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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 4, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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today in russia they celebrate railway worker's day. vladimir putin congratulated workers and veterans on the holiday. the president recalled large-scale plans for the development of railway communication. this includes the construction of high-speed highways between russian cities and the creation of international transport corridors. we need an accelerated expansion of russia's railway infrastructure at a new technological level, using the most advanced developments. and here we must proceed not only from needs. today, but create
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a foundation for the future for decades to come, this is exactly how our great ancestors thought and worked, therefore on our agenda is the construction of high-speed highways in conjunction with a central transport hub, the creation of international logistics corridors, the development of the azov-black sea transport direction, the organization of the so -called seamless city...
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soldiers , mercenary officers, three tanks and eight other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as over thirty self-propelled guns, howubs and other guns, mostly american, british polish production. air defense forces shot down 140 combat drones, a patriot missile and nine hymers missiles. the ukrainian armed forces are suffering huge losses. now kiev is trying to rake out and send to the front everyone who can and cannot.
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undecided, rather divided, then demanding an end to the conflict, then begging for weapons, arguing how ukraine is fighting for survival, i wake up, there’s this, truckers on international flights leaving the cordon, abandoning their trucks and fleeing, and those whose shoes are too tight are ready for them get rid of it, so you’re handsome or beautiful, i’m still handsome, surgery. among gender-specific
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men, 2000 are saved within the walls of universities, enrolling for the sake of a deferment. we will check and pay attention to this phenomenon very carefully. now the database will give us general indicators and we will once again analyze the anomalies that we find; there are several negative aspects here. there are more and more negative aspects for ukrainians. since august 1, single fathers have lost their reservation. students have now been added to the vulnerable groups, who have not even reached mobilization age, that is...
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and slovakia, in agreement with the european union. the illegal actions were coordinated by brussels. this was announced by the head of the hungarian ministry of foreign affairs, peter szijarta. he emphasized that in this way the eu is trying to punish budapest, since hungary - quote, despite powerful pressure, does not give up and continues its policy aimed at
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establishing peace. as a result, hungary lost a third, and slovakia almost half, of oil imports. moreover, ukraine thus violated the association agreement with the european union. but in order to harm russia, european officials turned a blind eye to this. the victims in nizhny tagel are provided with all the necessary assistance, funds have been allocated, and the search and rescue operation has been completed. the governor of the sverlovsk region reported to vladimir putin by telephone about the liquidation of the consequences of a gas explosion in a residential building. evgeniy kuyvyshev said that thanks to the coordinated work of rescuers , 16 people were rescued from the rubble. the examination will be completed by august 11. then they will decide whether or not the building can be restored. on august 1, a gas explosion killed 10 people. today is trump day in nizhny tagil. a state of emergency at the republican level was introduced in buryat due to heavy rainfall.
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several roads are blocked, including a section of the baikal federal highway. seven bridges were damaged. at the khankhalkhaloy reservoir, overflowing over the dam began. about the consequences ilyak. where a small stream ran, a large river is now seething; heavy rains caused large amounts of water to come out, which blocked the only path to the village of gorkhon. the water began to rise in the morning, literally in one hour it completely flooded this road is now closed to traffic; there is a state traffic police post at the entrance. 1,200 people were left without the opportunity to travel outside their home village, and also... electricity and water supply were lost, but this issue was temporary, but we managed to solve it, we ran out of bottled water in our stores, but we organized a well, connected a power plant, there is a threat of flooding for houses and there are no garden plots for the gorkhoni, which cannot be said about the neighbors, so that there is no water, yeah,
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now it’s knee-deep, in the ulus of dorkhit the locals the residents barely had time to lift the equipment and even save their loved ones, well, you first of all began to save the equipment. we see, yes, there ’s a refrigerator on the table, equipment, relatives, an old grandmother, plus an aunt, not only household property was under water, but greenhouses and vegetable gardens, now we’ll have to forget about this year’s harvest, there’s water everywhere in the greenhouse, water in the underground , here there is water everywhere, there people have it even worse, and indeed people found themselves cut off on a small piece of land, at the moment the rain has stopped, but the flow of water is still strong, it cut off there are several houses, as you can see behind me , there are people... waiting for the ministry of emergency situations to evacuate. in total , 10 people were evacuated from the disaster zone in the zaigraevsky district, including two children. all of them were taken to temporary accommodation centers. those who stayed at home took up shovels. i want to encourage people to start digging. that's all. in vlinsk, a strong stream washed away a bridge,
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a bus with workers got stuck right in a stormy current near the village of shabura, in the muharshibir region the dam could not withstand the pressure and began to overflow. nature checked for strength is not only people's nerves, but... the readiness of local authorities for such situations, while it is impossible to carry out any measures because the water is flowing, do not add more, do not pour back, we will not do any of this now. in the meantime, a state of emergency has been introduced in the zaigraevsky district. the trans-siberian embankment is under threat of erosion; the railway workers are already in place, strengthening the embankment. monitoring of the water level continues, after it goes away, a commission will begin work that will determine the damage and the first victims will begin to receive compensation.
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wounded 10 people, that’s what the government is doing, anton dadykin found out. in liverpool, manchester and hull, demonstrations have escalated into clashes with the police, there are casualties on both sides, crowds of angry britons are smashing shops that they believe belong to migrants, and also beating passers-by. the ministry of internal affairs put in place rapid response forces at each police station in advance. mobile special forces teams and representatives of local authorities are trying to calm everyone down.
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the unruly minority and their disgusting behavior in no way represent the population of our region. i'm shocked, i'm horrified by what i saw. violence, vandalism is not a way to express protest, it is a crime, and it has nothing to do with mourning the loss of the innocent children of southport. the reason for the unrest was the massacre in southport at a children's dance club, a seventeen-year-old boy stabbed three girls, eight more children and two adults were wounded. to stop rumors that the perpetrator is an illegal migrant, british authorities violated the law and revealed his identity. this didn't help much because, as it turned out, axel rudokubana's parents were refugees from rwanda. the guy's motives are still unknown. prime libarian kir'. starmer has promised to increase spending on mental health services, hinting that the killer may be insane. conservatives, who
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had just been thrown out of power, immediately attacked their competitors and demanded that members of parliament be recalled from vacation. the government risks not being able to cope with these events; it cannot keep them under control. the time has come for reflection and solidarity at the national level to stop the tide of violence clearly without fear or prejudice, to condemn it with a united front in parliament. that's why.
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who may be destroying some police stations there, of course, probably, some kind of criminal measures should be taken against them,
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but at the same time it’s strange that the government doesn’t do anything regarding migration issues there, that is, by the fall we may well getting such a real one is not a displeasure in relation to cyrastapler. british politicians are again trying to blame this entire crisis on russia. moscow is blamed for almost all the problems of the united kingdom, from the migrant crisis to the impoverishment of the population. anton dadykin, news! news from the middle east is becoming increasingly alarming in anticipation of an iranian retaliatory strike against israel, after the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, was killed in tehran. the authorities of the islamic republic blamed the jewish state for this, claiming that haniyeh was killed by a short-range shell. denied version of the western press about a bomb explosion in the residence. the islamic revolutionary guard corps promised to punish the organizers of the murder (quote) at the appropriate time and... in an appropriate manner. the wall street journal reports: iran refuses to
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negotiate through arab mediators, and the states have deployed additional forces to defend israel. in berlin, thousands of people demonstrated for peace and against arms supplies to ukraine. during the procession the government was called upon. scholsa stop and not drag germany into military conflicts. he believes that first of all, the chancellor must cope with the economic crisis that resulted from the implementation of washington’s plans for destruction.
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this question is asked by the british , analyzing the figure of the main character of the latest news about the gender dispute at the olympics. journalists are trying to mold the taiwanese athlete into a fighter for gender equality, creating a beautiful success story. the coach told me: you can imagine that you are participating in the olympics. he said that my dream depends on how strong i am heart, as far as i can go beyond my limits. ukrainian boxer vasily lomachenko, who failed the gender test at the women's world championship. then in 2019, the judges removed her from the competition due to a clear physiological advantage over her rivals. now yutin, as they say, has fallen into the western trend of transgender people. she was allowed to reach the quarter finals in boxing at the olympics. and the mok, which approves
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the disqualification of athletes based on nationality , in the case of yutin speaks of justice. gender age of athletes determined by their passport. every person has the right to exercise without discrimination. friend and colleague paringyutin, algerian and mancheliv are also at the center of the scandal. she easily knocked out or knocked out her opponent from the tournament. she abandoned the fight 46 seconds after it began. the entire internet is arguing about algerian gender. iman looks like a man and failed the hormone test. she, like yutin, was not previously allowed to compete. with compete with women. father of algerian women, why were they allowed to enter the ring? which are genetically male, should not now be misunderstood in many countries, including european ones. i think that the athletes tried to save their reputation and gave the journalists a photo of, as he claims, little iman. iman was a little girl
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who loved sports from the age of 6, she used to play football. these rumors are aimed at destabilizing the situation. so that she doesn't become a champion. the olympics in paris, as western media write, may become a record for the number of scandals. opening ceremony with transgender people, insulting the feelings of believers, but emmanuel macron said that the french were proud of the opening ceremony in paris and that france showed its true colors. the official representative of the foreign ministry, maria zakharova, responded to the remark of the leader of the fifth republic. french president emmanuel macron on the scandalous opening ceremony of the olympic games in paris. france showed its true colors. many thought that it was something else, some other parts of the body, but since macron insists that france now has such a face, then he knows better, of course. the french authorities are especially proud of the fact that, despite the gossip, they were able to organize water sports competitions in the seine, although they did it rather in spite of it. at first
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, there was unbearable heat in paris and an orange level of danger, which meant that the number of pathogenic bacteria was growing. and now triathlon training has been canceled due to a storm warning. the main danger is that when it rains , dirt gets into the hay along with sewage. and then all the efforts of the organizers to clean it up may fade away for a week, but they may continue to laugh it off. the olympic triathlon tournament on the seine was sensational, or better yet, seine-sanctioned. listiannosation will take place. the competition will become clear soon. the competition will take place in 5 days.
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the barge is approaching the future site of the pags-2 nuclear power plant, on its board is a cargo that the whole of hungary is now waiting for, without exaggeration, it is transporting a huge steel structure called a melt trap, its weight is more than 700 tons, this is the first large-sized equipment from russia that is supplied for the future... this is a development of russian engineers, specifically to ensure the safety of the nuclear unit, this is one of
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the safety elements, such a construct was made, in the event of very serious accidents, it will allow to retain the molten nuclear fuel and prevent it from penetrating into the ground further with some consequences for ecology. the melt trap is a five-story high installation. it took 50 days from central russia to hungary, from volgodonsk along the don to the black sea to turkish istanbul, through romanian constantia, further to the danube, and then serbia finally the hungarian paks. along with the product , the russian plant also sent accompanying documents, which are thousands of pages and comply with all european standards. none of our competitors in other design, modern nuclear power plants, even related. for generation 3+, there is no corresponding product. the probability of this accident is extremely low, it is less than 10 to minus six. in lyric parlance, the chance that the melt trap will
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ever be activated is one in a million. if something happens, melted fuel it will dissolve in it with special mixtures and cool to a safe state. to understand how much attention is paid to safety in paks, just look at my equipment. and it’s not even about the helmet, vest or special shoes that we were given. you cannot wear short sleeves on the site. the sun is strong here, and to prevent our hands from getting burned, we were given armbands. the power units of the new station are the most modern today. water-water energy reactor or abbreviated as wwr 1200 generation 3+. in peaceful there is nothing more reliable than an atom. both magathe and the eu recognize this. the european union, on whose territory the construction is taking place, has strict requirements for environmental protection. the timing of construction is important, but the timing of bird nesting must be taken into account. especially for this purpose
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, repellers have been installed on the site to prevent swallows from making nests in construction pits . rosatom manages to protect flora and fauna, and maintain the pace of construction; they are proceeding strictly according to schedule. larger drilling rig. descend, fight to the -20 mark m, then a special solution of bentonite and cement is supplied and a ten-meter column is made. in total, we will have 2200 such columns, they will form , with the foundation slab, an array of reinforced soil. this is part of the work at the german company bower. it also works here, in general there are 2 international sites. in the context of ongoing sanctions, partners. looked at the grandiose project with caution, as soon as budapest achieved the exclusion of the construction from the sanctions lists, this gave international business a free hand. proposals for cooperation did not go through
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only from hungary itself, also from serbia, germany, italy, turkey. new nuclear power plant for hungary from the troika century. work until the next decade at its peak will employ 10,000 people to accommodate specialists, and even families, settlements around paks are being built up. we plan to build not only 60 houses for the families of specialists who will build pagsh 2. there will be children's playgrounds and various infrastructure facilities that will make life more comfortable. this is an excellent base for the development of our settlement. from the town of girien paks nuclear power plant is 8 minutes by car. the main new residents of these houses will be russian specialists building nuclear power plants. in local real estate agencies, the inscriptions are certainly duplicated in russian. it is on the city map to make it easier for visitors to navigate, but people often come to the city in large numbers. 30 thousand tourists a year visit the nuclear power plant. business, of course,
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is experiencing growth; in our restaurant alone , revenue increased by at least 15%. tourists who come to look at the pagsh station, foreign specialists, who are involved in construction, we have regular customers. today joseph wolf is a restaurateur, and 40 years ago he built the first paks station, and along with it the city itself was built. the ussr from the eighties is still reminiscent of a sign telling you exactly where and what exactly was produced in the union. already in the 2000s, russian specialists helped hungary extend the service life of the station. whose reactors regularly produce 2,000 megawatts. hayaspax is the main source of electricity for hungary. and so it has been for more than 40 years.
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every second light bulb in the country. therefore , tariffs in this eu country are among the lowest in europe, and those who produce electricity receive even lower bills for electricity. ees paks employees have a twenty-five percent discount on their electricity bills. antal kovacs is a legendary man for hungary. in his country he is the first olympic champion in judo. was born, lives, and also teaches and works, he is responsible for pr stations, in his free time he trains young people, more and more russian children are coming to the section, whose parents are building a new nuclear power plant, a strict coach watches them even on vacation, i will show you to your friends, to everyone else, they were waiting for you, not only...
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ac supports local football players, basketball players, the team is the name of the nuclear power plant. the city is famous for its strength and intelligence, the school in paks, of course, with an energy focus, is one of the best in the country. the quality of education is very high, this is confirmed by the data: 90% of our graduates enter universities, many then return to paks to work at the station, occupy good positions there, we work closely with station, we have a career guidance program for high school students who study well, and spagsh pays them a scholarship. and these especially distinguished students also won a trip to russia. according to
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the rosatom program, they are smart. and trains come exclusively from russia, they bring nuclear fuel for the paks nuclear power plant. paks not only maintains cooperation with rostom, but plans to expand it. plans for the future are now being discussed; hungarian energy engineers see it together with their russian colleagues. rosatom continues
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to be our partner, the station. works for more than 40 years, rosatom has been helping us in matters of maintaining nuclear power plants, helping us with extending their service life. rostom has accumulated vast experience and knowledge in the field of peaceful nuclear energy, which is extremely important for us. and now there is even more experience. for the first time in history, rosatom delivered its equipment of this size to europe. it was important to work out the transportation technology, because the melt trap, which arrived in pagsh the day before, is just the beginning. bye. we manufactured and delivered a trap for one block, but two are being built. plus , you will need to bring it to hungary from russia steam generators, naturally, the reactor vessels themselves. heavy, large-sized equipment will also go along the river, on barges, but this will happen in 2027. everything is according to the construction schedule. in order to meet deadlines and work as quickly as possible, a
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concrete production plant is almost built next to the future nuclear power plant. its power is 240.


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