withdraw the loan application. and of course, it is important to improve the financial literacy of russians in general. the governor of krasnoyarsk spoke about this at the meeting.
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they will quickly appreciate the advantages of this type of currency: free transfers, low commissions , and in 5-7 years the digital ruble will already become a familiar instrument. now there is a short advertisement, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead, no miss it!


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