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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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it's probably all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up. more than 100 people were evacuated in transbaikalia due to... its peak moved to the city
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of petrovsk-zabaikalsky with a population of about 15 thousand inhabitants, the rivers there overflowed their banks, as a result, a bridge was destroyed, roads, fifty private plots and dozens of houses were flooded. now water is being pumped out from there and emergency restoration work is being carried out. the governor of the trans-baikal territory, alexander osipov, arrived at the scene. there were heavy rains along the edge, in several populated areas there was rising water and flooding at points. in the city of petrov-zabaikalsky.
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and drones were used to assess the extent of flooding. at night , residents of two villages where water could pour in were evacuated. rescuers and police are working at the site, and heavy equipment is being deployed to fill the dam. there are hundreds of summer cottages in the water, many people have lost their crops and livestock. part of the baikal federal highway has also been washed out, and traffic there has been suspended. now the situation is...
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four ukrainian brigades, and also repelled the west group fighters who hit the formation counterattack kiev lost three tanks, including two german leopards. and over the past 24 hours, russian air defense shot down a ukrainian su-27 fighter, as well as 162 unmanned aerial vehicles.
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and here we must proceed not only from the needs of today, but create a foundation for the future for decades to come, this is exactly how our great ancestors thought and worked, therefore, on our agenda is the construction of high-speed highways in conjunction with a central transport hub, the creation of international logistics corridors, the development azov-black sea transport direction. the so-called seamless railway connection from the baltic and barrents sea to the coast of the persian gulf and the indian ocean. the tasks are truly large-scale and i am confident that thanks to your knowledge, experience, and focus on results in the interests of the country, we will definitely solve them. new aggravation in the middle east. the french ministry of foreign affairs called on fellow citizens to urgently leave lebanon, and greek diplomats make similar recommendations.
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so, last night the radical movement hezbollah fired fifty rockets at israel. the idf launched retaliatory strikes on lebanon. and american intelligence is now warning tel aviv about an upcoming attack from iran. moreover , different dates are mentioned in the press, some experts talk about august 12. the paris olympics organizing committee has once again canceled training for triathletes ahead of the mixed relay, which is due to take place tomorrow. the decision was made due to the poor quality of water in the hay, the press service explained and added that they hope that conditions will improve in the coming hours. and this despite the fact that the athletes missed training the day before due to a thunderstorm. let me remind you, for cleaning the main water artery of the french capital. paris spent almost 1.5 billion euros. now there is a short advertisement, immediately after watch the documentary film inventing ukraine.
2:06 pm
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there is no physical education teacher and an anti-personnel mine was found there. now the ukrainian history textbooks scattered on the floor became yet another proof of how the state of ukraine was turning into a country that was purposefully prepared for war with everything russian. starting from the fourteenth year , the senior classes were told that russia was the aggressor, that history had been rewritten. and all this did not happen at the expense of the development of the ukrainian language, primarily through destruction. russian language due to the destruction of russian culture. when they try to rename it even
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there, i don’t know, moskovsky avenue is there, because it is believed that this is the wrong name there. we live in independent ukraine, right, what does moskovsky have to do with it? hail bandera, national hero. but when this operation to erase the russian trace from ukrainian culture began, who was at its origins? vector having sent ukrainian ss volunteers streltsy division of galivchyn. heroes of ukraine.
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muscovites, well, russians, there are jews, poles, hungarians, grab and kill everything. don't be killed by your friend's hands. the ideology of ukrainian nationalists. characterized by bestial, unmotivated cruelty. for the sake of their ideas, they are ready to destroy even their own people so that the country knows its heroes. we called the population of today's ukraine the rusyn population, we called them rusyns. the term ukrainian was rather a geographical term defining the place of ukraine. may our sovereign language, the ukrainian language, be true sovereign. ukraine, the ukrainian president, are
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objects, that is, they are playing with us, especially, no matter how cynical and sad it may sound, they are playing in the dark. september 1989 throughout western ukraine, in the capital city of kiev, rallies of the ukrainian people's movement for perestroika in the ukrainian way are held - this is a nationalist party that at first declared itself democratic. it seems true that we are nationalists, and unique nationalists at that. national myths, artificially created, were revealed because the project ukraine as national.
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began to take shape as the center of the ancient russian state, i emphasize russian, because there was no talk of ukrainians. by the middle of the 16th century, the inhabitants of the western lands of kievan rus became part of the polish kingdom, called the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. from that moment on, forced polishization and assimilation of the indigenous russian population began on these lands. poland, or rather the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, is indeed one of the first states that began to work.
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but only on condition of complete renunciation of one's russian identity. now, hundreds of years later, many poles consider these lands to be theirs, and trains run around the country on which ukrainian cities are marked as polish territory. all smart people understood that poland would take lvov for itself, what other city was there? what else? ivanofrankovsky. this is your land, no one argues with that.
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here on the front line, no one is surprised that it is poland that supplies kiev with its weapons and was the first from nato to transfer the latest tanks to ukraine. as in the 15th century, the poles again fought with the russians in the same territories. how many of you? are you in the fields or what? are you
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carried away? we called the population of today's ukraine the ruthenian population. we called them rusyns and the term ukrainian was more of a geographical term defining the place of ukraine. the very commonly used definition of the people as ukrainian is already the 19th century. previously, they were rusyns, the rusyn population, the language was also called rusyn. and as in distant history, the main reasons for the confrontation again became land, language and faith. there was no national one then. the issue was religious oppression cultural expansion, when in fact the elite spoke polish, professed catholicism, and the common people, the farmers , spoke russian, plowed the land and went to orthodox churches. the polish kings, who seized russian lands, saw the main reason for the pro-moscow sentiments of the inhabitants
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of the annexed territories in orthodoxy and their belonging to the russian canonical church. to those who refused to cross. a real war was declared on catholicism, the official religion of poland. to speed up the transition of the catholic russian population to occupied territories, a new church was invented and created in warsaw. outwardly, she was very similar to the orthodox, but she was subordinate to the vatican and the polish clergy. after this polish project, unsuccessful, as history has shown, the creation of the greek catholic church managed to subordinate part of the ruthenian population directly to papal power. the new church was called greek catholic or uniate, this was the name of the agreement between the vatican and a small part of orthodox priests from the annexed territories. the fact is that regarding the breskogo date of 1596, here, of course, it should be noted that, on the one hand, rome was interested in it, and on the other hand , the authorities of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. if rome carried out
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the absorption of the orthodox church in western russia in this way and hoped with help. supports the unity of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. in the spring of 2023, ukrainian nationalists, with the support of the police, seized the oldest orthodox monastery in ukraine.
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there was a deliberate planting of the catholic church here, the catholic way of life, and the polish-lithuanian commonwealth was doing just that
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because it destroyed the orthodox faith, churches were closed, they were not allowed in, just like now, but take them off, let’s do it right. and the eternal moisture and lover of mankind will have mercy on us. amen. their souls will settle in good things. after the coup in ukraine in 2014, father peter constantly travels to donbass. thank you. today he brought humanitarian aid to the surviving residents of lesichansk, the city.
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here is a man living in this broken house, thank you, god, and his wife has died, there is only one left, a useless person, but for how to say, we are renting so that mercy will be our society increased, every time he came to donbass, father peter understands how the orthodox of the western russian lands felt, who were under the threat of death...
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the uniad church came here, it already came with an attitude, with hatred, with lies, in fact, that’s why the ukrainian government, imitating the west and bowing before it, well, as we have seen all these years, has condoned this, lord have mercy, lord have mercy, for god grant the souls of the righteous. will repent, in recent years after the trouble we had in donbass, here it is it’s just that, in such geometric progressions , hatred for the russian began to grow, from
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our orthodox church, well, in general, our orthodox church, the devil does not like, because it is the true orthodox church, and the lord said: “they persecuted me, they will persecute you.” in the 15th century, those who refused to convert to the uniad faith were persecuted and sometimes... executed. in 2004, in lviv, we went into the greek catholic uniad cathedral and noticed that there was an icon of one of their most revered saints, the so -called. josaphat kuntsevich. this is just ideologist and leader of the medieval uniad movement. union. the icon of the uniad saint josaphat kuntsevich depicted an axe. and not by chance, because from history we know that the union of josaphat kuntsevich enjoyed the fire and sword of those orthodox believers who
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refused to accept the uniate. the greek catholic branch of catholicism, they were simply executed, their heads were cut off, the fanaticism that josaphat kunsevich committed was even complained to the polish king. this is a terrible, incredible, barbaric and savage thing. last year, in the same lithuanian city of polotsk, that bishop jehosophat, in order to further annoy the townspeople, deliberately ordered christian bodies to be dug out of the ground, and those recently buried in the church fence to be thrown out of their graves. today, icons of bishop josaphat coexist in uniad churches with icons of bender and other nationalists. the saint's followers still use medieval methods of destroying everything russian. they are constantly blackmailing us, they are acting, it’s true. who exactly is hitting? the police, the police are hitting right, well
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, it’s not like they’re hitting, well, it’s easy to draw out the stench by hand
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accepted when her daughter went missing when she saw ukrainian soldiers killing her own grandson. my grandson died, literally a year ago, in his fifth year at the institute , a bomb hit the house, the house burned down, there is no home, i did not suffer from the ukrainian military, in general from the real kurainians, because i am a russian-speaking people.
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the entire zemsky sobor decided to unite our native ukraine with great russia, as the people of ukraine and hetman khmelnytsky asked. from that moment on, ukraine was literally divided into two parts: centuries later, at all presidential and in parliamentary elections, the right-bank and left-bank parts of the country voted only for their own candidates. they voted for viktor yanukovych. 49.7% of citizens, for viktor yushchenko 46.2%. in 2014, it was the left bank part of ukraine that refused to recognize the results of the coup. in the same places as 300 years ago, modern descendants of khmelnytsky began their battle for faith and language. and now our brothers have gone on all fronts.


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