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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 4, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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hezbolah carried out massive shelling from... also, american intelligence warns television about a possible attack from iran and, according to the us, it could happen tomorrow. moriskrodilka will tell you about the new round of escalation. these images of massive shelling of northern israel from lebanon were the first to appear on social networks. people on the streets are in shock. local media confirmed that lebanese
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hezbollah launched dozens of missiles at israel. the main target is the city of kiryat shmana in the north of the country, sirens sound. iron dome is trying intercept all targets, air defense is actively working. there is no information about casualties. to repel a potential attack from iran, the us air force is sending iskadrilla fighters to the region. iranian media publish, citing unnamed sources, threatening messages. our enemy from
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the school was attacked, and while we were looking for the dead, the israeli military warned us to quickly leave here, there would be another raid. in addition, the israeli air force carried out strikes on hezbollah targets in southern lebanon. israeli journalists publish an article claiming that the local government cannot reach an agreement, they say, israeli prime minister netanyahu demands compliance with all security conditions that will not allow hamas to regain control of the gas sector and threaten israel again. at the same time , the dutch minister of defense believes that such conditions will lead to the termination of negotiations altogether. in
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the article. having started this war, hamas realizes that attacking israel was a strategic mistake. this statement was made by british journalist muhammad daraghmeh , citing sources in the organization. the publication draws attention to the fact that the statement was made shortly after the liquidation of the head of the politburo of the haniya organization. maria skorodilka and fyodor zarovny, news. a state of emergency has been introduced in three regions of buryatia due to flooding. summer cottages, residential buildings, and bridges were sunk. the water broke the dam on the khonkhaloi reservoir and flooded part of the baikal federal highway. we’ll find out all the details from our regional correspondent tatyana tatyana kostygova. tatyana, hello, are there any victims and how are they currently helping those who are in the zone? flood hello, daria, i’ll start with the fact that yesterday a state of emergency was introduced in buryaz due to the fact that several, oh, a state of emergency at the republican level, due to the fact that.
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several regions and republics found themselves at the mercy of the elements. a village was flooded in the trobogataisky, zaigraevsky and mukharshibirsky districts. the situation in the torobogatai region remains difficult. ros-atodor volunteers are working there now. earlier, the head of buryatia, alexey tsedenov, held an emergency meeting with the head of the situational department of rosaftodor, during which decided to restore the road transport infrastructure and provide additional assistance to residents.
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accommodation was organized in the village of nikolsk, there are also reserve points, they are located in the kusoty ulus in the village of saganur. all school buses were involved in the evacuation, but the water still came out into hangoloy
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; it is now flowing across the federal highway due to the threat of the river overflowing, and it was decided to completely limit road traffic at the 5006th kilometer. highway r-2508, but as it became known earlier, lusa has a bomb from the village of khankhovoy still managed to resist the elements, all the residents who were evacuated yesterday have already returned home today, but for now this is all the information, by one o’clock, darya, i give you the floor. thank you tatyana, it was tatyana kostygova, she talked about how they are fighting the flood in buryat. and in the south of sakhalin a state of emergency was introduced. due to mudflows after heavy rains, a section of the road from nevelsk to shakhtersk airport is blocked. the equipment is clearing the passage; full cleaning will begin when the soil dries out. utilities have started pump out water from the basements of houses and dry them. meanwhile, rescuers are warning of
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a new rise in water levels in rivers and possible flooding. as you can see, these streams, which did not cause any problems for the population, are now filled. water overflows its banks, washing away housing, we have just visited several houses that may well be unsuitable for living in the future, and this is of course a big problem for people, in nevelsk, several streets that we visited, several courtyards, went down village, somewhere the road was blocked, it has already been cleared and in a few hours cars will be driving in both directions, which means that in the courtyards it’s just dirt going into the basements, now all...
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in practice, oleg posobin understood what is special about the new training system. drilling rock in the rosmunchersky mine is only possible with noise-canceling headphones, the roar is at the limit. in a couple of years , russia’s first training ground for the extraction and processing of mining ores will appear here. all those students who will undergo internship here, they can directly touch everyone on those production chains that...
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this untpusk is unloading. the kirovsk mines produce apatite nifilin ore, which is important for the country’s food security. after enrichment, phosphorus fertilizers are created from it. phosagro is the world leader in their production. in recent years, the company has been actively training specialists for itself, but despite this, it felt a shortage of personnel. the guys went to study in the cities of st. petersburg and moscow, having studied there for 5 years, living in large conditions.
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it is difficult to overestimate the northern sea route, energy, water resources, not to mention the military significance of the arctic. in the next decades, the state plans to turn the murmansk region into the largest on... depending on the roadmap of our program , the university should transform into an international arctic research university. infused with science-resources, it will be focused on the needs of industrial giants to ensure a technological breakthrough. universities in the murmon region were merged and murmon university was created arctic university, which includes two universities in our region. the supervisory board is headed by denis valentinovich mantarov, who today works as the first deputy prime minister of the russian government, and
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we are seriously updating the laboratory, equipment, and classrooms. in the arctic, students receive more and more benefits, additional significant scholarships for excellent studies, housing and high salaries in the near future. i’m studying to become a power engineer, and i’m happy that i entered this particular profession. and now there is an opportunity to get to know future production manager. this is also very. russian railway workers, workers and veterans of the industry are celebrating their professional holiday today , vladimir putin congratulated them. we need an accelerated expansion of russia's railway infrastructure at a new technological level, using the most advanced developments. and this is where we must start. not only from the needs of today, but to create a foundation for the future for decades to come,
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this is exactly how our great ancestors thought and worked, so on our agenda construction of high-speed highways in connection with the central transport hub, creation of international logistics corridors, development of the azov-black sea transport direction, organization of the so -called... seam railway communication from the baltic and barents sea to the coast of the persian gulf and the indian ocean. the tasks are truly large-scale and i am confident that thanks to your knowledge, experience, and focus on results in the interests of the country, we will definitely solve them. protests continue in britain, in many cities clashes occur between police and activists. to disperse demonstrators , special equipment and... sharpening gas are used. the protests began after a violent attack on a children's dance club.
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anton dadykin will tell you what is happening in the kingdom and how the authorities are trying to hush up the high-profile case. in liverpool, manchester and hull, demonstrations escalated into clashes with police. at both sides.
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violence, vandalism is not a way to express protest, it is a crime, and it has nothing to do with grief for the dead to the innocent children of southport. these crowds do not think about the feelings of the families of the victims. the reason for the unrest was the massacre in southport at a children's dance club, a seventeen-year-old boy stabbed three girls and... eight more children and two adults were injured. to stop rumors that the perpetrator was an illegal migrant, the british authorities broke the law and exposed him personality. this didn't help much because, as it turns out, axel rudokubana's parents are refugees from rwanda. the guy's motives are still unknown, labor prime minister keir starmer has promised to increase spending on mental health services, hinting that the killer may not be sane. conservatives, who had just been thrown out of power, immediately attacked their competitors. the government risks not being able to cope with these
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events and cannot keep them under control. the time has come for reflection and solidarity at the national level to stop the tide of violence clearly without fear or prejudice, to condemn it with a united front in parliament, which is why parliament must meet immediately. but in many ways these the conservatives themselves are to blame for the problems. it was under them that the essentially uncontrolled import of migrants into the country began. also, prisons. are overcrowded, and there is no money in the budget for new ones. labor is even considering the possibility of releasing about 10 thousand criminals early. such a large-scale amnesty can only worsen the situation on the streets.
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shares, but it is clear that people have a question, well, this is some kind of two-way story, on the one hand, yes, people, people who are possibly destroying some police stations there, of course, probably, some kind of criminal measures need to be taken against them, but at the same time it’s strange that no matter how the government does nothing regarding migration issues, that is, by the fall we may well get such a real, not displeased attitude,
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british politicians are all they are again trying to blame this crisis on russia; moscow is blamed for almost all the problems of the united kingdom, from the migrant crisis to the impoverishment of the population. anton dadykin, lead. next, the project "the world in the palm of your hand", a page on the history of the first world war. like our warriors took the blow and what those who called themselves allies of russia did. august 1 is the day of remembrance of russian soldiers who died in the first world war. in many ways, it was thanks to them that france and
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great britain were able to win. marshal of france and supreme leader of the entente forces on the western front. in 1918 , ferdinand forsch wrote: if france was not erased from the map of europe, then we owe this primarily to russia. sir winston churchill also wrote that brusilov's victory in 1916 provided an important service to france and, especially italy. even in the summer of 1917, after the fall of the tsar, the kerinsky government was still trying to organize an offensive so that...
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10 years, because after sixty years, the internal political discourse has radically changed and the vector has switched to the side of the united states, the role of russia is almost not considered at all , the only thing is that it is viewed in... from the perspective of revolution and the fall of statehood, that is, as a weakness, and where, what influenced the russian state, so that some forces could still break, break
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state, then, of course, no one talks about this, they say how many millions of russians died to save, including france in the first world war, how they physically almost allowed france to come out of defeat and catch its breath, so that later they could still survive it war, there is no word about it at all. our task is to remind the world of russia's contribution.
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contribution, the french were able to attack, it was thanks to ours that they could advance and hold the front, but the allies today, well, not so much about that forget, but in any case are not interested in publicly highlighting and thanking our people for their contribution to victory in the first world war. the first world war, it bled europe dry, on the one hand. on the other hand, the first world war for the first time raised the question that europe, as the center of world politics, could no longer play
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a full role on the world stage, and the united states of america, after this massacre, really declared itself at the world level quite seriously and there 14 points velson's waters, which will subsequently be published very seriously. formation of a world order, without sacrificing its soldiers, because the united states of america adhered to the monroe doctrine, they
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believed that europeans should solve their problems themselves, and the united states of america should receive economic benefits from european squabbles, sacrificing as little as possible the lives of their soldiers , this, in general, can still be seen in the american culture today.
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this is how staff captain pyotr nesterov carried out the world's first aerial ramming of the austrian aircraft, the crew, which carried out aerial reconnaissance of the movements of russian troops. for this feat, pyotr nesterov was posthumously awarded the order of st. george, ii degree. russian, russian heroes accomplished many feats, including collective ones, and significantly influenced the course of the first world war.
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life, but when russia turned to the european powers so that they would support us so that the war would be stopped and human losses at...
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why in order not to invite us to participate in the subsequent peace conference with in order to reduce the division of territories in the interests of the great european powers. the ability of the soviet union to participate in european affairs in big politics , including around the colonies, so of course they tried to level out, somewhere to keep silent, somewhere to forget the contribution of russian soldiers to victories in the first world war, our task, of course, is to remind of this the world, to remind the europeans of this, the war united very, very opposite people.
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germany was constantly growing, it was strengthening, it was a state with a powerful economy, a state that came close to the monopoly production of a number of strategic products before the first world war, a state that entered into a very dangerous naval arms race for great britain, which it was more and more difficult for the british to withstand not only in terms of production, but also in terms of support ships of personnel and... in
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general, when such a force as germany disappeared, yes, then this unifying factor arose, the factor that united paris, london and st. petersburg, it too disappeared, and the old contradictions returned, they have not gone away. and in general, it is far from a fact that russia would have been given what was promised to it while this german factor was present, yes, that is , they promised it a lot, this and that, and this, but
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then... russia’s finances, neither the economy, nor the mood of society, they were in favor of the implementation of these plans, that is, people did not want, so when the war ended, yes, for example, there was the entire 19th century, well, a significant part of it, russia and england, they competed for whoever comes next will capture the black sea or the mediterranean, whatever you like, the straits of basforranel, and then we captured.
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