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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 4, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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lebanese hezbollah launched a massive attack on israel this night, firing about 50 rockets. maria skorodilka will tell you about the first minutes of this attack and the reaction to it. these images of massive shelling of northern israel from lebanon were the first to appear on social networks. people on the streets are in shock. local media confirmed that lebanese hezbollah launched dozens of missiles at israel. the main target is the city of kiryana. sirens sound in the north of the country. the iron dome is trying to intercept
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all targets, air defense is actively working, there is no information about casualties, to repel potential strike from iran, the us air force is sending a squadron of fighters to the region. iranian media publish, citing unnamed sources, threatening messages. our enemy is israel, israelis, you will never be able to sleep. iran will take revenge for haniya's death. quote: at the appropriate time, in the appropriate place and in an appropriate manner, the xir said in a previously published message. israeli channels. the sakhalin authorities report: the day before, the israeli defense forces used a bunker bomb in the gas strip. palestinians show footage of an attack on one school north of the gaza strip. the idf is confident it was used as a hamas training center. people hurriedly tried to hide, and several people died as a result of the attack. i don't know how many more people will have to die for this to stop. we just found my neighbor. she died along with her daughter,
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it’s scary. the school was attacked, and while we were looking for the dead, the israeli military warned us to quickly leave here, there would be another raid. in addition, the israeli air force carried out strikes on hezbollah targets in the south lebanon. meanwhile, in tel aviv, hundreds of people on the streets of the city are demanding that the government quickly conclude a deal to exchange hostages. israeli journalists publish an article. they claim that the local government. cannot agree, they say, israeli prime minister netanyahu demands compliance with all security conditions that will not allow hamas to regain control of the gas sector and threaten israel again. at the same time , the dutch minister of defense believes that such conditions will lead to the termination of negotiations altogether, the article says. having started this war, hamas realizes that attacking israel was a strategic mistake. this statement was made by the british economist journalist muhammad daraghmeh, citing sources in the organization. the publication draws attention to the fact
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that the statement was made shortly after the liquidation of the head of the politburo of the haniya organization. maria skradilka and fyodor zarovny, news. in buryatia, drones are being used to assess the scale of the flood after the overflow of the dam on the khankholoi reservoir. residents at night two villages where water could pour in were evacuated. rescuers and police are working at the site, and heavy equipment is being deployed to fill the dam. in total , three states of emergency were declared in the republic due to flooding. there are hundreds of summer cottages in the water, many people have lost their crops and livestock, sections of the baikal federal highway have been washed away, traffic has been suspended there for 24 hours. now the latest reports on the progress of a special military operation in ukraine, several large targets were destroyed by artillerymen of the western group of forces. this time the attack was on ammunition depots, division. and enemy military equipment,
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the combat mission was completed by crews of grad salvo fire rocket systems, enemy positions were discovered by reconnaissance, the defeat of all targets was confirmed using drones, we can work at any time, no matter how day or night it affects, we always work, we work out quickly, clearly, well , now we work more at night because of fipidrones, i decided not to stay on the sidelines, i also volunteered, and immediately got to the commanders of the combat vehicle, and the team also took it well that such a young person got in to them, to grown men, everything worked, everything is fine, victory will be ours. enemy infantry strongholds were destroyed by the crew of the k-52 helicopter in the special operation zone. they fired with s-8 and vikhr missiles. after that, the alligator, as the k50 is also called. 2 performed
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an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned safely to base. an area of ​​concentration of enemy manpower has moved forward. thank you to all workers, veterans of railway transport, young professionals who have chosen this calling for themselves on their professional holiday you for your work and dedication, each of you contributes to ensuring that the railway
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industry, which is certainly of strategic importance, for our huge country, works reliably, smoothly without... meets the modern needs of the economy and our citizens, develops with dignity, continued the best traditions, including its own engineering school, which, let me remind you, was founded in the first half of the 19th century, when the tsarsko-selo railway opened. the history of russian railways knows a lot examples of labor and military. valor, real feat, selfless work for the good of the country. so this year marks 50 years since the start of construction of the baikal-amur mainline. i would like to once again congratulate everyone, and especially the participants in the legendary construction project, on
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this significant date. bam, like transip in its time, became a unique state, national, national project, opened. opening of new global markets, growth of domestic tourism, sustainable operation of enterprises, including the defense industry complex, all this, including your merit. now we are faced with the task of further
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modernizing the eastern testing area, bama transib, and these highways must work in conjunction with a single logic. with the northern sea route, with such promising projects as the northern latitudinal railway, with access to the arctic port, in general we need an accelerated build-up of russia’s railway infrastructure at a new technological level, using the most advanced developments, and we must proceed here not only from needs of today, but to create a foundation for the future for decades to come, this is exactly how our great ancestors thought... and worked, therefore, on our agenda is the construction of high-speed highways in conjunction with the central transport hub, the creation of international logistics corridors, the development of the azov-black sea transport direction , the organization of the so
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-called seamless railway communication from the baltic and the barintse sea to the coast of the persian gulf and the indian ocean. the task is truly... large-scale and i am sure that thanks to your knowledge, experience, and focus on results in the interests of the country, we will definitely solve them. i wish you success, health, prosperity to you and your loved ones. happy holiday. the prisoner exchange deal was a failure for the united states, donald trump said. he added that biden is making, quote, "a terrible deal."
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on august 16th. they decided to reopen the case after the highest court refused to recognize trump’s immunity from prosecution . let me remind you that the presidential candidate is accused of financial fraud. and also in the 2021 capital hill protests case. more than one and a half thousand residents of karachay-cherkessia joined the national cleaning campaign. the cleanup turned into a real holiday; honored artists performed folk songs and dances before the participants, and famous athletes performed warm-ups. there were also organized areas where guests were treated to dishes of national cuisine. the cleaning was productive. participants collected almost 300 kg of plastic waste. the state duma adopted
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a law limiting the number of sim cards issued for one person. this will help fight fraudsters and terrorists. how the market for gray sim cards works now. about this and more in the final issue of the duty unit. right after the commercial. tired of searching? a loan that will be approved by compare simplifies this task; take a loan on the compare website or mobile application. magnet, kirieshki crackers, 3699. magnet - the price is what you need. the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets gas stations cafes. restaurants, taxis and others, and even the percentage on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp. let's enjoy
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conduct the duty part on air, we will summarize the legal results of the week, i’m andrey ivlev with you, watch now. the skopinsky maniac will remain free, not banned. no comments on why viktor mokhov may not be punished for concealing a murder in his house, and what is now happening with the bunker in which he spent his time starving and raping two captives.
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members of the funeral group. rub 250 million more than 50 real estate objects and twenty cars. the court seized the property of the deputy head of the main department of the ministry of emergency situations of russia in the krasnodar territory sergei simonenko and his relatives. according to the news agency, employees of the prosecutor general's office intend to confiscate all these assets to the state, since the property allegedly could have been purchased with money received as a gift. bribes, the family owns not only apartments, but also offices, their fleet of vehicles includes many premium brands, according to the families, simonenko was detained this week in a corruption case. another high-profile arrest of the week in moscow on thursday , the general director of the joint-stock company veintork, vladimir pavlov, and his alleged accomplice of timur isaakov. they are accused of stealing 400 million rubles. when delivering
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to the ministry of defence. the person involved in the criminal case is allegedly three. were selling hygiene kits for soldiers, how the deception was revealed, galina hungureeva found out. the construction is not finished yet, but it is already obvious: almost a palace should appear here, endless stairs leading up, in one of the rooms a frame for a swimming pool is ready. these shots are on screen for the first time; they were filmed in the future home of businessman timur isaakov. that's just completion of a large-scale project is in jeopardy . a businessman was detained in a case of multimillion-dollar theft during deliveries for... the mansion under construction is located in the elite suburban complex kazenki near moscow, the area is closed, at the entrance of the checkpoint, mercedes and ranger rovers slowly drive around, at the entrance there is a two-level fountain, but even from behind the high fence you can see three-story palaces with columns, strict security watches over everyone who appears on the horizon. you can enter the territory only with permission. this week at
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isakov was searched. the security forces granted permission to the general director of the joint-stock company voentorg to the elite village on rublyovka. he is the main defendant in a criminal case of large-scale theft. according to investigators, pavlov and his accomplices purchased hygiene kits for military personnel of the nssr at one price, and sold them to the ministry of defense at several times the price. this is how pavlov himself used to talk about his work. when a person joins the army, he should receive the same conditions, well, in ordinary, at least peaceful life, yes, in service, he should receive the same conditions that we have with you in civilian life. this. an army of people is being made, as the russian ministry of internal affairs reports, a powerful army, yes, everyone is behind every case, that is, you know, i wouldn’t even say the word team, i’ll say this, more vladimir pavlov and his accomplices from 2019 to 2022 entered into government contracts for the supply of hygiene kits, purchased products from manufacturing companies through
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controlled organizations, initially the cost of all shipments amounted to 220 million rubles, but after going through... we are intermediaries products the price rose sharply and as a result the ministry of defense of the nssr sold it for 625 million rubles. damage 400 million. a criminal case has been opened regarding the theft of funds on an especially large scale from the budget of the russian federation during the execution of government contracts for the needs of the ministry of defense of the russian federation. investigators of the investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia have charged them with committing crimes under part four of article 159. fraud committed by an organized group on an especially large scale. hygiene kits, who appear in the criminal case are called nsssr officers. voentorg was added to the range in 2014. it includes the most necessary personal hygiene items. the kits, which were supplied at inflated prices, were intended for conscripts. the fight against corruption and theft in the army continues. new, yet another, extremely
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annoying and shameful. the main building of vaentorg is located, now there is a lull; people here prefer to talk about arrests in a low voice. during the search , amon’s fighters were met by taken aback employees, in one silent mannequins emerge from the premises. outfitting, here you could choose a special uniform, summer and winter options, and conclude a supply contract at a round table. the employees were asked to leave and all documentation was confiscated. we all go out into
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the corridor. by the way, the joint stock company voentorkh, where the investigative actions took place, has nothing to do with the stores of the same name, where they sell equipment for security forces. there is nothing in common with the famous building of novozdvizhenka in the capital, back in the early 20th century, the largest voentorg trading house. due to destruction , the building was demolished and a new one was rebuilt, now there is a trade and office center, and this building of the joint stock company veentork, a commercial organization, one of the largest suppliers of the ministry of defense, provides the military with food, sews uniforms and provides household services. vladimir pavlov has headed vaentork since 2012; the structure of the enterprise includes several subsidiaries: voentorg vostok, vointorg center, vointorg moscow. according to some media reports last year. did not supply products to the military for general use an amount of more than 2 billion rubles, but in 2024 the number of orders decreased sharply. in the first half of the year the amount of contracts did not reach
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100 million. it is quite possible that this is due to checks. one of the accused was, respectively, the head of the state company voentorg joint stock company. at the same time, he supported, as can be seen from the results of operational activities, maintained relations with the beneficiary of the companies that were based. i had to leave my cozy mansion. timur isakov will not finish building his palace any time soon. the court sent both of them to pre-trial detention while the criminal case is being investigated. galina khungureeva, vladimir bazov, dmitry kanovalov, alexey gorshkov,
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dinaya usipova and andrey netreba, lead the duty unit. owners of blogs and telegram channels whose audience exceeds 10 thousand subscribers will be required to transfer data about themselves to roskomnadzor. state duma deputies adopted the corresponding bill on tuesday, talking about the fight against the so-called crime. when unknown authors hide behind fake accounts and publish unverified information, sometimes intentionally. now, if an anonymous blogger does not want to show his real face, then he will not be able to place advertising on his page to collect money. well, one of the most anticipated changes from next year will tighten the rules for the sale of sim cards, no more than twenty in one hand for russian citizens and no more than ten for foreigners. these measures, according to deputies, will help. with so-called gray sim cards. the numbers are scary. according to roskomnadzor, more than 1,100,000 sim cards have been issued to 265 subscribers alone.
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it turns out that there are somewhere more than 400 thousand pieces per one person and such a criminal scattering. by the way, the number of crimes using gray sim cards is growing by 40% per year, something needs to be done about this. how did the gray market for sim cards become a separate criminal industry and is it about to collapse? special report sim cards wholesale inexpensively bypassing the law, these are journalistic experiments of our program under the control of law enforcement agencies, the courier delivered almost 200 so -called gray sim cards, offered to buy at a reasonable price, of course no registration is needed, as in a communication store, well they just workers, yes , they already want to close the shop while they work, it seems to me, but i don’t know how long? because they’ve been talking about this for about five years now, who are
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they even talking about physicists? , tell me, are you applying at all, you understand that this cannot be done without a passport according to the law, you are not an employee of the local communications department, the card dealer first accelerated his pace, and then he ran with his heels sparkling, losing the goods along the way, and you don’t want to pick them up? why are you running away, lord, why are you running away, tell me, how do you sell these cards? the courier eventually escaped, the sim cards remained, the gray market is like a separate criminal industry, which will soon face inevitable collapse, state duma deputies adopted a law complicating the illegal trafficking of sim cards, we are finally putting things in order in the sphere of sim card trafficking, because before what was going on here today, to be honest, chaoskomnazor cited numbers that speak for themselves for 200. yes, for crime, for
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fraud, you did your dirty deed, you deceived a person, you took money out of him, you took out a sim card, threw it away, installed a new one, and continued your criminal activities. so, from 2025, calls and messages in instant messengers from unknown numbers will be banned, a serious contribution to the fight against cybercrime. clear verification of the subscriber will also be necessary when concluding an agreement for the provision of mobile communication services; for foreigners , biometrics and in-person appearance at the time of purchase will be mandatory.
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devices in the house, tablets for children, probably not one, but two, so that children do not fight with each other, accordingly we are approaching this indicator of 20 sim cards. all information about sim cards will now be stored in one place on the state services portal. this is not only convenient, but also necessary in the fight against cyber fraudsters, who sometimes use real data from unsuspecting law-abiding citizens to register numbers. russian citizens will be able to see everything on the state services portal in their personal account. agreements with mobile operators connections that are registered on them, this is due to the fact that sometimes it turns out that citizens do not even know when an agreement is drawn up in his name in a salon that sells sim cards, so accordingly, through the portal he will be able to receive this information, and if the contract is not his, he will be able to terminate it, thus, we hope that the number of gray sim cards that are in circulation will be sharply... reduced. sim cards
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are called gray if they were sold without presenting a passport. in this case, they are issued, as a rule, in the name of other persons or commercial companies. to do this , attackers use stolen passports or real data of people leaked into the shadow segment of the internet. therefore, it will be important to see information about all sim cards on government services. for mobile operators, any attraction of customers is of course beneficial. buyers who purchase such a product essentially gain illegal access to mobile communications and pursue their own goals. police officers, together with members of the national guard, regularly bring users of gray sim cards out of the shadows. republic of adegea, apartment of a twenty-year-old resident. maikop turned out to be a fraudulent call center
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with hundreds of...
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the investigative department of the russian ministry of internal affairs has tens of thousands of criminal cases. sim cards, together with confiscated smartphones, help criminals recover their legacy. information is also obtained from heavily damaged devices. but all this happens when the crime has already been committed. the new law on the circulation of sim cards will help you work proactively. sim card data allows us to determine where it worked, what devices it worked with, and how it was replenished. a gray sim card, in fact, it doesn't just complicate the process. following, it allows the attacker to get to the victim, this is its evil: we are already working with what happened, that is, if the volume of gray sim cards is destroyed, these calls simply will not happen. a well-known fact: when organizing a terrorist attack in the crocus near moscow , the bandits coordinated their actions in instant messengers, whose accounts were linked to gray sim cards, and later using fake calls to the community.


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