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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 4, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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today in russia they celebrate railway worker's day, vladimir congratulated workers and veterans on the holiday. putin. the president recalled large-scale plans for the development of railway communication. this includes the construction of high-speed highways between russian cities and the creation of international transport corridors. we need an accelerated expansion of russia's railway infrastructure at a new technological level. using the most advanced developments. and here we must proceed not only from the needs of today, but also create reserve for the future. for decades to come,
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this is exactly how our great ancestors thought and worked, therefore, on our agenda is the construction of high-speed highways in conjunction with the central transport hub, the creation of international logistics corridors, the development of the azov-black sea transport direction, the organization of the so -called seamless railway communication from the baltic and the barints sea to the coast.
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armored vehicles, as well as over thirty self-propelled guns, howubs and other guns, mainly american, british polish production. air defense forces shot down 140 combat drones, a patriot missile and nine rockets. the ukrainian armed forces are suffering huge losses. now kiev is trying to rake out and send to the front everyone who can and cannot. another beating in uzhgorod brought a man to a seizure. there is no zelensky, and kiev even allowed the established corruption scheme to be broken. for example, the police were allowed to officially admit that in ternopil military commissars were engaged in racketeering, kidnapped men, tortured and demanded tens of thousands of hryvnias for deferment from the front.
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international flights leave the cordon, abandon their trucks and flee, and those whose shoes are too tight are ready to get rid of them, so you are beautiful or beautiful, you haven’t had the operation yet, among gender-specific men 2000 are fleeing. now the database will give us general
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indicators and we will once again analyze the anomalies that we discover. there are several negative aspects here. there are more and more negative aspects for ukrainians. since august 1, single fathers have lost their reservation. students who have not even reached the mobilization threshold have now been added to the vulnerable groups. age, that is, 25 years. i ask you a question: will you go with me to the assault, that ’s how we are... in all ukrainian broadcasts they complain about the lack of forces, they are afraid of losing strategic positions. we need reserves, to those who support the uhilants, a big hello, we can be left without donbass. therefore , people are caught on the streets in hysterical fire. in addition, the ukrainian authorities are increasingly beginning to reveal criminal cases brought against military commissars because of their crimes. in ternopil, ttskashniki kidnapped and beat men, extorting money.
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they kicked me, the next day they took me out, i thought that the military registration and enlistment office... it turned out to be just a stop, they said that they had paid for me. presumably, under this scheme, military commissars earned from 100 to 150 thousand dollars a month. virtue despite broken ribs and psyche, or sabotage in such a difficult time for ukraine. the man remained a civilian; the military commissars will go to jail. margarita semenyuk, natalya uvarova, news! well , in the meantime, ukraine stopped the transit of oil from russia to hungary and slovakia via in agreement with the european union. illegal. the actions were coordinated by brussels, according to the head of the hungarian ministry of foreign affairs, peter sijert. he emphasized that in this way the eu is trying to punish budapest, since hungary - quote, despite powerful pressure, does not give up and continues its policy aimed at establishing peace. as a result, hungary lost a third, and slovakia
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almost half of its oil imports, and ukraine thus violated the association agreement with the european union, but in order to harm russia, european officials closed it. eyes on it. the victims in nizhny tagel are provided with all the necessary assistance. funds have been allocated. the search and rescue operation has been completed. the governor of the sverlovsk region reported to vladimir putin by telephone about the liquidation of the consequences of a gas explosion in a residential building. evgeniy kuyvyshev said that thanks to the coordinated work of rescuers , 16 people were rescued from the rubble. the examination will be completed by august 11. then they will decide whether or not the building can be restored. first. a state of emergency at the republican level was introduced in buryat due to heavy rains, several roads were blocked, including a section of the baikal federal highway,
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seven bridges were damaged, and the khonkhaloy reservoir began to overflow the dam. about the consequences ilya koshlyunov. where a small stream ran, a large river is now seething; heavy rains caused large amounts of water to come out, which blocked the only path to the village of gorkhon. the water began to rise in the morning, literally in one hour it completely flooded this road, now traffic along it is closed, there is a state traffic inspection post at the entrance. 1200 people were left without the opportunity to travel outside their home village, and electricity and water supply were lost. but this issue was temporary, but it was possible. to solve, we ran out of bottled water in our stores, but we organized a well, connected a power plant, there is no threat of flooding for houses and garden plots in garkhon, which cannot be said about the neighbors, so that there is no water, yeah, now it’s already knee-deep, in the ulus of darkhita
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the locals the residents barely had time to lift the equipment and even save their loved ones, well, first of all, you started saving the equipment, we see that refrigerator on the table, appliances, relatives. 10 people were evacuated, including two children, all of them were taken to temporary accommodation centers, those who stayed at home took up shovels, i want to encourage people to start digging everything. in the vlinsky strong flows the bridge was washed away, the bus with the sailors got stuck right in the stormy current near the village of
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shabura, in the muharshibir region the dam could not withstand the pressure and began to overflow. nature tested not only the nerves of people, but also the readiness of local authorities for such situations. some for now. it is impossible to carry out the event, because the water is flowing, do not add more, do not pour back, we will not do any of this now, while a state of emergency has been introduced in the territory of the zaigraevsky district. we are under threat of erosion of the trans-siberian embankment, the railway workers are already in place, strengthening the embankment. monitoring of the water level continues, after it goes away, a commission will begin work that will determine the damage and the first victims will begin to receive compensation. ilya koshlinov, alexander lubsanov, vesti, buryatia. similar problems in transbaikalia. because of heavy rains, two rivers overflowed their banks. powerful flows even carried away several cars from the buildings. 45 residential buildings and a school were flooded. some residents were taken to a temporary accommodation center. protests against migrants
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are taking place in thirty cities in britain after an attack on children by a person from an african family. he killed three girls and wounded 10 people. but what does the government do? anton dadykin found out! in liverpool, manchester and hull, demonstrations escalated into clashes with police, there were casualties on both sides, and crowds of angry britons they destroy shops that they believe belong to migrants, and also beat passers-by. the ministry of internal affairs put rapid response forces at each police station on high alert in advance and formed mobile special forces groups. representatives of local authorities are trying everyone. the outrageous minority with their disgusting behavior
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in no way represents the population of our region, i am shocked and horrified by what i saw. violence, vandalism is not a way to express protest, it is a crime, and it has nothing to do with mourning the loss of the innocent children of southport. these crowds do not think about the feelings of the families of the victims. this didn't help much because, as it turns out, axel rudokubana's parents are refugees from rwanda. the guy's motives are still unknown. labor prime minister keir starmer has promised to increase spending on mental health services, hint. that the killer may be insane, the conservatives, who had just been thrown out of power, immediately attacked their competitors and
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demanded the recall of members of parliament from holidays the government risks not being able to cope with these events and cannot keep them under control. the time has come for reflection and solidarity at the national level to stop the tide of violence clearly without fear or prejudice, to condemn it with a united front in parliament. this is why parliament must meet immediately. the conservatives themselves are to blame; it was under them that the essentially uncontrolled import of migrants began into the country. in addition, prisons are overcrowded, and there is no money in the budget for new ones. labor is even considering early release about 10 thousand criminals were released. such a large-scale amnesty can only worsen the situation on the streets of british cities. i am concerned not only about the events in southport, but also about the social decline in our country. law and order are regularly violated. the current prime minister doesn’t say a word on how to fix this, it’s time to show toughness, carry out
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arrests and searches regardless of skin color, tighten prison sentences for stabbing, it’s time to admit reality. otherwise, what we have seen in recent days on the streets of hartelpool, london, southport will be nothing compared to what will happen in the next few weeks. the british telegraph published a collage of prime minister starmer falling into a giant funnel. problems the government is now trying to, well, at least tighten the screws, as for all those people who go out into the streets, but they are intimidated there with serious deadlines, they are intimidated, i don’t know, not by the fact that social networks will come to an agreement, will fight there and establish some kind of quite strict censorship in relation to any protest actions, well, of course, that people have a question, that well, this is some kind of two-way story, on the one hand, yes, people are people who may be destroying some police stations without...
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iran refuses to negotiate through arab intermediaries, but the states have been transferred
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to additional forces to protect israel. in berlin, thousands of people demonstrated for peace and against arms supplies to ukraine. during the march, they called on the scholz government to stop and not drag germany into military conflicts. believes that first of all the chancellor must cope with the economic crisis caused by washington's plans to destroy european independence. there were several demonstrators. olympic sadists, this is how social networks reacted to the request of the head of thomas bach to explain to him what a woman is, after the scandal with the brutal beating of female boxers. the olympic committee allowed transgender people into the ring, who, by the way, consider ukrainians their idols. about the madness of the parisian games natalya goncharova. who
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is this or that linyutin? this question it's set in british, i'm taking it apart piece by piece. olympics, or could, which approves the disqualification of athletes based on nationality , in the case of yutin, speaks of
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justice. the gender and age of athletes is determined by their passport, each person has the right. to play sports without discrimination, a friend with similar interests and a colleague in the ring yutin, algerian and manhiliv are also at the center of the scandal, she easily knocked out or knocked out her opponent from the tournament. she abandoned the fight 46 seconds after it began. the entire internet is arguing about gender algerian accessories. iman looks like a man and failed the hormone test. she , just like iyutin, was not previously allowed to compete with women. why were they allowed to enter the ring now? understood in many countries, including european ones. i think that athletes who are genetically male should not compete with women. algeria's father tried to save his reputation and gave journalists a photo of, as he claims, little iman. iman was a little girl who loved sports from the age of 6, she used to play football. these rumors are aimed at
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destabilizing the situation so that she does not become a champion. the olympics are in paris, as they say. western media may hit a record number of scandals. the opening ceremony with transgender people is an insult to the feelings of believers, but emmanuel macron said that the french are proud of the opening ceremony in paris and that france showed its true face. the official representative of mit maria zakharova responded to the remark of the leader of the fifth republic. french president emmanuel macron, about the scandalous opening ceremony of the olympic games in paris. france demonstrated its real face. many. they thought it was something else, some other parts of the body, but since macron insists that france now has such a face, then he knows better, of course, the french authorities are especially proud that, despite the gossip, they were able to organize competitions in aquatic sports sports in the hay, however, they did it rather in spite of it. first, there was unbearable heat in paris, an orange danger level,
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which means the number of pathogenic bacteria was growing, and now the triathlon training was canceled due to the storm. igurist vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall twenty-second, performs combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, doing the same work, the same tasks. deadlift, my record is 285, i couldn't sit because i was in normal shape. 1:1, it happened that
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they recognized you, what was the reaction? come on. well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years. works holding!
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why mad dogs and mad dogs? this means that this tradition started with the first chechen company, there was a symbol on each technology, the letter c, in general it originally meant siberia, that is, that the siberians had arrived and so on, on the radio the militants began to see dogs, mad dogs, mad dogs, because without exaggerating, the yurda brigade, in the first and second chechen company too they showed themselves very... well and the militants were afraid of the yurga brigade, here are mad dogs, mad dogs, after that, it was after the first chechen company that mad dogs appeared,
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chevron was approved, yes, but i didn’t find it myself, no, i didn’t study in either the first or the second company, but i was young in 2003, graduated, when they talk about you, they say that you are the only unit that never not only never retreated, but didn’t sit on the defensive all the time.. i’ll even say, not that the brigade, the entire 41st army, it was always only on the offensive, with the exception of 3 months, we
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stood in zaporozhye, in zaporozhye, after the capture of the red estuary, we were first sent to the lesechansky direction, there they also took the lisichansky direction. , after that they sent to zaporozhye, that’s where we stayed for only 3 months, when the counter-offensive on the red estuary began, we were transferred back, in the training of units in the training of a soldier, how do you feel about this and, of course, in the officer corps. it was in this collective that we came to the avdeevskoe direction, these were the most, i will say, heavy battles, probably, and for the first time we encountered these - cluster munitions
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, namely fpv drones, then the soldier was just really scared, he i didn’t know what to do, it was hard of course, rebuild the soldier, find, uh, roughly speaking, means that will hit these fipivedrons, how to deal with these cassettes, ammunition? well, it’s as if they found everything, did everything, and on camera, after rescuing the hero, he talked about what they gave him for, he spoke dryly, concisely in military terms, why they gave him the hero? yes, well, to be honest, in a nutshell, it’s the marriage and heroism of the brigade servicemen who carried out the tasks. throughout the entire special military operation, but in general the assessment was, as it were, by the higher command, the supreme the commander-in-chief gave specifically for avdievka, the assault groups of the brigade began
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assault operations on february 1, by the end of the seventh we had already captured the motor depot and cut the industrial avenue, that is , we, roughly speaking, completed our task, ensured that the formation of military units was brought into battle, which... you didn’t have a rifle anymore, although you thought that we would butt heads for a long time, since the fourteenth year you couldn’t take it, only you begin to understand everything in battle, this is clear, it comes up with something there. already
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there is a new course there, shooting there, combat training classes, this should already be introduced and done even at the point of permanent deployment , well, first of all, combat experience, yes definitely definitely now, any soldier who was here is a real professional, what can i say? or there he will come from some kind of training there from the special forces , from anywhere, if there is no combat experience and you were not there, this is heaven and earth, of course, the guys who are returning from hospitals, wounded, right now every plane arrives, i have now i'm on i’m in recovery, i sent the fighters on leave on each plane, they’re flying in , i look at the lists after rehabilitation, after rehabilitation, after rehabilitation and everything comes back, that’s how it all is, that
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is, basically like this.
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to your attention, ground robotic complex, courier, you have already used them, but they were used on berdychs, nothing worked, fine, yes, the ags was working before the assault groups came in, they worked, that is , you launched it, the assault groups flew in here, they they’re not trying to crush them with e-fiction, of course.
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they are trying to fish and... how do you defend yourself, we improve them, we select frequencies so that they are not pressed, we used two of these robots in berdychs that stood on the gs17, they showed themselves positively, they inflicted fire damage, but they were, so let’s say, they’re still amazed by the shopwedrons, uh, now, well, there was this kind of platform initially, and this is it now. new ones have arrived, we are testing them now, this robot can be equipped with light weapons, like pkt, like ags, and nsvt can also be installed, load capacity up to 200 kg, that is, 200 kg he can easily bring out food - ammunition, pick up the wounded, evacuate the wounded as well, and how you control, i control with the help of a remote control - the operator controls the game console, that is, the accuracy is from himself or, that is, what kind of
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accuracy does he have does it really work? it shoots back and shoots accurately, that is, it hits directly and accurately, and it can work in autonomous mode for a day, that is, this is gasoline that has been filled up, yes, it can work accordingly for a day, well, besides the fact that it’s immediately for fp, well, the main thing this is fpv fight back, now look, first of all, it is silent, it can work at night and can work as an ambush, that is, it is placed directly somewhere in a forest belt, and it is waiting, and it is just standing there, waiting, and, accordingly, for fire support of assault groups.


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