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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 4, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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in those years, journalist ruslan katsaba was one of the protesters on kiev independence square. i was a participant in all the maidans that took place in ukraine. the orange revolution, then the so-called euromaidan, also a revolution of dignity, although there would be no dignity there. the european american ambassadors' claims were heard. in violation of the constitution , a third round of voting was organized in ukraine, as a result of which viktor yushchenko won, barely gaining 52% of the votes. yushchenko, viktor andriyovych 15 1115 712. 51 hundred 99.
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in that same photograph from 1984, behind the nationalist yaroslav stetsko and president reagan’s closest aide kirk patrick, is the very future first lady of ukraine, catherine claire chumachenko. of course, it can be said that catherine clare had a very peculiar past, that she worked very closely with the united states government during the operation against ukraine, the soviet union and its successor, the russian federation.
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ekaterina claire chumachenko grew up in a family of ukrainian collaborators who, after the end of world war ii, were forced flee to the usa. here, katerina made a brilliant political career. chumachenko worked in the state department, there are disputes there, discussions about whether she was ordered to marry yushchenko, or whether she simply met him and fell in love with him, the americans have already decided to use their life together in their interests. was the marriage of viktor yushchenko and katerina chumachenko concluded? out of love or calculation is now unprincipled, but it was with their coming to power in 2004 that the active nazification of ukraine began. peterin claire chumachenko participated in the activities of many non-profit organizations in ukraine in the early nineties. and in russia, these funds, they were very closely and actively connected with the american intelligence communities. it was yushchenko who proclaimed a policy of breaking with russia. by his order in the country's schools.
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the educational program is changing, new history textbooks are being published, in which former nazi executioners are called heroes of ukraine. i decide to confer the title of hero of ukraine with the order of the power of bandera on stepan andreevich. glory to ukraine. so, a project started by the third reich, continued by the hands of the united states. ukrainian nationalists integrated into the us security apparatus, led through decades of the cold war, culminated in success in 2004. just 10 years later, the processes begun during yushchenko's presidency led to a new coup d'etat and the ensuing civil war in donbass.
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a former official in the government of the ousted yanukovych, rostislav ishchenko, recalls how, after the coup in 2014, of all power structures, primarily the security forces, they began to fire people based on nationality and language. it was then that the last stage of ukraine’s preparation for a big war with russia was launched. ukraine. ukraine.
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would be a weapon in this war against russia, that is, in essence, america, the united states, where we are now, and russia, are waging a geopolitical war. today ruslan katsaba finally understood in whose interests it was created; all these years the project to create a of the current ukraine is an anti-russian state, and how it can end for all its inhabitants. glory to ukraine!
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we killed each other, wrote millions of denunciations against each other, looked for enemies among ourselves. what we have is what we have, i say that we deserve those whom we choose for ourselves, we have chosen our path, and now we must suffer for it, i suffer for what i have lost, i have lost everything, family, homeland, finances, prospects , work, people, wonder, what to fear, being forced into the army, just like 400 years ago, there is a war for the language on the territory of ukraine.
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regarding the european union. you understand what the problem is, that we will die. ukraine, god forbid, is heading towards the point where it will disappear as a state or there will be several ukraines. what does this mean, that there is not only a recycling of ukraine as a state of ukrainians, but of ukraine as a country. quiet, over here.
4:08 pm
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has been updated and has become even more profitable with a subscription from berim. plus two top cashback categories. 1% on everything. and twice as many bonuses every month. it’s more profitable in savings with prime. what are men silent about? painful urination, erection problems? these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps. eliminate the consequences of prostatitis langitase against prostatitis. a loan with cashback from sber gives you even more opportunities. amount - up to 30 million rubles. complete in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback with sberspasibo bonuses. this is russia 24 and we continue to talk. the main thing today is that eight people were injured during shelling by the ukrainian armed forces in the kherson
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region. ukrainian formations attacked the central market area in the city of oleshka. governor vladimir salda announced this. residential areas were also hit. the head of the region clarified that people received mine explosion injuries and wounds of varying severity. the victims were taken to a local hospital. and today they attacked in soo shibeikin, as reported by the governor of belgorodsk. region vyacheslav glodkov two people were injured. the blow fell on a residential complex and a social facility. and earlier , a woman died in shebekina due to a ukrainian drone strike. three drones in an ied damaged glazing and interior decoration in apartments in two apartment buildings. in transbaikalia , more than 100 people were evacuated due to flooding. its peak occurred in the city of petrovsk-zabaikalsky with a population of about 15,000 people. the rivers came out of there. banks, as a result the bridge was broken, the bridge was destroyed, roads, fifty private
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plots and dozens of houses were flooded. our correspondent, odiso batoeva, is monitoring the situation. as a result of heavy rains, five settlements in the oginsky district alone were damaged, including the urban settlement of orlovsky. since yesterday, a state of emergency has been introduced here within the boundaries of the village, an operational headquarters, a commission to inspect damage to residential buildings of the population, and also a district commission to inspect social services have been created. according to local residents, just yesterday at lunchtime there was heavy rainfall here for about 2 hours without stops, since the village is located in the very lowlands, all the water came from the flasks. the strongest stream swept away everything in its path, flooding streets, houses, cars. according to preliminary data , more than 50 residential buildings, where about 85 people live, including 48 children, were damaged ; personal plots were also damaged and destroyed. vegetation, potato fields, vegetable gardens, the streets were washed away, there were no injuries or victims,
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a temporary accommodation center was also organized on the basis of the cultural center, but the population refused to evacuate, the majority remained at home, or we spent the night with relatives, about 10 units of equipment, more than 40 people, that is, employees of the ministry of emergency situations, specialists from the administration of the village, district, were connected on the spot , the governor of the trans-baikal territory is now working on the spot, he has already managed. look at the most affected streets, houses and garden plots, damage assessment is underway. odissobotoeva, satnom dandakov, news read. neighboring buryatia was also affected by the flood; there have been extended rainfalls there for several days. the water broke through the reservoir dam, and three areas in the region were affected by the disaster zone a state of emergency was introduced to assess the scale of flooding and drones were used. now hundreds of accurate ones remain in the water. plots, many people have lost their crops and livestock, local residents continue to be evacuated from dangerous areas,
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part of the baikal federal highway has been washed away, traffic there has been suspended, and heavy equipment is being deployed to fill the dam. in the novosibirsk region , more than 100,000 people were left without electricity, the accident occurred due to an accident in the city of berdsk, where a forklift demolished a power line support, on which the main and backup power supplies, also in the city... i confirm once again that the situation is non-standard, not only the city of bertssk was left without electricity. but also part of the academic town, which is critical - this is, of course, our hospital, this is where patients are on machines, and so on, electricity is required, so we quickly resolve issues, in case of a shortage of diesel generators, we will additionally find opportunities to supply, well, in the present time res and eastern networks, those who
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serve decide to change the power supply scheme, but they promise...
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the creation of international logistics corridors, the development of the azov-black sea transport route, the organization of the so -called seamless railway communication from the baltic and barents sea to the coast of the persian gulf and the indian ocean. the tasks are truly large-scale and i am confident that thanks to your knowledge, experience, and
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focus on results in the interests of the country, we will definitely solve them. all over russia today, on railway worker's day , festive events are taking place, including traditional charity races. many employees, and russian railways divisions have been participating in them for several years, with entire families. based on the results of the moscow race alone, they have already managed to collect 5 million rubles. evgeniy nipot will talk about how the holiday is going and what distances were chosen for the races this year. the main event of this holiday not only in moscow, but also in twenty-one regions of the country in general. will be a charity race, the event is divided into three stages: 500 m is a children's race, 5 km is a race for amateur professionals, a symbolic distance of 1,520 m, symbolizing the actual width of the railway stake, 1.520 mm, the minister
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of transport roman storovoy took part in the 5 km race at 1.520 m, this race was opened by oleg belozerov, the head of russian railways, respectively... noted that the progressive development of the russian economy and the social sphere is impossible without development of railways, now we are here for the holidays, but at the same time there are 2000, more than 2000 railway workers.
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it should be noted that the charity race in moscow alone has already raised 5 million rubles. and they will be donated to charity organizations, accordingly, are primarily those that help seriously ill children. well , also across the country, in twenty cities there are still events and charity races, but according to available information, about 13 million have already been raised at these events, in these charity races. the atmosphere is like a sports festival, especially a charity race; it’s always nice to help someone. the fact that you just came, ran, seemed to bring some benefit, the feeling is great, because this is not the first race this season, it’s the final, the most long-awaited, has not arrived yet. you, apparently, have been doing this for a long time, i understand correctly, well, i started running on the first railway worker’s day, 8 years ago, i decided to take
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part in the race, because the organization takes place in my favorite arena, i really like the atmosphere here, there are a lot of fans running, both professional and not very professional, and it’s just that such a holiday is taking place here, what ’s interesting is that the directorates of various companies are represented here, here we are now on the moscow railway. there is such an interesting stand here, you can compete in the management of a cargo train, there are special simulators for this, now here are the girls, by the way, pay attention, i’ll ask the operator, you see their medals, that is , they have now run a marathon, now they continue to exercise on exercise bikes, now there will be a start and we will show it competition, it’s already literally a moment. remains, the energy is supplied to the engine, and movement is allowed, now i’ll ask the operator to show this, here for now these
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same locomotives with a load are approaching and in this way here you can compete, but this, of course , is only one of dozens of locations, we will now move on to another, very interesting stands are in great demand here, where you can feel like a driver... trains, here on the train, of course, you won’t be crowded, there are a lot of people there , now let’s try to approach the swallow, here, of course, you can also try to control this electric train, now you can see, with permission, a young man controls the electric train, the swallow, what do you think, normal, passive youth, you can also see the real station bell here, follows from...
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will be transferred in stages over the next year, and it's too slow, say former pentagon officials frustrated at the slow pace. journalists conclude that the f-16 is too small to outmatch russia's military space force. in addition, the integration of fighters with ukrainian air defense systems has not been established. to somehow cheer up the observer’s audience. uk protests continue after attack on children in southport
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the prime minister of the kingdom condemned the far right for the riots and called on the police to take decisive action. meanwhile, many of the protesters are pursuing other goals, namely robbing stores. natalya goncharova will tell you more. robbery live. a video has circulated on british social networks of how, during protests, looters, that is, looters, clean out a store with electronic equipment. users write comments, frightened buyers quickly run out into the street to the sound of alarms. profit from chaos, that's what they call what happened daily mail. the top items include crash equipment and alcohol clothing. this is footage of a shoe store being cleared out. looters stole the goods and scattered them.
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they brought out everything that was more expensive, this was a photo of a young man in a mask who decided to profit from bottles of collectible wine. the reason for the pogroms was the saltport massacre; during a dance lesson, a seventeen-year-old guy stabbed three girls, eight more children and two adults were wounded, parents on...
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representatives of national and religious backgrounds. children of veterans, minorities, and people with disabilities have priority. precisely because due to this mechanism, many university graduates cannot find a job. the russian embassy urges compatriots to avoid crowded places. there have been no reports of casualties yet. and now a short advertisement, then on our air there is a special report by daria gonieva, hero of the northern military district. return story. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, up to 30 million rubles. apply in 5 minutes in the app and receive monthly cashback with sber thank you bonuses. what we bring from traveling with avito, cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip
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