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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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betting cards in thousands of cities, the time of the best bank for millions of entrepreneurs, the time of super cashback and the best application for tens of millions of people, forget me. the red sun has risen, it’s time
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for the alpha bank, it’s time for the alpha benefit, i was driving home, like this, with my foot on the window or on the door card, everything was calm, well , when i was driving, the people who drove by didn’t seem to understand what it was sticking out of the window, it's a leg.
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a lot of things happen in the northern military district zone, but the story of thirty-seven-year-old maxim goryainy is out of the ordinary, a wound in the leg that he received during a combat mission, which saved him from kidney cancer. i didn’t even know about it, when the doctor told me it was a tumor, i thought it was a hernia, they didn’t do the cat, but they thought it was small in the lower back, oh, sciatic nerve, yeah. damaged, but it turned out to be a tumor and malignant, but you see how fate is, here many die in the war, there it doesn’t work out in the northern military district, and it works out for me, i was given the opportunity to survive, i didn’t even know about it. a native of the stavropol territory, maxim was an employee of the federal enforcement service punishments, worked as an inspector of the security department, in the spring of 2023, unexpectedly for my colleagues and relatives, i volunteered for the svo, well, it brought me to the svo, i couldn’t calmly.
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i wrote a report and simply sent photographs to my mother and relatives there, so i imagine, well, they took it for granted, knowing my character there, maxim served in the army, entered the stavropol flight school, but after the second year he dropped out, went to law school and a year and a half worked for ten years in government agencies, in the bailiff service, then in ovsin, on svo he ended up in a motorized rifle battalion, we were in donetsk. direction and in the active
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defense they took part directly, the battalion, by the way, coped with its task and is still coping, that is , we were in the trenches and there was mortar shelling, that is, i was thrown back by the blast wave, there was a fracture of the tibia, pinching of the fibular nerve, then i have a foot that didn’t work, it just hung, and then the poet... they first evacuated the volchevsk city hospital, and then i went to the city of polyarno, mormon region, where i received my treatment, yes, where i was given category d, temporarily unfit and granted sick leave, and came home on vacation. after this, in september 23, maxim again returned to the northern military district zone and was on the front line for another 4 months, but... due to complications after being wounded, he could not
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perform combat missions as before, his leg simply did not work, but my unit sent a request to hospital, that is... i received an answer and i was already evacuated here step by step, where i arrived already in moscow, in burdenka branch, where they started doing tests, that is, doing everything, and they discovered a tumor in me, well, the tumor, unfortunately, it turned out to be malignant, and they already removed my kidney here, this happened on february 20, so maxim, everyone around him, thinks... this is simply a miracle, except for the wounded leg of the fighter , nothing bothered him, in this case the cancer could have manifested itself in the terminal stage, when nothing could be done. i underwent rehabilitation here, then on may 15, my leg was operated on directly, and significant improvements, that is, occurred with
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foot, it’s already fully moving, before it was just hanging, now it’s moving, thank you very much, maxim’s companions on this walk in the park are ostankino fighters, who are also undergoing rehabilitation in... they don’t allow us to somehow close ourselves off, withdraw into ourselves, unwind , that is, well, he is constantly involved in
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our life, in our recovery, in our rehabilitation, that is, constantly, constantly in touch with us, thirty-five-year-old egor sharabokov now tells the story of his injury as an anecdote. it turned out that i came back from vacation. april 23rd and how i arrived the guys met me, they said, you ’re leaving for a mission today, well, they joked, we arrived in the evening already in position, and the commander says, go, he says, not for long, he literally says a day there, he says, you’ll get the job done quickly, come back, one leg here, the other there, well, that’s how it happened, one is still there, egor worked in the office, worked on electrical projects, received a good salary, and partial mobilization began in september 2023. yegor did not receive the summons; he called the military registration and enlistment office himself. said, maybe they lost me? they say, well , come, let’s see, i arrived, i lived in yekaterinburg at the time, and was signed in kamensk, near yekaterinburg, so i took a day, went to kamensk, took the summons, they gave me 3 days, got everything ready, left, in fact, if if i would
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have found out later that i was needed there, but i didn’t go, i would have eaten myself, i wouldn’t have been able to talk to my son later, what would i have told him, he would have asked me, dad, where have you been, what did you do? i would say no, i was sitting at home, i didn’t have the courage to go there, that is, well, i would he blamed you for this, first he served in the lpr, then he was transferred to the dpr, to the infantry, then to reconnaissance, that is, well, as if he came initially , they immediately asked where you want to go to the unit, and the chief of intelligence was just passing by, come to me , i say, i’ll go, that’s it, he says, whoever you want to be, i’m a machine gunner, i say, i’ve never tried with a machine gun, he says, that’s it, he says, let’s go, you’ll be a machine gunner, well, of course he regretted it a little. it’s okay to drag around this bandura, well, it’s okay, we’ve been doing it since november, until the moment of injury from the front end didn’t go out at all, that is, there, then a little rest, then back there again, just like that, while there were fewer and fewer of us, unfortunately, left, we already have
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more and more shifts, so to speak, because there are few people, there is no one to change, fighting constantly ground down, there were heavy losses, with heroic efforts, together with his unit, yegor pushed the line back. how - how they constantly figured us out when they already got to the plant, and climbed to the very top, well , everything was there in full view, we saw our paths, how we walked, also there even without binoculars, without special sights, everything was visible there, you could even just make adjustments without any means,
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you had some kind of feeling that you were taking part in an important matter, when you were in donetsk, you saw how they were shelling civilians, like all this, of course, i have pride for this, i can calmly say, with... with my head held high, that i was there, that i stood for the honor of our homeland. on april 24, 2024, he arrived at the front line from vacation, went on a mission that same day and lost his leg. well how i wouldn’t have a leg, but it’s okay, that is , life goes on, everything is fine, everything is fine, i’m not discouraged at all, i’m not worried, they’re protesting and i’ll continue, i plan to develop, that is, now i’ve taken a couple of training courses for personal growth, here gradually i want to start training, well, since investments, that is, i started to deal with them a little, while i’m being drawn into this coincidence in the life of alexander kokorev, on october 27, 2022, he was mobilized, and exactly a year later, to the day, he was... wounded near marinka, it turns out we entered food for the comrades
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who were on the front line of defense, at the last moment i noticed that there was a box lying on the road like a power bank, and it turns out i didn’t step on it, but deafened everything nearby, a flash in my eyes, that is i fell on my face in a pile, and just by reaction i jumped up and ran back. side, i didn’t even understand that i had lost my foot, because i was running, well , i was limping, i stepped on a bone, i was running, but when i looked down later, my sneaker was gone, that’s it, i then already realized that it was torn off, but the combat a comrade immediately grabbed me, hid me under, well, roughly speaking, let’s say shelter, hid me, provided first aid immediately, that is, he applied a tourniquet and put a painkiller, that is, after the painkiller i no longer... well, didn’t feel pain, that is, the need that was all, but then they called for help and began to get out
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and move, that is, in the opposite direction. alexander, a specialist in the development of oil and gas fields, worked in his native orenburg region in the field of oil exploration in the field, traveled to expedition, spent the night in tents, walked 10-15 km daily, in general, he was no stranger to life in the field. in addition, 5 years ago he served in military service and received a specialty as an anti-tank missile operator. installations, but ended up in the northern military district as a machine gunner, was called up for mobilization, i had already gone, one might say, on a business trip for work, i even went to bashkiria, returned from a business trip, they just called me, called me and said, in 3 days, that is, they are already taking it away, on october 27, so it turns out they took it away, well, they mobilized it, i took part in the coordination in the orenburg region near orenburg, i was not afraid, just so to speak, i was from... that is, well, it seemed like why not go, that is, i went, well, if you compare it with work, then
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exactly geophysics is topography, that is, to navigate by terrain and maps, that is, this really helped. over the course of a year on the front line, alexander has seen more than once examples of true heroism of mutual assistance; now he is trying to find his savior, a military man with the call sign prophet, who pulled him out of the battlefield and brought him to evacuation vehicle, well... roughly speaking, about 200 m we had to move back hidden, comrades, so three came running to our aid, they had already picked us up, but the shelling began, that is, they started firing at us from the side with, uh, like a machine gun , i know for sure that they fired and, well , they fired from machine guns, but they didn’t fire aimingly, but simply in our direction, one comrade remained with me, i know that he is now... alive and his contract has already ended, he's somewhere in st. petersburg, if i'm not mistaken, i just know
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his call sign, because as if we were all mixed, we only knew call signs, it turns out i was already up, well, i realized that i had to crawl on my own, i was on all fours, this comrade in arms helped me by the bulletproof vest , he dragged me, he provided assistance the first pain relief was first aid; you couldn’t drink. since without the painkiller it won’t work, that is, he pulled a tourniquet, bandaged it, bandaged my leg, but everyone there was pulling each other out, they even pulled out, i’ll say this, we were mobilized with him, with a comrade in arms, and the seaside contract soldiers pulled us out, that is, we’ve known them for about two weeks, one might say, but they came, that is , they didn’t abandon me, while they pulled me out first, that is, seven... in the morning somewhere i blew myself up, we lay with it until 7:00 in the evening, yes, i bought it so that i could ride along
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forest paths, go fishing there, yes, i used to ride it before, but i didn’t have my own, yeah, well, in principle, plus it’s generally fun to ride on it than you can actually eat . you can move, there are no restrictions, despite the amputation of both legs, zakhar belkin from pskova strives to lead the same active life as before her injury, off-road driving on an atv, fishing, hunting, target shooting, although she speaks from a pistol, it’s more difficult to stand on your feet with a gun, you have to walk and not think that you’re on prosthetics, then you will begin to understand them more when you try to jump over every little thing, little bump or pebble, or something like before, but it gets in the way, and yes, at first there was of course no motivation, somewhere i didn’t succeed,
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i scolded myself there, why doesn't it work, why does something like this work out, someone doesn’t work out, initially... but these were already my mistakes, and i will say there were mistakes of the components, but yes, then all the same, people motivate you, train you, what parts of the body to train , and the family, again, the wife there, the parents, well, all the guys, all the employees , this is the support you need, then your motivation lifts you up, you still go forward, he was awarded the order of courage, he has been a deputy commander in the armed forces since 2014 deep reconnaissance company, four i’ve been to syria in the northern military district several times since the very first day. i always just wanted to be a soldier, because my father is a military man, i always liked the uniform, that’s why my friends are all somehow employees, and to defend my
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homeland, to pay off my duty, i joined in 14, in 2014, under a contract, went to serve. reconnaissance, make parachute jumps and learn some tactical skills. six months later, on isvo, while performing a combat mission, zakhar stepped on a mine and lost both legs. it was on the way well, i fell, well, there was pain, but i didn’t say, it was such a strong pain, or i didn’t realize it, if it had been for the effect and on the line, they shouted. then they gave me first aid, injected me with promedol and then i didn’t feel any pain at all, we were evacuated, our own guys quickly evacuated us, our comrades took us away, they brought us to the hospital, they did an x-ray right away, they didn’t
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say anything, then they told me, zahar, you ’ll fall asleep now , then i don’t remember anything. i left while i was catching my breath, i decided to take a look, i saw , listen, this is my first one, i’m telling the truth, the first few minutes, i thought that i was still in a dream, that this was still a dream, that this was not true, then everything was just empty in my head, but then everything was empty, well, nothing, then they took
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me away, it turns out in the evening already in general ward, that's it. in another position, for example, at headquarters or a military registration and enlistment office, now the style of life is such that you can’t stay too long, it turns out at home, you have to move so that you somehow have your way of life, so that you don’t fall, like before, but now i can’t play football, but i do some other things as usual in
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in principle, i work and, well, i go, i work, in principle i perform some tasks for work. and the only thing is that you don’t march around the aplatz, but you do some kind of paper work, you also wear a uniform, well, here everything still needs to come from the head, you don’t just have to get hung up on it, but what’s there it was before and it was now, life must not be what was the past, yes, but life is what goes on. well, well, you need to go on and live and work, be useful to society, as before, here there is no need for this to get hung up, then what... and at first yes it was , of course, how early, how will i be, how what is this, this happens to everyone who encounters such a trauma, and then nothing, then it all
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comes with experience, you realize it, you get used to it, and in the future there will be a lot of prosthetics, well , now i need to develop them, and i want to try to get up on skis like before. the guys who are there are generally great, i’m very proud of them, who didn’t find any excuses there, and returned after their wounds there directly to our unit, great to everyone hi, i’ll be back soon, maxim goryainov also wants to continue his service, and on the front line, he deliberately did not allow the doctors to classify himself as unfit, now he is completing his treatment in moscow and plans to return to the northern military district. and the news is now coming from lugansk, the ukrainian armed forces struck the city, this is information from the lpr government, operational services have already left for
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the scene, data on casualties and destruction is being clarified, and the message also comes from the donetsk people's republic, where donetsk and makeevka, working air defense. we will monitor everything that happens in the regions. today it ends in the capital. the moscow international beach soccer cup, this year eight clubs from seven countries took part. we’ll find out all the details from our sports correspondent danil makhalin. he is now communicating with us directly from the arena sports complex. dan, welcome. so, what matches were on the program today and who took the trophy? yes, hello, just a few minutes ago the moscow final ended. international beach cup football, in which moscow lokomotiv and brazilian corinthians played, now behind me the players of the brazilian corinthians are celebrating this victory, continue
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to do so, take pictures with the cup, in general savor the moment, because, despite the fact that lokomotiv in this case was listed as the favorite, they managed to beat this team from moscow with a score of 6:4, it certainly turned out to be an exciting match. because after two periods corinthians were leading 6:0, it really came as a surprise to players of lokomotiv, and for many spectators, but this happens, yes, including in beach soccer, in the third period, the pursuit of lokomotiv’s score almost at some point seemed to be a success, but in the very end corinthians defended this result now maybe continue to celebrate the victory, given the fact that eight... teams participated in this tournament, representing seven countries, four continents, all this looked very bright both from the spectators, who filled all the stands at the final match, and from the participants
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of this cup, who also said that in terms of organization it was significantly higher than many other competitions in which they took part, here the teams that played, for example, it was the brazilian corinthenian, the moscow lokomotiv, the stargino team also from ... a football, beach football holiday that the teams gave us. word from the studio: yes, thank you, danila,
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danil makhalin told about the end of the moscow international beach soccer cup.
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people don't serve in intelligence even very much physically, but simply stronger in spirit. the maroon beret is a symbol that whoever wears it, i believe, should have a model in everything, people should follow it. it’s impossible, it’s better, it’s possible, we’ve always had this motto in life, i pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, this is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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since the fall of twenty-two he has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, doing the same work, the same tasks. deadlift, my record is 285. i couldn't sit because was in good shape. well, salamata, alone, it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction? come on, well, yes. the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i
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was eager. come, soon it will be 2 years.
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this is russia 24, it’s 17 o’clock in moscow, now marat kremcheev’s special report about professional athletes who decided to go to the zone of a special military operation and are now performing combat missions, watch immediately after a short advertisement. my grandfather disappeared in the garage for weeks, my father for days, but a few minutes in the garage is enough for me, drive your car into the avito auto garage , you will immediately see the suitable spare parts, avito auto garage, the garage of our time, register.


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